The Bootycast Episode 10: The 3rd Best Asian Pick Up Artist

August 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

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Another week brings yet ANOTHER Bootycast!

Join us as Me, Adam, and Amanda take your calls and drop copious amounts of pick-up advice all over you.

In this episode of the Bootycast:

  • We discuss the PUA Deathmatches
  • Air our pre-recorded interview with Kezia Noble
  • Discuss Thundercat’s spat with Erica Awakening
  • Talk about Gunwitch’s podcast
  • Barry Kirkey gets in touch with Thundercat
  • AFC Adam deals with Fanboy’s jizzing in their pants
  • Adam & Thundercat take your calls
  • Blackberry vs. iPhone users for more sex
  • Info on the upcoming World Pick Up Summit
  • Plus much more!

You can check out the latest episode here.