PUA Tactic: Locking Girls In

September 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video

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So you want to know how to keep a girl involved in your set?  LOCK HER IN!  How do you do this?  Check out how OGFurious does it…

(WARNING: Don’t ever actually do this. Ever.)

Gunwitch Shoots Woman In The Face!

January 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors, News

Gunwitch Mugshot
Gunwitch Is In Jail!

Hole.  Lee.  Shit.

The news is breaking over on Jezebel.com, the feminist arm of the Gawker media empire that longtime pick-up artist mainstay and teacher – Gunwitch (also known as Allen Reyes) – has been ARRESTED for shooting a woman in the face at a part.

Let me reitterate…


And no, that isn’t some veiled sexual reference.  He shot a girl in the face with a gun.  A real gun.  With bullets.

Here’s the low down…

Apparently, during a New Years Eve party a 20 year old woman named Amber Tripp recieved a gunshot wound to the face.

After police arrived, they gathered information which lead them to Gunwitch as the one responsible for shooting the girl.  He was found three blocks from the scene of the shooting and was detained by authorities pending further investigation.

Police are saying it’s not clear what lead to the shooting, though the weapon was recovered by police.  However, I can see the trolls now…

“OMG, he was trying to break through her bitch shield… with real bullets!”

“Dude, you gotta make the ho say no… then shoot her in the fucking face!”

“That’s the ultimate NEG, bitches!”

Please, people, let’s try and remember that there’s a real human being who’s been seriously hurt here.  She’s been listed as being in “critical condition” at the hospital, and even is she recovers, well… SHE’S BEEN SHOT IN THE FACE! I’m sure it won’t do wonders for her self esteem.

You know, though, of all the PUAs out there who’s shoot someone, I’d have to say that Gunwitch would be the LEAST surprising one.

Between the heart attacks, drugs, and copious amounts of alcohol the man consumed, I guess its amazing that something like this didn’t happen sooner.  But I will say its a shame.  Now people are going to be looking at his “pickup method” as though it’s some load of BS that promotes violence towards women.  Stuff like that gives the entire community a bad name.

All the details that we have right now concerning the incident are sketchy, but its being reported that Gunwitch might be charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER.  Yes, that’s right, M-U-R-D-E-R.

And I guess if the girl actually dies from her injuries, then the whole “attempted” part of that charge goes out the window.

Let’s keep Amber Tripp in our hearts and minds, and send some prayers her way.  No one deserves to be shot in the face on New Years unless its with champaign.

And to Gunwitch – if you really did maliciously shoot someone with an intent to kill them… fuck you man.  Seriously.  And if you did it on accident because you were too drunk or whatever… fuck you still.  You totally ruined someones life.  Not cool at all.  I honestly didn’t think anyone could be more heinous than Ross Jeffries, but at least the man never SHOT SOMEONE IN THE FUCKING FACE.  (Not yet anyway.)  So let this be a lesson to everyone — friends don’t let friends pick up with loaded weapons.  And I don’t mean that in a hip, sexual innuendo type of way.

Asian PUA Bootcamp Behind-The-Scenes Video: Dealing With AMOGs

August 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video

Let’s face it – we all love Asian PUAs.  They almost have their own “culture” within the seduction community.  But now, we’ve got special “behind the scenes” video from Asian Pick-Up Bootcamps from around the world being leaked onto the internet.  In this first video, we see how Asian PUAs deal with AMOGs.  It’s quite an eye opening experience, for sure!

Pick Up Tips From Girls – Kezia Nobel

August 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video

Check out Kezia Nobel’s latest bit of pick-up advice.  Is it any wonder why she’s the WORLD’S leading female pick-up instructor?

Mehow Complicates AMOGing

February 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Analysis

So I somehow stumbled upon an article from Mehow about AMOGing and my brain almost exploded while reading it.  I don’t have any real beef with Mehow other than to say I don’t personally like the guy, but after reading this article, I’m honestly wondering how anyone else could like him either.

Mehow’s whole article is basically a long-winded explanation of how to make offensive “yo momma” jokes to your buddies and pass it off as AMOGing.  What most seduction coaches could have explained in a paragraph, Mehow goes on to convolute and over-rationalize for a good 3 pages (at least!).

Anyway, I thought the article was bad enough that it deserved some commentary.  So if you’re at all interesting in AMOGing, you may be interested in reading a bit further… Read more

Brad P Responds To This Year’s Top 10 Ranking

February 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Brad P

Hello All,

It’s Brad P., I’m writing here on Thundercat’s site today for a few reasons.

Firstly, I wish to congratulate all the guys who were named to the top 10 list. Although I don’t know all these guys and haven’t seen them in field, one thing I can tell you is that Thundercat puts a lot of time and effort into the research that goes into this list. He is in a unique position in some ways, because he has been around the community for so long, he has seen it all. He’s seen more fake gurus come and go than just about anyone anyone. He’s also been along side some of the greatest during their rise to the top, and he’s generally pretty fair to people.

Top Ten lists like this one, and a few of the others out there, are easy to dismiss as dick-crack. But if you’re new to this, and you don’t know where to turn, it can be quite helpful.

I’ve also taken a quick look at the responses, and I see there’s far less hate and controversy than usual. There’s a few people making well thought our comments, a few no-name gurus trying to attach their name to this thing, and that’s about it. Usually you have 150 people hurling personal insults at Thundercat, which really doesn’t help anyone get to the goal.

The goal is this:

The public needs to know who’s a good person to study with and who’s not. There’s no other purpose to a Top Ten List. Read more

The Top 10 Pick Up Artists Of 2008

January 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Top 10 Lists

Welcome one and all to the Top 10 list of best Pick Up Artists for the year 2008!

2008 was a strange year – for me personally, and for a lot of others, I think.  In many ways, I’m glad the year is over.  But regardless of how good of a year it was, there were many people in the seduction community who continued to rise above petty squabbles and drama and actually help other men improve their lives and their success with women, and this list is a CELEBRATION of those men, who have helped others throughout the past year.

For those of you new to the list, let me explain how the rankings work.  It becomes very easy to get “caught up” in the hype of certain personalities, so I try and rank the Top 10 based on a number of criteria, which I believe must be present to be considered a good “PUA.”  So all of this years winners were ranked based on:

1.  In-Field Performance.  This is basically the skills the PUA displays in the field with women.  Most Top 10s deal with this factor exclusively, but I’ve found that just looking at a guy’s in-field performance can be misleading, since people have off-nights or can get lucky.  That said, their ability to use the techniques in field repeatedly and consistently to get results is a big, big factor in the ranking process.

2.  Innovations.  This is what new outlook or techniques the PUA brings to the table.  It’s easy for any new guy to get good using Mystery Method or any other school of seduction, but then again, that stuff is designed to work!  So being innovative and bringing a new twist, spin, philosophy, technique, or whatever to the mix is also a big deal, because that means the PUA actually has something to contribute to his students and the community as a whole that no one else does.

3.  Teaching Ability.  This is how effectively the PUA can teach what he does to other people, and have them get similar results.  This is another important factor, because it weeds out the people who are just the lucky naturals, and finds the PUAs who have something to offer humanity as a whole.  After all, I don’t care if a guy gets laid a lot.  I care if that guy can get ME laid a lot – and I think the same is true for you.  That is why I factor in the PUA’s ability to teach others into the ranking.

4.  Contributions To The Community.  This is a measure of how much the PUA “gives back” to others in the seduction community.  This factor is all about the PUA’s willingness to help others, the knowledge and experience he’s willing to share, and the compassion he shows to those who need help.  Too many PUAs look down on people not as successful with women as they are, and that’s not what the seduction community is about, so giving back to it should play a factor, in my opinion.

5.  Philosophy.  This comes down to the PUA’s outlook on life, women, and other men in general.  It’s about how they live their lives, and whether they’re consistent with it.  Some PUAs spout great philosophy, but don’t really believe in it or practice it.  But it’s that core foundations which will influence their students, so I believe this is important in factoring the rankings.

6.  Likability.  One of the things I base my ranking on is whether I actually like the PUA or not.  This is a subjective thing, but I feel its important, because there’s usually a reason I don’t like someone, and that reason has to do with them being a fake, fraud, evil bastard, or what have you.  I like to think I have a fairly decent “B.S. Radar,” so when I meet a PUA in person, I can usually tell if they are legit or not after getting to know them, which is why I tend to rank PUAs I have actually met in real life.  If I haven’t met them, I need to get good feedback from at least 3 sources I trust to make the decision to rank them in this category.

Okay, so now that you know how I rank the list, let’s get to it! Read more

The Pick Up Artist On VH1 – A Review

August 7, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

So hopefully everyone caught the premier of VH1′s new series, "The Pickup Artist," starring our beloved Mystery, along with his wingmen Matador and J-Dog.

Before the show came on, I was really excited.  I was hoping this was going to be Mystery’s big break.  After all, the potential for this type of show is massive, and something like it has been talked about and fantasized within the community for years.

Unfortunately, I don’t think this will be the show everyone hoped it would be.

Read on…

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State Of The Community

June 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

So yesterday I was graced with the presence of none other than the dynamic duo of fastseduction.com, Formhandle and TokyoPUA.  They’re in LA visiting and I took them around town and hung out with them.  I think the last time I had seen Formhandle was the 2004 PUA Summit at Project Hollywood, and this was the first time meeting TokyoPUA face to face.

Anyway, over lunch we had a lot of conversations about the "state of the community."  These guys basically get to see all the "up-and-comers" in the PUA world thanks to their involvement in the hub of the community, and I’m in somewhat of a similar position because of this blog.

Anyway, what we shared with each other wasn’t good.

Back in the "heyday" of the community (at least as the three of us saw it), we had a lot of original thinkers posting some great stuff.  You had people like Mystery, Style, Toecutter, Swinggcat, Juggler, Ross Jeffries, Tyler Durden, and a whole slew of others posting ideas, theories, field reports, and tons of other things – all of which were interesting to read.

The big problem now is that there seems to be a void because these people have stopped sharing ideas and posting to the community portals.  They’ve withdrawn.  I don’t think its because they’re all commercial and don’t want to post anymore, I think some of them are just busy living their lives and others have just lost interest in the community.

Which leaves the newbies…

Read more

Review: Pick Up 101′s Physical Confidence DVD

April 9, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

You know, we all have our own definitions of "confidence."

That is why when someone says "You just need to be confident to get a woman," most guys will groan in dismay.


Because no one really knows what that means!

What one person things is "being confident" may not be another person’s definition of confidence.

And of those definitions – they may all be WRONG!

Let me share with you my definition of confidence…

Confidence is secure self knowledge.  It is knowing who you are – your strengths and your weaknesses – and being HAPPY about it!

Confidence truly stems from your own personal belief systems.  Bad beliefs will lead you to not like yoruself, and this will lead you to being unconfident.

However, good belief systems allow you to love who you are and accept your faults – and this leads you to being SUPREMELY confident.

So the big question is:  How do you go from hating yourself to loving yourself?

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Review: Pick Up 101′s Physical Confidence DVD

April 9, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

You know, we all have our own definitions of "confidence."

That is why when someone says "You just need to be confident to get a woman," most guys will groan in dismay.


Because no one really knows what that means!

What one person things is "being confident" may not be another person’s definition of confidence.

And of those definitions – they may all be WRONG!

Let me share with you my definition of confidence…

Confidence is secure self knowledge.  It is knowing who you are – your strengths and your weaknesses – and being HAPPY about it!

Confidence truly stems from your own personal belief systems.  Bad beliefs will lead you to not like yoruself, and this will lead you to being unconfident.

However, good belief systems allow you to love who you are and accept your faults – and this leads you to being SUPREMELY confident.

So the big question is:  How do you go from hating yourself to loving yourself?

Read more

Review: Pick Up 101′s Physical Confidence DVD

April 9, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

You know, we all have our own definitions of "confidence."

That is why when someone says "You just need to be confident to get a woman," most guys will groan in dismay.


Because no one really knows what that means!

What one person things is "being confident" may not be another person’s definition of confidence.

And of those definitions – they may all be WRONG!

Let me share with you my definition of confidence…

Confidence is secure self knowledge.  It is knowing who you are – your strengths and your weaknesses – and being HAPPY about it!

Confidence truly stems from your own personal belief systems.  Bad beliefs will lead you to not like yoruself, and this will lead you to being unconfident.

However, good belief systems allow you to love who you are and accept your faults – and this leads you to being SUPREMELY confident.

So the big question is:  How do you go from hating yourself to loving yourself?

Read more

My Secret Identity — The Dichotomy of a PUA

February 4, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

**Reposted from the first Lair, original date: 12/24/03

Growing up, I used to collect comic books.  I was pretty hard core about it too.  I started when I lived in Germany and it was the only American thing my family had available for kids, and its a trend I continued until high school.  I eventually stopped because I was spending upwards of $200 a week on comic books.  Seriously, I was addicted.  All the money I had went to owning that shit.  My parents had to orchestrate an intervention to break me of this habit.  I probably have a good $3,000 worth of comics packed away in our basement somewhere.

The funny thing is, the heroes in those comics always had a secret identity.  You could break it down to who they really were, and their super-hero persona.  In fact, many stories often dealt with how these heroes would cope with their secret identities and who, in fact, they really were.  I find it a very similar parallel to where I currently am in my life and my development as a Pick-Up Artist.

There are situations I’ve been in since I’ve been home where I’ve found myself wanting to sarge a girl, but in a way I feel like I either can’t or shouldn’t do it because I’m with my family.  The problem with family is that much of the time, they will not understand why you are doing what you are doing.  At least for me, who comes from a fairly conservative, catholic family, my parents would at the very least be puzzled and at the very worst, shocked, at what I was up to most of the time.  Not only that, but my younger brothers (who’ve never had the problems getting women that I’ve had to face) would be very judgmental about it.  In a way, if I revealed to them this aspect of my life, I’d be putting myself at a disadvantage because I’d be opening myself up to judgment by my family.

Obviously, what they think of me doesn’t really matter.  However, it would affect the interactions I’d have with them in the future, especially if they think I’m not very good at this whole “pick-up” thing.  The best time to reveal this aspect of my life would obviously be with a beautiful fiancee on my arm, but I don’t expect that to happen for a very loooooong time, if ever.

So up to that point, I’m stuck living a double life when it comes to my family and AFC friends.  This community is a saving grace in a way, because I now have a network of guys who I can not only talk about this stuff with, but also who understand where I am coming from.  Its a valuable asset, and one I’m quite grateful for.

I know a lot of guys like Papa and Swinggcat are very open with their families about what they do, but I just don’t feel comfortable telling my mom that I’ve devoted a great deal of my life to learning how to get laid by any girl I want, including 3-somes and strippers and any other variety of girl.  She’d have a fit.  This is the same woman who forbade me to date until I was 16.  Can you imagine letting it slip that I’ve frolicked through Vegas with a group of strippers trying to score some drugs so we could party down in my hotel room?  Yikes.

I’m interested in how people handle this.  I know that if you’re congruent with it, it doesn’t matter, but there’s still that nagging reservation about revealing my secret identity to others.  Its a rather sticky wicket, if you ask me.

Until that time, I guess I’ll just stay locked in the nearest phone booth.


The Power of the Dark Side — mASF and Shredded Souls

February 4, 2004 by  
Filed under Analysis

**Reposted from the first Lair, original date: 12/18/03

I found a post on mASF entitled “The aftermath of mASF and her shredded soul.” The post was just the right amount of melodrama to capture my interest, so I decided to check it out. It was put up by a guy called Acolyte and goes as follows:

The aftermath of mASF and her shredded soul. (1 of 17), Read 562 times
Conf: >> General
From: arby_acolyte ratty1@webmail.co.za
Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 03:19 AM

I hurt a girl today. Her heart is shattered into a million pieces.

Because of me. Entirely. And I have no excuse.

Does this feel good? No.

The stuff on this site is powerful. Very little is mentioned here on the emotional effect we’re having on our targets – sure, we’re creating and amping attraction etc…. ..but no thought is given to the resulting ATTACHMENT that our ‘targets’ begin to feel.

Guys, for the sake of your Karma (if you believe in that kinda thing), use this info wisely. Its not a toy.

I understand how/why she feels as she does and, if she doesn’t commit suicide, she’ll recover… ..and heed this: She’s NOT a psycho, just regular LSE.

Such is the power we have on mASF.

PS. I’ve taken this girl under my wing and I intend to help her regain her feet. I intend to do what I can to raise her Self-Esteem. Please wish her luck.

peripheral vision is often overrated

Now, this post is interesting because I am very much conflicted as to how I feel about it. On one side, I empathise with the guy. On the other hand, I can see where all the posters who are responding to him are coming from.

The thing that is easy to forget on the internet is that these girls are real people. When you read about them in cold words on your computer screen and imagine the generic woman in your head, its easy to be neutral in your assessment of where this guy went wrong and why he shouldn’t be feeling the way he does. The thing is, this girl is very real for this Acolyte guy. She’s probably someone he slept with, someone he shared something with, and someone he probably connected with on some level. And he ended up breaking her heart. Its funny, because the subculture we exist in with the studying of PUA is not very conducive to looking at women as real people, rather, they become objects of our desires and conquests. An example of this is Ellyn, who I mentioned in the post earlier. I shared a part of my life with that chick, and even though I do talk shit about her, when I was on the phone, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her feelings, because I could HEAR the genuine emotion in her voice that she was happy to hear from me.

I think that’s the crux of the issue there. Emotion is the stongest frame there is, and it overrides all logic. That’s one of the reasons chicks are so powerful. They run on emotion, they are able to manifest it faster and more powerfully than most men can think of, and when they do, us men are swept right along into their frame (well, unless you’re jlaix, but he’s in a league all his own =)

I personally do not think its AFC for him to feel bad that this girl got hurt. But the posters in the thread are right, even if they are a bit crass in their advice. This is a natural chick response to recapture the relationship frame, by guilting the guy into helping her overcome her emotion. If this Acolyte dude persists in trying to help her get over him, she’s gonna suck him back into her reality, and eventually hurt him the way she was hurt just to salvage some of her self-esteem. I don’t think she’d do it consciously or maliciously, but I do think its very likely to go down that way. So he’s damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t, as far as this girl is concerned.

Which brings us to an interesting moral quandary: How do you act with girls, enjoy tehir company, and protect yourself all at the same time? Do you allow yourself to become attacted and run the risk of being manipulated? Or do you keep yourself detached and never really enjoy a substancial relationship?

I prefer to look at pick-up in very Machiavellian terms. If none of you have ever read Machiavelli, I suggest picking up his book “The Prince.” Its quite a brilliant book on politics, leadership, and persuasion. (I happen to believe Machiavelli has been reincarnated as Swinggcat, but that’s another post all together =) Anyhow, the thing about Machiavelli is that he is completely amoral. His advice is designed to get you results, not make judgements about right or wrong. Whether you use the information for good or evil, that is up to the individual.

In terms of PUA, I rate my success on my happiness at the time. If I’m doing shit with a girl and I’m happy, then I’m successful. If I’m involved with a girl and I’m miserable and paranoid and insecure, I am definitely not doing something right. So I think the trick is to create a reality that is so strong that your happiness exists regardless of who you’re with, and you allow the girls you date to take part in that happiness. I base this on Zan’s philosophy. Here’s a guy who’s 9 girlfriends and ex-wife just threw him a lingerie party for his 40th birthday, and they all know each other and do not get catty or jealous. How is this possible? Simple. He never destroys that sense of beauty that is around him. That sense of happiness, that frame that he creates that sucks people in. Its always there, and it diffuses any negativity that exists around him.

The bhuddist believe that to attain enlightenment, you must kill all desire. I think to get good at PUA, and I’m talking master level here, you really do have to kill all desire when it comes to women. But at the same time, you still have to CARE for the women, otherwise you end up hurting them. I guess I’m saying you have to be desire-less but care-full (pun intended).

Its a fine line for sure, and I’m not quite sure how to attain it yet. But its something for me to think about. I hope this rant made some sort of sense. If anyone has any thoughts on this or how to go about doing this, I’d love to hear them.


The Extra-FUCKING-Mask!

February 4, 2004 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

**Reposted from the first Lair, original date: 12/16/03
**Image Removed

Okay, I’ve gotten to meet a few characters as I travel around the world and meet up with various pick-up artists.  But none quite fall into the same category of the infamous “2-6.”  Yes, there is a PUA who’s handle is none other than 2-6 (pronounced twenty-six) because the dude was a virgin until the age of 26.  Regardless of that little fact, 2-6 is one of the nicest, coolest guys I’ve met in the community.  Not only that, he is funny as hell.  So funny, in fact, that he is pursuing a career in stand-up comedy.

His website is extramask.com.  It’s like Tom Green meets Charlie Manson with a healthy dose of the psychosis that sets in with semen backlog.  Its manic, twisted, disturbing, and hilarious — much like most of my sarges.  His most recent song about gay sex had me on the floor, I was laughing so hard.

It is a personal goal of mine to spread the word far and wide about the comic stylings of Extramask.  Its not for everyone, but that’s what makes it great.  Be sure to check it out and give 2-6 a reason to update his website.

WARNING:  Not for people with heart problems or small children.


Go there.  Don’t be a fucking pussy.


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