Airport Pick-Ups
September 13, 2011 by Thundercat
Filed under Tips & Tricks
I just read David Wygant’s latest blog post about Air Port Pickups. Unfortunately, its not about what I thought it might be about. Check it…
David Wygant writes:
So you’ve started dating somebody. Things are going really great. You haven’t slept with them yet, and they’re about to go away for a weekend trip. Do you or do you not let them take a taxicab? Do you drive them to the airport and, more importantly, do you pick them up when they get back from their trip? And what exactly does that signify in the relationship?
First off, I hate picking people up at the airport. I’ll tell you something, picking people up at LAX is a nightmare. They don’t allow you to park. Secondly, you don’t want to circle around waiting to pick someone up because LAX is a long track where traffic can get as bad as it is on the 405, and you can sit in your car at the airport for two hours, driving 1/8 of a mile.
But the fact of the matter is, when you pick somebody up at the airport, that’s relationship material. You do that when you’re in love. You don’t do that when you first start dating. That’s crazy.
“Yeah, I took her out on three dates, we haven’t slept together yet, but I’m picking her up at the airport.” Really? Why? I mean, you’re basically picking her up at the airport and driving her home, bringing her bags in and then she’s going, “Alright, thank you. We’re not sleeping together so you’re not staying here.”
So she’ll give you a glass of water and then find a way to get you to leave. The only way you ever pick somebody up at the airport is if you know you’re going to have massive crazy sex afterwards because you’ve missed each other. That makes it fun. That’s a blast.
I love pick-up sex. One of my favorite things in the entire world — airport pick-up sex after a trip out of town. It’s great. You pick her up, she’s all excited to see you after a few days, you play with her, fondle her a little bit on the way home, you get her all excited, you schlep her way-too-heavy bags (I mean, who needs that much stuff for a weekend trip?) into her place. Then you have amazing sex.
But if you pick her up from the airport and you’re not already sleeping together, you’re immediately in the friend zone. So unless you desire to be in that friend zone, I strongly suggest you wait to pick her up from the airport until you guys are intimate and committed.
So here I thought we’d get an interesting guide on how to actually Pick-Up Women at the airport, but this is actually a rant on dropping off and (literally) picking up women at the airport. And I can’t say I agree with David on his points here. I mean, I’ve picked up a lot of people from the airport that I wasn’t sleeping with, just because its a nice thing to do if you know the person and they need help (or are trying to save a few bucks). Plus, if you’re alone in a car with a girl you like for however long it takes for you to drive them to and from the airport, that’s some nice quality time you can use to chat them up and stuff. I mean, there is a fine line here between using it as a pick up opportunity and being used just for your transportation. I guess it all comes down to whether or not you actually WANT to help someone out by picking them up at the airport.
But, let’s get away from that and talk about what I really thought David’s blog post should be about… picking up chicks at the airport while YOU’RE traveling. Read more
David Wygant On Approaching Women…
August 23, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Tips & Tricks, Video
Love him or hate him, you can’t deny – David Wygant knows his stuff.
The Top 10 Pick Up Artists Of 2008
January 9, 2009 by Thundercat
Filed under Top 10 Lists
Welcome one and all to the Top 10 list of best Pick Up Artists for the year 2008!
2008 was a strange year – for me personally, and for a lot of others, I think. In many ways, I’m glad the year is over. But regardless of how good of a year it was, there were many people in the seduction community who continued to rise above petty squabbles and drama and actually help other men improve their lives and their success with women, and this list is a CELEBRATION of those men, who have helped others throughout the past year.
For those of you new to the list, let me explain how the rankings work. It becomes very easy to get “caught up” in the hype of certain personalities, so I try and rank the Top 10 based on a number of criteria, which I believe must be present to be considered a good “PUA.” So all of this years winners were ranked based on:
1. In-Field Performance. This is basically the skills the PUA displays in the field with women. Most Top 10s deal with this factor exclusively, but I’ve found that just looking at a guy’s in-field performance can be misleading, since people have off-nights or can get lucky. That said, their ability to use the techniques in field repeatedly and consistently to get results is a big, big factor in the ranking process.
2. Innovations. This is what new outlook or techniques the PUA brings to the table. It’s easy for any new guy to get good using Mystery Method or any other school of seduction, but then again, that stuff is designed to work! So being innovative and bringing a new twist, spin, philosophy, technique, or whatever to the mix is also a big deal, because that means the PUA actually has something to contribute to his students and the community as a whole that no one else does.
3. Teaching Ability. This is how effectively the PUA can teach what he does to other people, and have them get similar results. This is another important factor, because it weeds out the people who are just the lucky naturals, and finds the PUAs who have something to offer humanity as a whole. After all, I don’t care if a guy gets laid a lot. I care if that guy can get ME laid a lot – and I think the same is true for you. That is why I factor in the PUA’s ability to teach others into the ranking.
4. Contributions To The Community. This is a measure of how much the PUA “gives back” to others in the seduction community. This factor is all about the PUA’s willingness to help others, the knowledge and experience he’s willing to share, and the compassion he shows to those who need help. Too many PUAs look down on people not as successful with women as they are, and that’s not what the seduction community is about, so giving back to it should play a factor, in my opinion.
5. Philosophy. This comes down to the PUA’s outlook on life, women, and other men in general. It’s about how they live their lives, and whether they’re consistent with it. Some PUAs spout great philosophy, but don’t really believe in it or practice it. But it’s that core foundations which will influence their students, so I believe this is important in factoring the rankings.
6. Likability. One of the things I base my ranking on is whether I actually like the PUA or not. This is a subjective thing, but I feel its important, because there’s usually a reason I don’t like someone, and that reason has to do with them being a fake, fraud, evil bastard, or what have you. I like to think I have a fairly decent “B.S. Radar,” so when I meet a PUA in person, I can usually tell if they are legit or not after getting to know them, which is why I tend to rank PUAs I have actually met in real life. If I haven’t met them, I need to get good feedback from at least 3 sources I trust to make the decision to rank them in this category.
Okay, so now that you know how I rank the list, let’s get to it! Read more
BootyCast Episode 3 – Maximus Alpha K Manly
August 8, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Podcasts
This week’s podcast covers a LOT of ground, with special guest Sinn.
In this week’s podcast…
- The New Blog Design
- My Phone Call With Orion
- Pick Up Podcast & Thundercat Make Nice
- Hypnotica’s Stripper Party
- The Julian Foxx Video
- Behind The Scenes Insight Into The Mystery Method Civil War
- Is Lovedrop Evil?
- Matador’s Shocking Hair Secret
- Mystery’s Sexual Fetish
- Does Sinn Only Bang Fat Chicks?
- Sinn Vs. David Wygant
- Behind The Scenes Of Alex Video Parodies
This weeks podcast runs a little long – about 2 and a half hours! But there’s some good stuff in there, trust me.
Let me know what you think of it in this thread.