Video: What Do Hot Chicks Think About Your Looks?

August 1, 2008 by  
Filed under Video

Last week, I told you about an interview I did with an extremely attractive girl.

Well, today I’m going to reveal that video to you, but before I do, I want to share with you the story behind it…

A while back I was at a club for a private charity event.  The guy throwing this event spared no expense, and shipped in some of the HOTTEST girls I’d ever seen from lord knows where.

There were lots of models, dancers, and eye candy all over the place.

This included Body Painted Girls.  These are models who are basically NAKED, but have clothes (usually lingerie) painted on their body.

So they’re naked, and yet NOT naked.  (Talk about a punch to the brain!)

Anyway, one of these body painted girls was simply GORGEOUS.  She had long blond hair, a smoking body – and EVERYONE in the club couldn’t take their eyes off her.

And when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE.  Guys AND Girls couldn’t stop staring at how hot this girl was.

Naturally, I decided to approach her – even though I knew the odds were against me. (Let’s be honest, when a girl is in that high value of a position, it’s hard to make time with her.)

As I got closer to this girl, I suddenly realized I KNEW HER.

See – I’m a fan of reality television, and one of my favorite shows is Rock Of Love on VH1.

As it turns out, this hot body paint girl was actually ON THAT SHOW!  She was one of the girls who was trying to date Brett Michaels.

So I opened her with that little factoid.  As it turns out, I was the ONLY person in the club who recognized her, and that instantly made me stand out.

We spoke on and off the whole night.  She was a very sweet girl and we actually hit it off right from the start.

Eventually, I ended up driving her home after the party, and we’ve become close friends since then.

So when I asked her to sit down and let me interview her for the benefit of my students, she was more than willing to oblige.

See, her name is Kristia, and not only is she a model and actress, she’s also a professional go-go dancer in Las Vegas.  She works at various clubs dancing on the poles. (If any of you out there have ever been to Vegas, you know the type of girl I’m talking about.)

So Kristia is a super-hot chick who gets hit on by guys CONSTANTLY.

Not only that, but all her friends are super hot chicks who get hit on constantly!  So she knows more about how attraction works than most people do.

And in my interview with her, she reveals some really amazing insights about how to attract super-hot girls.

Check out the video here:

Click Here For The "Hot Chick" Insider Video

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this video!

Also – Just so you know, I did not "pay" or "coach" Kristia in any way.  We’re quite friendly, so you can see how her and I just riff in the video.

In fact, just look at the way we interact with each other, and you’ll see how close we are.

Podcast 9: Racist & Swampass

August 1, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates this week.  I explain what’s been going on in the podcast.  This week’s topics include:

  • A new blog design
  • Mystery Lawsuit News
  • Juggler phone call
  • Sinn makes fun of RSD
  • Under 21 convention recap
  • Barry Kirkey & his friend Stephane
  • And more…

I’ve made this week’s podcast MP3, for all the people who complained about the format of the previous podcast, so everything should be cool now.

Click Here To Download Podcast 9

Check back Monday for regularly scheduled updates.

Video: Why Some Guys Fail With Women And Others Succeed…

July 25, 2008 by  
Filed under Video

Hey Guys,

This week’s video is all about what it takes to succeed in attracting the type of women you want.

When I first started my journey to improve my skills with women, I was faced with a lot of obstacles…

1.  I wasn’t a good looking guy
2.  I didn’t have lots of money
3.  I wasn’t famous
4.  I didn’t have a lot of experience
5.  I had a lot of bad habits and beliefs that were holding me back from real success with girls.

So the deck was definitely stacked against me.

And in my journey to succeed with women, I’ve often relied on my friends to help me through some issues.

See – a lot of my guy friends often dealt with the same issues I did.  However, there was a key difference in the way I dealt with my obstacles and the way they dealt with theirs.

The biggest difference was I went on to succeed and enjoy success with women, where my friends, sadly, did not.

And in today’s video, I share some real life examples as to why my friends failed, while I succeeded.

If you’ve ever wondered why you aren’t getting the type of women you want, then you need to check this video out right now:

Click Here To See The Success Video!

I’m sure you’ll be surprised by what you see.

Podcast 8: Introducing The BootyCast

July 25, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Here’s the latest Podcast for the week – I’ve been listening to all your feedback and want to introduce you to the "BootyCast" show.  With me are my new regular cohosts Adam Lyons & Amanda.  In this week’s Podcast, we cover…

  • Awesome TV shows
  • The Sargathon Debacle
  • The Drama At Charisma Arts
  • The Community Believes In You
  • The Winner Of The Dimitri The Lover Contest
  • Emails From Gurus
  • Sean Messenger’s "Save The Boobies" campaign
  • Strange Fetishes
  • Community News & Gossip
  • And More!

You can check out the Podcast for yourself by clicking here:

Click Here For The BootyCast

Please leave your feedback and/or comments in this thread.

What To Do If A Girl Has A Boyfriend

July 25, 2008 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

Ever wonder what you should do if a girl tells you she has a boyfriend?  Well, this video has the answer…

The Community Theme Song

July 25, 2008 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

I stumbled across a funny video on YouTube which is pretty much, as far as I’m concerned, the offical anthem of the seduction community – even if it does have some homosexual undertones.

Have Women STARE At You…

July 25, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

So some Japanese company (typical) understands that a lot of people in the corporate world have very bad social skills.  So their solution?

Make a DVD of women staring at you.


Don’t believe me?  Go here.  They have a video of a woman doing nothing but STARE at you.

So to make people more social, they want people to sit in their home, in front of their TV, and stare at a woman who is staring back at them.

Anyone else have a problem with this?  Or is it just me?

Girls Who Like Pick Up Artists

July 24, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

So I stumbled upon a blog called "Hot Alpha Female," kept up by a girl in Australia who seems to have her eyes set on writing a relationship book for girls about, what else – how to be a hot alpha female.

Anyway, she had a post called "Why I Love Pick Up Artists" which I found interesting.

Here’s a snippit…

Read more

Snow Responds To Sargathon Rumors

July 24, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

So the big controversy this week has been over the legitimacy of the Sargathon event up in Canada to raise money to help this guy Snow’s mother, who is suffering from liver cancer.  Personally, I was shocked at the number of emails I got from people saying this Sargathon fundraiser was a scam.  I guess its the idealist in me, but I like to think that guys out there wouldn’t exploit their own mothers to make a quick buck.

Anyway, Snow was understandibly upset over the controversy, so I felt it was only fair to give him a chance to reply to the rumors that this event is a get-rich-quick sham.

Here’s what Snow wrote…

Snow writes:
These Negative Statements about Sargeathon is Unbelievable Filth !

This is regarding this hateful Sargeathon posts on your blog. I will fax you (or anyone else) copies of the CT scan reports from the hospitals regarding her tumors (80% of the liver is now cancerous cells).

We have been in and out of hospitals for over three months (and I have been there with her each and everyday) and I now have her living with me so I can take care of her myself after the doctors gave up on her.

Once doctors say there is nothing more that they can do you are on your own and nothing is covered by Canadian Healthcare in the Alterative Medicine field.

She’s doing quite well however with some alterative treatments and she and I are very hopeful she’ll make a full recovery in time !

My hands are shaking as I type this as I am so angry that anyone would dare suggest something like this !

I have taken alot of shit from certain people in Toronto who are trying slander me in order to further themselves commercially or because of some other agenda and I haven’t said a word publicly in my own defense as most of the people here in Toronto "that count" know the real story (and don’t believe the lies that have been spread about me) but this is not just attacking me anymore.

This is attacking the wellbeing of my mother for #%$sake !

Yes ! We are raising funds for my mother’s expenses !

Yes ! She has late stage metastases liver cancer !

Yes ! All the money is spent on her (including all my money)

No ! She is not going to die from this (MY WORDS) even though the doctors have said to get her affairs in order because they believe that she has weeks to live… I don’t believe that and that’s definitely not my opinion or belief !

And I will take her anywhere in the world if I have to to make sure that doesn’t happen !

It’s quite amazing how low some people will sink to further their agendas or try to get at me… this is now way beyond obsessive behavior as I have takened these nonstop attacks now for almost two years ! Yet I am still here and still helping people ! I wonder if that’s why all of you "Haters" are so pissed…

Is it because intelligent people in this city see through all your bullshit that you’ve thrown at me yet still believe in me and are still coming out to support me as I have supported and helped them over all these years. Despite the bullshit you say and have said about me people continue to ignore your childlike rantings and still seek me out, hang out with me and remain my friends to this day ! It is said that "Success leaves Clues"

Is that what’s pissing you off so ?

The outpouring of support and love that I have gotten from the good people here in Toronto and aboard far outweighs the bitter shit you few have spewed out on this blog and elsewhere !

So stay within your anger filled hateful worlds and fill your hearts with more of your darkest bitter shit ! The damage that you do to yourselves far outweighs the damage that you do to me here !

My mother and I will survive !

It’s too bad all you’ll ever know is just pure hate in its ugliest form !


I can’t blame the guy for being angry.  Frankly, when my father was sick, there were a lot of douches on this site that said some pretty mean things, so I know where Snow is coming from on this.

He obviously did something to piss a lot of people off, but can we all agree that if a poor woman needs help, we can set aside our differences and help her out?

Snow – if you set up a Paypal donation fund, I’ll be happy to contribute to it.  That way, some of the people who can’t make it to the event can still show their support.

Angel Eye’s Source Of Fun Routine

July 24, 2008 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Angel Eyes has an interesting post over on his blog talking about a method he uses to engage groups at bars.  It pretty much involves buying the group a round of drinks, but it seems like a pretty good icebreaker, especially for a group approach.

Angel Eyes writes:

My “Source Of Fun Method”

It’s pretty easy.

You just walk up to the bar… and you look to the nearest group (it
doesn’t matter if it’s a mixed group or not) that are either sitting or
chatting/standing near the bar and you say…

“Okay, let’s get this party ROLLIN’… who’s up for a shot?”

… and you by the group a shot.

And, since you’re buyin’, you can accuse and tease people if they get girlie shots… or just flat out refuse to buy them.

After words… give everyone high fives and say something like…

“That’s what I’m talkin’ bout… nobody gets bored on MY watch.”

I know some of the haters out there will poo-poo all over this method, and yes, it does seem to go against some of the "pua mentality," but I think if you can afford to buy a group a round of shots, its probably pretty darn effective.  Go and read Angel Eye’s post, its pretty long and detailed.

Dan’s Response About Charisma Arts

July 24, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Yesterday I wrote a post about some of the internal strife that appears to be occurring over at the Charisma Arts company.  So I wrote Dan personally and asked him what the low-down was.  Here’s his response:

Dan replies:
Charisma Arts is still teaching high quality workshops and giving their
clients 100%. They are still in my opinion the best school to learn a
genuine natural approach to picking up women out there.

I was not exactly fired. You can read the longer explanation at my blog at
My only criticism of CA is just on their internal business and politics
side. It in no way affects their clients. I still recommend people take
their courses.

For me it was a good parting. I was a bit burnt out teaching the same
workshop every weekend for two years and have for quite some time wanted
to expand what I taught to women and business.  Now I am getting that opportunity by starting a new company that is more mainstream.

Having good social skills not only helps make you good with women but
also in all other aspects of your life. I want to teach the complete
picture not just one part.

I wish Wayne and CA the best. I am also very excited about starting
something new and becoming passionate and re-inspired with new

I can certainly understand being burned out.  As far as I know, no one is complaining about Charisma Arts as a workshop company.  It seems their students are by and large satisfied.  But I’m getting it from a lot of sources that Juggler is hard to work with.

Dan’s Response About Charisma Arts

July 24, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Yesterday I wrote a post about some of the internal strife that appears to be occurring over at the Charisma Arts company.  So I wrote Dan personally and asked him what the low-down was.  Here’s his response:

Dan replies:
Charisma Arts is still teaching high quality workshops and giving their
clients 100%. They are still in my opinion the best school to learn a
genuine natural approach to picking up women out there.

I was not exactly fired. You can read the longer explanation at my blog at
My only criticism of CA is just on their internal business and politics
side. It in no way affects their clients. I still recommend people take
their courses.

For me it was a good parting. I was a bit burnt out teaching the same
workshop every weekend for two years and have for quite some time wanted
to expand what I taught to women and business.  Now I am getting that opportunity by starting a new company that is more mainstream.

Having good social skills not only helps make you good with women but
also in all other aspects of your life. I want to teach the complete
picture not just one part.

I wish Wayne and CA the best. I am also very excited about starting
something new and becoming passionate and re-inspired with new

I can certainly understand being burned out.  As far as I know, no one is complaining about Charisma Arts as a workshop company.  It seems their students are by and large satisfied.  But I’m getting it from a lot of sources that Juggler is hard to work with.

More On A Possible Sargathon Scam?

July 23, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

I hate to post this on the off chance that I am preventing a cause to raise money for a cancer patient, but I have been getting a ton of email regarding the recent sargathon event up in Canada, and none of it is good.  Here’s the most recent one:

Hey man,

I posted one of the original comments about the
"sargeathon" being dodgy. I don’t claim to know for sure if it is, but
I’ve heard nothing but bad things about Snow, and I really suspect he’s
ripping off Sean Messenger and the other guys who are volunteering their

Anyway, I have some very solid proof that Miso was working with
Dimitri The Lover, the famously creepy pickup guru in Toronto. It shows the
kinds of shady characters that this Miso guy associates with.

Also, I’m not totally certain that Snow’s mother *isn’t* dying of
cancer. All I know is that if SOMEONE were to lie about this, it would
be snow.

And even if she did have cancer, healthcare is free
in Canada! You can still get screwed because you can’t work, and drugs
can be expensive, but she’s not likely to DIE from a lack of money.

Now, the reason I’m posting this email is because I consider the guy who sent it to me a very reliable guy.  I have gotten NUMEROUS emails, all bashing this guy SNOW from various lair leaders and lair members up in Canada.

And the funny thing is each and every one of them seems SCARED this Snow guy would physically harm them in some way!  Like he’d punch them out of attack them if they said anything bad about the guy.

Fact is, I don’t know what to think about this situation.  If the guy’s mom really has cancer, I want to help out.  But I don’t know who to believe at this point.

Dimitri The Lover Contest Ends Friday!

July 23, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Hey guys,

Remember, we STILL have the Dimitri The Lover Phone Message Contest going until Friday!  The winner gets a check for the brand new Apple iPhone, so now is the time to get in any last minute entries!

Check out the rules for the contest here.

There’s still time, so take advantage of it while you can!

Charisma Arts Strife

July 23, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Its been brought to my attention by more than one source lately that Juggler’s company Charisma Arts might (and I repeat, MIGHT) be up to some shenanegans.  Its hard to say since I have almost no contact with that company what’s going on over there, but enough people are emailing me to make me think all is not right with the CA crew.

Now it seems they’ve unceremoniously dumped one of their top instructors:

Dan writes:
It has been an interesting journey with CA. I think they offer an
amazing path for men to learn to be more social and better with women.
I still highly recommend them. Unfortunately I see some failings in
their leadership structure and business practices. None of this affects
their past present or future clients. I still recommend people take
their workshops. (IMHO Greg, their LA instructor is the best active
instructor they have)

I have always wanted to expand what i learned beyond “pick-up” and
teach more. In the last six months it really looked like CA was
expanding in that direction. They had even changed their tagline to
“Teaching People Stuff to People”. However waiting for it made me a bit
apathetic and honestly i was getting burnt out. You can obviously see
from my lack of posting that i was not passionate about creating new
content. This was eventually what made CA justifiably think about
focusing on other instructors. Younger less-experienced instructors are
hungry for work. They are passionate about writing and bringing in
clients. So in essence my fresh apprentice became my replacement.

The hardest thing I found about the end of my working with Charisma
Arts was the way in which it came about. While the company is fantastic
with working with their clients in their workshops, communication
beyond talking to girls in bars apparently does not apply to their
internal communication. I was taken off the schedule for two months and
all of my workshops were changed to my apprentice who was the newest
instructor on the team. I was not told of this change and I only found
out about this because a client emailed me asking when my next workshop
was because they wanted to work with me. I checked the schedule and to
my surprise two months of workshops that i was scheduled for were no
longer being taught by me. My full time employment for two years had
come to a close without so much as a whisper.

This is the third or fourth major employee Juggler has burned through and parted on less-than-stellar-terms with.  Gotta make you wonder, right?

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