Vin DiCarlo: How To Get Your Girl To Try New Things In Bed…

August 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Guest Authors, Vin DiCarlo

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Sex is a private, personal thing. Every man and woman has their own styles… their own preferences… acts, positions and things they like – and don’t like.

Now, if you’re with a partner who has the same tastes as you – you’re in for a great time together! You can feel free to express yourself sexually, without her feeling offended, or judging you in any way. However, most people don’t see eye to eye on sex. Even if you see eye to eye on everything else.

The good news is: Almost every woman in the world is open to trying new things, in bed. It just takes one word: TRUST!

(And a little finesse when you bring it up ;-)

In this article, I’m going to try to show you exactly how you can earn a woman’s TRUST with her sexuality. Plus, we’ll talk about how to bring up new, more interesting and even “kinkier” sex acts – if that’s your thing.

You’ll discover:

  • WHAT TO SAY so your sex life gets hotter and hotter… Instead of you getting slapped in the face! Try this “trick”… (Works like a charm, every time!)
  • HOW TO TELL if she’s “down” for new or more exciting sex acts! This is the single, easiest way to get her to “open up” – sexually! (Try this, tonight!)
  • TRY THIS, IN YOUR LIFE – Here’s a couple of “tried and true” favorite sex acts women love… That get you serious “bargaining power” in the bedroom! (You’ll love these…)

… Plus, we’ll try to go a bit deeper into how to build trust with your partner, so sex is fun instead of “work.” In fact, let’s talk about that, right now:

TRUST is the main thing a woman needs to feel in order to try something new, with you. Think about it, she’s smaller, she’s weaker physically and if you really wanted to – you could do anything with her you wanted.

So she needs to feel safe. That you’ll know when “enough is enough.” And that you’re not just in this for your own pleasure. That you really care about her having a great time.

Sexual trust is even more important than general trust to your relationship because it effects all areas of your life, on a very deep level. What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom – sure. But if you both are frustrated with your sex life, it won’t be long until you’re frustrated with each other outside the bedroom, as well.

What’s more – If she can’t trust you in the bedroom, and she meets a guy who she can trust, you’ll be gone in a quick second.

How do you build sexual trust? It’s actually EXTREMELY easy: Care about her pleasure, in bed. This doesn’t mean go down on her, every 5 seconds. It just means care for her. Make sure you check in and see if she likes what’s going on. Watch her face and her body. Watch her reactions. And don’t push her limits TOO much.

Do this with “lighter” things like spanking and dirty talk, and she’ll trust you once your sex gets a little kinkier. In fact, women have a kinky side, as well. And some of their favorite sex acts have to do with being extremely feminine – helpless, submissive and giving you all the power.

This is where trust is EXTREMELY important! So make sure you talk things over with your partner, before crazy stuff starts to happen. You don’t have to have a huge, hour long conversation before sex… but… A quick “hey, wanna try this?” before you actually lock her up in hand-cuffs will go a LONG way.

Some of a woman’s favorite sex “acts” that go above and beyond “normal” sex are being tied up, lots and lots of dirty talk, and any “rough” sex that puts her in the submissive position. (NOTE: Be careful, and pay completely attention to your partner. In fact, don’t try ANY kind of “rough” sex without first  talking to your partner… and… learning some “do”s and “don’t”s about rough sex from someone much more qualified to teach it, than me…)

And here’s a secret you may not know – If it’s one of your “favorite” things to do in bed, she’s going to like it. Guaranteed. For two reasons:

The first reason is, women are just as naughty and dirty as men. She loves the feelings in sex just as much as you do. And anything that gets you off because you’re either in control or not in control gets her off for the exact opposite reason.

Sex is a give and take. And as long as you’re one, she’ll be more than happy to play the other.

The second reason is your woman will want to make you happy. And sex is part of that desire. So let her fulfill your sexual fantasies, and then take some time to fulfill hers.

Like I said before. Give and take. This works between sessions, as well.

If you approach sex as a big “recess” – all fun and games – then your woman will ALWAYS want to try something new with you. If you like it, you can add it to your regular sex. And if not, oh well, you both found a “game” you don’t like to play much.

Should You Be Jealous of Her Male Friends?

August 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Guest Authors, Vin DiCarlo

One of the toughest human emotions is jealousy.

It’s easy to become jealous around a woman you like. It just makes sense. If you like her, why wouldn’t you get suspicious when she hangs around with “guy friends” just a little too much?

Or maybe she has ex-boyfriends she stills hangs around, or talks to…

Both these situations will obviously make you jealous – but you have to control this jealousy.

Because if you don’t, it’s going to eat you up – from the inside.

So, how do you know if one of her male friends is WORTH getting jealous over? How can you tell the real deal from a false alarm?

In this article, you’re gonna learn the difference between guys who are trying to “move in” on your woman, and her “guy friends” who aren’t a sexual threat – at all. You’ll discover:

  • HOW TO TELL if a guy is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” or just a fluffy, warm-spirited guy she would never dream of cheating with! (It’s all about how she treats him…)
  • WHAT TO DO IF SHE’S CHEATING! Including how you can “get back” at the guy she’s cheating with! (Revenge never tasted so sweet….)
  • WAYS YOU CAN STEAL HER from her current boyfriend – even if he’s better looking or richer than you! (HINT: Confidence is key! Technique, too, so do this…)

… And hopefully, by the end of this article, you’ll feel much safer and more secure with your girl’s relationships with her “guy friends.”

Because most “guy friend” relationships are nothing to worry about. Most guys who become friends with a girl are either a) never gonna “hit it” because they’re not sexual enough… or… b) genuinely like having the girl as a friend.

(Surprise, surprise! Sometimes it’s just that simple…)

Of course – there are gonna be guys who become her friend to try to get into her pants. But who cares? Because 99% of the time, she’s going to shoot them down over and over. Women respond to direct, confident approaches. Not weak, “round the back” ways of trying to get into her pants.

So if your girl has guy friends – they’re probably nothing serious. And most of the time, you can guarantee this by becoming friends with THEM!

Think about it, how many times would you cheat with your buddy’s girl? When you KNOW the guy, you’re much less likely to move in on his territory. Plus – You gain a few more friends in the process.

Win / win for everyone involved!

Now, I’d be lying to you if I told you to never worry about her guy friends. Because some guys are great at going “from friends to more” – and that’s actually the main way they hook up with women!

These guys are usually “sleepers.” This means you wouldn’t expect them to be that good with women. Maybe he’s not great looking, or he doesn’t have a job… Just make sure you meet this guy, face to face.

Then, you can be a judge of character.

If he’s extremely charismatic, you may want to watch out. The NUMBER ONE THING you’re looking for, however, is whether or not he touches her. Guys who are great with women are avid touchers. It looks like friendly touching, but he’s slowly building the sexual tension. And if he’s alone with your girl for too long…

… Well… I’ll let you fill in the blanks.

In fact, if you want to snag a girl from a guy in her life – touching is the best weapon in your arsenal, as well. When used properly, touching makes her feel safe around you. It also gets her used to being physical with you. Put those two things together, and you’ve started turning her on.

Then, all you need to do is wait until her and her boyfriend fight…

… Then you move in for the kill.

It’s as easy as that.

Now, hopefully you can tell whether to worry about her guy “friends” – or not.

Just remember, 9 times out of 10, the jealousy will eat you up inside for no good reason. So just meet these guys, and look to see if they touch her. If they do, you may want to treat her extra special, or try some other ideas for making him look bad.

(Because trying to keep him away from her ALWAYS fails…)

Vin DiCarlo: How To Read Any Woman’s Mind

February 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Vin DiCarlo

Do you like chocolate ice cream, or vanilla? Maybe you like a different flavor… Maybe strawberry or butterscotch… What does this have to do with meeting women? EVERYTHING!

You see, all women are different, because no two people are the same. Yes, we have the same instincts and the same sexual desires but our personal preferences are as different as grains of sand in the desert. (That’s why the saying goes that people are as unique as snowflakes)

All women don’t like the same food, they don’t like the same clothes… They don’t even like the same COLOR. So how can all women be interested in the same thing from a man? Think about it – Some women like funny men. Some women like cocky men. Other women like gothic men, jocky men or men of a certain race, age or financial status.

So approaching women with the same techniques for starting conversation, or even the same techniques when it comes to the bedroom is a losing bet… But it’s been our best guess to date! It’s like playing the roulette wheel at the casino, and only placing your chips on either red or black.

Yeah, you’ll win 50% of the time, and maybe you’ll get her a little attracted to you… But it’s better than playing the numbers in the middle where your chances of success are slim and you’re likely to lose your shirt. It’s not the best way to play the game, however, it’s the SAFEST way. With the skills you have know, it’s the EASIEST way to win.

What if there was a BETTER way?

What if you could confidently bet all of your chips on a number in the middle? You’d win every time and you’d make a KILLING in profits. It’s the same way with women: When you know exactly what she likes; the deepest, darkest thoughts she thinks; and when you know what she secretly CRAVES from men, you can match her dating and sexual needs – perfectly.

You’ll be the guy she’s been looking for. You’ll appear like a mind reader. You’ll seem like you know her better than she knows herself. Even if you just met her a few minutes ago.

Until now, you couldn’t get this information about her unless you stole her diary and read it. But recent insights into Female Psychology have cracked her mind right open, and you can peek into her secret thoughts and read the contents. For example:

Did you know that there are two ways women like to be approached? 50% of women respond well to a compliment while the other 50% of women wouldn’t DREAM of “falling for a line like that.” If the beautiful woman you just met likes the compliment you gave her, she’ll start to connect with you and find her attractive.

If she doesn’t vibe with your line – You’re dead where you stand. You won’t get another chance to win her heart, and she’ll go back to whatever she was doing.

You can have THAT GIRL! You can save that conversation! With the new techniques I’ve discovered, you’ll know whether she’s a compliment girl – or not – before you ever approach her. (They’re called Testers and Investors… And the strategies to meet each type are potent and powerful)

I’m giving away a whole chunk of this system for free, and you can check it out at this link:

Check Out My System Here!

Don’t miss out, though… Because she’s eventually going to meet a guy who knows this system and wins her over.

Make sure YOU’RE that man who sweeps her off her feet.

Vin DiCarlo