How To Break Up With A Girl

September 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks, Video

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Is your woman driving you nuts?  Wanna dump that bitch and move on with your life?  Are you eager to break your shackles and sprint to freedom?  Well, Youtuber HeavenlyAngel985 has some tips on how to “Respectfully” break up with a woman.  And aside from a bit of rambling and a few bits of silly advice, she actually gives some decent tips on how to break up with a girl.  Check it out:

Just remember – when you break-up with someone, try and do so in a way that WOULDN’T preclude you from ever getting back together with them.  This is important, because you never want to limit your options.

Ideagasms Melt-Down: Stephane’s Lies Revealed

September 22, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

So if you’re a follower of the blog, you’ll know that I’ve been critical of Stephane over at Ideagasms since, oh, it began.  I’ve just had ay too many people I like and trust tell me about how the guy lied and screwed them over to actually believe Stephane is in this business to actually help other people as opposed to creating a cult for himself.

In one of my early podcasts, you can see where I expose most of his lies during an interview with Barry Kirkey.  (Its not one of my better podcasts, but whatever.  The point is to get the truth out there.)

Anyway, today I get an email from a reader named Lor who informs me of some major drama going on over at Ideagasms.  It seems more and more of the cult has stopped drinking the kool-aid, and Stephane is banning them to keep them from speaking out against his teachings.

But these “Ex-IGs” aren’t staying quiet.  In fact, they’ve created their own forum and Facebook Group to expose the truth about Stephane, and boy, is it not pretty!

Check out what David B., the creator of the Facebook Group, has to say about his experiences with Stephane… Read more