Mehow Complicates AMOGing

February 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Analysis

So I somehow stumbled upon an article from Mehow about AMOGing and my brain almost exploded while reading it.  I don’t have any real beef with Mehow other than to say I don’t personally like the guy, but after reading this article, I’m honestly wondering how anyone else could like him either.

Mehow’s whole article is basically a long-winded explanation of how to make offensive “yo momma” jokes to your buddies and pass it off as AMOGing.  What most seduction coaches could have explained in a paragraph, Mehow goes on to convolute and over-rationalize for a good 3 pages (at least!).

Anyway, I thought the article was bad enough that it deserved some commentary.  So if you’re at all interesting in AMOGing, you may be interested in reading a bit further… Read more