If Sex Scenes Were Realistic
October 11, 2011 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video
This is pretty funny. I’m sure we’ve all had at least one of these things happen to us at some point.
The Best Breakup Ever
September 19, 2011 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video
The title pretty much says it all.
Things Not To Do With Your Penis
September 12, 2011 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor
I know there’s a saying that guys will “stick it in anything,” but Jesus… find yourself a girl already!!!
The Most Interesting Man In The World – On Wingmen…
September 1, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video
Simple. To the point. No wonder this guy is the most interesting man in the world…
Stay classy…
Asian PUA Bootcamp Behind-The-Scenes Video: Dealing With AMOGs
August 27, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video
Let’s face it – we all love Asian PUAs. They almost have their own “culture” within the seduction community. But now, we’ve got special “behind the scenes” video from Asian Pick-Up Bootcamps from around the world being leaked onto the internet. In this first video, we see how Asian PUAs deal with AMOGs. It’s quite an eye opening experience, for sure!
Ross Jeffries Loses His Mind… Have Video Proof
August 26, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor
Hat tip to Thanh Bonsai over on the Love Systems Instructor’s blogs for posting video proof that Ross Jeffries has lost his mind.
Now, obviously this is not Ross Jeffries. You can tell that by the fact that he is smiling almost the entire time. If the real Ross Jeffries ever smiled this much his face would melt off Raiders Of The Lost Arc style. Plus, he looks like he’s having fun. RJ hates fun. Also, this video is bringing joy to thousands of people. Ross would never do anything remotely like that.
Pick Up Tips From Girls – Kezia Nobel
August 15, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video
Check out Kezia Nobel’s latest bit of pick-up advice. Is it any wonder why she’s the WORLD’S leading female pick-up instructor?
Eva Mendes Sex Tape
August 12, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video
A new sex tape from Eva Mendes has hit the net!
PUA Deathmatch: Ross Jeffries vs. David DeAngelo
August 6, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Featured, PUA Deathmatch, Quotes & Humor, Video
Welcome to a new feature on the Lair – PUA DEATHMATCH! For years, people have speculated who would prevail should two PUAs go head-to-head in the field, but until now, none have occured!
Many challenges have been offered, yet we haven’t seen any PUA’s willing to make it happen… until NOW!
Meeting for the first time in mortal combat in the Thundercat Seduction Arena in Orlando, Florida – scheduled for one fall, the two “Godfathers” of the seduction community meet in the first ever PUA DEATHMATCH!
Everyone loves to hate him, and now the originator of Speed Seduction -Ross Jeffries – gets a chance to take on his once-and-former student David DeAngelo! Its no secret there is a lot of bad blood between these two titans of the seduction industry, and now they get a chance to take out their frustrations on each other! Will RJ stop at nothing to defeat David DeAngelo? Will David D.’s meticulous nature wear down the dastardly hypnotist?
Who will win? Who will survive? Watch and see in this TSL exclusive: PUA DEATHMATCH, ROSS JEFFRIES VS. DAVID DEANGELO!!!!!
And if you have any suggestions for future Deathmatches, leave them in the comments below!
VIDEO: How To Meet 100 Women In One Night…
August 15, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Video
Hey guys,
Okay, so by now you’ve seen my inspiration video and my evil video (and hopefully many others)…
Now I’m going to show you what I like to call my TECHNIQUE video!
This is my opportunity to actually GIVE YOU one of my favorite (and most effective) techniques from my Pure Personality course.
This is something I like to call the “Butterfly Effect.”
Its a deadly SIMPLE method you can use in any bar, club, party, or social situation to meet literally HUNDREDS of women in a very short period of time.
Its extremely effective, and I show you how to do it all in this video:
Click Here For The Butterfly Effect Technique
Take some time to watch the video all the way through, then go out and try it yourself!
Let me know how it goes…
Study Completed On How Women Can Please Their Man
August 12, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Quotes & Humor
This is priceless…
If only it were true.
Video: Thundercat Vs. 2 Hot Guys
August 8, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Video
Hey guys,
This week I have a very interesting video to share with you, but before I do, I want to give you a bit of background…
I got my friend Erica to invite a number of girls to come by my place one hot summer’s day. None of them knew why they were going to be there, they were just doing it as a favor for my friend.
So I had NEVER met these girls before. They didn’t know me. I didn’t know them.
I had two guys I knew show up as well. Their names are Theo and Zack. Here’s a little bit about them:
Theo is a personal trainer here in Hollywood. He’s extremely muscular and fit, and every girl who sees him is instantly turned on by his looks.
When you compare Theo’s chizzled body to my rotund Kung-Fu Panda-esque body, there’s simply no doubt about it – I’m the loser!
Zack is a big party guy. He goes out to the clubs 5-6 nights a week (no kidding!). By his own admission, he finds hooking up with girls “easy.”
Zack is a very good looking guy, with a head of hair I’d kill for. Me, I’m not the club going type anymore. So when it comes to social pick-up skills, Zack should have me beat.
The Shoot
The way things worked is that Erica would bring the girls out one at a time, and they each met with Theo, Zack, and myself.
After each meeting, my friend Ryan would interview the girls about their experience while my friend Steve video taped the interview.
I want to re-itterate: NONE of the girls really knew what was going on!
And trust me – this was NOT a professional production! It was just my friends with a video camera. No make up artists, special effects, or any of that stuff. I’m sure you’ll be able to tell from the quality of the video, this was really HOME MADE!
My friend Ryan, who interviewed each of the girls, was absolutely SHOCKED by their responses.
In each instance, I came of just as attractive, and in most cases – even MORE attractive – than the good looking guys!
You can see the whole video for yourself here:
Thundercat Vs. 2 Better Looking Guys
You’ll actually get to see the girl’s honest reactions to me and the other guys for yourself,
Let me know what you guys think in this thread.
P.S. Some of you haters might be inclined to think that this video was somehow “staged.” I can assure you, that is not the case.
None of the girls were coached on what to say. All their reactions stem from the conversations they had with me and the two other guys.
You can tell, just by watching the way they answer the questions, they’re NOT reading from a script.
It was very important to me that we capture the REAL REACTIONS of these women, so I can prove to all of you how effective personality is when it comes to generating attraction.
At the end of the day, I know there are some guys out there bitter and shallow-minded enough to still think I “faked” this shoot. But that’s okay. Those are the guys who’ll never succeed with girls.
I’ll leave it to you to decide if what you see is real or not.
Go check out the video here:
Carlos Xuma Cures Approach Anxiety?
August 8, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News, Video
Hey guys,
Carlos Xuma has a new video up that helps share some techniques he uses to overcome approach anxiety.
Its pretty good (even if he is looking offscreen most of the time). If you wanna see the video for yourself, you can do so by clicking here.
Date People Using Your iPod
June 19, 2007 by Thundercat
Filed under Rants & Reviews
Okay, so online dating isn’t a big thing, but dating using your iPod just might be. There’s a new site out there called PodDater. It looks like a free dating site that’s trying to bridge the gap between "podcasts" and "Match.com." In theory its an interesting idea, but it doesn’t look like its quite caught on yet.
Basically, you go there, open up a profile, and then upload a video to your profile of you saying anything you want. Then, other people download that video onto their iPod and they can watch it (if they have a video iPod) or listen to it (if they have a crappy iPod that doesn’t support video). And then when they get back to a computer they can go and contact that person.
Now, it looks like the site is still in development, so it’s not quite where it should be yet. The idea of having a dating site where you can regularly upload audio or video podcasts to about yourself, what you’re doing, and what your dates were like sounds like a great idea – but it just doesn’t seem to be there quite yet.
You can check out PodDater for yourself here. Be sure to come back and let me know what you think of it.