Something Awful vs.

June 19, 2007 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors, Quotes & Humor

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If you’ve never heard of, you haven’t been having much fun on the Internet.  Basically, it’s a website that makes fun of… well, everything.  It can be a really cool place to surf through and have a good laugh if you’re bored.

Anyway, it seems Something Awful finally turned its sights on the seduction community’s hub –  In what is a really HUGE article, a Something Awful contributor who goes by the name of Hassan Mikal really combs through the boards and pokes fun at the way things work over there.

Check it out by clicking here:  Something Awful Hates Fast Seduction

It’s a massive 6 page article, but most of that is screencaps of posts from mASF users.  It’s a pretty funny article.  I just hope Mr. Mikal doesn’t ever get around to reading MY site, lol!

The 5 Questions Game

June 18, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

So somehow a clip from the Annihilation Method got on YouTube (surprise, surprise) but it’s so good I just gotta share it.  It’s a part of Neil demonstrating the 5 questions game on a girl.  This is a FANTASTIC routine and can be a lot of fun.  Check it out.

Is it any wonder he’s the best?  =)

How To Pick Up Women At The Gym Successfully

June 18, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Some guy named VenusianArtist (not sure if he’s affiliated with Mystery’s new website or what) wrote up a great post over on mASF about how to pick up women at the gym.  Check it out:

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Man With HIV Gets Life Sentence For Having Sex

June 18, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Personally, I’m all for this.  Someone with HIV who dupes people into having unprotected sex without letting them know they’re infected are no better than killers and murders.  They should suffer the same punishment.

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. — A man who spent five years in jail for exposing sexual partners to HIV was sentenced to life in prison for knowingly exposing another woman to the virus.

Sean L. Sykes, 33, was sentenced Tuesday. He was found guilty in May of having unprotected sex with a St. Joseph woman without telling her he was HIV-positive. Testimony at his trial — which was closed to the public to protect witnesses — indicated that he had exposed at least eight women to HIV. At least three have tested positive.

"I think it’s fairly clear he is a very dangerous individual," Buchanan County Prosecutor Dwight Scroggins said after the sentencing. "If he is not in prison, he would likely continue to spread HIV."

Sykes was convicted in 1997 of knowingly exposing someone to HIV. He was given the maximum sentence of 10 years, but was paroled in 2003.

Scroggins said Sykes has had "numerous" other unknown sexual contacts since he first tested positive 16 years ago.

"It’s not an immediate death sentence," said assistant prosecutor Kathleen Fisher, "but that’s what he’s done to these people, his victims."

This guy is one of the most despicable people I’ve ever heard of.  They should Tatoo "I Have HIV" on his forehead so he can’t hurt anyone else.

The Video Gamer’s Guide On How To Keep A Girl

June 18, 2007 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

We all know that guys who are into video games (like REALLY into them, who spend the better part of every day playing video games) seem to have trouble keeping women around.  After all, a man cannot serve two mistresses, and one will eventually have to go.

I recently came across a fantastic guide that gives the gamer-guys some fantastic tips on how to keep a girl around.  Check it out…

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The Video Gamer’s Guide On How To Keep A Girl

June 18, 2007 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

We all know that guys who are into video games (like REALLY into them, who spend the better part of every day playing video games) seem to have trouble keeping women around.  After all, a man cannot serve two mistresses, and one will eventually have to go.

I recently came across a fantastic guide that gives the gamer-guys some fantastic tips on how to keep a girl around.  Check it out…

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The Video Gamer’s Guide On How To Keep A Girl

June 18, 2007 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

We all know that guys who are into video games (like REALLY into them, who spend the better part of every day playing video games) seem to have trouble keeping women around.  After all, a man cannot serve two mistresses, and one will eventually have to go.

I recently came across a fantastic guide that gives the gamer-guys some fantastic tips on how to keep a girl around.  Check it out…

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State Of The Community

June 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

So yesterday I was graced with the presence of none other than the dynamic duo of, Formhandle and TokyoPUA.  They’re in LA visiting and I took them around town and hung out with them.  I think the last time I had seen Formhandle was the 2004 PUA Summit at Project Hollywood, and this was the first time meeting TokyoPUA face to face.

Anyway, over lunch we had a lot of conversations about the "state of the community."  These guys basically get to see all the "up-and-comers" in the PUA world thanks to their involvement in the hub of the community, and I’m in somewhat of a similar position because of this blog.

Anyway, what we shared with each other wasn’t good.

Back in the "heyday" of the community (at least as the three of us saw it), we had a lot of original thinkers posting some great stuff.  You had people like Mystery, Style, Toecutter, Swinggcat, Juggler, Ross Jeffries, Tyler Durden, and a whole slew of others posting ideas, theories, field reports, and tons of other things – all of which were interesting to read.

The big problem now is that there seems to be a void because these people have stopped sharing ideas and posting to the community portals.  They’ve withdrawn.  I don’t think its because they’re all commercial and don’t want to post anymore, I think some of them are just busy living their lives and others have just lost interest in the community.

Which leaves the newbies…

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Is Juggler A Megalomaniac?

June 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

You know, dealing with people in the community is always a fun and exciting prospect, because you really get to learn who some people really are.  One of the guys I haven’t yet met in person, but have had some interactions with, is Wayne "Juggler" Elise.

I’ve never had a "bad" experience with Juggler.  In fact, I have a lot of respect for the guy’s teachings.  My friend Alleycat, who I had cover the Austin PUA summit a few years back, really liked Juggler when he met him down there.

But I have heard things from other people about Juggler that aren’t so nice.  Things from more than one source that are making me see some sort of pattern.

I began thinking about this when I saw this post over on Donovan’s blog:

We all want to know – what happened with Charisma Arts?
Without going into specifics, the relationship just wasn’t working out.
But I have respect for what they teach and I think the guys who work
there are amazing. The Juggler Method is a powerful thing, and it was
fun to help take that company from two guys in a coffee shop into the
worldwide success that it is today.

The above is an excerpt from an interview Donovan did with Christian Hudson, one of the guys who started Charisma Arts with Juggler.  I’ve deal with Christian off and on over the years, mostly in the respect that they wanted me to do promotions for Juggler on this site and other stuff.  He always seemed like a good guy, but he hinted to me more than once that Juggler was a difficult guy to work with.

Juggler has always been someone who seems to "March to his own drummer."  I’ve even heard he’s had a much unpublicized feuds with some very prominent "gurus" in the field of dating and seduction, mostly because he reportedly has quite a big ego about himself.

Not that there’s anything new with a pickup guru having an ego.  But apparently Juggler’s one to hold a grudge as well.

Now that I’ve learned Christian is gone, I’m wondering about the future of Charisma Arts.  Will it continue to be a success?  Can Juggler really carry a business on his own?  Who knows?  Juggler being a bit of an egotist doesn’t reflect on his ability to teach others how to succeed with chicks.  But I’m wondering just who else he may piss off while doing so.

How To Date Women At Work

June 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Articles

Someone over on the mASF forums had a question about dating women in the workplace, so I thought I’d open my big mouth and chime in about this subject.

I think every man out there is well aware of all the problems that go with picking women up at work.  As if sexual harrassment wasn’t enough, you now have "sexual intimidation" going on.  (Whatever the hell THAT means!)

Having worked in an office environment myself, I definitely know the plight of many men out there who work 40+ hours a week at their jobs.  So many guys spend so much time at work, and by the time they get home they’re too tired to go out or they need to get MORE work done, so it becomes a real issue of:  work is the only logical place to meet people.

That said, workplace romances aren’t uncommon.  Lots of couples meet through work.  The very fact that two people are working at the same place creates a commonality that can help build rapport and open an avenue to attraction.

Back when I was in an office, one of my office-mates was well known as the "Office Dater."  He’d basically only date women who worked at the company, and he was very good at it.  I’ll share the tips I learned from him to effectively date at the workplace…

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Supercharging Your Self-Esteem

June 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

A guy named Dreamcruiser over on mASF had a nice little post about how to rev up your state before you go out to da club.

Dreamcruiser writes:
Quite some time ago, when we started to frequently go out at night with friends, we had a special ritual to boost our state and bring everyone in the right party mood.

This was mainly because back then, none of us had much money and warming up with drinks in bars and clubs was too expensive.

So we all gathered at one of our friends place about an hour before going out. Each of us had a special video tape, with music videos and funny stuff on it, recorded for the sole purpose of getting everyone in a good state.

During the weekdays, we recorded the latest clubbing music videos (usually with loads of hot girls), short funny clips of various comedys, funny outtakes and even short clips of wrestling matches. Just everything that was really funny or exciting. Then on the weekend evenings, when we met at my friends place, we sat together with one or two beers and watched all the videos at full volume on his big ass TV. We laughed our ass off to the funny clips and the latest hot music videos got us in dancing mood. The combination of all your good friends having fun together, watching funny stuff and hot girls, listening to good music and enjoying a beer got us in god mode immediately.

When we started to feel like singing along with each song and the athmosphere was boiling, we rushed to the biggest club in town as fast as possible. No need to tell you we entered the scene as if the whole club fuckin belonged to us.

There were four large cages around the dancefloor with all the HBs dancing inside, while all AFCs were just standing around drooling. As soon as we got there, everyone of us stormed into one of the cages and had fun with the girls there. We were just so POWERED UP and state boosted, that we didn’t care for a second about anything but having fun and enjoying the moment.

There’s always been a lot of talk about state boosting methods in the community. But letters you read to yourself in front of the mirror to make you believe you are the shit are just not working as effectively as this method back then was.

So my advice is: dig out this secret weapon and use it to rock your place like a tornado. We’re in the digital age now, that makes it a lot easier to put together awesome state booster compilations on CD, DVD or even your harddrive.

Here’s what to do:

1.) Collect your favorite (party) music videos. For me this is usually house-music and some hiphop (usually hot girls in the videos also), but just choose what you like. Important: no calm, depressing or boring stuff. Also, you want to avoid that hardcore heavy metal stuff that makes you angry and aggressive. Just go for cool party music. And did i mention that lots of hot asses in the videos never hurt, haha.

2.) Collect some funny clips. Youtube style. Just short amateur clips you can find anywhere on the net – but only the best. They should make you and your friends laugh at it over and over again.

3.) If possible, put together some short movies clips and/or pictures of you and your friends having fun. Stuff that you recorded during your nights out, during the hollidays or other times where you just had a really good time.

4.) Collect some hot party movies, like from spring break or any other big party where everyone is just feeling perfect.

Then just drop all of this on a cd or dvd. Mix up the music videos with the party movies, drop in some funny clips here and there and also the clips of you and your friends.

Some facts about how this works:

Our brain has so called mirror-neurons. In short – they make us FEEL the things we SEE. Even when the things we see don’t affect us personally at all. That’s why we get horny when watching porn, or sad if some movie character dies, get scared from horror movies and so on. And that’s also why we get happy when looking at smiling people. So whatever it is that you see in your statebooster DVD, will put you in a similar state.

Through NLP you can conncet certain impulses to one ore more of your senses to emotions. For example, if you always listen to a special song while chilling, then this song will put you in a relaxed and calm state once you hear it. Or each time you are out and feeling god-like, you wear a special shirt. Then your mind connects wearing that shirt to feeling god-like and you will automaticly feel better each time you wear it.

Putting together a statebooster DVD is many times that strong!! Why? Because it triggers multiple senses at once. You SEE the videos, you HEAR the music, you FEEL your friends around you and all of these impulses are connceted to feeling god-like. You can even enhance that effect by adding a special drink (cocktail or something) you only drink during such "warmup" occassions and thus adding the TASTE state-trigger.

Important: All of these state triggers have to be connected in your mind with very positive states. That means you have to REALLY LIKE these songs and you have to REALLY LAUGH at the funny clips. But NEVER watch this DVD when feeling really bad. It may lift you up a bit temporarly, but you will destroy the effect of the DVD forever, because your mind will then conncet the triggers to feeling bad. Otoh, you could just put together a new compilation.

And you can always add new stuff to this compilation. Just keep the best stuff (these things will become "classics" and "insiders"), and replace everything else with better stuff you find over time.


Never underestimate the importance of state control.  Knowing how to make yourself feel good is crucial to raising your self-esteem and feeling confident.  Dreamcruiser suggests a good visual way of amping yourself up.  Another good way is listening to music that gets you excited and feeling good.  But like he also says, NEVER watch or listen to these things when you’re depressed or not feeling good in an effort to "cheer yourself up."  you only want to associate your "state chargers" with good feelings, not bad ones.

Comments Fixed

June 14, 2007 by  
Filed under News

It seemed the comments on the blog weren’t working and no one bothered to tell me!  lol.  Well, I’ve done gone and fixed them, so you guys can start sassing back to me now.  =)

Jessica Alba Wants One-Night Stands

June 14, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

So who DOESN’T want to bang Jessica Alba?  Well, according to this article, that might not be as hard as you would think…

STUNNING actress Jessica Alba says she is up for a one-night stand – as long as the man leaves the next morning.

The curvy 23-year-old, who was recently romantically linked to Hollywood hunk Mark Wahlberg, likes the idea of getting intimate with lots of different people because she loves experimenting in sex.

She told Cosmopolitan magazine: "I just wanted to see what it was like to be with different people. I don’t think a girl’s a slut if she enjoys sex.

"I could have a one-night stand, and I’m the kind of girl who looks over in the morning and is like, ‘Do you really have to be here?’ I don’t need to cuddle and do all that stuff because I know what it is and I don’t try to make it more.

"I feel like a lot of women try to make it into more, so they don’t feel so bad about just wanting to have sex. I don’t really have a problem with just wanting sex. Never have.

"Even when I was a virgin and wanted to marry the first guy who I slept with, I never passed any judgments about that. But now I’m done with dating around."

I don’t know how accurate this article is.  Alba is pretty much known to be somewhat of a "prude" when it comes to the sex stuff.  (I think she’s also a devout Christian, though I might be mistaken.)  Anyway, this is probably just a way of getting more publicity for her upcoming Fantastic Four movie.  At least she’s not pulling a Katie Holmes and marrying some other Hollywood A-Lister.

Bad Boy Workshop Dates

June 13, 2007 by  
Filed under News

So I got this email from Bad Boy the other day with a list of his workshop dates:

Hi big boy.

It was fun meting you few night ago.  I attached my US trip for august, so it wuld be very nice if you could post it on your blog >

August 3-4-5 New York

August 10-11-12 Miami

August 17-18-19 San Francisco

August  24-25-26 LA

August 29-30 -1 Las Vegas

I will be teaching normal Club game(very direct), as well as day time game, and my favorite – Shopping Center Game.  So there is something for everyone .. LOL

have fun

I don’t know exactly where you would go to sign up for these events, but I imagine it would be at Badboys website  If you’re looking for an interesting workshop to try out this summer, maybe you should look into it.

Women Are Attracted To Men Who Look Like Their Father

June 13, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Who’s Your Daddy?

The type of man who makes woman’s heart flutter has a lot to whether she was a daddy’s girl, according to a new study.

Women who got along well with their dads as kids are attracted to men who resemble their fathers, whereas women who had a bad father-daughter relationship do not.

Lynda Boothroyd, a psychologist at Durham University in England, and her colleagues at the University of Wroclaw and the Institute of Anthropology in Poland asked a trained anthropologist to perform facial measurements on the photographs of 15 random men as well as the photographs of the fathers of 49 Polish women participating in the study.

The anthropologist calculated 15 key proportions based on how various features—such as the lips, nose, cheekbones and brows—related to each face’s height and width. The researchers also compared the 15 random faces to each of the father’s faces to determine how closely they resembled one another.

The women then rated their childhood relationships with their fathers based on how emotionally invested they felt their dads had been in raising them and how much time their fathers had spent with them. The women were split into two groups based on how positively or negatively they rated their relationships.

Then the researchers asked the women to rate how attractive they found each of the 15 random male faces.

The women who had reported positive relationships with their fathers were much more likely to be attracted to men resembling their fathers, the researchers found. On the other hand, women with bad dad relationships did not find men who looked like their fathers appealing.

“While previous research has suggested this to be the case, these controlled results show for certain that the quality of a daughter’s relationship with her father has an impact on whom she finds attractive,” Boothroyd said in a prepared statement. “It shows our human brains don’t simply build prototypes of the ideal face based on those we see around us, rather they build them based on those to whom we have a strongly positive relationship.”

Although no one yet knows for sure why females show these preferences, a woman with a great dad may choose a similar-looking mate in the hopes that he will also be a good father, the researchers wrote.

It’s no secret that you can figure out a lot about how to pick up a woman based on her relationship with her father.  Typically, women who had bad relationships with daddy are easier to get into bed fast, but they are also harder to deal with in the long term.  (At least, that’s been my experience.)

The interesting thing I’ve found about this article is that the women are actually attracted to certain PHYSICAL features that their father had, based on their relationship with him.  And women who had a bad relationship with daddy were actually repulsed by similar features.

So if you have a really hot chick who hates daddy, and her daddy is a really good looking guy, then chances are there are physical things about "good looking guys" she doesn’t find appealing.  Interesting, right?

Just more proof that you can never tell what, exactly, a girl’s "type" is.

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