The Art Of Screening: How To Avoid Meeting Lame Women Online
September 16, 2011 by Thundercat
Filed under Tips & Tricks
Ellie210 posted an interesting question over on the mASF forums about how to avoid going out on dates with women you meet online who end up being lame (not ugly, mind you, just girls who aren’t fun to date). His question goes something like this…
ellie210 writes:
I get quite a handful of dates from online dating, in fact it’s my main source of recruiting new women. But holy fuck, a huge majority of these women are fucking lame. I’m not even talking about looks or how hot a woman is (I’m pretty impartial to looks, as long as she’s not a warpig). I’m talking about lame chicks who you can’t even have a conversation with for more than 5 minutes.
I know some of you guys just pitch the date off the site. What I do is get the girl’s number and I give her a call to pitch a day and time. But I also call to screen out lame chicks, if I end up carrying most of the conversation.
Do you guys get dates with women who turn out to be lame? Or do you always get dates with cool, awesome women?
Speaking as a guy who does a lot of online dating (and I mean A LOT), I can safely say that the way to avoid most “lame chicks” is to properly screen them BEFORE you meet up.
What do I mean by this? Read more
AFC Adam Lyons: Zombie Text Game – Resurrect A Dead Set
Many people who first begin to hear about the possibility of improving their dating life through understanding psychology refuse to believe it works. They would rather tell you how it must be complete rubbish than give it a try themselves, as people find it hard to believe that they’ve been doing something as natural as finding a partner completely wrong for their entire lives.
They find it difficult to accept there is an easy way of doing things that can drastically increase your chances with the opposite sex.
I love proving just how effective these techniques are. Now some of the theories may take time to put into practice however, there is one little lesson I love to teach which you can do RIGHT NOW!
It takes very little effort to do, and is relatively consequence free. So why not give it a try?
A while back I was sitting on the toilet staring at my phone wondering what I could do to improve my own methods… (Sorry for the graphic reference its the place where I get my best ideas)
Then I saw all the phone numbers of girls I have approached over the last 6 months scrolling past on my phone and I remembered something one of my good friends mentioned after we stopped seeing each other.
She deletes the phone numbers of people she doesn’t want to know.
She was explaining how she loves hanging out with me so much that she would stay in touch with me, but that every other guy she’s ever dated she hasn’t really wanted to keep in touch with and so she deleted his number.
Now upon further inspection by myself it turns out that many, many people do this.
So have you taken a girls number in the last 6 months only to have her stop responding to your text messages? Odds are my friend that she has deleted your number too!
This means you gain a massive advantage. You know who she is… but she can’t remember you!
With a little bit of knowledge of how attraction works you just might be able to rekindle something from the comfort of your own home.
I have experimented with different texts, and this was the set I felt had the best results to date.
This is a real text exchange between me and a girl that ignored my texts after getting her phone number in a club.
Adam: Watcha Cutie, how’s life treating you? Still Partying hard? or you getting too old for it now?
Cutie: Who is this?
Adam: Wow Forgotten already
p I suppose thats how it is in media eh? I’m Adam the PR manager we met in umbaba, you said to give you a call, but I’ve been busy til now, how are you? Still partying? ;o)
Cutie: Ah Hi hun, yeah always, Im coming into town tonight x
Adam: Cool I’m heading to chinas tonight with a bunch of the girls… where are you heading?
Cutie: China too! See you there.
Cutie: Use this number in future huni… (sends me a new number)
I used to use this technique alot back in the day and its amazing how many actually start responding and really warming up to you.
So what to do with all those old Phone numbers… don’t throw them away.
Simply recycle It’s better for the environment.
AFC Adam
How To Get Girls To Meet you Off Of Facebook
February 19, 2010 by Thundercat
Filed under Tips & Tricks
Checkmater over on mASF had a good question about getting girls you meet on Facebook to meet you offline.
Checkmater writes:
I spend way too much time on Facebook. Facebook chat, messages, poking etc they’re all great low-commitment ways to talk with girls. I have a few good things I’ve learned, would also like to solicit some advice b/c I have such a hard time meeting some1 in real life afterwards. Out of 1000 friends there are at least 100 attractive women.
However, there is a downside. For instance, a girl recently wrote on my wall telling me I look like a certain celebrity. Great! I wrote her a little message back, 3 sentences saying “What’s up?” She replied, “What’s up to you?” I replied, with a dull question, then nothing. I posted something on my wall a week later, and she replied to it.
My facebook protip: Always end with some sort of witty interrogative. Absurdist questions are sometimes good. Negging her facebook profile picture, be careful though, you might think it’s funny to write, but it may not be nearly as funny to read.
Request for protip: How do I get from here to, coffee, etc.
First of all, for those of you interested in Facebook Game, check out the article I just wrote over at Pick Up Evolution about meeting girls on Facebook.
But as far as meeting girls offline from Facebook, here is my advice…
There are two ways I know of to take Facebook meets offline. The first is to host some type of event that you can invite people to. Whether its throwing a party or organizing a group to go out, you invite the girl you want to come along and bring her friends, and follow up with her to make sure she’s coming. Then, at the event, you chit-chat and number close or set up the date right there.
A second, slightly more sneaky option, is to check and see if she has her phone number listed in Facebook. Lots of people who update Facebook through their phones include their number in their contact info on their profile. Because only your friends see it, they don’t think twice about sharing, so you can get her number directly and start texting her and eventually set up a coffee date.
Another option is to email her and ask for her number straight up. Just say something like you’re updating your contacts and you realized you don’t have her number, or something like that.