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The Alexander Technique – How Posture Can Affect Your Pickup

June 19, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

The Stylelife guys have released a few interesting videos that deal with improving your posture/body language using something called the Alexander Technique, which seems to be a healing type of exercise designed to help you feel better physically, and therefore increase your confidence/presence.  I have a friend of mine who actually takes a class on this and he says it makes him feel great.

I’d post the videos here on the site for you guys, but some retard turned off the embedding function over on YouTube, so I’m just going to give you direct links.

Improving Your Posture Part 1

Improving Your Posture Part 2

It really is amazing how doing something as simple as changing your posture can have a profound effect on your confidence.  I think it’s important to remember that the body had a direct effect on emotions, and if you want to change your emotions, the easiest way to do that is to change your body language.

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3 Responses to “The Alexander Technique – How Posture Can Affect Your Pickup”
  1. Jack Martin says:

    The Alexander Technique is a lot more than a system of exercises – in fact there are not really any exercises in this process. You can learn a lot more about it at the website:
    (And yes, it can, among many other things, help with your pickups!)

  2. Michael L says:

    ”I’d post the videos here on the site for you guys, but some retard turned off the embedding function over on YouTube, so I’m just going to give you direct links.”

    It’s Styles account ‘ManofStyle’. So I’d imagine that retard would be Style.

  3. Brooke Lieb says:

    One of my students was in the chorus of the touring company of “An Evening With Andrew Lloyd Weber”, and said it was common for people to approach her after the performance and comment on her stage presence, and how they couldn’t take their eyes off of her. She said she stood onstage and thought about her Alexander Technique concepts, and it had an effect on her charisma.

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