Erik Von Markovich aka Mystery… DEAD?
April 1, 2011 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
Venusian Arts sent out an email this morning informing its entire list of the passing of Erik Von Marchovich, aka “Mystery,” the legendary pick-up artist.
Details were sketchy as to what lead to his untimely demise.
Was it a jealous girl who murdered him in his sleep?
A crazy VH1 executive who just couldn’t deal with him anymore?
Was it the ultimate AMOG?
Did his 600th STD finally catch up with him?
No, it was, in fact, a very poorly executed April Fools Joke.
Mystery is very much alive and well. Don’t freak out. He is fine. It was just a joke. This has been confirmed.
Gunwitch Shoots Woman In The Face!
January 6, 2011 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors, News
Hole. Lee. Shit.
The news is breaking over on, the feminist arm of the Gawker media empire that longtime pick-up artist mainstay and teacher – Gunwitch (also known as Allen Reyes) – has been ARRESTED for shooting a woman in the face at a part.
Let me reitterate…
And no, that isn’t some veiled sexual reference. He shot a girl in the face with a gun. A real gun. With bullets.
Here’s the low down…
Apparently, during a New Years Eve party a 20 year old woman named Amber Tripp recieved a gunshot wound to the face.
After police arrived, they gathered information which lead them to Gunwitch as the one responsible for shooting the girl. He was found three blocks from the scene of the shooting and was detained by authorities pending further investigation.
Police are saying it’s not clear what lead to the shooting, though the weapon was recovered by police. However, I can see the trolls now…
“OMG, he was trying to break through her bitch shield… with real bullets!”
“Dude, you gotta make the ho say no… then shoot her in the fucking face!”
“That’s the ultimate NEG, bitches!”
Please, people, let’s try and remember that there’s a real human being who’s been seriously hurt here. She’s been listed as being in “critical condition” at the hospital, and even is she recovers, well… SHE’S BEEN SHOT IN THE FACE! I’m sure it won’t do wonders for her self esteem.
You know, though, of all the PUAs out there who’s shoot someone, I’d have to say that Gunwitch would be the LEAST surprising one.
Between the heart attacks, drugs, and copious amounts of alcohol the man consumed, I guess its amazing that something like this didn’t happen sooner. But I will say its a shame. Now people are going to be looking at his “pickup method” as though it’s some load of BS that promotes violence towards women. Stuff like that gives the entire community a bad name.
All the details that we have right now concerning the incident are sketchy, but its being reported that Gunwitch might be charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER. Yes, that’s right, M-U-R-D-E-R.
And I guess if the girl actually dies from her injuries, then the whole “attempted” part of that charge goes out the window.
Let’s keep Amber Tripp in our hearts and minds, and send some prayers her way. No one deserves to be shot in the face on New Years unless its with champaign.
And to Gunwitch – if you really did maliciously shoot someone with an intent to kill them… fuck you man. Seriously. And if you did it on accident because you were too drunk or whatever… fuck you still. You totally ruined someones life. Not cool at all. I honestly didn’t think anyone could be more heinous than Ross Jeffries, but at least the man never SHOT SOMEONE IN THE FUCKING FACE. (Not yet anyway.) So let this be a lesson to everyone — friends don’t let friends pick up with loaded weapons. And I don’t mean that in a hip, sexual innuendo type of way.
Drunk Sinn Fights Fake Matador On Twitter…
September 2, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors, Quotes & Humor
Apparently, in the ramp up to the EPIC Matador vs. Sinn PUA Deathmatch, Sinn has been tweeting about getting ready to fight Matador and get him kicked out of a club. But it turns out, Sinn just got drunk, mistook someone for being Matador, and was just being a dick.
Here’s the photo proof of Sinn’s shit-talking to fake Matador. Just click on the pics for larger versions. Read more
Kezia Noble Is Stalking Thundercat
August 26, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
So it’s no secret I’ve been poking a bit of fun at “the world’s leading female pick up instructor” lately. But apparently, Kezia has seen our video and listened to the podcasts and has become a fan of the Lair (naturally!). But last night after we recorded our unfortunate episode of the Bootycast (because the audio of Adam and I was cutting out constantly), I get a call from a number I don’t recognize.
So I do what I normally do, which is ignore the number. Sorry, if you’re not already in my phone, I’m not picking up! (Standard PUA call screening.)
Then, I start getting text messaged by the same number. And guess what? It’s Kezia Noble! Somehow, she stalked me down and got my number and started texting me randomly. Honestly, I don’t know whether to be flattered or frightened at this point. But here was the text message exchange:
Kezia: U buy me shoes?
Thundercat: LoL. Who is this?
Kezia: The wonderful kezia. U buy my shoes?
Thundercat: Wow. I feel honored to be stalked by such a public figure. LoL
Kezia: Ur welcome. Now buy me shoes!
Thundercat: Buy ur own shoes. We aint sleepin together! LoL
Kezia: Oh well worth a try! Im in l.a, and will be back in september for the pua summit. Hope to c u then mr thunder cat
Thundercat: Yeah, I’ll probably be there. Large and in charge.
Kezia: So i expect a warm reception from my 2 greatest fans adam and amanda
Thundercat: You should ask them to buy u shoes then.
Kezia: Agreed
So yeah, now the world’s leading female pick up instructor (hence forth known as WLFPUI, or WOLFPIE) is obsessed with me and stalking me via text message. Honestly, she’s probably the hottest stalker I’ve ever had, but still… should I be afraid?
Stephane & Ideagasms – Threats, Lies, & Craziness…
February 9, 2009 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
Okay, back in September I posted a little thread about how crazy Stephane has become and the meltdown he experienced after Ghita finally got away from the guy. As of this writing, that was 5 MONTHS AGO. Since then, I have given very little thought to that post, and have not posted anything about it until now. It seems that even though that silly little post is old news to me, Stephane is still obsessing over it.
I’ve recently been getting very strange emails from the guy. The tone of them is wildly schizophrenic. He’ll refer to me as “his enemy” in one sentence, and then practically beg me to take down my blog post in the next.
Him and his “wife” (I didn’t even know the guy was married) have made a concerted effort to try and contact people affiliated with me and get them to stop “promoting” my website in an effort to destroy me.
Not only that, they’ve been trying their best to “defame” me and my business where-ever they can, including this very blog. Stephane whines I’m not letting him share “his side” of the story, even though I don’t edit any replies made to my postings.
Whatever. I really don’t care. Better men than Stephane have come after me, and failed. They can do what they want to try and “defeat” me or whatever. I know they’ll fail. Why? Because they did not make me succeed, so they can’t take away anything I’ve earned through my own hard work – no matter how much they lie about me. I’m used to people lying about me and defaming me. It comes with the territory I guess.
So I’d have never bothered to blog about this loser again – except for the fact that now I’m getting reports that he’s threatening OTHER bloggers out there who picked up on how crazy he is.
Lots of reports about crazy, threatening emails and even phone calls threatening to come over to their houses with a crew of thugs – all because people are posting… the truth?
Stephaker has literally lost his mind.
If this is the way he operates, the guy deserves to go out of business, if you ask me. Attacking me is one thing, but attacking OTHER people? That’s inexcusable. Stephaker now has the distinction of being just as bad as Ross Jeffries, which is saying a lot – considering how evil MINE’99 is.
I would encourage everyone out there – IGNORE anything and everything this Stephane guy does. His threats are empty. Do not let “fear” keep you from speaking out about him. Steve Piccus, just the other day, told me something very sage: The blog is mightier than the fraud. I’m convinced Stephane is an unstable, habitual LIAR, and the only way to stop a liar is to reveal the truth and never let him bully you.
Please put this lunatic in the same category as every other sociopath out there. Do not read his emails, do not respond to his posts, and do not give him any money. Just make him go away – for good. The guy can always get a job at McDonalds.
Ghita learned that once she got away from this guy, life was good. Life can be good for all of us if we just ignore this crazy and get on with our lives. So don’t let him bully you! Stand up against him, and tell him to Fuck Off.
A real sound “inner game/spiritual guru” would not resort to threating people in such petty ways. Shame on you Stephane.
Ideagasms Melt-Down: Stephane’s Lies Revealed
September 22, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
So if you’re a follower of the blog, you’ll know that I’ve been critical of Stephane over at Ideagasms since, oh, it began. I’ve just had ay too many people I like and trust tell me about how the guy lied and screwed them over to actually believe Stephane is in this business to actually help other people as opposed to creating a cult for himself.
In one of my early podcasts, you can see where I expose most of his lies during an interview with Barry Kirkey. (Its not one of my better podcasts, but whatever. The point is to get the truth out there.)
Anyway, today I get an email from a reader named Lor who informs me of some major drama going on over at Ideagasms. It seems more and more of the cult has stopped drinking the kool-aid, and Stephane is banning them to keep them from speaking out against his teachings.
But these “Ex-IGs” aren’t staying quiet. In fact, they’ve created their own forum and Facebook Group to expose the truth about Stephane, and boy, is it not pretty!
Check out what David B., the creator of the Facebook Group, has to say about his experiences with Stephane… Read more
Ross Jeffries Is A Devil Worshiper (Have Proof)
August 25, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
So a holy crusader, by the name of Bado, sends me a cryptic email of friday with the subject line “Ross Jeffries Youtube Video Worship Satan.”
Needless to say, I was intrigued. And it turns out, the is, indeed, a video on YouTube where Ross Jeffries (using his real name Paul Ross) is advocating devil worship, and promoting an organization (read: cult) he heads up as its leader.
Honestly, I cannot possibly make this up…
Oh, it gets better. Check out part two…
And here I was, all this time, thinking Ross Jeffries WAS the devil, when in fact he just worshiped him.
Now, some of you may be inclined to believe that is NOT Ross Jeffries. I can assure you, that is him. He’s younger, and much geekier, but its the same old bitter, angry Ross we all know and love.
Okay, now that all of that is out of the way, let’s get to the analysis of the videos… Read more
Snow Responds To Sargathon Rumors
July 24, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
So the big controversy this week has been over the legitimacy of the Sargathon event up in Canada to raise money to help this guy Snow’s mother, who is suffering from liver cancer. Personally, I was shocked at the number of emails I got from people saying this Sargathon fundraiser was a scam. I guess its the idealist in me, but I like to think that guys out there wouldn’t exploit their own mothers to make a quick buck.
Anyway, Snow was understandibly upset over the controversy, so I felt it was only fair to give him a chance to reply to the rumors that this event is a get-rich-quick sham.
Here’s what Snow wrote…
Snow writes:
These Negative Statements about Sargeathon is Unbelievable Filth !This is regarding this hateful Sargeathon posts on your blog. I will fax you (or anyone else) copies of the CT scan reports from the hospitals regarding her tumors (80% of the liver is now cancerous cells).
We have been in and out of hospitals for over three months (and I have been there with her each and everyday) and I now have her living with me so I can take care of her myself after the doctors gave up on her.
Once doctors say there is nothing more that they can do you are on your own and nothing is covered by Canadian Healthcare in the Alterative Medicine field.
She’s doing quite well however with some alterative treatments and she and I are very hopeful she’ll make a full recovery in time !
My hands are shaking as I type this as I am so angry that anyone would dare suggest something like this !
I have taken alot of shit from certain people in Toronto who are trying slander me in order to further themselves commercially or because of some other agenda and I haven’t said a word publicly in my own defense as most of the people here in Toronto "that count" know the real story (and don’t believe the lies that have been spread about me) but this is not just attacking me anymore.
This is attacking the wellbeing of my mother for #%$sake !
Yes ! We are raising funds for my mother’s expenses !
Yes ! She has late stage metastases liver cancer !
Yes ! All the money is spent on her (including all my money)
No ! She is not going to die from this (MY WORDS) even though the doctors have said to get her affairs in order because they believe that she has weeks to live… I don’t believe that and that’s definitely not my opinion or belief !
And I will take her anywhere in the world if I have to to make sure that doesn’t happen !
It’s quite amazing how low some people will sink to further their agendas or try to get at me… this is now way beyond obsessive behavior as I have takened these nonstop attacks now for almost two years ! Yet I am still here and still helping people ! I wonder if that’s why all of you "Haters" are so pissed…
Is it because intelligent people in this city see through all your bullshit that you’ve thrown at me yet still believe in me and are still coming out to support me as I have supported and helped them over all these years. Despite the bullshit you say and have said about me people continue to ignore your childlike rantings and still seek me out, hang out with me and remain my friends to this day ! It is said that "Success leaves Clues"
Is that what’s pissing you off so ?
The outpouring of support and love that I have gotten from the good people here in Toronto and aboard far outweighs the bitter shit you few have spewed out on this blog and elsewhere !
So stay within your anger filled hateful worlds and fill your hearts with more of your darkest bitter shit ! The damage that you do to yourselves far outweighs the damage that you do to me here !
My mother and I will survive !
It’s too bad all you’ll ever know is just pure hate in its ugliest form !
I can’t blame the guy for being angry. Frankly, when my father was sick, there were a lot of douches on this site that said some pretty mean things, so I know where Snow is coming from on this.
He obviously did something to piss a lot of people off, but can we all agree that if a poor woman needs help, we can set aside our differences and help her out?
Snow – if you set up a Paypal donation fund, I’ll be happy to contribute to it. That way, some of the people who can’t make it to the event can still show their support.
Dan’s Response About Charisma Arts
July 24, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
Yesterday I wrote a post about some of the internal strife that appears to be occurring over at the Charisma Arts company. So I wrote Dan personally and asked him what the low-down was. Here’s his response:
Dan replies:
Charisma Arts is still teaching high quality workshops and giving their
clients 100%. They are still in my opinion the best school to learn a
genuine natural approach to picking up women out there.I was not exactly fired. You can read the longer explanation at my blog at
My only criticism of CA is just on their internal business and politics
side. It in no way affects their clients. I still recommend people take
their courses.For me it was a good parting. I was a bit burnt out teaching the same
workshop every weekend for two years and have for quite some time wanted
to expand what I taught to women and business. Now I am getting that opportunity by starting a new company that is more mainstream.Having good social skills not only helps make you good with women but
also in all other aspects of your life. I want to teach the complete
picture not just one part.I wish Wayne and CA the best. I am also very excited about starting
something new and becoming passionate and re-inspired with new
I can certainly understand being burned out. As far as I know, no one is complaining about Charisma Arts as a workshop company. It seems their students are by and large satisfied. But I’m getting it from a lot of sources that Juggler is hard to work with.
Dan’s Response About Charisma Arts
July 24, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
Yesterday I wrote a post about some of the internal strife that appears to be occurring over at the Charisma Arts company. So I wrote Dan personally and asked him what the low-down was. Here’s his response:
Dan replies:
Charisma Arts is still teaching high quality workshops and giving their
clients 100%. They are still in my opinion the best school to learn a
genuine natural approach to picking up women out there.I was not exactly fired. You can read the longer explanation at my blog at
My only criticism of CA is just on their internal business and politics
side. It in no way affects their clients. I still recommend people take
their courses.For me it was a good parting. I was a bit burnt out teaching the same
workshop every weekend for two years and have for quite some time wanted
to expand what I taught to women and business. Now I am getting that opportunity by starting a new company that is more mainstream.Having good social skills not only helps make you good with women but
also in all other aspects of your life. I want to teach the complete
picture not just one part.I wish Wayne and CA the best. I am also very excited about starting
something new and becoming passionate and re-inspired with new
I can certainly understand being burned out. As far as I know, no one is complaining about Charisma Arts as a workshop company. It seems their students are by and large satisfied. But I’m getting it from a lot of sources that Juggler is hard to work with.
More On A Possible Sargathon Scam?
July 23, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
I hate to post this on the off chance that I am preventing a cause to raise money for a cancer patient, but I have been getting a ton of email regarding the recent sargathon event up in Canada, and none of it is good. Here’s the most recent one:
Hey man,
I posted one of the original comments about the
"sargeathon" being dodgy. I don’t claim to know for sure if it is, but
I’ve heard nothing but bad things about Snow, and I really suspect he’s
ripping off Sean Messenger and the other guys who are volunteering their
time.Anyway, I have some very solid proof that Miso was working with
Dimitri The Lover, the famously creepy pickup guru in Toronto. It shows the
kinds of shady characters that this Miso guy associates with.Also, I’m not totally certain that Snow’s mother *isn’t* dying of
cancer. All I know is that if SOMEONE were to lie about this, it would
be snow.And even if she did have cancer, healthcare is free
in Canada! You can still get screwed because you can’t work, and drugs
can be expensive, but she’s not likely to DIE from a lack of money.
Now, the reason I’m posting this email is because I consider the guy who sent it to me a very reliable guy. I have gotten NUMEROUS emails, all bashing this guy SNOW from various lair leaders and lair members up in Canada.
And the funny thing is each and every one of them seems SCARED this Snow guy would physically harm them in some way! Like he’d punch them out of attack them if they said anything bad about the guy.
Fact is, I don’t know what to think about this situation. If the guy’s mom really has cancer, I want to help out. But I don’t know who to believe at this point.
Charisma Arts Strife
July 23, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
Its been brought to my attention by more than one source lately that Juggler’s company Charisma Arts might (and I repeat, MIGHT) be up to some shenanegans. Its hard to say since I have almost no contact with that company what’s going on over there, but enough people are emailing me to make me think all is not right with the CA crew.
Now it seems they’ve unceremoniously dumped one of their top instructors:
Dan writes:
It has been an interesting journey with CA. I think they offer an
amazing path for men to learn to be more social and better with women.
I still highly recommend them. Unfortunately I see some failings in
their leadership structure and business practices. None of this affects
their past present or future clients. I still recommend people take
their workshops. (IMHO Greg, their LA instructor is the best active
instructor they have)I have always wanted to expand what i learned beyond “pick-up” and
teach more. In the last six months it really looked like CA was
expanding in that direction. They had even changed their tagline to
“Teaching People Stuff to People”. However waiting for it made me a bit
apathetic and honestly i was getting burnt out. You can obviously see
from my lack of posting that i was not passionate about creating new
content. This was eventually what made CA justifiably think about
focusing on other instructors. Younger less-experienced instructors are
hungry for work. They are passionate about writing and bringing in
clients. So in essence my fresh apprentice became my replacement.The hardest thing I found about the end of my working with Charisma
Arts was the way in which it came about. While the company is fantastic
with working with their clients in their workshops, communication
beyond talking to girls in bars apparently does not apply to their
internal communication. I was taken off the schedule for two months and
all of my workshops were changed to my apprentice who was the newest
instructor on the team. I was not told of this change and I only found
out about this because a client emailed me asking when my next workshop
was because they wanted to work with me. I checked the schedule and to
my surprise two months of workshops that i was scheduled for were no
longer being taught by me. My full time employment for two years had
come to a close without so much as a whisper.
This is the third or fourth major employee Juggler has burned through and parted on less-than-stellar-terms with. Gotta make you wonder, right?
Is Sargathon A Scam?
July 22, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
Yesterday I posted about an event in Canada to raise money to help a guy’s dying mother. But I’ve been getting emails from a lot of people that this might not really be as "on the level" as it seems. Here’s an email I got from someone today who wishes to remain anonymous, but seems to be a highly credibly source (I took out his credentials because he didn’t want to be identified):
Hi Thundercat,
I have been subscribed to your RSS feed and/or newsletter for as long as I can remember. Snow is a crook. This is a scam. The last time my stomach flipped like it did this morning when I read "Snow’s mom is dying of cancer" was when some idiot told me to go watch "two girls and a cup".
Snow is a complete and total con artist. He was indeed ejected from the lair and caused the great divide when he reneged on paying his referral fees after convincing the Lair to force new students to attend to stupid workshop. I attended it in fact on a whim and left at the first break never to return. He had literally photocopied competitors materials and was charging for presenting the information. If you think Tyler is bad you are in for a very big shock when it comes to light that "my mom died and I spent the money on unforeseen expenses for the event (and going to bars every night)".
So is Sargathon a scam? Is this Snow guy really using his dying mother as an excuse to bilk some people of money? I certainly hope not! That’s low. Does anyone have any proof that this event is legit and the money will actually go to this guy’s mother?
Real Social Dynamics SNAFU
July 16, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
Okay, so there’s been a video making the rounds on the internet showing RSD instructors getting tooled in the club. RSD has tried their best to get this video taken down, but thanks to the efforts of some rank-and-file community members, the video has gone on. Here it is:
Now, this is a pretty embarrassing video, for sure. But you know what? Anyone who’s been in the field and tried new things before knows that sometimes, shit you try just doesn’t work out. I don’t think that’s deserving of ridicule.
"What? Thundercat – you’re SERIOUSLY defending RSD? Seriously???"
Ha ha – no. Let me finish.
What I’m saying regarding this video is that I don’t think its as bad as everyone is saying it is. There have been some parodies of this video and RSD’s new "Natural Game" style, as seen in the video below:
(Please note that RSD, in an effort to do "damage control" is saying the above parody video was released by them. This is not true. It was done by some guys who think RSD is lame. That’s a fact.)
What disturbs me about the RSD video isn’t that this guy miscalibrated the situation and things didn’t work out. That’s fine. It happens. You live and learn. But RSD is actively TEACHING this shit to students.
I’ve had numerous reports from people around Los Angeles telling me of instances where RSD students, using this type of super-aggressive "natural" game, are getting KICKED OUT of clubs for accosting women.
Women are complaining to bouncers about aggressive tactics like the one seen in the first video, and getting them ejected from clubs.
Now, I don’t know what kind of shit RSD is teaching their students. But how can you teach someone "natural" game without teaching them how to calibrate the responses they’re getting, or even how to create trust and comfort with the girl???
If you look at the first video, the mistake this dude made was rushing up to a girl with no regard for making her feel comfortable, or creating any type of connection with her. He just FORCED himself on her, and that’s the type of reaction women will give you if you try and do shit like that!!!
Real naturals, the guys who are really good with chicks, don’t rush in like a linebacker looking to tackle the girl. They try to ENGAGE the woman. They introduce themselves. They talk to her. They get her comfortable. They escalate.
Anyone who knows ANYTHING about natural games KNOWS THIS.
Yet, RSD is teaching their students cheap gimmicks they pass off as "natural game" and its not only not getting them results, but it’s also getting them KICKED OUT OF CLUBS.
It would be one thing if the video above was just an instructor trying something new and it not working out. That’s fine. Not every interaction can be a success.
But when you go out TEACHING that failed methodology… well… that’s something else entirely.
Buyer beware.
Matador Gets Tooled
July 16, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Drama & Rumors
Okay, so there’s a video on YouTube which shows Matador getting tooled in an AMOG battle with Lovedrop.
You can check out the video for yourself here.
The interesting thing about this video isn’t the fact that Matador gets tooled. Hell, everyone gets tooled from time to time. But it’s the WAY he gets tooled that’s so interesting.
Check it out…
1. First off, Matador is smoking a huge freakin’ joint in the video. Some people may try and say that’s a cigarette, but who smokes a cigarette like that? Honestly? Plus its obvious by his mannerisms that he’s stoned. AMOG battles are best done sober in my opinion.
2. Are we still teaching AMOG tactics? Seriously.
3. Matador’s response that he’s still able to keep his integrity despite Lovedrop’s assault is BS. If this were really a club situation, he’d have lost all value.
4. Lovedrop calls Matador a "Gay Indian Cowboy" and accuses him of being a drunk and a cocaine addict. Matador got pissed at me for joking about how he was an alcoholic, but in this video he’s too stoned to get upset with Lovedrop. Not even a "Hippie douchebag shoolteacher called. He wants his faggoty pony tail back," in response? C’mon, dude…
Seriously, who thought it would be a good idea to release this video to the public? Time to lay off the mind-altering substances, guys. $10 says you won’t see shit like this in season 2 of the Pick Up Artist.