Science Proves Women Can’t Park!

September 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

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This is just common sense.  I mean, everyone knows how horrible women are at parking (especially the parallel kind).  But those highly efficient Germans over in Germany just couldn’t leave well-enough alone and had to prove to the world just how hopeless women are when it comes to parking, using the power of SCIENCE.

Who says women can't park?

It’s long been the source of domestic strife. Are women really worse at parking than men?

Sorry ladies, official figures have revealed the truth: we are not very good at parking a car.

Almost a third of all women who failed their driving test last year came unstuck due to parallel parking.
Careful dear: Studies show that women are not as competent as men when it comes to parking

Careful dear: Studies show that women are not as competent as men when it comes to parking

Of the 170,000 women who failed their driving test in 2010 for mistakes in reversing or failing to use their mirrors, 55,000 failed on parking.

And if those figures – released by the Driving Standards Agency – are not enough to ensure a rare victory for men in the battle of the sexes, then they have the support of science as well.

Researchers at the Ruhr University Bochum in Germany asked 65 volunteers to park a £23,000 Audi – and found that women took up to 20 seconds longer than men.

Some women blame the problem on the fact their breasts make it more difficult to turn around while parking.
Parking and women

However, when they do eventually pass – one woman finally got through last year at the 21st attempt over 22 years – they will at least have the consolation of cheaper car insurance.

The figures back up another stereotype: the boy racer.

When young men get behind the wheel the testosterone goes into overdrive.

It helps to explain why almost 40,000 men were failed last year for moving off too fast, while another 30,500 fell foul of their examiner for jumping the lights.

The agency has listed the top five faults by gender for those who failed.

The most frequent – forgetting to check right, left and then right again at junctions – was common to both sexes.

About 1.5million  people take a driving test each year.

‘So far this year the pass rate is 50.7 per cent for men and 44.1 per cent for women,’ said an agency spokesman.

Female drivers need an average 52 hours of tuition to pass but men speed through in just 36 hours of lessons.

So the next time your girl bitches about you not asking for directions… bitch at her back about you being able to park a damn car.

Cougar Sex: The Science Behind Why Older Women Are More Horney Than Younger Ones

September 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Articles


As usual, science shows up to kick some knowledge into your face!

Men who cheat on their spouses have always enjoyed an expedient explanation: Evolution made me do it. Many articles (here is one, and here is another), especially in recent years, have explored the theory that men sleep around because evolution has programmed them to seek fertile (and, conveniently, younger) wombs.

But what about women? If it’s really true that evolution can cause a man to risk his marriage, what effect does that have on women’s sexuality?

A new journal article suggests that evolutionary forces also push women to be more sexual, although in unexpected ways. University of Texas psychologist David Buss wrote the article, which appears in the July issue of Personality and Individual Differences, with the help of three graduate students, Judith Easton (who is listed as lead author), Jaime Confer and Cari Goetz. Buss, Easton and their colleagues found that women in their 30s and early 40s are significantly more sexual than younger women. Women ages 27 through 45 report not only having more sexual fantasies (and more intense sexual fantasies) than women ages 18 through 26 but also having more sex, period. And they are more willing than younger women to have casual sex, even one-night stands. In other words, despite the girls-gone-wild image of promiscuous college women, it is women in their middle years who are America’s most sexually industrious. (See the top 10 political sex scandals.)

By contrast, men’s sexual interest and output, usually measured by a reported number of orgasms per week, peaks in the teen years and then settles to a steady level (an average of three orgasms per week) for most of their lives. As I pointed out in March, most men remain sexually active into their 70s. According to the new study, as well as the study I wrote about in March, women’s sexual ardor declines precipitously after menopause.

Why would women be more sexually active in their middle years than in their teens and 20s? Buss and his students say evolution has encouraged women to be more sexually active as their fertility begins to decline and as menopause approaches.

Here’s how their theory works:

Our female ancestors grew accustomed to watching many of their children — perhaps as many as half — die of various diseases, starvation, warfare and so on before being able to have kids of their own. This trauma left a psychological imprint to bear as many children as possible. Becoming pregnant is much easier for women and girls in their teens and early 20s — so much easier that they need not spend much time having sex. (See photos of the history of the cougar.)

However, after the mid-20s, the lizard-brain impulse to have more kids faces a stark reality: it’s harder and harder to get pregnant as a woman’s remaining eggs age. And so women in their middle years respond by seeking more and more sex.

To test this theory, Buss and his students asked 827 women to complete questionnaires about their sexual habits. And, indeed, they found that women who had passed their peak fertility years but not quite reached menopause were the most sexually active. This age group — 27 through 45 — reported having significantly more sex than the two other age groups in the study, 18 through 26 and 46 and up. Women in their middle years were also more likely than the younger women to fantasize about someone other than their current partner. The new findings are consistent with those of an earlier Buss paper, from 2002, which found that women in their early 30s feel more lustful and report less abstinence than women in other age groups. In both studies, these findings held true for both partnered and single women, meaning that married women in their 30s and early 40s tend to have more sex than married women in their early 20s; ditto for single women. Also, whether the women were mothers didn’t matter. Only age had a strong affect on women’s reported sexual interest and behavior. (Read about cougar cruises.)

And yet there are a few flaws with the data in the new paper. Chiefly: some three-quarters of the participants in the study were recruited on Craigslist, a website where many go to seek hookups, meaning there was a self-selection problem with the sample. (The other participants were students at the University of Texas in Austin.) The authors also note that there are some alternative explanations for why women in their 30s and early 40s might be more sexual. Many of them may simply be more comfortable with sex than women in their teens and early 20s. Still, that raises the question of why they are more comfortable: perhaps evolution programmed that comfort.

Buss is the author of The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating, now in its fourth edition, and has become associated with evolutionary explanations for sexual behavior. His theories help explain why men can be cads — and why women can be cougars.

I thought this was pretty interesting, especially the part about how evolution has prepared women to bare children in their younger and most fertile years, and as they get older and it becomes more difficult to have children, they seek out more sexual pleasure.

That’s not to say younger women don’t get horny and want sex.  Cause obviously, they do.  And the whole “cougar” phenomena has to do with older women aggressively going after younger men.  According to this study, women in the age range of 27-45 are the most sexually active, but its unclear who they’re sexually active WITH.  They can’t all be going for younger guys, can they?

But that is a pretty interesting find.  The next time you do an online dating search, set the age range to 27-45 and see what you get.  I guess your chances of getting lucky with that age range is much higher!

Study Reveals Women Prefer Chill Men…

September 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Analysis

Who am I to argue?   It’s science, baby…

Women generally find calm, collected men more attractive, and scientists now suggest they know the biology of why that is.

Investigations into what makes men desirable often focus on testosterone. The hormone is linked with masculine facial traits, such as larger jaws and heavier brows, and is typically associated with better long-term health. As such, it might at first glance make sense from an evolutionary point of view if women found testosterone-laden men especially attractive.

However, past studies have often revealed that men with high testosterone levels are not automatically appealing to women, who view such testosterone-laden men as having long-term drawbacks. For instance, the macho guys may lead a “player’s” lifestyle, or may also be bad parents.

Instead, human behavioral ecologist Fhionna Moore at the University of Abertay Dundee in Scotland and her colleagues focused on the stress-linked hormone cortisol. Persistently high levels of cortisol can suppress not just the immune system, but also reproductive function. As such, it would make sense if women preferred men with low cortisol levels — that is, those who are not stressed out.

The whole article goes on to talk about how guys who are more laid-back, relaxed, and happy-go-lucky were generally found more attractive than “alpha male” types with high testosterone levels.  I think this comes down to a “looks vs. personality” debate.  Yes, the study was done based on looks, as in a “macho” looking guy vs. a “laid back” looking guy, but when it comes down to it, women prefer a man who has a personality that’s more conducive to what they enjoy, as opposed to a good-looking meathead.

Personality is always the great equalizer in attraction.  Looks fade, the novelty wears off, and when that happens, you’re just stuck with who the person is, and to a lot of women, that matters a great deal.

Casual Sex Leads To Long Term Relationships?

September 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

USAToday is reporting on a study about how casual sex doesn’t ruin the prospect of long term relationships.

People who “hook up” for casual sex can have as rewarding a long-term relationship as those who take it slowly and establish a meaningful connection before they have sex, says a new study.

University of Iowa researchers analyzed relationship surveys and found that average relationship quality was higher for people who took it slowly than for those who became sexually involved in “hook-ups,” casual dating, or “friends with benefits” relationships.

However, having sex early on wasn’t the reason for this disparity, according to UI sociologist Anthony Paik. When he factored out people who weren’t interested in getting serious, he found that those who became sexually involved as friends or acquaintances and were open to a serious relationship were just as happy as those who dated but delayed having sex.

The study analyzed a survey of 642 heterosexual adults in Chicago. To measure the quality of the relationships, people answered questions about how much they loved their partner, their level of satisfaction with intimacy in the relationship, the future of the relationship, and how their lives would be different if the relationship ended.

“We didn’t see much evidence that relationships were lower quality because they started off as hook-ups,” Paik, an assistant professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, said in a UI news release.

“The study suggests that rewarding relationships are possible for those who delay sex. But it’s also possible for true love to emerge if things start off with a more Sex and the City approach, when people spot each other across the room, become sexually involved and then build a relationship,” he added.

I know that personally, most of my relationships grow out of the “casual dating” arena.  I know lots of girls think that having sex with a guy too soon will make him lose interest in her, but I’ve never found that to be the case.  If the guy is only interested in sex in the first place, then he probably will lose interest after getting what he wants (then again, he’d lose interest if it takes too long to get what he wants as well!).  But if a guy is open to having a relationship, and sex happens quickly, that can actually speed up the process by which he’s willing to be in a relationship.

So this study isn’t really that surprising to me.

Science Reveals Ultimate Dance Floor Game

September 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Analysis

Live Science magazine reveals an interesting study that reveals how you can move on the dance floor to capture women’s hearts…

Using computer-generated avatars, psychologists say they have unlocked the dance moves that will capture a woman’s heart. Apparently the speed of a man’s right knee and the size and variety of movements of the neck and torso are key, they suggest.

Throughout the animal kingdom examples abound of males performing courtship dances, attracting females with displays of health and skill. Dances are sexy among humans as well, and scientists wanted to codify what moves ladies like to see in men.

Psychologists at Northumbria University in England filmed 19 male volunteers, ages 18 to 35, with a 12-camera system as the men danced to a German dance track, the kind of drum rhythm one might hear clubbing. None of them were professional dancers.

The men also wore 38 small reflectors all over their body, which the systems monitored to capture the motions of the dancers in three dimensions — the same technique filmmakers used to help create the character of Gollum in the “Lord of the Rings” movies. These movements were mapped onto featureless, white, gender-neutral humanoid characters, or avatars.

This way, the 35 heterosexual women the scientists also recruited could rate 15-second clips of each dancer without being prejudiced by each guy’s individual level of physical attractiveness. Each dancer was judged on a scale of one to seven, from extremely bad to extremely good.

Guys whose swagger included larger and more variable movements of the neck and torso were considered attractive by the ladies.

“This is the first study to show objectively what differentiates a good dancer from a bad one,” said researcher Nick Neave, a psychologist at Northumbria University. “Men all over the world will be interested to know what moves they can throw to attract women.”

Curiously, faster bending and twisting movements of the right knee also seemed to catch the eyes of women. As a potential explanation, the researchers noted that 80 percent of all people are right-footed, so most people “are putting their weight on their left leg and using that leg as an anchor while the right can do more fancy things,” Neave suggested. “It is a bit of an odd finding, so we need more studies to see if this feature is replicated.”

He added: “We now know which area of the body females are looking at when they are making a judgment about male dance attractiveness. If a man knows what the key moves are, he can get some training and improve his chances of attracting a female through his dance style.”

In the online version of the journal Biology Letters Sept. 8, the researchers suggest these dance movements could be signs of male health, vigor or strength that men would find hard to fake. Neave said they have preliminary data to show that better dancers are also healthier and are more attractive, and they are exploring these ideas in current research studies.

“The hardest thing is to recruit males to take part,” Neave told LiveScience. “They seem rather reluctant to sign up for studies that involve dancing.”

I’ve long believed that a man’s prowess on the dancefloor is an indicator to women at how good he is in bed, since it communicates movement of the body.   Also, if a woman is willing to dance with you, she’s usually willing to get physical with you in other ways.  So knowing the moves that attract women can definitely be advantageous.

Be sure to check out the videos they include to see examples of the good and bad dance moves.

Sex Last For 49 Days, On Average

September 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Via that bastion of scientific knowledge known as The Sun

BRITONS have sex for an average of 49 days, 13 hours and 41 minutes during their lifetimes, a poll showed yesterday.
The least sexually active enjoy just 30 HOURS compared to 170 DAYS for the most randy.
The average for men is 52 days and eight minutes. For women, it is 47 days, three hours and 36 minutes, said researchers.
Among sexually active people, the average session lasts 19.5 minutes.

BRITONS have sex for an average of 49 days, 13 hours and 41 minutes during their lifetimes, a poll showed yesterday.  The least sexually active enjoy just 30 HOURS compared to 170 DAYS for the most randy.

The average for men is 52 days and eight minutes. For women, it is 47 days, three hours and 36 minutes, said researchers.

Among sexually active people, the average session lasts 19.5 minutes.

I’m guessing this study doesn’t take into account masturbation?  lol.

Study Finds Ben More Attracted To Waists Than Boobs

August 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Analysis

Yet more horny scientists with too much time on their hands…

Researchers found a woman having an “hourglass” shaped figure was more important for a man than her breast size or facial features.

They also discovered that men take a split second to decide if a member of the opposite sex is attractive.

They calculated that a “waist-to-hip ratio” of 0.7, or a waist measuring 70 per cent of the hip circumference, was the “perfect” size.

Women with “hourglass” figures such as Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Alba, the Hollywood actress and Alessandra Ambrosio, the Victoria’s Secret model, were found to posses the “perfect” body.

Scientists concluded that such a small ratio was considered good for a woman’s health and resulted in high fertility.

Dr Barnaby Dixson, a New Zealand anthropologist, studied what different sexes found attractive throughout history.

In his study, a group of volunteers were shown various pictures of a woman, where her hips, bust, and waist were digitally altered.

He then asked them to rate the image for attractiveness and while they studied the photos used infra-red cameras to track their eyes.

Despite most men being drawn initially to the woman’s cleavage, it was her hips and waist that were in fact what they found most attractive.

“Men rated images with an hourglass shape and a slim waist … as most attractive, irrespective of breast size,” said Dr Dixson, from Victoria University of Wellington.

You can read the whole article here.  But it is interesting how most guys will go for a woman with a “nice body” but a sub-par face over a woman with a pretty f ace and a horrible body.  In the article, they make it a point to say “humans simply do not mate randomly.”  And that’s true.  We all have certain things we prefer in a mate.  Guess it just comes down to personal taste in the end.