Free Q & A Call Audio
August 27, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Interview, News, Podcasts
Hey guys,
Last week I invited you all to attend a special Question and Answer call where I basically said you guys could ask me anything you wanted.
The good news is the call was PACKED, and we had a lot of great questions from those who chose to participate.
The call lasted around 90 minutes, and we did Q & A for probably 80 of those minutes.
If you want to listen to the audio of the call, you can do so through the player below:
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Or you can download the audio directly from this page.
Please let me know wha tyou thought of the call by leaving your comments in this post.
An interview with… Me?
April 17, 2006 by Thundercat
Filed under Interview
Donovan, over on his Attraction Chronicles Blog, did an interview with me over email. He has it up now. If you’re interested in what I have to say (and if you’re reading this site, chances are pretty good you do), you can check it out here: