The Bootycast Episode 14: Our Favorite STDs

September 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

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The Bootycast is back this week!  And we welcome “Gonzo PUA” Ratisse and his crazy pick up stories and insights.

We’d also like to thank you all for listening to our podcast!  Our analytics have recorded over 15,000 downloads of our show so far, which is really exciting.  Thanks for your support, and please feel free to participate in the show by calling in or participating in the chat room during the show.

In this episode, we discuss topics like:

  • Adam’s making short films
  • What happened to Asian PUA?
  • We welcome our stunt Asian PUA replacement
  • Stunt Asian PUA asks Ratisse how to pick up women in clothing stores
  • Ratisse talks about being the only PUA to be choked out by an AMOG
  • Why Ratisse wears women’s underwear to clubs
  • How Ratisse tries to collect STDs
  • Thundercat shares his STD stories
  • Thundercat discusses his most recent pregnancy scare
  • We talk about how to do pick up on a budget
  • We talk about how to create connections with women
  • We talk about using Facebook for picking up chicks
  • We discuss how to keep things interesting in a relationship
  • The news with Amanda
  • And more!

To check out the episode for yourself, please click here.

The Bootycast Episode 13 – Anal Scent

September 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

In this episode of the Bootycast, we welcome our special guest Vince Kelvin, organizer of the World PUA Summit and seducer extraordinare!

We had a bit of a “technical SNAFU” at the beginning of the episode where some strange opening music played over our intro, but if you skip past that, the rest of the episode goes off without a hitch.  We’re still working out the new Blog Talk Radio system, so thanks for your patience as we iron out the flow of the show.  Each week is a new learning experience for us!

But regardless of our learning curve, we still talk about some great stuff in this episode, including:

  • Thundercat talks about dating younger women (with over a decade in age difference)
  • Vince Kelvin gives us details on the 2010 World PUA Summit
  • We discover if Pick Up Artist Mike will be at the World PUA Summit
  • Vince Kelvin and Thundercat discuss the “good old days” of Speed Seduction
  • How Amanda would react if another woman touched Adam’s penis
  • Asian PUA asks Vince Kelvin how to pick up white women and cure premature ejaculation
  • Vince Kelvin reveals the “Anal Scent” secret for ass-to-mouth sex
  • We take caller questions about text message game, plowing, and how to pick up women in foreign countries
  • We go over the worst OKCupid survey ever
  • And more!

If you’d like to listen to or download this week’s episode, check out the Bootycast Show Page.  And be sure to follow us on Blog Talk Radio so you know when our upcoming shows are!

The Bootycast Episode 12 – El Topo Breaks Some Dicks

September 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

We had a great time with the Bootycast this week with our special guest, El Topo.

In this week’s podcast, we talk about a lot of different topics, including:

  • Group sex with tons of dudes
  • Thundercat’s one-dick policy
  • El Topo’s relationship with Sinn
  • Why Sinn is a douchebag to everyone he knows
  • Zan’s seduction philosophy
  • Token Asian PUA asks El Topo what type of dicks white women prefer
  • Advice on how to transition from a Facebook close to a real meeting
  • Advice for picking up women in college
  • Getting sued for passing STD’s
  • Sinn’s drunk Tweets
  • Thundercat’s and AFC Adam’s secret
  • And more!

To check out this week’s podcast, you can download it or listen to it by clicking here.

Kezia Noble Is Stalking Thundercat

August 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

So it’s no secret I’ve been poking a bit of fun at “the world’s leading female pick up instructor” lately.  But apparently, Kezia has seen our video and listened to the podcasts and has become a fan of the Lair (naturally!).  But last night after we recorded our unfortunate episode of the Bootycast (because the audio of Adam and I was cutting out constantly), I get a call from a number I don’t recognize.

So I do what I normally do, which is ignore the number.  Sorry, if you’re not already in my phone, I’m not picking up!  (Standard PUA call screening.)

Then, I start getting text messaged by the same number.  And guess what?  It’s Kezia Noble!  Somehow, she stalked me down and got my number and started texting me randomly.  Honestly, I don’t know whether to be flattered or frightened at this point.  But here was the text message exchange:

Kezia:  U buy me shoes?  :)

Thundercat:  LoL.  Who is this?

Kezia:  The wonderful kezia.  U buy my shoes?

Thundercat:  Wow.  I feel honored to be stalked by such a public figure.  LoL

Kezia:  Ur welcome.  Now buy me shoes!

Thundercat:  Buy ur own shoes.  We aint sleepin together!  LoL

Kezia:  Oh well worth a try!  Im in l.a, and will be back in september for the pua summit.  Hope to c u then mr thunder cat

Thundercat:  Yeah, I’ll probably be there.  Large and in charge.

Kezia:  So i expect a warm reception from my 2 greatest fans adam and amanda :)

Thundercat:  You should ask them to buy u shoes then.  :)

Kezia:  Agreed

So yeah, now the world’s leading female pick up instructor (hence forth known as WLFPUI, or WOLFPIE) is obsessed with me and stalking me via text message.  Honestly, she’s probably the hottest stalker I’ve ever had, but still… should I be afraid?  :-D

The Bootycast Episode 11 – Technical Difficulties

August 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Thanks to everyone who tried to check out the podcast last night.  Unfortunately, it seems Blog Talk Radio had some technical issues so the show didn’t stream live.  D’oh.

Plus, for some reason Skype was cutting in-and-out the whole show, so the brilliant commentary by Adam and myself is kinda hard to hear.  It’s too bad because we covered a lot of good stuff, but yeah, you guys may want to skip this episode because the constant voice dropping gets annoying after a while.  (Seriously, it’s like the show was brought to you by AT&T or something.)

We did have 30 callers on the line last night though, so I know at least some of you got to listen in!  We’re working on making it so the next episode has better call quality.  We’re still figuring out the new system as we go.

In this episode of the Bootycast:

  • We talk about RJ Hating on AFC Adam and why they are no longer Facebook friends.
  • We discuss how much Adam and I love the Jews.
  • We talk about how most of the top PUAs are Jewish.
  • We talk about Kezia Noble listening to the podcast and hating on us on Facebook.
  • We discuss the upcoming Asian PUA Bootcamp behind-the-scenes video.
  • We talk about why we think Asian guys lust after white women.
  • We interview a real-life Asian about what Asian men really want.
  • We take calls and dish out advice.
  • Amanda shares with us interesting sex factoids from Cosmopolitan magazine.
  • And more!

If you want to listen to the show, you can do so by going to our show page by clicking here.

Bootycast Episode Live – TONIGHT! 8/25/10

August 25, 2010 by  
Filed under News

Hey everyone,

Don’t forget to tune into the Bootycast tonight at 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm Eastern.  Me, AFC Adam, and Amanda Lyons are back for a full hour of seduction power as we discuss timely community-related topics!

Remember to come join us for the live stream!  You can listen in while we’re recording the show, participate in our chat room, and even call into the show and get advice from me, Adam, and Amanda.  We’ve been having a great time taking callers on the show, and we’d encourage all of you to come by and participate if you can.

And if you can’t, no worries!  Just check out the replays available after the show.  You can also subscribe to us via iTunes.

All you need to do is go to our show page while the show is being streamed tonight here:

Just check out the “current episode” to participate in the chat and listen to the show live.  We DO monitor the chat room during the show.

And you can call into the show toll-free here:


I hope you all decide to come by and join us this evening and participate in the podcast!

The Bootycast Episode 10: The 3rd Best Asian Pick Up Artist

August 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Another week brings yet ANOTHER Bootycast!

Join us as Me, Adam, and Amanda take your calls and drop copious amounts of pick-up advice all over you.

In this episode of the Bootycast:

  • We discuss the PUA Deathmatches
  • Air our pre-recorded interview with Kezia Noble
  • Discuss Thundercat’s spat with Erica Awakening
  • Talk about Gunwitch’s podcast
  • Barry Kirkey gets in touch with Thundercat
  • AFC Adam deals with Fanboy’s jizzing in their pants
  • Adam & Thundercat take your calls
  • Blackberry vs. iPhone users for more sex
  • Info on the upcoming World Pick Up Summit
  • Plus much more!

You can check out the latest episode here.

New Bootycast Episode Tonight 8-18-10

August 18, 2010 by  
Filed under News

The BootycastHey everyone,

Don’t forget to tune into the Bootycast tonight at 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm Eastern. Me, AFC Adam, and Amanda Lyons are hosting yet ANOTHER full hour of seduction power as we discuss timely community-related topics!

As always, you can join us as we’re recording the show in a live chat room AND a call-in line so you guys can interact with us during the show, ask questions, and get on the show live. We had a great time with the callers from last week, and we encourage you to join us.

Check out our show-page to listen in live and participate in the chat here:

And you can call into the show toll-free here:


The show’s recording will be posted on the blog tomorrow for those of you who can’t listen in, so if you can’t make it, don’t worry.  But if you CAN make it, please do so since we’d love to have you.

Live Bootycast Episode TONIGHT!

August 11, 2010 by  
Filed under News

The BootycastHey everyone,

Don’t forget to tune into the Bootycast tonight at 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm Eastern.  Me, AFC Adam, and Amanda Lyons are back for a full hour of seduction power as we discuss timely community-related topics!

A new feature is that we will have a live chat room AND a call-in line so you guys can interact with us during the show and ask questions and get on the show live.  We’re all really excited about this development, and we encourage you to join us.

Check out our show-page to listen in live and participate in the chat here:

And you can call into the show toll-free here:


The show’s recording will be posted on the blog tomorrow for those of you who can’t listen in, so if you can’t make it, don’t worry.

The BootyCast Episode 9: Its Not Kosher

September 20, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey Guys,

Sorry this week’s episode is a bit late.  After getting back into town I had some catching up to do.

Anyway, please enjoy!

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Click Here To Download This Week’s Episode

Pure Personality Is Released TOMORROW!

August 29, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Hey guys,

Just a quick note to you – for the last two months I’ve been releasing lots of audio and video stuff about my Pure Personality course.

If you have missed ANY of them, now is the time to check them out, because I’ll be taking them down tomorrow when the course is released at 9:00 am Pacific, 12:00 pm Eastern time.

Just go to:

You can find them all there.

I’d really encourage you guys to check out the course.  It has helped my game tremendously, and I know it will probably seriously help anyone else’s game as well.

We have a lot of heavy hitters involved in the course, including – AFC Adam, Brad P, and Barry Kirkey.

We also have a lot of NON-community people involved as well.

In fact, let me give you a run down of what is in the course…

The Videos

This is the first course I’ve ever made that actually utilizes a lot of video, so I wanted to be sure that the videos KICKED ASS.

The videos should be very easy for you guys to follow, and have a LOT of information in each one.

Video 1:  The Addiction Method Part 1

The addiction method is the foundation for the Pure Personality course, and in this video, I explain the first part of the method on how to get people addicted to your Personality.

In this video, I go into great detail on how to “create your character” and cultivate a “social mask.”

The cool thing about this method is that you aren’t “acting” or trying to be someone you’re not.

This is all about taking the best qualities of you who are NATURALLY and bringing them to the forefront in a way where as many people get exposed to it as possible.

Video 2:  The Addiction Method Part 2

The second part of the Addiction Method is all about teaching you how to tell STORIES.

See, storytelling is the method by which people learn about your character!  And the better stories you tell, the more addicted people will become to who you are.

In fact – they will actively seek to have you around as much as possible!

And better than that, they’ll start telling their FRIENDS about you and repeating your stories to others, effectively growing you reputation.

Can you see how powerful this can be when it comes to attracting women?

Video 3:  How To Be The Life Of The Party

This technique goes hand-in-hand with the addiction method.

I have developed a system where you can enter into any social situation – a bar, club, party, business meeting, whatever – and instantly be the center of attention.

Here, we’ll use the Butterfly Effect to meet lots and lots of people, but we’ll also use some covert tactics to build our reputation and help us deliver the Addiction Method techniques.

Video 4:  Conversational Ninjitsu

A HUGE part of personality is being able to hold fascinating conversations with anyone you want.

Too often, guys stumble in conversation with women.  Things might go good for a while, but then the dreaded “awkward silence” sets in and you run out of things to say.

Conversational Ninjitsu is a covert method of keeping the conversation going, effectively eliminating awkward silences and making all conversation seem natural and effortless.

Video 5:  How To Be Funny

A big part of having a great personality is about how to make people laugh.  In this in-depth video, I go into a number of proven techniques to help make even the dullest guy FUNNY.

This isn’t just some collection of lame jokes.  I actually break down many different TYPES of humor and show you how to use them to get laughs from pretty much anyone.

More importantly, though, I’ll show you what to do when a joke goes BAD, and how to quickly recover from anything that “falls flat.”

Video 6:  How To Tease

Teasing women can be a powerful tool in your attraction arsenal.  Unfortunately, lots of guys tease women the WRONG WAY, and can come off as “jerks” or offensive.

In this video, I lay out a number of different proven and effective teasing techniques you can
use to get powerful reactions from women every single time.

Anyone who’s ever tried to use “Cocky and Funny” methods to pick up women before MUST see this video!

Video 7:  An Interview With Brad P.

Brad P is one of the most interesting guys I’ve ever met, and in this 60 minute video, I sit down with Brad and pick his brain about all his best personality techniques.

Brand and I are good friends, so we talk about some really killer information in this video, and you get to see a different perspective on the whole “Personality Game.”

Bonus Videos:  Non-Verbal Personality

Personality isn’t just based around what you say, it’s also based around what you do and how you act.

In a special bonus video section, I go into detail on how you can use your body language to communicate personality.

This is really powerful stuff that can show anyone what a cool, funny, fun guy you are without ever having to open your mouth!

The Audios

In addition to the video material, I tracked down and interviewed a number of Personality Experts who reveal their best tips and techniques for how to be funny, interesting, and cool around girls.

Audio #1:  Interview With Adam Lyons

Adam is one of the most naturally gifted new pick-up instructors in the scene.  His skills are almost completely based on his personality, and in this interview, I peg him down and get him to reveal all his secrets on how a scrawny geek like him uses his personality to hook up with super-model quality women night after night.

Audio #2:  Interview With Barry Kirkey

Some of you might know Barry as “Extramask” from Neil Strauss’s book The Game.  Barry is a talented comedian living in Canada, and he’s also quite knowledgeable about the dating scene, having been an instructor in the men’s dating advice field for some time.

In this candid interview, I get Barry to open up about his off-the-wall humor methods, and how you can use them to get women attracted to you in no time flat.

Audio #3:  Interview With Joe Falzerano

Joe Falzerano is a professional comedian who teaches other comedians how to perform stand-up comedy.  Joe’s workshop is based out of Los Angeles, and he’s taught some very recognizable names in the entertainment field how to be funny.  And in this interview, Joe goes over his teaching methods that can take any man, and make him a funny guy.

Audio #4:  Interview With Mike Piantedosi

This was a bit of a strage interview, because Mike is one of my Best Friends from High School, and he is one of the funniest guys I have ever met.

Like me, Mike is a self-admitted “Fat, Bald, And Ugly” dude.  But his personality is so strong, that he is able to attract insanely hot girls whenever he wants.

Mike’s story is truly inspiring, and his methods are incredibly effective.

Audio #5:  Interview With Richard Miller

Richard is one of David DeAngelo’s top students, and the “king” of cocky comedy methods.  Richard is another “fat guy” who uses his humor and personality to attract women, and he’s EXTREMELY good at it!

In this interview, I sit down and get Richard to share all his personality techniques with me, including a few unknown tricks taught to him by David DeAngelo himself!

Audio #6:  Interview With Steve Roye

Steve is a professional stand-up comedian, and a teacher in the field of comedy.  In this interview, I get Steve to open up and share how he creates his material from scratch, and how anyone can create incredible jokes and stories that will captivate any audience.

Audio #7:  Interview With Tony Piccasso

Also known as the “Cardfather,” Tony is a Las Vegas Magician who enraptures any audience he has.  I ran into Tony at the Magic Castle here in Hollywood and was so impressed, I had to BEG him to let me interview him!

In this interview, Tony reveals how he cultivates his persona, creates an unforgettable character, and entertains his audience.

This is one of the most unique interviews you’ll ever hear, as Tony reveals an amazing step-by-step system he uses to create “instant fame” no matter where he goes.

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to create a rockstar like persona, this is the interview that reveals how!

The Text

In addition to all the multimedia, we also have some good, old fashioned text to go along with it!

Included in the course is a full Charm School manual that will teach you how to charm any woman you meet.

In addition to that, I’ve also created a number of assignments to help you learn how to use the techniques described in the course.

This method is specifically DESIGNED to help you start naturally attracting women based on your personality.

I also have some great bonuses lined up for the first 100 people who get the course, not the least of which is my “Live Training Sessions” where we get you on the phone with a girl to practice your personality skills and get feedback.

Trust me when I say – NO OTHER course out there goes as in-depth into the subject of “natural attraction” as Pure Personality does.

So don’t miss out, and be sure to reserve your copy of the course when it’s released on Saturday, August 30th, at 9:00 am Pacific time and 12:00 pm Eastern time.

Remember – you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to the whole course right after you sign up!  No waiting for it to arrive in the mail.  You can start learning the techniques immediately.

But you’ll also get a PHYSICAL copy of the course if you stay past the 56 day refund period.

The link to sign up for your course will be:

So don’t forget it!

Now let the anti-capitalism comments begin…

The BootyCast Episode 6 – Who’s Got Personality?

August 29, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Sorry today’s episode is so late.  I had a number of technical difficulties that caused me to waste a lot of time trying to get it uploaded to the server.

This week’s BootCast episode comes in at a brisk 1:51:34.  In this week’s episode, we talk about:

  • Ross Jeffries Devil Worship
  • PUA Business Stuff
  • Gunwitch Thinks I’m Mad At Him
  • The CEO Of Stylelife Is A Douche
  • Using Personality To Attract Women
  • Tyler Stepping Down As RSD Figurehead

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Click Here To Download The MP3

Please leave your comments about the show on the blog.  (Yes, we do read your comments!)

Free Q & A Call Audio

August 27, 2008 by  
Filed under Interview, News, Podcasts

Hey guys,

Last week I invited you all to attend a special Question and Answer call where I basically said you guys could ask me anything you wanted.

The good news is the call was PACKED, and we had a lot of great questions from those who chose to participate.

The call lasted around 90 minutes, and we did Q & A for probably 80 of those minutes.

If you want to listen to the audio of the call, you can do so through the player below:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Or you can download the audio directly from this page.

Please let me know wha tyou thought of the call by leaving your comments in this post.

The BootyCast Episode 5 – Welcoming The One

August 22, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Here’s this week’s episode of the BootyCast:

  • Cameron Teone joins the show
  • Cameron’s trip to Germany
  • Discussion about fake boobies
  • Brad P’s “Jewgate” scandal
  • Is Thundercat being disrespectful to Amanda?
  • Paul Janka’s accused of attempted date rape
  • The Mexican Lair’s shenanegans
  • More on the “Let The Game Begin” movie
  • Analysis of UK PUA’s getting arrested
  • Pick Up Artists at Fetishcon
  • And more!

This week’s podcast clocks in at a cool 3:04:21.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Click Here To Download This Week’s BootyCast

You can find out more about the show’s participants on the following websites:


Cameron Teone:

AFC Adam:

Dr Paul Interview and Free Q&A Call This Thursday

August 18, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Yesterday I did an interview with Dr. Paul about my “Looks Don’t Matter” philosophy of pick up.  Now, I’m not one to toot my own horn, but Dr. Paul said it was one of the best interviews he’s ever done, so if you guys want to check it out, I’m making it available on the blog here:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Right Click Here To Download The Interview

I’m also going to be holding a FREE Q & A call this Thursday.  I’ll be on the line, along with a few buddies of mine, to talk about how guys can get around the whole “looks” issue with women.

More than that, though, the call will be an OPEN Q & A.  That means I’m inviting all you degenerates out there to come on the call and ask me anything you want.  No holds barred.  I figure instead of flaming the boards, you guys could try getting some direct feedback for a change, lol.

So to call in, here are the details…

Date:  Thursday  8/21/08, 5:00 pm Pacific, 7:00 pm Central, 8:00 pm Eastern

Duration of Call:  1 hour 30 minutes

Conference Phone Number:  1-512-623-5113

Guest Access Code: 874554

The bulk of the call will be Q&A, and we’ll try to get to as many people as we can.

I look forward to talking to all of you.

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