The Bootycast Episode 12 – El Topo Breaks Some Dicks

September 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

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We had a great time with the Bootycast this week with our special guest, El Topo.

In this week’s podcast, we talk about a lot of different topics, including:

  • Group sex with tons of dudes
  • Thundercat’s one-dick policy
  • El Topo’s relationship with Sinn
  • Why Sinn is a douchebag to everyone he knows
  • Zan’s seduction philosophy
  • Token Asian PUA asks El Topo what type of dicks white women prefer
  • Advice on how to transition from a Facebook close to a real meeting
  • Advice for picking up women in college
  • Getting sued for passing STD’s
  • Sinn’s drunk Tweets
  • Thundercat’s and AFC Adam’s secret
  • And more!

To check out this week’s podcast, you can download it or listen to it by clicking here.

Bootycast Taping LIVE Tonight – 9/1/10

September 1, 2010 by  
Filed under News

Hey everyone,

Don’t forget to tune into the Bootycast tonight at 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm Eastern.  Me, AFC Adam, and Amanda Lyons are back for a full hour of seduction power as we discuss timely community-related topics!

Remember to come join us for the live stream!  You can listen in while we’re recording the show, participate in our chat room, and even call into the show and get advice from me, Adam, and Amanda.  We’ve been having a great time taking callers on the show, and we’d encourage all of you to come by and participate if you can.

And if you can’t, no worries!  Just check out the replays available after the show.  You can also subscribe to us via iTunes.

Tonight, we’ll be welcoming a special guest to the podcast – El Topo!

All you need to do is go to our show page while the show is being streamed tonight here:

Just check out the “current episode” to participate in the chat and listen to the show live.  We DO monitor the chat room during the show.

And you can call into the show toll-free here:


I hope you all decide to come by and join us this evening and participate in the podcast!