Study Proves Women Are Perverts

June 22, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

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So a new study was just released that shows women process sexual stimuli much different than men do.

When men look at pictures of women in the buff, where are their eyes likely to go first?

Men are more likely to look at a female’s face before gazing at other body parts, according to a new study by researchers at Emory University.

And when men and women look at pictures of heterosexual sex, women look longer at the photos than men do, according to the study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior.

Both findings may run contrary to what most people think, but they shed light on sexual attitudes that really aren’t all that mysterious when considered in a scientific light, said psychologist Kim Wallen of Emory.

Wallen and his former graduate student, Heather Rupp, showed still photos of couples having sex to 30 women and 15 men between the ages of 23 and 28. Each was rigged up with a high-tech eye-tracking gizmo to measure where his or her gaze went first, and how long it stayed there.

While men went straight to the face and lingered awhile, most of the women were more interested in what was going on in the pictures — the sexual activity.

Not surprisingly, Wallen said, women on hormone-filled birth control pills were interested in the overall view of the photos and "background" items like jewelry. But women not on the pill were more interested in areas of both men and women normally covered by clothing.

Rupp, who’s now at Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction, said the "eye-tracking data suggested that what women paid most attention to was dependent on their hormonal state."

The scientists traced the findings to a brain region called the amygdala, which processes emotional information and excitement.

In an earlier brain-scanning study, Wallen found more activation in the amygdala of men than women in response to sexual stimuli. But the cause of the increased activity was unclear, and Wallen and Rupp’s latest study suggests higher amygdala activation in men may be related to their increased attention to faces.

They’ve also concluded there are biological and evolutionary reasons for what they found.

Women can tell by looking at naked men whether the guys are in the mood, Wallen said, but women’s bodies don’t reveal much.

Which is why men home in on their faces.

"It’s cryptic, but facial expression is one way of showing an indication of interest in and enjoyment of sex," Wallen said.

I found this article extremely interesting.  I think it’s more proof against the "you have to be good looking" issue, since it seems women don’t tend to focus in on faces as much as men do.  It’s the actual act tiself, and the emotional aspect to it, that women tend to focus on.  (at least, that’s how I’m reading this article.  You guys let me know if you think I’m wrong.)

I also found it interesting how men need to look at a woman’s face to gauge sexual interest.  I think this is something we all instinctively know, but aren’t conscious of.  Women KNOW when a guy is aroused.  That can’t be faked.  But guys need some type of clue.  That’s why learning to read a woman’s body language is so important, and learning to recognize indicators of attraction as well.

15 Things Women Say That Guys Don’t Want To Hear

June 22, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Some dude wrote a pretty good list of things that women say that we, as guys, just don’t want to hear.  Check it out…

1 Any stories about ex-boyfriends, even ones told against the poor blokes. If your ex was a violent, brainless, tattooed ex-con, this will only make us feel boring and unmanly. And scared.

2 The phrase ‘I’d say it’s bang-on average, if not slightly bigger’. Best to steer clear of the size issue. Like us talking about your weight, it can only lead to misunderstanding and hurt.

3 Obsessive accounts of your diet and exercise regime. Men like skinny women, true. But they dislike being exposed to the borderline eating disorders and pathological obsessiveness that produce them. And curvy and sane always beats mad and thin. Eventually.

4 The accusing phrase, ‘What’s wrong with the blue dress, then?’ after we have said we like the red one.

5 Any details of your day at work. Although men can find the most basic things endlessly fascinating – the number of buttons on their shirts, farting – they will suddenly develop ADD when it comes to your professional life. Unless you are a porn actress. No, actually, even then…

6 Any information about things you thought about buying. We are perfectly happy to admire actual purchases, but yearning for those phantom shoes/dress/bag exasperates us.

7 Stories about other men patronizing you. This will give us an irresistible urge to ruffle your hair and say in a kids-TV voice, ‘Awww, did dey? Did dey do dat to oo?’ I know, sometimes we’re asking for trouble.

8 The word ‘Fine’ as a stand-alone sentence. The scariest syllable in the female vocabulary.

9 The sound of weeping. It destroys us.

10 Any details of strife you may be having with your female friends. The endless round of hurt and rapprochement that constitutes girls’ friendships mystifies us. If she’s that much trouble just delete her from your bloody mobile.

11 The phrase, ‘Hang on, I’ll just reply to this text before we order’. We want first claim on your attention, woman.

12 The phrase, ‘Can you turn over, you’re snoring’. Great, that’s both of us awake.

13 The words ‘Am I special? Am I?’ Especially if you are drawing a circle around our nipple with your finger at the time.

14 Anyone else’s name, in your sleep.

15 Your dreams. Unless we’re in them. And in a good light, too. If not, save ‘em for the shrink.

Not a bad start.  Here are a few I can think of…

  • "I’ll call you."
  • "My period is late."
  • "I feel bloated."
  • "Your friend (or some TV actor or whatever) is hot!"
  • "I have a headache."
  • "My mom/sister/friend is coming into town."
  • "My dad wants to meet you."

You guys got any you want to add?

15 Things Women Say That Guys Don’t Want To Hear

June 22, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Some dude wrote a pretty good list of things that women say that we, as guys, just don’t want to hear.  Check it out…

1 Any stories about ex-boyfriends, even ones told against the poor blokes. If your ex was a violent, brainless, tattooed ex-con, this will only make us feel boring and unmanly. And scared.

2 The phrase ‘I’d say it’s bang-on average, if not slightly bigger’. Best to steer clear of the size issue. Like us talking about your weight, it can only lead to misunderstanding and hurt.

3 Obsessive accounts of your diet and exercise regime. Men like skinny women, true. But they dislike being exposed to the borderline eating disorders and pathological obsessiveness that produce them. And curvy and sane always beats mad and thin. Eventually.

4 The accusing phrase, ‘What’s wrong with the blue dress, then?’ after we have said we like the red one.

5 Any details of your day at work. Although men can find the most basic things endlessly fascinating – the number of buttons on their shirts, farting – they will suddenly develop ADD when it comes to your professional life. Unless you are a porn actress. No, actually, even then…

6 Any information about things you thought about buying. We are perfectly happy to admire actual purchases, but yearning for those phantom shoes/dress/bag exasperates us.

7 Stories about other men patronizing you. This will give us an irresistible urge to ruffle your hair and say in a kids-TV voice, ‘Awww, did dey? Did dey do dat to oo?’ I know, sometimes we’re asking for trouble.

8 The word ‘Fine’ as a stand-alone sentence. The scariest syllable in the female vocabulary.

9 The sound of weeping. It destroys us.

10 Any details of strife you may be having with your female friends. The endless round of hurt and rapprochement that constitutes girls’ friendships mystifies us. If she’s that much trouble just delete her from your bloody mobile.

11 The phrase, ‘Hang on, I’ll just reply to this text before we order’. We want first claim on your attention, woman.

12 The phrase, ‘Can you turn over, you’re snoring’. Great, that’s both of us awake.

13 The words ‘Am I special? Am I?’ Especially if you are drawing a circle around our nipple with your finger at the time.

14 Anyone else’s name, in your sleep.

15 Your dreams. Unless we’re in them. And in a good light, too. If not, save ‘em for the shrink.

Not a bad start.  Here are a few I can think of…

  • "I’ll call you."
  • "My period is late."
  • "I feel bloated."
  • "Your friend (or some TV actor or whatever) is hot!"
  • "I have a headache."
  • "My mom/sister/friend is coming into town."
  • "My dad wants to meet you."

You guys got any you want to add?

15 Things Women Say That Guys Don’t Want To Hear

June 22, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Some dude wrote a pretty good list of things that women say that we, as guys, just don’t want to hear.  Check it out…

1 Any stories about ex-boyfriends, even ones told against the poor blokes. If your ex was a violent, brainless, tattooed ex-con, this will only make us feel boring and unmanly. And scared.

2 The phrase ‘I’d say it’s bang-on average, if not slightly bigger’. Best to steer clear of the size issue. Like us talking about your weight, it can only lead to misunderstanding and hurt.

3 Obsessive accounts of your diet and exercise regime. Men like skinny women, true. But they dislike being exposed to the borderline eating disorders and pathological obsessiveness that produce them. And curvy and sane always beats mad and thin. Eventually.

4 The accusing phrase, ‘What’s wrong with the blue dress, then?’ after we have said we like the red one.

5 Any details of your day at work. Although men can find the most basic things endlessly fascinating – the number of buttons on their shirts, farting – they will suddenly develop ADD when it comes to your professional life. Unless you are a porn actress. No, actually, even then…

6 Any information about things you thought about buying. We are perfectly happy to admire actual purchases, but yearning for those phantom shoes/dress/bag exasperates us.

7 Stories about other men patronizing you. This will give us an irresistible urge to ruffle your hair and say in a kids-TV voice, ‘Awww, did dey? Did dey do dat to oo?’ I know, sometimes we’re asking for trouble.

8 The word ‘Fine’ as a stand-alone sentence. The scariest syllable in the female vocabulary.

9 The sound of weeping. It destroys us.

10 Any details of strife you may be having with your female friends. The endless round of hurt and rapprochement that constitutes girls’ friendships mystifies us. If she’s that much trouble just delete her from your bloody mobile.

11 The phrase, ‘Hang on, I’ll just reply to this text before we order’. We want first claim on your attention, woman.

12 The phrase, ‘Can you turn over, you’re snoring’. Great, that’s both of us awake.

13 The words ‘Am I special? Am I?’ Especially if you are drawing a circle around our nipple with your finger at the time.

14 Anyone else’s name, in your sleep.

15 Your dreams. Unless we’re in them. And in a good light, too. If not, save ‘em for the shrink.

Not a bad start.  Here are a few I can think of…

  • "I’ll call you."
  • "My period is late."
  • "I feel bloated."
  • "Your friend (or some TV actor or whatever) is hot!"
  • "I have a headache."
  • "My mom/sister/friend is coming into town."
  • "My dad wants to meet you."

You guys got any you want to add?

Couple Falls To Death While Having Sex

June 22, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

What a way to go

COLUMBIA, S.C. –Police on Wednesday were investigating how a naked couple fell 50 feet from the roof of a downtown office building to their deaths.

The bodies were found on the road by a passing cabdriver around 5 a.m. Wednesday.

Clothing was discovered on the roof, leading authorities to suspect the man and woman, in their early 20s, may have been having sex. Their identities were not released.

"It’s too early to rule out anything," Columbia police Sgt. Florence McCants said, but McCants said a preliminary investigation didn’t show any sign of foul play.

The moral of the story?  Don’t bang chicks anywhere close to a ledge!

Last Chance For “Forever Man” – Premature Ejaculation Cure

June 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

I just got an email from my good buddy David Van Arrick.

(You know, the sex master?  Yeah, that’s him.)

About a week ago he released his new course called The Forever Man, and it was a HUGE hit.

For the past year and a half, David has been researching and developing a sure-fire method of curing pre-mature ejaculation.

Along with being a master NLP trainer and a black belt in five different martial arts, David is an eastern medical doctor, so he knows a thing or two about the human body and how it works.  Let me tell you – the system he came up with for increasing your stamina and controlling your climax is nothing short of amazing.

It doesn’t require any pills, any surgery, nothing.  All you need to do is go through the training David lays out for you.

So getting back to the point of this post…

David will be PULLING this course down in the next 24 hours!

Why is he doing this?

No, it’s not some lame scarcity ploy.  The Forever Man is such a large and comprehensive course, that David is getting KILLED on bandwidth charges from his hosting provider.

(Seriously, who knew downloads could be so expensive?)

So he plans on taking it down real soon.  So if you haven’t checked it out yet, you really need to be clicking here:

Click Here To Learn How To Last Forever In Bed.

Right now, David is offering an amazing bonus package for people who get his course.  Seriously, it’s really impressive.

But should he ever re-release the Forever Man, you can bet it won’t be with these killer bonuses (he’s got to shorten the course to keep things reasonable in terms of bandwidth.)

So if you haven’t checked out David’s Forever Man System, I would encourage you to do so now before it’s gone for good:

Check Out The Forever Man Method Here!

I’ve used David’s system myself, and you can start seeing results extremely quickly.  I never had a problem with Premature Ejaculation, but the amount of time I can go with a chick has dramatically increased.  It’s actually a weird feeling having that type of control over your body.  In a way, it really gives you a lot of confidence in the bedroom. 

Everyone knows that I only recommend products that I believe in and feel would help people, so if this is a problem you’re dealing with, I would highly recommend you check this out now before its gone.

Last Chance For “Forever Man” – Premature Ejaculation Cure

June 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

I just got an email from my good buddy David Van Arrick.

(You know, the sex master?  Yeah, that’s him.)

About a week ago he released his new course called The Forever Man, and it was a HUGE hit.

For the past year and a half, David has been researching and developing a sure-fire method of curing pre-mature ejaculation.

Along with being a master NLP trainer and a black belt in five different martial arts, David is an eastern medical doctor, so he knows a thing or two about the human body and how it works.  Let me tell you – the system he came up with for increasing your stamina and controlling your climax is nothing short of amazing.

It doesn’t require any pills, any surgery, nothing.  All you need to do is go through the training David lays out for you.

So getting back to the point of this post…

David will be PULLING this course down in the next 24 hours!

Why is he doing this?

No, it’s not some lame scarcity ploy.  The Forever Man is such a large and comprehensive course, that David is getting KILLED on bandwidth charges from his hosting provider.

(Seriously, who knew downloads could be so expensive?)

So he plans on taking it down real soon.  So if you haven’t checked it out yet, you really need to be clicking here:

Click Here To Learn How To Last Forever In Bed.

Right now, David is offering an amazing bonus package for people who get his course.  Seriously, it’s really impressive.

But should he ever re-release the Forever Man, you can bet it won’t be with these killer bonuses (he’s got to shorten the course to keep things reasonable in terms of bandwidth.)

So if you haven’t checked out David’s Forever Man System, I would encourage you to do so now before it’s gone for good:

Check Out The Forever Man Method Here!

I’ve used David’s system myself, and you can start seeing results extremely quickly.  I never had a problem with Premature Ejaculation, but the amount of time I can go with a chick has dramatically increased.  It’s actually a weird feeling having that type of control over your body.  In a way, it really gives you a lot of confidence in the bedroom. 

Everyone knows that I only recommend products that I believe in and feel would help people, so if this is a problem you’re dealing with, I would highly recommend you check this out now before its gone.

Last Chance For “Forever Man” – Premature Ejaculation Cure

June 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

I just got an email from my good buddy David Van Arrick.

(You know, the sex master?  Yeah, that’s him.)

About a week ago he released his new course called The Forever Man, and it was a HUGE hit.

For the past year and a half, David has been researching and developing a sure-fire method of curing pre-mature ejaculation.

Along with being a master NLP trainer and a black belt in five different martial arts, David is an eastern medical doctor, so he knows a thing or two about the human body and how it works.  Let me tell you – the system he came up with for increasing your stamina and controlling your climax is nothing short of amazing.

It doesn’t require any pills, any surgery, nothing.  All you need to do is go through the training David lays out for you.

So getting back to the point of this post…

David will be PULLING this course down in the next 24 hours!

Why is he doing this?

No, it’s not some lame scarcity ploy.  The Forever Man is such a large and comprehensive course, that David is getting KILLED on bandwidth charges from his hosting provider.

(Seriously, who knew downloads could be so expensive?)

So he plans on taking it down real soon.  So if you haven’t checked it out yet, you really need to be clicking here:

Click Here To Learn How To Last Forever In Bed.

Right now, David is offering an amazing bonus package for people who get his course.  Seriously, it’s really impressive.

But should he ever re-release the Forever Man, you can bet it won’t be with these killer bonuses (he’s got to shorten the course to keep things reasonable in terms of bandwidth.)

So if you haven’t checked out David’s Forever Man System, I would encourage you to do so now before it’s gone for good:

Check Out The Forever Man Method Here!

I’ve used David’s system myself, and you can start seeing results extremely quickly.  I never had a problem with Premature Ejaculation, but the amount of time I can go with a chick has dramatically increased.  It’s actually a weird feeling having that type of control over your body.  In a way, it really gives you a lot of confidence in the bedroom. 

Everyone knows that I only recommend products that I believe in and feel would help people, so if this is a problem you’re dealing with, I would highly recommend you check this out now before its gone.

Sex With Drunk Girls May Legally Be Rape

June 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

After reading this article, I feel sorry for every single man living in the UK.

Men who have sex with drunken women risk being convicted of rape – even if they appear to have given consent.

Ministers will unveil the controversial proposals this week in a bid to boost conviction rates for sex offences and bring more ‘date rapists’ to justice.

A new white paper is expected to propose that judges should give firmer guidance to juries in cases where the woman has been drinking.

If a woman is deemed to have consumed so much alcohol that she is incapable of agreeing to make love, the man would be far more likely to be convicted of rape.

The new law would potentially open the way for the prosecution of thousands of men for having sex with drunk women – regardless of whether agreement had been given at the time.

Successful prosecutions for rape often founder before they get to court because of the difficulty in proving to juries that a victim had not given consent.

At the moment, a drunken woman is deemed to be capable of giving consent so long as she is not unconscious.

The law change is expected to lead to a huge rise in the current conviction rate of five per cent.

Proof of whether a woman was drunk would come from medical tests – as well as evidence from witnesses and victims.

The new law places a heavy responsibility on men to be certain that a woman is sober enough to know what she is doing.

Wow.  This is like, the worst idea ever.  If this were to ever happen in America, I’m thinking every man would leave the nation.  Hell, some guys can’t get laid UNLESS the girl is drunk, lol.  Can you imagine the hit to the economy with a bill like this?  Bars would close down because no men would go there.  I would think it would be easier to make it illegal for women to drink alcohol rather than to say that it’s a man’s responsibility to determine her "free will" at the time of the hook up.

I mean, honestly… isn’t there a measure of responsibility for the woman here?  Shouldn’t she be aware of how much she can drink before getting too drunk to consent to sex?  It’s a little thing called personal responsibility.  Is a girl who got sloppy drunk then cries rape the legal equivalent of a drunk person who gets behind the wheel of a car and kills people?  If alcohol is not an excuse for accidents while driving, can it really be an excuse for hooking up?  Not in my book.

At least there are some sane people in the UK who seem to want to fight this absurd law…

Opponents of the proposals fear they may encourage some women to allege rape when they regret having had sex while drunk.

George McAuley, chairman of the UK Men’s Movement, said men may have to resort to obtaining written ‘contracts’ or using mobile phones to film their partners consenting to sex.

He said: "It means men will have to get a consent form signed, dated and countersigned in triplicate before they make love. This legislation is deliberately designed to put more men behind bars."

That’s exactly what it is.  I mean, can you imagine having to get "proof of sobriety" before hooking up with a girl?  Its crazy, and its anti-man.  I’m surprised California didn’t try to pass something like this first.

For all of our UK brothers across the pond who want to protect their rights to bang drunk girls, I’d highly recommend you check out the UK Men’s Movement site and support their efforts to keep guys from getting shit on by the government.

Inner Game: How To Enrich Your Life

June 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

So I found a great article called 39 Ways To Live And Not Merely Exist.  It’s basically a bunch of tips to help us start enjoying our lives more.  Some of them are good, some I don’t agree with, but the spirit of all of them is totally applicable to pretty much everyone.  Here are my favorites from the article…

   1. Love. Perhaps the most important. Fall in love, if you aren’t already. If you have, fall in love with your partner all over again. Abandon caution and let your heart be broken. Or love family members, friends, anyone — it doesn’t have to be romantic love. Love all of humanity, one person at a time.

   2. Get outside. Don’t let yourself be shut indoors. Go out when it’s raining. Walk on the beach. Hike through the woods. Swim in a freezing lake. Bask in the sun. Play sports, or walk barefoot through grass. Pay close attention to nature.

   5. Take chances. We often live our lives too cautiously, worried about what might go wrong. Be bold, risk it all. Quit your job and go to business for yourself (plan it out first!), or go up to that girl you’ve liked for a long time and ask her out. What do you have to lose?

   6. Follow excitement. Try to find the things in life that excite you, and then go after them. Make life one exciting adventure after another (with perhaps some quiet times in between).

   7. Find your passion. Similar to the above tip, this one asks you to find your calling. Make your living by doing the thing you love to do. First, think about what you really love to do. There may be many things. Find out how you can make a living doing it. It may be difficult, but you only live once.

  11. Travel. Sure, you want to travel some day. When you have vacation time, or when you’re older. Well, what are you waiting for? Find a way to take a trip, if not this month, then sometime soon. You may need to sell your car or stop your cable bill and stop eating out to do it, but make it happen. You are too young to not see the world. If need be, find a way to make a living by freelancing, then work while you travel. Only work an hour or two a day. Don’t check email but once a week. Then use the rest of the time to see the world.

  15. Be positive. Learn to recognize the negative thoughts you have. These are the self-doubts, the criticisms of others, the complaints, the reasons you can’t do something. Then stop yourself when you have these thoughts, and replace them with positive thoughts. Solutions. You can do this!

  18. Face your fears. What are you most afraid of? What is holding you back? Whatever it is, recognize it, and face it. Do what you are most afraid of. Afraid of heights? Go to the tallest building, and look down over the edge. Only by facing our fears can we be free of them.

  25. Learn new skills. Constantly improve yourself instead of standing still — not because you’re so imperfect now, but because it is gratifying and satisfying. You should accept yourself as you are, and learn to love who you are, but still try to improve — if only because the process of improvement is life itself.

  32. Break out from ruts. Do you do things the same way every day? Change it up. Try something new. Take a different route to work. Start your day out differently. Approach work from a new angle. Look at things from new perspectives.

  34. Laugh till you cry. Laughing is one of the best ways to live. Tell jokes and laugh your head off. Watch an awesome comedy. Learn to laugh at anything. Roll on the ground laughing. You’ll love it.

  39. Be in the moment. Instead of thinking about things you need to do, or things that have happened to you, or worrying or planning or regretting, think about what you are doing, right now. What is around you? What smells and sounds and sights and feelings are you experiencing? Learn to do this as much as possible through meditation, but also through bringing your focus back to the present as much as you can in everything you do.

I’d highly recommend everyone check out this article and start following a few of its suggestions.  It really is so important to truly live your life and not waste it on stupid things like watching TV or being afraid of meeting a girl.

Does Anal Sex Make Your Butt Bigger?

June 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

Okay, I found a blog post commenting on this that I found really entertaining…

My Whirl: This was extracted from a web health forum site. It is the funniest stuff I have ever read on a forum. Someone is really naive and its not the boyfriend.

The Question:

I have a really flat butt. My boyfriend read that anal sex will help make it bigger, but only if he shoots his sperm deep inside. We used to have anal sex sometimes. He always wore a condom before. Now we have anal sex and he shoots really deep inside me and i keep it there. I think I like this even if it doesn’t make my butt bigger. He says my butt does look bigger, but I can’t tell. Has anyone else heard of this? Will his sperms in my butt make it bigger?

ROFL.  That’s the most ingenious lie to get anal sex I’ve ever heard.  Ah, what guys will say to stick it up the butt.

Meeting Older Women

June 19, 2007 by  
Filed under Articles

Let’s face it, some things just get better with age.  Things like fine wine, Cuban cigars, and yes, even women!

Meeting a woman who’s older than you can actually be quite a good way to meet a fantastic partner.  Usually, older women are much more experienced, not only in relationships, but also in the bedroom.

So meeting older women can actually teach you a ting or two – not only about relationships, but also about what you’re really looking for in a partner.

So the real question is:

Are you interested in dating a woman who’s older than you are?

Do you find older women more attractive than their younger counterparts?

Well, my friend, you are not alone!

Older women are much more "mature" and experienced in the ways of love. They’ve usually had a lot of practice dealing with men, and know their way around the bedroom.

They can also be MUCH easier to deal with than younger women, who can tend to be a little "high maintenance."

If you’re a man in your mid-to-late 20s who’s mostly been with women in their late teens and early 20s, dating a woman in her 40s can be a real treat for you!

They tend to be more mature and less selfish – sexually, and in just about every other way – than the women you’re used to dating. And if you’re not looking for anything serious, the chances are higher that they’re not either, if they’re just past child-bearing age.

In that way, they’re kind of like a lot of women in their mid-20s and younger, who don’t feel compelled to start a family in the way that single women who’ve hit 28 or 29 do. By the time a single woman reaches that age range, she’s more likely to feel that now’s the time to act if she’s ever going to have children.

That’s because she’s not getting any younger, and she feels less attractive than she was when she was in her early 20s. In her mind, it’s only going to get harder to find a great man she can settle down with.

(By the way, a lot of women at this stage make a mistake that a lot of men make their entire lives: they get desperate. Some women actually repel men because of their desire to get into a serious relationship sooner than the man is comfortable with. And a lot of women at this stage will settle for a man who they’re not compatible with, but who will end up fulfilling their need to have a family.)

So how can you start meeting older women?

Well, there are lots of options.  But first, I’d like to point out that if you’re looking to go to trendy nightclubs or bars, chances are, you won’t find any there.

Most older women will tend to frequent more low-key establishments.  Bars in classy hotels, for instance.  Or cocktail hours at certain restaurants which serve alcohol.

Many of the best places to meet older women are places you’d go during your daily errands.  Places like the grocery store, for instance, or the mall.  Anyplace women go to shop.  Coffee shops in the morning and afternoon are good venues as well, since many older women will stop there on their way to and from work.

But the best place to meet older women, in my opinion, is online.

Many older women have kids or jobs, which doesn’t leave them much time to socialize, so many of them will go online looking for dates.  Places like, eHarmony, and even MySpace are fantastic venues for meeting older women.

But there are problems with dating older women. You may not be as mature as she is, which can be a problem for both of you. And the age difference can become rather awkward should you decide to get married: If there’s a 15-year age difference between you, then she’ll be 50 when you’re 35!

But that’s not to say that you shouldn’t meet and date an older woman. It can be a great experience for you, if you’re aware of the potential issues that can arise in the relationship.

So whether you want to meet older women, younger women, or women your own age, you should take some time to sign up for my free Meet Women crash course.

In this free course, I give you some A-List solid tips, tactics, and techniques on how to meet women without fear of rejection – no matter what age they are.  In fact, I even tell you how to make it easy and fun!

You owe it to yourself to take this opportunity.  Because if you wait, you may miss out on the woman of your dreams.

You can get your free course here:

Click Here For Free How To Meet Women Course

It only takes a few seconds to sign up, and you get free instant access once you do.

I really wish I had such a resource available to me when I first started!  It would have saved me a lot of trouble!  So take advantage of it while you can.  I don’t know how long I’ll make it available for free.

Wishing you success,

Joseph Matthews
Author of The Art Of Approaching Women

Date People Using Your iPod

June 19, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Okay, so online dating isn’t a big thing, but dating using your iPod just might be.  There’s a new site out there called PodDater.  It looks like a free dating site that’s trying to bridge the gap between "podcasts" and ""  In theory its an interesting idea, but it doesn’t look like its quite caught on yet.

Basically, you go there, open up a profile, and then upload a video to your profile of you saying anything you want.  Then, other people download that video onto their iPod and they can watch it (if they have a video iPod) or listen to it (if they have a crappy iPod that doesn’t support video).  And then when they get back to a computer they can go and contact that person.

Now, it looks like the site is still in development, so it’s not quite where it should be yet.  The idea of having a dating site where you can regularly upload audio or video podcasts to about yourself, what you’re doing, and what your dates were like sounds like a great idea – but it just doesn’t seem to be there quite yet.

You can check out PodDater for yourself here.  Be sure to come back and let me know what you think of it.

The Alexander Technique – How Posture Can Affect Your Pickup

June 19, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

The Stylelife guys have released a few interesting videos that deal with improving your posture/body language using something called the Alexander Technique, which seems to be a healing type of exercise designed to help you feel better physically, and therefore increase your confidence/presence.  I have a friend of mine who actually takes a class on this and he says it makes him feel great.

I’d post the videos here on the site for you guys, but some retard turned off the embedding function over on YouTube, so I’m just going to give you direct links.

Improving Your Posture Part 1

Improving Your Posture Part 2

It really is amazing how doing something as simple as changing your posture can have a profound effect on your confidence.  I think it’s important to remember that the body had a direct effect on emotions, and if you want to change your emotions, the easiest way to do that is to change your body language.

Conquer & Pillage Your Social Circles

June 19, 2007 by  
Filed under Articles

So Badboy just sent me a new article of his about how to use your social circle to get laid like a rockstar.  Unfortunately, he only sent me the first half of the article, so I’ll have to mark this as "Part I" until I get the rest of it.

Check it out…

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