Celebrity PUA Bootcamp With Christopher Walken!

September 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Video

Okay, we all know that PUA instructors run into all types of students when they’re teaching a bootcamp, and some are more difficult than others.  But what happens when a celebrity stops by who needs some “special attention?”  Check out how AFCAdam, the world’s #1 PUA, handles iconic actor Christopher Walken when he attends one of his workshops.

Special thanks to AFCAdam for this one.  What other celebrities would you like to see take a bootcamp?  Let me know in the comments!

Oh, and subscribe to my Youtube channel already, damn it!!!!

The BootyCast Episode 6 – Who’s Got Personality?

August 29, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Sorry today’s episode is so late.  I had a number of technical difficulties that caused me to waste a lot of time trying to get it uploaded to the server.

This week’s BootCast episode comes in at a brisk 1:51:34.  In this week’s episode, we talk about:

  • Ross Jeffries Devil Worship
  • PUA Business Stuff
  • Gunwitch Thinks I’m Mad At Him
  • The CEO Of Stylelife Is A Douche
  • Using Personality To Attract Women
  • Tyler Stepping Down As RSD Figurehead

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Click Here To Download The MP3

Please leave your comments about the show on the blog.  (Yes, we do read your comments!)

Premature EJECT-ulation

August 25, 2008 by  
Filed under AFCAdam, Articles, Guest Authors

Today I thought I’d share with you guys something I know is still plaguing a lot of the guys in the community.

The question to ask yourself is… Are you a victim of Premature Ejectulation?

What I am referring to is leaving a set prematurely because you “feel” you have been blown out.

I have witnessed a wide range of students now some of them pretty well known amongst the community who will quite happily open a set, get them hooked, and run a decent number of routines generating a great deal of IOI’s and then eject, actually saying goodbye.

A key point here is that this should not be confused with capture – recapture. Whereby you leave the set on a high note at the beginning of the night, with a time bridge stating you will probably see them around later on, and maybe they owe you a dance/drink whatever. Just so they don’t feel trapped by you early on in the night.

I am talking about having a set hooked late into the evening, and leaving the set for a number of reasons which may seem valid in your head at the time, however upon further inspection you can see that it would have made more sense to stay in set.

The common reasons I have heard are as follows: Read more