The Avengers: Earth’s Most Awesome Movie!

October 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories, Video

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Okay, so I’m a comic book geek.  I’m not ashamed to admit it.  I’ve been looking forward to an Avengers movie for some time now, and this new trailer just shows how AWESOME its going to be.

Keep a box of tissues handy…

Science Proves Women Can’t Park!

September 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

This is just common sense.  I mean, everyone knows how horrible women are at parking (especially the parallel kind).  But those highly efficient Germans over in Germany just couldn’t leave well-enough alone and had to prove to the world just how hopeless women are when it comes to parking, using the power of SCIENCE.

Who says women can't park?

It’s long been the source of domestic strife. Are women really worse at parking than men?

Sorry ladies, official figures have revealed the truth: we are not very good at parking a car.

Almost a third of all women who failed their driving test last year came unstuck due to parallel parking.
Careful dear: Studies show that women are not as competent as men when it comes to parking

Careful dear: Studies show that women are not as competent as men when it comes to parking

Of the 170,000 women who failed their driving test in 2010 for mistakes in reversing or failing to use their mirrors, 55,000 failed on parking.

And if those figures – released by the Driving Standards Agency – are not enough to ensure a rare victory for men in the battle of the sexes, then they have the support of science as well.

Researchers at the Ruhr University Bochum in Germany asked 65 volunteers to park a £23,000 Audi – and found that women took up to 20 seconds longer than men.

Some women blame the problem on the fact their breasts make it more difficult to turn around while parking.
Parking and women

However, when they do eventually pass – one woman finally got through last year at the 21st attempt over 22 years – they will at least have the consolation of cheaper car insurance.

The figures back up another stereotype: the boy racer.

When young men get behind the wheel the testosterone goes into overdrive.

It helps to explain why almost 40,000 men were failed last year for moving off too fast, while another 30,500 fell foul of their examiner for jumping the lights.

The agency has listed the top five faults by gender for those who failed.

The most frequent – forgetting to check right, left and then right again at junctions – was common to both sexes.

About 1.5million  people take a driving test each year.

‘So far this year the pass rate is 50.7 per cent for men and 44.1 per cent for women,’ said an agency spokesman.

Female drivers need an average 52 hours of tuition to pass but men speed through in just 36 hours of lessons.

So the next time your girl bitches about you not asking for directions… bitch at her back about you being able to park a damn car.

Link Bomb: 9-23-11

September 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

Here are some interesting, seduction-related stories from around the web.

You’ve just been BOMBED.

Arizona Church Busted For Being A Brothel

September 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

If my church were like this, I think I’d be a lot more religious…

During a Wednesday search of the Phoenix temple and two church-related sites in nearby Sedona, police seized evidence showing that “male and female ‘practitioners’ working a t the Temple were performing sexual acts in exchange for monetary ‘donations,’ all on the pretense of providing ‘neo tantric’ healing therapies,” Phoenix police said.

The alleged brothel generated tens of thousands of dollars a month, Martos told CNN.

A history of neighbor complaints, a recent Phoenix newspaper article, and the temple’s website were among the factors prompting authorities to conduct the undercover investigation, Martos said.

“What’s unusual is that they were trying to hide behind religion or church, and under the guise of religious freedom, they were committing acts of prostitution,” Martos said.

“We certainly respect First Amendment rights. However, religious freedom does not allow for criminal acts,” Martos said.

Regarding the Goddess Temple’s website, he said: “What they would talk about would seem to be religion. At the same time, they were implying or intimating that they were giving sex therapy.”

The website says at one point: “Sex is a holy, sacred and divine healing force at the core (of) our beings. Once we embrace this force instead of deny it, we become successful, happy and powerful manifestors.”

The website also features unclothed women, listed as residing in several states, under a “Goddesses” section.

The investigation focused on the alleged crimes, said acting Phoenix Police Chief Joe Yahner.

Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery added in a statement: “Freedom of religion does not allow individuals to trade sex for money, no matter how the transaction is portrayed.”

The alleged madam, Tracy Elise, who is in her 50s, was arrested and charged with prostitution, illegal control of an enterprise, pandering, and operating a house of prostitution, police said.

Let me get this straight… lots of sex, none of the guilt, and tons of tax breaks?  Move this church to Nevada and sign me up!  LoL

Make Love Not War: Women End War By Withholding Sex

September 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories, Video

This is a pretty interesting story about how women in the Philippines were able to end a war by withholding sex from men until they agreed to stop fighting.

Here in America, we call this tactic of withholding sex “marriage.”

Link Bomb: 9-16-11

September 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

Got some time to waste?  Wanna read some interesting, PUA-related articles?  Here are some fun and cool links collated from around the web that any discerning man may want to check out…

BOMB 1:  Women who love porn

BOMB 2:  Boobies are a threat to society

BOMB 3:  Lies COSMO Tell Women

BOMB 4:  Fashion tips for women from a guy who knows dick about fashion

BOMB 5:  If men wrote women’s magazines…

BOMB 6:  Why women should embrace porn

BOMB 7:  Everything I know about women, I learned from a two-year old

BOMB 8: 10 things women do that men love

BOMB 9:  5 lies all women tell

BOMB 10:  The lies women will tell to save their relationship

You’ve just been BOMBED!!!!

Women Are Dogs: What Chicks Look At When They Check Guys Out

September 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

So guys get criticized all the time for checkout out girls.  But what about when the tables are turned and girls check US out?  Well, some enterprising YouTubers decided to get some scientific proof on what girls look at when they’re checking out a guy… by placing tiny video cameras on his naughty bits to capture their leering glances.

It’s actually pretty interesting.  Check it out…

Fear Not! Porn WILL Survive The Apocalypse!

September 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

You know, there are a lot of theories on how the world will end out there.  Some fear global economic meltdown.  Some think solar flares or global warming will do us in.  Some believe a meteor will crash into the Earth or Jesus will show back up and whisk his faithful away.  But its nice to know that whatever happens to destroy life as we know it, there are some uber-prepared entrepreneurs out there who will make sure that anyone with access to the internet can still get to watch porn when the shit hits the fan.

Check this out

Will I still have to pay $39.95 a month after all life is wiped away?

LOS ANGELES (CBS) — A San Fernando Valley adult entertainment studio began construction this month on what it calls a “post-apocalyptic” underground bunker in anticipation of a global catastrophe rumored to take place in late 2012.

A spokesman for Van Nuys-based Pink Visual said the bunker will be “far more than a mere bomb shelter or subterranean survivalist enclave” with amenities such as multiple fully-stocked bars, an enormous performing stage and a sophisticated content production studio.

“Our goal is nothing less than to survive the apocalypse to come in comfort and luxury,” said Pink Visual spokesman Quentin Boyer, “whether that catastrophe takes the form of fireballs flung earthward by an all-seeing deity, extended torrential rainfall, Biblical rapture, an earthquake-driven mega-tsunami, radioactive flesh-eating zombies, or some combination of the above.”

The studio’s website will also be maintained and updated throughout any potential disaster “even if those websites are only available on the bunker’s self-contained local network by that time,” Boyer added.

He declined to give the exact location of the bunker over “security concerns”.

The studio is currently working out details on the selection criteria for all non-Pink Visual personnel who they will allow to take refuge in the bunker, but Boyer said it will “likely include both merit-based and random selections, with Pink Visual performers, active site members and Twitter followers getting priority over the general public.”

Although no set number was provided, LA Weekly reported anywhere from 1,200 to 1,500 people will be allowed into the bunker by its planned completion date of September 2012.

So if you want to ride out the apocalypse in decadence and luxury, follow Pink Visual on Twitter for more details.

Well, if ya gotta go, go with a (gang) bang!

It Was Bound To Happen – First 3D Porn Has Been Shot!

August 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

Porn has always been on the cutting edge of technology, but this is pushing things a bit too far.  (Ha ha… “pushing.”)

Via Yahoo News:

HONG KONG (AFP) – A group of Hong Kong filmmakers have started shooting what they claim will be the world’s first 3D pornographic film, a report said Sunday.

The 3.2 million-US-dollar ’3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy’, set for release in May, has already generated interest in a host of Asian film markets, as well as Europe and the US, the Sunday Morning Post reported.

Loosely based on a piece of classical Chinese erotic literature, The Carnal Prayer Mat, the movie will star Japanese adult actresses Yukiko Suo and Saori Hara, the Post said.

The film chronicles the story of a young man who, after being introduced to the erotic world of a duke, realises his ex-wife is the love of his life and features “orgies, swinging and some very graphic sex scenes”, the paper said.

Producer Stephen Shiu acknowledged that censors would likely block the movie’s screening in mainland China, a key market for Hong Kong filmmakers.

“(But) we are almost closing deals with some markets including Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and some pay TV channels in Hong Kong,” Shiu told the paper.

Italian director Tinto Brass has announced he would produce a 3D remake of his 1979 erotic film Caligula, while Hustler plans to release a pornographic spoof of 3D science fiction film Avatar, the top-grossing movie of all time which has earned some 2.7 billion US dollars worldwide since its release.

I can’t help but wonder if this will be the crappy kind of 3D, a-la Clash Of The Titans, where you’re basically just watching a regular movie while wearing ridiculous glasses.  :-/

But, anything that takes us one step closer to “holodeck” levels of interactivity, I’m all for in the long run.  lol.

Montana Fishburn – Laurence Fishburn’s Daughter – Does Porn, Has Daddy Issues…

August 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

It seems the latest celebrity scandal to hit the net is the daughter of famous actor Laurence Fishburn has been doing adult films for Vivid Entertainment, and she’s adamant about people seeing them.  Here’s an interview she gave about her views on the “industry.”

Via TMZ:

TMZ has learned Montana Fishburne is starring in a porno flick for Vivid Entertainment — explaining, “I’ve watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape.”

Unlike the celeb she admires — Montana, who also goes by the name “Chippy D,” is not arguing that her tape was stolen or obtained illegally.

We’re told the flick is set to be released in August.

Montana also talked to about her new gig, saying “The first time is really nerve racking … but, I have a lot of at-home experience.”

“I have a lot of at-home experience” = “If you thought Neo could do some crazy moves, wait until I get you between the sheets.”

I actually think its sad that this girl, and so many others, think a sex-tape is the way to stardom.  I mean, c’mon.  Shame on Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian for this trend!  This girl’s dad is big enough where if she wanted an acting career she could have one.  And if you are going to use sex to become famous, just sleep with the right people.  No, I have a feeling this is one of those “revenge” things girls do because daddy didn’t pay enough attention to her as a child.

UPDATE: Just found a link where you can actually watch Montana’s full sex-tape if you wanna check out the goodies.  WARNING!  Not Safe For Work!  You see EVERYTHING!  So be sure to wait until you’re alone with a box of kleenex.