Girls In Your Facebook Profile Pic – Good Idea Or No?

September 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

MakotoIto had a question over on the Attraction Forums concerning the type of picture he should put in his profile on Facebook…

MakotoIto writes:

Hey guys.

Do you think it’s better to have a profile picture of you having a hot girl with your arms on their waist both smiling?

Since this might hit off pre-selection or it is a bad idea since people might think your attached?

For Facebook I can honestly say that having a picture with you and a hot girl in your profile pic can’t really do you any harm.  It makes you look like a fun, attractive guy girls want to be around.  But it also depends on what you’re using your Facebook profile for.  If you’re trying to attract people to being your friend and getting them to meet you for events and things like that, then this is definitely something you can do.  After all, Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with girls and at the same time project the kind of image you feel will be attractive to them.

However, I’ve found for actual dating sites, having pictures of you with other women can actually hurt your chances of meeting girls.  Why?  Well, when a girl looks at your dating profile page, she’ll judge herself against the girls in your pictures.  If she feels the girls in your pictures are hotter than her, she’ll feel like you won’t go for her.  If she’s hotter than the girls in your pics, she may deem you of “low value” and not bother with you.  So on dating sites, keep the profile pictures to you and just you.

But Facebook ISN’T A DATING SITE, so its okay to stick pictures of you and hot girls in your profile picture.  Just be sure the rest of your Facebook profile is congruent with that.  Project a fun, positive energy, put up interesting and enjoyable status updates, and be active inviting people to fun events.  If you can make your Facebook profile a central hub of activity, it won’t really matter what picture you put in your profile.

The Bootycast Episode 14: Our Favorite STDs

September 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

The Bootycast is back this week!  And we welcome “Gonzo PUA” Ratisse and his crazy pick up stories and insights.

We’d also like to thank you all for listening to our podcast!  Our analytics have recorded over 15,000 downloads of our show so far, which is really exciting.  Thanks for your support, and please feel free to participate in the show by calling in or participating in the chat room during the show.

In this episode, we discuss topics like:

  • Adam’s making short films
  • What happened to Asian PUA?
  • We welcome our stunt Asian PUA replacement
  • Stunt Asian PUA asks Ratisse how to pick up women in clothing stores
  • Ratisse talks about being the only PUA to be choked out by an AMOG
  • Why Ratisse wears women’s underwear to clubs
  • How Ratisse tries to collect STDs
  • Thundercat shares his STD stories
  • Thundercat discusses his most recent pregnancy scare
  • We talk about how to do pick up on a budget
  • We talk about how to create connections with women
  • We talk about using Facebook for picking up chicks
  • We discuss how to keep things interesting in a relationship
  • The news with Amanda
  • And more!

To check out the episode for yourself, please click here.

The Bootycast Episode 12 – El Topo Breaks Some Dicks

September 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

We had a great time with the Bootycast this week with our special guest, El Topo.

In this week’s podcast, we talk about a lot of different topics, including:

  • Group sex with tons of dudes
  • Thundercat’s one-dick policy
  • El Topo’s relationship with Sinn
  • Why Sinn is a douchebag to everyone he knows
  • Zan’s seduction philosophy
  • Token Asian PUA asks El Topo what type of dicks white women prefer
  • Advice on how to transition from a Facebook close to a real meeting
  • Advice for picking up women in college
  • Getting sued for passing STD’s
  • Sinn’s drunk Tweets
  • Thundercat’s and AFC Adam’s secret
  • And more!

To check out this week’s podcast, you can download it or listen to it by clicking here.

Questions About Online Game

August 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Analysis

EricTheViking over at mASF had some interesting questions about online dating I thought I’d address:

EricTheViking writes:

1. Why is it that I have much more success if I use the photos of some good looking guy on my profile? I thought looks don’t matter but if I looked like that guy I could have sex with a new 9 every week.

2. Why is it that you guys don’t use Facebook to find girls? Why dating sites»? I have tons of hotties on Facebook (literally hundreds), so could you, why use dating sites»? I’m really interested in an answer to this question.

Let’s answer these questions in turn… Read more

How To Get Girls To Meet you Off Of Facebook

February 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Checkmater over on mASF had a good question about getting girls you meet on Facebook to meet you offline.

Checkmater writes:

I spend way too much time on Facebook. Facebook chat, messages, poking etc they’re all great low-commitment ways to talk with girls. I have a few good things I’ve learned, would also like to solicit some advice b/c I have such a hard time meeting some1 in real life afterwards. Out of 1000 friends there are at least 100 attractive women.

However, there is a downside. For instance, a girl recently wrote on my wall telling me I look like a certain celebrity. Great! I wrote her a little message back, 3 sentences saying “What’s up?” She replied, “What’s up to you?” I replied, with a dull question, then nothing. I posted something on my wall a week later, and she replied to it.

My facebook protip:  Always end with some sort of witty interrogative. Absurdist questions are sometimes good. Negging her facebook profile picture, be careful though, you might think it’s funny to write, but it may not be nearly as funny to read.

Request for protip:  How do I get from here to, coffee, etc.

First of all, for those of you interested in Facebook Game, check out the article I just wrote over at Pick Up Evolution about meeting girls on Facebook.

But as far as meeting girls offline from Facebook, here is my advice…

There are two ways I know of to take Facebook meets offline.  The first is to host some type of event that you can invite people to. Whether its throwing a party or organizing a group to go out, you invite the girl you want to come along and bring her friends, and follow up with her to make sure she’s coming. Then, at the event, you chit-chat and number close or set up the date right there.

A second, slightly more sneaky option, is to check and see if she has her phone number listed in Facebook. Lots of people who update Facebook through their phones include their number in their contact info on their profile. Because only your friends see it, they don’t think twice about sharing, so you can get her number directly and start texting her and eventually set up a coffee date.

Another option is to email her and ask for her number straight up. Just say something like you’re updating your contacts and you realized you don’t have her number, or something like that.

Ideagasms Melt-Down: Stephane’s Lies Revealed

September 22, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

So if you’re a follower of the blog, you’ll know that I’ve been critical of Stephane over at Ideagasms since, oh, it began.  I’ve just had ay too many people I like and trust tell me about how the guy lied and screwed them over to actually believe Stephane is in this business to actually help other people as opposed to creating a cult for himself.

In one of my early podcasts, you can see where I expose most of his lies during an interview with Barry Kirkey.  (Its not one of my better podcasts, but whatever.  The point is to get the truth out there.)

Anyway, today I get an email from a reader named Lor who informs me of some major drama going on over at Ideagasms.  It seems more and more of the cult has stopped drinking the kool-aid, and Stephane is banning them to keep them from speaking out against his teachings.

But these “Ex-IGs” aren’t staying quiet.  In fact, they’ve created their own forum and Facebook Group to expose the truth about Stephane, and boy, is it not pretty!

Check out what David B., the creator of the Facebook Group, has to say about his experiences with Stephane… Read more