Bootycast Episode Live – TONIGHT! 8/25/10

August 25, 2010 by  
Filed under News

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Hey everyone,

Don’t forget to tune into the Bootycast tonight at 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm Eastern.  Me, AFC Adam, and Amanda Lyons are back for a full hour of seduction power as we discuss timely community-related topics!

Remember to come join us for the live stream!  You can listen in while we’re recording the show, participate in our chat room, and even call into the show and get advice from me, Adam, and Amanda.  We’ve been having a great time taking callers on the show, and we’d encourage all of you to come by and participate if you can.

And if you can’t, no worries!  Just check out the replays available after the show.  You can also subscribe to us via iTunes.

All you need to do is go to our show page while the show is being streamed tonight here:

Just check out the “current episode” to participate in the chat and listen to the show live.  We DO monitor the chat room during the show.

And you can call into the show toll-free here:


I hope you all decide to come by and join us this evening and participate in the podcast!

The BootyCast Episode 9: Its Not Kosher

September 20, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey Guys,

Sorry this week’s episode is a bit late.  After getting back into town I had some catching up to do.

Anyway, please enjoy!

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Click Here To Download This Week’s Episode

The BootyCast Episode 6 – Who’s Got Personality?

August 29, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Sorry today’s episode is so late.  I had a number of technical difficulties that caused me to waste a lot of time trying to get it uploaded to the server.

This week’s BootCast episode comes in at a brisk 1:51:34.  In this week’s episode, we talk about:

  • Ross Jeffries Devil Worship
  • PUA Business Stuff
  • Gunwitch Thinks I’m Mad At Him
  • The CEO Of Stylelife Is A Douche
  • Using Personality To Attract Women
  • Tyler Stepping Down As RSD Figurehead

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Click Here To Download The MP3

Please leave your comments about the show on the blog.  (Yes, we do read your comments!)

The BootyCast Episode 5 – Welcoming The One

August 22, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Here’s this week’s episode of the BootyCast:

  • Cameron Teone joins the show
  • Cameron’s trip to Germany
  • Discussion about fake boobies
  • Brad P’s “Jewgate” scandal
  • Is Thundercat being disrespectful to Amanda?
  • Paul Janka’s accused of attempted date rape
  • The Mexican Lair’s shenanegans
  • More on the “Let The Game Begin” movie
  • Analysis of UK PUA’s getting arrested
  • Pick Up Artists at Fetishcon
  • And more!

This week’s podcast clocks in at a cool 3:04:21.

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Click Here To Download This Week’s BootyCast

You can find out more about the show’s participants on the following websites:


Cameron Teone:

AFC Adam:

BootyCast Episode 4: Number 5

August 15, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

This week’s episode of the BootyCast has special guest Brad P. from

Issues covered in this week’s podcast…

  • My appearance on the Barry Kirky show (again)
  • Devil’s Threesomes & Johnny Wolf
  • New Sex Terms
  • The Looks Vs. Personality Debate
  • How Brad P Got Started Teaching Dating Advice
  • Thundercat’s Top Ten List
  • How Brad P Met Tyler Durden
  • Blog Reader’s Questions For Brad P
  • The Similarities Between Brad P’s Routines & Dean Koonts Novels
  • The Real Man Conference In Amsterdam
  • PUA Action Figures
  • Upcoming Free Teleconference Call

This week’s podcast runs 2:56:47 minutes.  You can download the Podcast by clicking here.

Or you can listen to it here:

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