Asian PUA Bootcamp Behind-The-Scenes Video: Dealing With AMOGs

August 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video

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Let’s face it – we all love Asian PUAs.  They almost have their own “culture” within the seduction community.  But now, we’ve got special “behind the scenes” video from Asian Pick-Up Bootcamps from around the world being leaked onto the internet.  In this first video, we see how Asian PUAs deal with AMOGs.  It’s quite an eye opening experience, for sure!

Feeling Like You’re Not Good Looking Enough

August 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Analysis

Aum over on the attraction forums shared this heart-wrenching (and all too familiar) post

Aum writes:
when i go to a club. I always get intimidated by the other guys in the club who are lot taller, well built and dress a lot better than me. When i see girls, i get this feeling of inadequacy. I really hate myself because of this. I am working out really hard every day and trying to dress better but never feel good enof. Any advice on chaning my perspective on this? please help!!! this is kiiling me.

I feel ya bro.  Speaking as an overweight, bald, ugly slob myself, I know all too well what it feels like to walk into a club and see all these other guys who are way better looking than you are.  Heck, even my friends who I go out with tend to be better looking than me!  lol.

But here’s the thing… Read more

Should You Meet A Girl At Her Place For A First Date?

August 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Ali123, over on the Attraction Forums, had an interesting question about the wisdom concerning meeting women at their places for a date.

Ali123 writes:
Ok I’ve been doing this online gaming for a year or two but only inthe last 2-3 months has my game really improved and in fact I seem to be on a bit of a roll.

Do you guys think its a bad idea if a girl invites you over to her place for the first time you meet. In the last month been to 5 girls places as a first date/meet, I’ve slept with 3 of them. The other two didnt work out and didnt want to do anything. Of those two one ignored me and the other said she didnt want to see me again as she didnt fancy me. In fairness 3/5 isnt too bad.

But do you think its a bad environment to meet a girl? Are you more likely to fuck her if you meet her in a bar close to her place and get her to go back to hers? When you meet at their place its tough because you have to make chit chat etc and then make a move and no alcohol to help you!

Finally I was chatting to an HB7/8 on POF chat messenger, and shes told me to come to her place when I finish work on Sunday at 3am!!! Shes said her flatmates away, and I joked she’d be asleep, she had work the next day, and only if she can make a good cup of tea. But she continued to insist. Shes a hot girl and I dunno if I should meet her when I wont be looking my best. Surely its better to go for a drink and get a little tipsy?

Thoughts guys?

Contrary to popular belief, you DO NOT need to get a girl slightly drunk/tipsy before you make your move, my dear Ali123.  So I wouldn’t even worry about that.

Here’s the thing…

I think a girl who allows a guy she just met to come over to her place is a definite sign that she’s open to hooking up, as your 3 out of 5 ratio should tell you.  The way I like to work things, is I’ll invite a girl to my place when we have plans to go out, let her in, allow her a bit of time to become comfortable with my surroundings, then we go out to dinner or whatever.  So by the time the night is winding down, if I ask her to come back to my place, it won’t be that intimidating for her.

If a girl invites you to HER place, she already feels comfortable with the environment, so its much easier to hook up with her there.  At that point, the only thing you have to work on is comfort/rapport building and attraction, since the logistics are already in your favor.  And let’s face it, if a girl you’ve just met is allowing you into her place on a first date, she’s open to sleeping with you.  So no, I personally don’t think going to a girl’s place for a first date is a bad thing.

Now, if she doesn’t want to LEAVE her place and go out, that does seem a bit odd, since that isn’t really a “date” date.  When you go over to her place, you can ask her if she’d like to go grab a drink or a bite to eat somewhere close by, and then go back to her place afterward, but if she just wants to stay in, then maybe she is just looking for sex.  You have to treat each situation as it comes up, since some girls might just be boring sticks-in-the-mud and others might be looking for some hanky-panky.

But if given the opportunity, I will always accept an invitation to go to the girl’s place.  Yes, you can’t always control the environment – roommates, poor living conditions, etc. – but sometimes it can be better logistically.

Study Finds Ben More Attracted To Waists Than Boobs

August 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Analysis

Yet more horny scientists with too much time on their hands…

Researchers found a woman having an “hourglass” shaped figure was more important for a man than her breast size or facial features.

They also discovered that men take a split second to decide if a member of the opposite sex is attractive.

They calculated that a “waist-to-hip ratio” of 0.7, or a waist measuring 70 per cent of the hip circumference, was the “perfect” size.

Women with “hourglass” figures such as Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Alba, the Hollywood actress and Alessandra Ambrosio, the Victoria’s Secret model, were found to posses the “perfect” body.

Scientists concluded that such a small ratio was considered good for a woman’s health and resulted in high fertility.

Dr Barnaby Dixson, a New Zealand anthropologist, studied what different sexes found attractive throughout history.

In his study, a group of volunteers were shown various pictures of a woman, where her hips, bust, and waist were digitally altered.

He then asked them to rate the image for attractiveness and while they studied the photos used infra-red cameras to track their eyes.

Despite most men being drawn initially to the woman’s cleavage, it was her hips and waist that were in fact what they found most attractive.

“Men rated images with an hourglass shape and a slim waist … as most attractive, irrespective of breast size,” said Dr Dixson, from Victoria University of Wellington.

You can read the whole article here.  But it is interesting how most guys will go for a woman with a “nice body” but a sub-par face over a woman with a pretty f ace and a horrible body.  In the article, they make it a point to say “humans simply do not mate randomly.”  And that’s true.  We all have certain things we prefer in a mate.  Guess it just comes down to personal taste in the end.

Kezia Noble Is Stalking Thundercat

August 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

So it’s no secret I’ve been poking a bit of fun at “the world’s leading female pick up instructor” lately.  But apparently, Kezia has seen our video and listened to the podcasts and has become a fan of the Lair (naturally!).  But last night after we recorded our unfortunate episode of the Bootycast (because the audio of Adam and I was cutting out constantly), I get a call from a number I don’t recognize.

So I do what I normally do, which is ignore the number.  Sorry, if you’re not already in my phone, I’m not picking up!  (Standard PUA call screening.)

Then, I start getting text messaged by the same number.  And guess what?  It’s Kezia Noble!  Somehow, she stalked me down and got my number and started texting me randomly.  Honestly, I don’t know whether to be flattered or frightened at this point.  But here was the text message exchange:

Kezia:  U buy me shoes?  :)

Thundercat:  LoL.  Who is this?

Kezia:  The wonderful kezia.  U buy my shoes?

Thundercat:  Wow.  I feel honored to be stalked by such a public figure.  LoL

Kezia:  Ur welcome.  Now buy me shoes!

Thundercat:  Buy ur own shoes.  We aint sleepin together!  LoL

Kezia:  Oh well worth a try!  Im in l.a, and will be back in september for the pua summit.  Hope to c u then mr thunder cat

Thundercat:  Yeah, I’ll probably be there.  Large and in charge.

Kezia:  So i expect a warm reception from my 2 greatest fans adam and amanda :)

Thundercat:  You should ask them to buy u shoes then.  :)

Kezia:  Agreed

So yeah, now the world’s leading female pick up instructor (hence forth known as WLFPUI, or WOLFPIE) is obsessed with me and stalking me via text message.  Honestly, she’s probably the hottest stalker I’ve ever had, but still… should I be afraid?  :-D

The Bootycast Episode 11 – Technical Difficulties

August 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Thanks to everyone who tried to check out the podcast last night.  Unfortunately, it seems Blog Talk Radio had some technical issues so the show didn’t stream live.  D’oh.

Plus, for some reason Skype was cutting in-and-out the whole show, so the brilliant commentary by Adam and myself is kinda hard to hear.  It’s too bad because we covered a lot of good stuff, but yeah, you guys may want to skip this episode because the constant voice dropping gets annoying after a while.  (Seriously, it’s like the show was brought to you by AT&T or something.)

We did have 30 callers on the line last night though, so I know at least some of you got to listen in!  We’re working on making it so the next episode has better call quality.  We’re still figuring out the new system as we go.

In this episode of the Bootycast:

  • We talk about RJ Hating on AFC Adam and why they are no longer Facebook friends.
  • We discuss how much Adam and I love the Jews.
  • We talk about how most of the top PUAs are Jewish.
  • We talk about Kezia Noble listening to the podcast and hating on us on Facebook.
  • We discuss the upcoming Asian PUA Bootcamp behind-the-scenes video.
  • We talk about why we think Asian guys lust after white women.
  • We interview a real-life Asian about what Asian men really want.
  • We take calls and dish out advice.
  • Amanda shares with us interesting sex factoids from Cosmopolitan magazine.
  • And more!

If you want to listen to the show, you can do so by going to our show page by clicking here.

Ross Jeffries Loses His Mind… Have Video Proof

August 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

Hat tip to Thanh Bonsai over on the Love Systems Instructor’s blogs for posting video proof that Ross Jeffries has lost his mind.

Now, obviously this is not Ross Jeffries.  You can tell that by the fact that he is smiling almost the entire time.  If the real Ross Jeffries ever smiled this much his face would melt off Raiders Of The Lost Arc style.  Plus, he looks like he’s having fun.  RJ hates fun.  Also, this video is bringing joy to thousands of people.  Ross would never do anything remotely like that.

Cajun – Advanced Body Language

August 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles, Cajun, Guest Authors

Whenever students ask me how I learned to attract women with such ease I always say the same thing: Body language. I then recite a quote, something that was told to me a long time ago:

Everything you’ll ever need to learn about women, you can learn from Rock n roll.

A very wise man once told me this and I’m sure most of my students are just as confused as I was when I first heard it, but now several years (and many women) later I can whole-heartedly agree, it’s absolutely true.

One of the by-products of committing yourself to the study of attraction and how it works is that you start noticing things that you never noticed before. A lot of us instructors refer to this as ‘seeing the matrix’ and it basically amounts to identifying and understanding the cause and effect of the most subtle communications; body language . It becomes somewhat of a sixth sense and it’s exceptionally difficult to turn off, especially if you’re at all an analytical person (and let’s face it, you kind of have to be if you want to get good at this stuff) This is why us instructors are so proficient at breaking down what students did right or wrong in a set simply by casually observing them. We can see the matrix.

I realized a long time ago that the secret to attraction isn’t in what you say, it’s in how you carry yourself; your presence, something controlled almost entirely by your body language . I knew that if I was to master the art of attraction, I would need to master the art of body language . Remembering the words of wisdom I had been told all those years ago, I turned to rock n roll.

I began sifting through literally hundreds of videos documenting performances of the most prolific and sexually charged rock icons in music history. I used my ‘sixth sense’ to meticulously analyze every thing they did. I studied how they walked, how they danced, their facial expressions, even how they stood still! I started to notice a pattern, there were three qualities that nearly every sex symbol in the history of rock n roll all had in common, and it had nothing to do with their music or looks.

The first quality I recognized was immediate; sexual presence. Most of the musicians elicited this through their dancing, which wasn’t that useful since I obviously couldn’t be dancing all the time. The absolute best example of sexual presence I could find was Jim Morrison simply because he elicited tremendous sexual presence by doing very little. I hadn’t watched any videos of him performing since I was a teenager and seeing it again with my ‘sixth sense’ absolutely blew my mind. He moved slowly, purposefully, as if to poeticize his presence. Everything seemed so calculated. After referencing what he did with a number of other sexual icons, I quickly made a list:

Advanced body language – Sexual Presence

1. Less is more.

  • Move only when you need to, and react with delay.
  • Slow down your movements, as if moving underwater.
  • Movement should be bold, sporadic and purposeful.

2. Poeticize your presence.

  • Absolutely believe that you are a spectacle to be witnessed.
  • Draw attention to your every move with strong eye contact, and delayed responses.
  • Always appear physically more comfortable than anyone else in the group. Lean back when standing, angle back and drape your arms when sitting.
  • Your demeanor should be carefree, content; you do not want or need anything.

3. Emphasize your sexuality

  • Relax your eyes. Look at Jim Morrison, Phil Lynott or even Marilyn Monroe, their eyes all carry the same look, model it.
  • Slightly Purse your lips, as if you’re about to kiss them.
  • Slightly tilt your head up and look down when speaking.
  • Slowly study women’s faces during interaction, glance at lips periodically.
  • Keep an inquisitory look of mild arousal on your face.

I began modeling my body language based on this list and the results were epic. This is the reason I stopped using routines , I no longer needed them. Everything they communicated I could now communicate with my body. Even openers started to become unnecessary as women were now opening ME more than ever, based simply on the way I stood and the look on my face. Attraction went from slowly earned to instantaneous, but there were still some gaps…

The hottest women, although attracted, would still shit test me. Not only that, but AMOGs started to become more of a problem as I was now getting a tremendous amount of female attention. This is where the second quality I found amongst sexual rock icons came in handy, and allowed me to smoothly and effortlessly diffuse any shit test or amog attempt that was thrown at me.

Stay tuned for part 2 of the article where I go over the second quality: Restraint.

Johnny Wolf Reveals The Secret-Happy-Fun-Button Spot…

August 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

I’m not sure how accurate this is, but what the heck?  It can’t hurt to try…

Johnny Wolf writes:
A lot of guys have been asking me about the so called “Secret Kino Spot Technique” where you can massage it on a girl and get your instantly turned on because it is somehow connected to her clit.

First, I’ll explain what the Secret Kino Spot is, then I’ll tell you where the Real Secret Kino Spot is.

Imagine there is another green dot on the other side. The secret kino spot is not the back dimples as some people think, it’s on the sides of the hips. Supposedly you can rub them while dancing with a girl to turn her on. This is unproven however, it might work, you might as well try it for yourself. Massaging a girl always works to build sexual comfort and to turn her on.

The Real Secret Kino Spot according to Johnny Wolf

This one is proven, as I’ve done it with enough girls to know that it works. I’ve also asked them after we’ve had sex how it feels when I rub them there and they love the feeling and says it makes them horny.

It’s not quite her pussy, so you get as much LMR (Last Minute Resistance) from rubbing her Real Secret Kino Spot as you would if you tried rubbing her pussy or her clit, which works much better if you can get that far. So if you don’t want to take the big jump to get her pants off and rub her clit, you can instead, keep her clothes on and rub her Real Secret Kino Spot, the Wolf Spot as I like to call it or even just firms press down on the spot with your thumbs which I do while I’m kissing her.

The Wolf-Spot Kiss using the Secret Kino Spot:

While holding a girl by her hips and kissing her, I place my thumbs on her two wolf spots, and as the kiss gets more passionate I gently start adding pressure and pushing down on the two points while we kiss. This turns her on and sends shivers down to her pussy while you kiss her.

The Wolf-Spot Massage:

I actually learned this technique while getting massages in Thailand. Some of the girls there will try to test to see if you want a happy ending by pushing on your wolf-spots to see if you get a hard on. They do this so they don’t offend you by touching your dick if you’re not into it. It’s a sneaky tactic that you can use on girls. When I give girls massages, I will massage their back, their legs, and then have them flip over to massage their arms and their thighs. Then I will locate their wolf spot, lean down and start applying pressure slowly. The trick is, the slower you press down the better it feels and the deeper it can go. But you MUST release twice as slow as you originally pressed for it to work.

Self-Practice locating the Wolf Spot:

You can practice on yourself to find where the wolf-spot is. Take your thumbs and feel for the spot about one and a half inches down from where your stomach fold ends,near the “V” shaped mound of soft flesh above your penis. Slowly rub around until you think you found it, and then slowly push down on it. Make sure you push VERY slowly, and release TWICE as SLOW as you pressed down.

You should feel a tingly sensation where if you need to pee, will make you want to pee even more. The deeper you push down, the more the sensation will be, and you will continue to feel it down there for a few minutes after you release.

Good luck with this, it has gotten me laid more than a few times.

Warm Regards,

Johnny Wolf

One note:  I refuse to call this the “Wolf Spot.”  I think we should coin the term “Secret-Happy-Fun-Button” spot.  Or SHFB for short.  Any other ideas for names?

Bootycast Episode Live – TONIGHT! 8/25/10

August 25, 2010 by  
Filed under News

Hey everyone,

Don’t forget to tune into the Bootycast tonight at 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm Eastern.  Me, AFC Adam, and Amanda Lyons are back for a full hour of seduction power as we discuss timely community-related topics!

Remember to come join us for the live stream!  You can listen in while we’re recording the show, participate in our chat room, and even call into the show and get advice from me, Adam, and Amanda.  We’ve been having a great time taking callers on the show, and we’d encourage all of you to come by and participate if you can.

And if you can’t, no worries!  Just check out the replays available after the show.  You can also subscribe to us via iTunes.

All you need to do is go to our show page while the show is being streamed tonight here:

Just check out the “current episode” to participate in the chat and listen to the show live.  We DO monitor the chat room during the show.

And you can call into the show toll-free here:


I hope you all decide to come by and join us this evening and participate in the podcast!

How Women Trick Men Into Thinking They’re Good Looking

August 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video

This video has been making the rounds on the internet, and though it’s a bit tongue-and-cheek funny, she actually pretty much nails the whole “stripper/slut” method of how women doll themselves up into making guys think they’re hotter than they really are.

How Asian Men Can Pick Up Black Women

August 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Asian Playboy has a few posts up on his blog by a guest writer that advises Asian Men how to hook up with black women.  It’s pretty interesting, since most PUA tactics work no matter what race you or the girl are, but there are certain cultural differences that can affect your interactions if you’re not aware of them.  Check out what guest author “Blasian Bytch” writes about the subject:

Blasian Bytch writes:
There are three basic things I think all the Asian men who appealed to me and eventually got the booty mastered and I’ll try to explain them to you. First, they were never douche bags about race. Second they made an effort to try to understand some of our cultural differences. Lastly, they were comfortable being who they were and respectful of their own people and culture.

It’s easy for people to assume that just because two people in a relationship are not the same race that somehow they’ve discovered the cure for racism, I know first hand that’s not the case. Plenty of men that chose to date interracially can be total cunts when it comes to issues of race, some without even realizing it.

It can be little things like turning to the hip-hop station that you would never listen to as soon as I get into the car. A pretty solid rule of life is if phrases like “boo”, “girlfriend” or, “oh no he didn’t” aren’t in your everyday vocabulary don’t try to adopt them to be “down”. If these terms are in your everyday vocabulary punch yourself in the face, please. This type of racial pandering has for me been a red flag when it comes to dating.

You’ll be hard pressed to find a group of people so forced into racial awareness as a Black woman living in America. Our society is simply racially obsessed and usually to our detriment. The last thing a black woman is interested in is a date that regurgitates what mainstream has decided is “Black”. On that note any actions that can confirm to her that you’ve formulated your entire concept of Blackness and Black people from BET is most likely going to be a deal breaker.

You can read the full articles here and here.  (Yeah, its in two parts.)

Men’s Cologne Guide

August 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Dravius over on mASF put together a pretty good guide on how to find a cologne that’s right for you.

Dravius writes:
[1] Dress well. Wear clothes that you believe shape you well.

[2] Go to the mall alone. Find a store that allows you to sample cologne, go through sampling cologne and make notes (write / put in your cell) of YOUR favorites. DO NOT BUY & DO NOT ask employees for recommendations! Spray it on the card (not yourself), wait at least 15 seconds, then smell, and before sampling the next, smell the coffee beans supplied at most places.

[3] Choose 3 favorites from your list. Spray one on your left wrist, another on your right, and the last on your neck.

[4] Approach women that clearly take care of their appearance, tell them you are cologne shopping and need a quick opinion. Have them smell your left wrist, listen to their feedback, and watch their reaction (body language»). Wait a few seconds then have them smell your other wrist (watch reaction). Lastly have them smell your neck.

Sure you could use this as a “routine”(it works), but the main point is to get multiple opinions and find the best cologne that works for you.

I’ve been using Calvin Klien’s Obsession for years and it’s never failed me.  The Original Poster in the thread above recommends Stetson Black, which is good too.  But you really gotta find the cologne that’s right for you.

How To Pick Up Drunk Sorority Girls

August 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Jukebox535 over on the attraction forums had a question about how to properly sleaze on college girls as they stumble by in a drunken stupor…

Jukebox535 writes:
I was at this house on greek row and there were literally packs of hot girls going by I tried the 2-kiss opinion opener like 10 times got shot down every time. It held their attention for like 30 seconds and thats it. Whats a better way to hold their attention then try and get them in the house.

Here’s what I know about picking up sorority girls in college…

First of all, using opinion openers on girls as they are walking by your place usually isn’t the best tactic.  Secondly, if you’re AT a frat house, why in the world are YOU doing any work to pull girls to the house?  Shouldn’t the frat be luring women in with the promise of free beer to begin with?  But I digress…

First of all, if you’re out trying to pick up girls at college, and it’s a weeknight, packs of them are roaming around going to the bars, clubs, parties, etc. – realize that you need to engage the GROUP as a whole, not just one or two of the girls.  They are in “pack” mode and walking together to a pre-determined destination.  One of them will not stop to talk to you because they entire group is moving.

So when engaging the group, don’t expect to get them to stop and chat with you.  Instead, you want to find out where the group is going.  Once you have their destination, that is where you should go if you want to try and pick them up.

A tricky thing here is that college girls won’t usually volunteer the information of where they are going.  This is a safety thing.  Sure, some might, but if you ask “Hey, where are you all going?” before you’ve properly established any kind of rapport, chances are good they won’t tell you – especially if it’s a small group of women, like two or three.  The reason?  They don’t want some guy they don’t know following them!  Duh.

It’s actually more appropriate to ask where they came from.  Something like “Hey, what party did you guys just come from?” can do the trick.  If they say “we didn’t come from a party,” then you can say something like “Well, you’re obviously going to one.  Let me guess – you’re headed to (local bar/club/frathouse/etc)?  I hear that’s where it’s at tonight.”  From there the girls will usually tell you where they are going.  Once you find this out, you can do something like “You guys should really have an escort to keep away all the annoying drunk guys from hitting on you.”  Then volunteer your services.

Also, if you’re looking to pick up sorority girls SPECIFICALLY, it helps to know what frats are affiliate with what sororities.  So try and familiarize yourself with the greek system at your school if you can, so you know where the girls like to go for parties and functions.

Worst. Sex Advice. Ever.

August 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

You know, sometimes I stumble across a piece of advice that is so freakin’ bad, I can’t believe anybody would bother posting it.  I mean, seriously

MrXXX writes:
While recieving oral/sex just bust out your phone and start browsing, text someone etc. Shit you don’t even need to do anything. The idea is to focus your mind on anything that is not pleasure, by doing so you are blocking the mental part of the orgasm and thus you cannot cum. If the female asks why you are busting your phone just tell her “cause I want to fucking last longer” “cause i fucking can” “so I cant last longer”. etc….

Thats it. Just do it. If it does not work your dumb as shit.

Actually, if you TAKE MrXXX’s advice, you’re dumb as shit.  I mean, where do I even begin with this…

First off, if you take out your phone and start texting someone while getting a BJ, that’s probably gonna be the LAST BJ you ever get from that girl.  Women give me shit about checking my phone while out on a DATE (some say its disrespectful) so I can just imagine how they’d react if I did that during sex.  I mean, what girl wouldn’t get pissed off if she was going down on you and you’re texting someone or looking at your phone?  I’ll tell you this – any girl who sees that happen is going to instantly think the guy isn’t into them, feel massively insecure, and STOP what they’re doing.  I can almost guarantee that.

Secondly, why the hell do you want to last longer during a blowjob?  During sex, yes, I can understand you’d want to increase endurance, but that’s because of your partner’s pleasure, right?  Lasting long during a blowjob doesn’t do anyone any good.  The girl doesn’t want to be down there all day!  In fact, if you take TOO long, she’s going to think something is wrong.  Plus, why would you want to deny yourself pleasure?  That’s what sex is all about, right?  Allow yourself to enjoy it!

If you REALLY need help here, blow your load fast during the BJ, then you’ll last longer during sex.  No phone or mental torture required.

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