How To Get A Girl

September 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor, Video

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Yeah, there are lots of ways to get a girl.  But this video breaks it down to its basics nicely.  lol.

Celebrity PUA Bootcamp With Christopher Walken!

September 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Video

Okay, we all know that PUA instructors run into all types of students when they’re teaching a bootcamp, and some are more difficult than others.  But what happens when a celebrity stops by who needs some “special attention?”  Check out how AFCAdam, the world’s #1 PUA, handles iconic actor Christopher Walken when he attends one of his workshops.

Special thanks to AFCAdam for this one.  What other celebrities would you like to see take a bootcamp?  Let me know in the comments!

Oh, and subscribe to my Youtube channel already, damn it!!!!