Love Systems Tips: Meeting Women In Bars

September 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks, Video

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Love Systems just put up a new Youtube vid with Nick Savoy giving some advice on meeting girls in bars.  Check it out.

80% Off Love Systems Superconference

September 12, 2011 by  
Filed under News

Big discount for those looking to hang out with the Love Systems crew…

Huge news:

You can come to the Global Pick Up Artist (PUA) SuperConference for just $697!

Why shouldn’t you be the next great success story? Why shouldn’t you be the next guy to change his life after learning the secrets of guys like myself, Nick Savoy, Cajun, Braddock, Jeremy Soul, Future, Keychain, Mr M, etc.?

All those guys, and dozens more, will be teaching at the International PUA SuperConference in just 4 weeks (October 7-9 in Las Vegas). And since VIP tickets are pretty much sold out (just 4 left at time of writing), it’s now time to release the 3-Day Conference Pass slots.

That’s a big opportunity for you, since VIP tickets have been selling at $4,000, compared to 3-Day Conference Passes starting at just $697 – over 80% off.

OK, back up Savoy. What’s the difference between VIP and Conference Pass?

The only difference is that VIP includes two nights of infield training. Other than the infield training sessions, no one will know (or care) whether you are VIP or Conference Pass.

As you probably know, the Global PUA SuperConference is divided into four parts:

  • Main Stage Talks (12-7pm, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). The best dating coaches and pickup artists in the world share their secrets with you.
  • Breakout Rooms Exercises (12-7pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday). The same instructors work with you 1-1 to implement these new techniques, or any sticking points you have. Live individualized drills and exercises.
  • Informal Private Consultations (24/7). We’re all at the same hotel and the World PUA Conference is a very friendly environment. See me in the hall and want to ask me something? Go for it. Got a question for Cajun or an idea to test with Jeremy Soul? Go for it.
  • Infield Training (9pm to 2am Friday and Saturday). The instructors take you to top nightclubs to put into practice what you learned in the Main Stage and Breakout Rooms. Have the best PUAs in the world as your personal wingmen, showing you how it’s done and coaching you on your mistakes.

Out of those four, Conference Pass guys get the first three and the VIP guys get all four. It’s probably easier to understand if I just link to the agenda:

(The reason it works this way is because of ratios. For infield training, we try to keep a 2:1 student:instructor ratio or better. We have more instructors for the daytime, allowing for a few Conference Pass slots)

Set Your Alarms…

There are only a few Conference Pass seats, and even fewer at the intro $697 price (regular price is $1,297). To be fair to everyone, we will release all of the 3-day Conference Passes this Thursday, September 15. At 8am Pacific Time (11am EST, 4pm GMT).

When that time hits, go to this link:

Click that link now to get on the (free) priority list. It’s probably also a good idea to bookmark that link on your browser right now so you have it for Thursday.

Anyway, that’s pretty much it. If you’ve got questions, check out the SuperConference FAQs and/or listen to the Q&A Conference Call I did a couple weeks ago. It’s a mix of “game” questions and SuperConference questions.

See you at the SuperConference…and don’t forget to grab your spot Thursday!

-Nick (Savoy)

P.S. If you’ve been making arrangements to grab one of the last VIP slots, don’t worry, whatever arrangements you’ve made will be honored and have been accounted for. If you haven’t reserved a VIP spot but you want one, call +1 (323) 836-0150 or email ASAP to see if there are any left.

Cajun and Keychain are two PUAs to look out for.  Last time I was at a Love Systems event, those guys really impressed me.  Be sure to check them out!

Ross Jeffries Loses His Mind… Have Video Proof

August 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

Hat tip to Thanh Bonsai over on the Love Systems Instructor’s blogs for posting video proof that Ross Jeffries has lost his mind.

Now, obviously this is not Ross Jeffries.  You can tell that by the fact that he is smiling almost the entire time.  If the real Ross Jeffries ever smiled this much his face would melt off Raiders Of The Lost Arc style.  Plus, he looks like he’s having fun.  RJ hates fun.  Also, this video is bringing joy to thousands of people.  Ross would never do anything remotely like that.

Cajun – Advanced Body Language

August 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles, Cajun, Guest Authors

Whenever students ask me how I learned to attract women with such ease I always say the same thing: Body language. I then recite a quote, something that was told to me a long time ago:

Everything you’ll ever need to learn about women, you can learn from Rock n roll.

A very wise man once told me this and I’m sure most of my students are just as confused as I was when I first heard it, but now several years (and many women) later I can whole-heartedly agree, it’s absolutely true.

One of the by-products of committing yourself to the study of attraction and how it works is that you start noticing things that you never noticed before. A lot of us instructors refer to this as ‘seeing the matrix’ and it basically amounts to identifying and understanding the cause and effect of the most subtle communications; body language . It becomes somewhat of a sixth sense and it’s exceptionally difficult to turn off, especially if you’re at all an analytical person (and let’s face it, you kind of have to be if you want to get good at this stuff) This is why us instructors are so proficient at breaking down what students did right or wrong in a set simply by casually observing them. We can see the matrix.

I realized a long time ago that the secret to attraction isn’t in what you say, it’s in how you carry yourself; your presence, something controlled almost entirely by your body language . I knew that if I was to master the art of attraction, I would need to master the art of body language . Remembering the words of wisdom I had been told all those years ago, I turned to rock n roll.

I began sifting through literally hundreds of videos documenting performances of the most prolific and sexually charged rock icons in music history. I used my ‘sixth sense’ to meticulously analyze every thing they did. I studied how they walked, how they danced, their facial expressions, even how they stood still! I started to notice a pattern, there were three qualities that nearly every sex symbol in the history of rock n roll all had in common, and it had nothing to do with their music or looks.

The first quality I recognized was immediate; sexual presence. Most of the musicians elicited this through their dancing, which wasn’t that useful since I obviously couldn’t be dancing all the time. The absolute best example of sexual presence I could find was Jim Morrison simply because he elicited tremendous sexual presence by doing very little. I hadn’t watched any videos of him performing since I was a teenager and seeing it again with my ‘sixth sense’ absolutely blew my mind. He moved slowly, purposefully, as if to poeticize his presence. Everything seemed so calculated. After referencing what he did with a number of other sexual icons, I quickly made a list:

Advanced body language – Sexual Presence

1. Less is more.

  • Move only when you need to, and react with delay.
  • Slow down your movements, as if moving underwater.
  • Movement should be bold, sporadic and purposeful.

2. Poeticize your presence.

  • Absolutely believe that you are a spectacle to be witnessed.
  • Draw attention to your every move with strong eye contact, and delayed responses.
  • Always appear physically more comfortable than anyone else in the group. Lean back when standing, angle back and drape your arms when sitting.
  • Your demeanor should be carefree, content; you do not want or need anything.

3. Emphasize your sexuality

  • Relax your eyes. Look at Jim Morrison, Phil Lynott or even Marilyn Monroe, their eyes all carry the same look, model it.
  • Slightly Purse your lips, as if you’re about to kiss them.
  • Slightly tilt your head up and look down when speaking.
  • Slowly study women’s faces during interaction, glance at lips periodically.
  • Keep an inquisitory look of mild arousal on your face.

I began modeling my body language based on this list and the results were epic. This is the reason I stopped using routines , I no longer needed them. Everything they communicated I could now communicate with my body. Even openers started to become unnecessary as women were now opening ME more than ever, based simply on the way I stood and the look on my face. Attraction went from slowly earned to instantaneous, but there were still some gaps…

The hottest women, although attracted, would still shit test me. Not only that, but AMOGs started to become more of a problem as I was now getting a tremendous amount of female attention. This is where the second quality I found amongst sexual rock icons came in handy, and allowed me to smoothly and effortlessly diffuse any shit test or amog attempt that was thrown at me.

Stay tuned for part 2 of the article where I go over the second quality: Restraint.

PUA Deathmatch: Mystery vs. Nick Savoy

August 13, 2010 by  
Filed under PUA Deathmatch, Video

Its yet another grudge match in the Seduction Lair Arena as a legend of the Pick-Up Community takes on his bitter rival in a fight to the finish.  In this edition of PUA DEATHMATCH, master pick-up artist Mystery takes on his former friend and business partner Nick Savoy of Love Systems!

These two have a long-standing bitter feud concerning their former company Mystery Method, which has been fought out in the courts.  But now, these two men meet in combat in the squared-circle to determine once and for all – who will reign supreme!  With rage in their eyes and revenge in their hearts, these PUAs are playing for keeps!!!!

Who will win?  Who will survive?  Find out, in this edition of PUA DEATHMATCH!

PLEASE NOTE: All matches are orchestrated by the computer, and no one knows the outcome until after the match is completed!  All Deathmatches involve combatants with equal skill level.  No preference is given to any one individual.

Love Systems: Overcoming Sticking Points

February 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles

Here’s a great article on overcoming your sticking points by Love Systems Instructor Sheriff:

Sheriff writes:

I’m going to add something here, that you should do EVERY SINGLE MONTH, at least, maybe every week.

I still get value from this exercise, and it takes very little time. However, just knowing this exercise won’t help, you have to actually DO IT.

Take one piece of A4. At the top write “I see a hot girl”. At the bottom write: “we start having sex” (or “she says ‘I do’”, or whatever your actual outcome is).

Then fill in a plausible and detailed explanation of how you got from seeing this chick to being balls deep. Whenever you get to a point where you’re not sure what to write, you’ve found a sticking point.

For the VAST majority of guys I’ve met, this will be:

“I see a hot girl. I go and run some opinion opener from the internet on her. Then, uh.. um. Maybe I tease her? Uh, and, uh.”

BANG. Sticking point identified. Do some research at this point. What comes next? Post a question to the forum. Ask someone what should happen next.

You don’t need to work out the best thing to say – you’re not looking for lines to memorize, and you’re not looking for some kind of magical routine – it’ll never go down the way you’ve planned it anyway. You’re looking for an understanding of a plausible next step. Don’t accept answers like “Then you be an alpha male and she fucks you” – not good enough. Ask for specific sample dialogue. Don’t try and replicate those, don’t try and parrot that shit off, but use them to get an understanding of what and why happens next.

As my own example, the first time I did this, I got to: “we’re making out in the club”, and I was like WTF happens next? So I asked a natural buddy, and he said: “Last time I just told the girl I’d make her a cocktail back at mine”.

What did I do? I went out and spent a far too much money on cocktail alcohol and equipment. Next time I went out, I was making out with this girl, and was like: “So, uh, do you want a cocktail back at mine?”. Answer: “No”. DOH! Asked for more advice on this, was told to make the bounce home gentler and less obvious … and with time, got that shit sorted. Learning how to bounce was a massive sticking point for me, and I hadn’t even realised it – once I had that sorted, I started having a one-night stand. The point being: you won’t get this stuff right first time, but a plausible idea of how to go about it is crucial

Do I use some long-winded and complicated extraction technique now? No, of course not. Now I instinctively know how to bounce, instinctively know the subtleties, and tend to just say: “ok, we’re out of here!”. But the identification of the sticking point through the above exercise (and subsequent ones), the focus on actually closing and getting from A to B is what started accelerating my game.

Key points:

  • Write personal, detailed, and fictional descriptions of how you went from seeing a girl to fucking her to help you get the process straight in your head, and identify your weak points
  • Ask for advice any time you find yourself having trouble writing plausible dialogue or action sequences
  • The point isn’t to prescript the interaction, the point is to identify your sticking points in getting from A to B – it won’t ever go down the way you planned anyway
  • Don’t accept wishy-washy advice that doesn’t come with plausible detailed examples

Hope this helps – just reading it won’t though – actually TRY IT.

To find out more on overcoming sticking points, check out the Love Systems Sticking Points Interview.

Good stuff.  If you’re dealing with sticking points, dealing with them can greatly improve your game.