Pure Personality Is Released TOMORROW!
August 29, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
Hey guys,
Just a quick note to you – for the last two months I’ve been releasing lots of audio and video stuff about my Pure Personality course.
If you have missed ANY of them, now is the time to check them out, because I’ll be taking them down tomorrow when the course is released at 9:00 am Pacific, 12:00 pm Eastern time.
Just go to:
You can find them all there.
I’d really encourage you guys to check out the course. It has helped my game tremendously, and I know it will probably seriously help anyone else’s game as well.
We have a lot of heavy hitters involved in the course, including – AFC Adam, Brad P, and Barry Kirkey.
We also have a lot of NON-community people involved as well.
In fact, let me give you a run down of what is in the course…
The Videos
This is the first course I’ve ever made that actually utilizes a lot of video, so I wanted to be sure that the videos KICKED ASS.
The videos should be very easy for you guys to follow, and have a LOT of information in each one.
Video 1: The Addiction Method Part 1
The addiction method is the foundation for the Pure Personality course, and in this video, I explain the first part of the method on how to get people addicted to your Personality.
In this video, I go into great detail on how to “create your character” and cultivate a “social mask.”
The cool thing about this method is that you aren’t “acting” or trying to be someone you’re not.
This is all about taking the best qualities of you who are NATURALLY and bringing them to the forefront in a way where as many people get exposed to it as possible.
Video 2: The Addiction Method Part 2
The second part of the Addiction Method is all about teaching you how to tell STORIES.
See, storytelling is the method by which people learn about your character! And the better stories you tell, the more addicted people will become to who you are.
In fact – they will actively seek to have you around as much as possible!
And better than that, they’ll start telling their FRIENDS about you and repeating your stories to others, effectively growing you reputation.
Can you see how powerful this can be when it comes to attracting women?
Video 3: How To Be The Life Of The Party
This technique goes hand-in-hand with the addiction method.
I have developed a system where you can enter into any social situation – a bar, club, party, business meeting, whatever – and instantly be the center of attention.
Here, we’ll use the Butterfly Effect to meet lots and lots of people, but we’ll also use some covert tactics to build our reputation and help us deliver the Addiction Method techniques.
Video 4: Conversational Ninjitsu
A HUGE part of personality is being able to hold fascinating conversations with anyone you want.
Too often, guys stumble in conversation with women. Things might go good for a while, but then the dreaded “awkward silence” sets in and you run out of things to say.
Conversational Ninjitsu is a covert method of keeping the conversation going, effectively eliminating awkward silences and making all conversation seem natural and effortless.
Video 5: How To Be Funny
A big part of having a great personality is about how to make people laugh. In this in-depth video, I go into a number of proven techniques to help make even the dullest guy FUNNY.
This isn’t just some collection of lame jokes. I actually break down many different TYPES of humor and show you how to use them to get laughs from pretty much anyone.
More importantly, though, I’ll show you what to do when a joke goes BAD, and how to quickly recover from anything that “falls flat.”
Video 6: How To Tease
Teasing women can be a powerful tool in your attraction arsenal. Unfortunately, lots of guys tease women the WRONG WAY, and can come off as “jerks” or offensive.
In this video, I lay out a number of different proven and effective teasing techniques you can
use to get powerful reactions from women every single time.
Anyone who’s ever tried to use “Cocky and Funny” methods to pick up women before MUST see this video!
Video 7: An Interview With Brad P.
Brad P is one of the most interesting guys I’ve ever met, and in this 60 minute video, I sit down with Brad and pick his brain about all his best personality techniques.
Brand and I are good friends, so we talk about some really killer information in this video, and you get to see a different perspective on the whole “Personality Game.”
Bonus Videos: Non-Verbal Personality
Personality isn’t just based around what you say, it’s also based around what you do and how you act.
In a special bonus video section, I go into detail on how you can use your body language to communicate personality.
This is really powerful stuff that can show anyone what a cool, funny, fun guy you are without ever having to open your mouth!
The Audios
In addition to the video material, I tracked down and interviewed a number of Personality Experts who reveal their best tips and techniques for how to be funny, interesting, and cool around girls.
Audio #1: Interview With Adam Lyons
Adam is one of the most naturally gifted new pick-up instructors in the scene. His skills are almost completely based on his personality, and in this interview, I peg him down and get him to reveal all his secrets on how a scrawny geek like him uses his personality to hook up with super-model quality women night after night.
Audio #2: Interview With Barry Kirkey
Some of you might know Barry as “Extramask” from Neil Strauss’s book The Game. Barry is a talented comedian living in Canada, and he’s also quite knowledgeable about the dating scene, having been an instructor in the men’s dating advice field for some time.
In this candid interview, I get Barry to open up about his off-the-wall humor methods, and how you can use them to get women attracted to you in no time flat.
Audio #3: Interview With Joe Falzerano
Joe Falzerano is a professional comedian who teaches other comedians how to perform stand-up comedy. Joe’s workshop is based out of Los Angeles, and he’s taught some very recognizable names in the entertainment field how to be funny. And in this interview, Joe goes over his teaching methods that can take any man, and make him a funny guy.
Audio #4: Interview With Mike Piantedosi
This was a bit of a strage interview, because Mike is one of my Best Friends from High School, and he is one of the funniest guys I have ever met.
Like me, Mike is a self-admitted “Fat, Bald, And Ugly” dude. But his personality is so strong, that he is able to attract insanely hot girls whenever he wants.
Mike’s story is truly inspiring, and his methods are incredibly effective.
Audio #5: Interview With Richard Miller
Richard is one of David DeAngelo’s top students, and the “king” of cocky comedy methods. Richard is another “fat guy” who uses his humor and personality to attract women, and he’s EXTREMELY good at it!
In this interview, I sit down and get Richard to share all his personality techniques with me, including a few unknown tricks taught to him by David DeAngelo himself!
Audio #6: Interview With Steve Roye
Steve is a professional stand-up comedian, and a teacher in the field of comedy. In this interview, I get Steve to open up and share how he creates his material from scratch, and how anyone can create incredible jokes and stories that will captivate any audience.
Audio #7: Interview With Tony Piccasso
Also known as the “Cardfather,” Tony is a Las Vegas Magician who enraptures any audience he has. I ran into Tony at the Magic Castle here in Hollywood and was so impressed, I had to BEG him to let me interview him!
In this interview, Tony reveals how he cultivates his persona, creates an unforgettable character, and entertains his audience.
This is one of the most unique interviews you’ll ever hear, as Tony reveals an amazing step-by-step system he uses to create “instant fame” no matter where he goes.
If you’ve ever wanted to know how to create a rockstar like persona, this is the interview that reveals how!
The Text
In addition to all the multimedia, we also have some good, old fashioned text to go along with it!
Included in the course is a full Charm School manual that will teach you how to charm any woman you meet.
In addition to that, I’ve also created a number of assignments to help you learn how to use the techniques described in the course.
This method is specifically DESIGNED to help you start naturally attracting women based on your personality.
I also have some great bonuses lined up for the first 100 people who get the course, not the least of which is my “Live Training Sessions” where we get you on the phone with a girl to practice your personality skills and get feedback.
Trust me when I say – NO OTHER course out there goes as in-depth into the subject of “natural attraction” as Pure Personality does.
So don’t miss out, and be sure to reserve your copy of the course when it’s released on Saturday, August 30th, at 9:00 am Pacific time and 12:00 pm Eastern time.
Remember – you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to the whole course right after you sign up! No waiting for it to arrive in the mail. You can start learning the techniques immediately.
But you’ll also get a PHYSICAL copy of the course if you stay past the 56 day refund period.
The link to sign up for your course will be:
So don’t forget it!
Now let the anti-capitalism comments begin…
Free Q & A Call Audio
August 27, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Interview, News, Podcasts
Hey guys,
Last week I invited you all to attend a special Question and Answer call where I basically said you guys could ask me anything you wanted.
The good news is the call was PACKED, and we had a lot of great questions from those who chose to participate.
The call lasted around 90 minutes, and we did Q & A for probably 80 of those minutes.
If you want to listen to the audio of the call, you can do so through the player below:
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Or you can download the audio directly from this page.
Please let me know wha tyou thought of the call by leaving your comments in this post.
Donovan Interviews Thundercat
August 27, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
I just did an interview over at the Seduction Chronicles about the whole “Looks Vs. Personality” debate.
Donovan asked some pretty interesting questions.
If you guys want to see (or even care about) my responses, you can check them out here:
Free Phone Conference Tomorrow
August 20, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
Just a reminder to everyone: There’s a free Q & A call with me tomorrow. Everyone is invited to call in and participate. If you can’t make it, don’t worry – the MP3 of the call will be available on Friday.
Here’s teh call in info:
Date: Thursday 8/21/08, 5:00 pm Pacific, 7:00 pm Central, 8:00 pm Eastern
Duration of Call: 1 hour 30 minutes
Conference Phone Number: 1-512-623-5113
Guest Access Code: 874554
Paul Janka Accused Of Attempted Date Rape?
August 20, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News, Rants & Reviews
Here’s an article from the website Gawker.com about a girl who’s accusing Paul Janka of trying to force himself on her…
We’ve made fun of self-styled pickup artist and creepy sexual compulsive Paul Janka countless times: he’s slept with 146 (or so) women. He wrote an e-book layguide on how to get girls. He’s shopping an Entourage-type TV show to Showtime. However, he’s graduated from amusing obnoxiousness to distinctly unfunny sexual assault, according to Emily, a woman who went on a date with him. Paul doesn’t even dispute her claim that he grabbed her, pinned her down, tried to fingerfuck her, and shoved his tongue in her mouth. (She only got away after fighting and hitting him with an umbrella.) Her account, and Janka’s reply (she was on a date “under false pretenses,” he says), after the jump.
Okay, so I read the account over on Gawker (which seems to REALLY hate Paul Janka. Did the guy bang the editor’s girl, or something?), and they make a big deal of PJ not disputing the girl’s story. However, there are certain things that set off my Spider Sense about the girl’s recollection of what happened.
Now, I’m sure some of it is probably true. It wouldn’t surprise me if Paul made some aggressive moves on the girl (that seems to be consistent with his style), but I seriously doubt that it was a “violent” and “tawdry” as it sounds.
From the way this girl’s account reads, its like she went to meet the guy with the idea already in her mind that she was going to douche all over him. And as far as him assaulting her, I think there’s a fine line between being aggressive with a girl and being a crazed rapist. It sounds to me like if PJ was really going to try and rape this girl, he had numerous chances to do it, but kept backing off because of her insistence.
Now, I wasn’t there, and this is probably going to devolve into a “he said / she said” deal, but it just seems to me like this girl was out to crucify Paul from the get-go (I mean, she rejected the guy until she found out he was a professional pick up artist, and THEN decided to go on a date with him. Suspect? Yeah.), so that makes me think that maybe things didn’t play out exactly as she recalls them.
Of course, in this society, we’re all trained to believe the girl first and shit all over the guy, even if he didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t know if PJ really did all the things this girl claims – and if he did, he should be punished for it – but anyone who’s been in the game any amount of time can tell you: girls are crazy and they will do messed up shit to you for no good reason.
I think PJ might have a target on him because of his quazi-celebrity reputation. He’d better watch his back.
The Mexican Lair Is Pimping
August 20, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News, Quotes & Humor
Both Barry Kirkey and Donovan are making a point to show what the guys over in the Mexican Lair are wearing…
I’ve been to Mexico a couple times. Everyone down there dresses like that! (I’m joking, Mexican readers. Please don’t cut me!)
The First REAL Movie Based On The Community?
August 20, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
We all know that The Game was optioned by a studio to be turned into a movie, and like many other books got stuck in development hell, so my guess is we probably won’t see a movie based on Neil Strauss’s book anytime soon.
However, there is another movie out there called Let The Game Begin, and it looks like it actually has some “real” actors in it. You can check out the trailer for it here.
Oddly enough, I actually took my first ever Mystery Method workshop with the producer of this movie in 2003. You can definitely see some Mystery Method influence in the trailer, even down to the Matador lookalike pick-up guy.
From what I know, the movie is about a loser “AFC” who learns how to be a ladies man and uses his social skills to help him in business. Now, the movie doesn’t look all that great (in fact, some of the club/pick up stuff is kind-of painful to watch in the trailer) but what the heck? Any movie with Stephen Baldwin in it is worth checking out, right?
As a quick side note – Zan is also in the movie playing HIMSELF (of course). He’s even in the trailer for a moment. Leave it to Zan, that pimp. =)
What do you guys think of the movie? Would you go see it?
Dr Paul Interview and Free Q&A Call This Thursday
August 18, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
Yesterday I did an interview with Dr. Paul about my “Looks Don’t Matter” philosophy of pick up. Now, I’m not one to toot my own horn, but Dr. Paul said it was one of the best interviews he’s ever done, so if you guys want to check it out, I’m making it available on the blog here:
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Right Click Here To Download The Interview
I’m also going to be holding a FREE Q & A call this Thursday. I’ll be on the line, along with a few buddies of mine, to talk about how guys can get around the whole “looks” issue with women.
More than that, though, the call will be an OPEN Q & A. That means I’m inviting all you degenerates out there to come on the call and ask me anything you want. No holds barred. I figure instead of flaming the boards, you guys could try getting some direct feedback for a change, lol.
So to call in, here are the details…
Date: Thursday 8/21/08, 5:00 pm Pacific, 7:00 pm Central, 8:00 pm Eastern
Duration of Call: 1 hour 30 minutes
Conference Phone Number: 1-512-623-5113
Guest Access Code: 874554
The bulk of the call will be Q&A, and we’ll try to get to as many people as we can.
I look forward to talking to all of you.
Is Picking Up Chicks Against The Law In The UK?
August 18, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
I found this interesting little story about a couple would-be pick up artists getting arrested by the police for approaching chicks over on the London Seduction Society message boards…
3 Puas arrested in Oxford St. saturday afternoon
Thats right….
I was just on my way to my spot where I like to do some game when I spot 3 dudes with the PUA uniform. I spotted them and went to lean against a wall to see them in action from a distance while I was making sure that they were in fact PUAs.I see one of them do a 3 set aproach and eject in 3 seconds, so I had some doubts.
Then, another one of them crosses the street to speak to this blonde lone wolf and after him goes a cop.In matter of seconds, the cop arrests the guy that now just looks completely shock and disbelief and I think that he actually handcufs the guy. A second PUA crosses the street to see whats going on and gets arrested as well… So the third PUA just goes in and the party begins:
3 random dudes are arrested and searched in a corner of Oxford St. by one uniformed cop and 2 other civilian-dressed. I wanted to help, but I was risking exactly the same as the other 2 dudes and besides, I dont even know them, so I better mind my own business.
So I move on to my spot, open a lone wolf…. takes me 30 minutes to get her number and I walk back Oxf. St. again… AND THEY’RE STILL THERE!!!
Seriously… if you’re reading this and you’re the dudes, please just tell us what the hell just happened… Is it because you were opening too many sets on cctv?
And here’s the response from one of the guys who got arrested… Read more
Brad P Questions
August 13, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
Hey guys,
Our guest on the Podcast this week is Brad P, and if you guys want to have any questions answered by him, please leave them in this thread.
Feel free to ask anything you want. We’re going to have a lot to talka bout with Brad, but it’ll be nice to have some audience participation until we’re able to have people live on the recording with us.
But get your questions in today, because we record the Podcast on Thursday morning.
Guest Posters…
August 13, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
Hey guys,
I’m going to be recruiting some guest posters for the blog. So let me ask you…
Who do you guys want to see writing for the site?
Any gurus? Any particular forum posters? You?
I’m looking for people with something good to contribute, and I’d like to hear your guy’s feedback.
TenMagnet Contest
August 12, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
Tenmagnet just sent me an email about a new contest he’s running. Check it out…
Tenmagnet writes:
I just wanted to announce that I’m going to be giving away over $1,000 in prizes to celebrate the launch of Mantalk.ca, a new message board specifically for Canadian PUA’s. Mantalk is a new site that Cajun and I are working on, to try and bring the Canadian pick-up community together in one space, in a cool and open environment.As part of this promotion, I’m going to give away a FREE seminar-only seat at an upcoming Canadian Lovesystems bootcamp, AND two free hours of phone coaching. The seminar seat alone is worth $950!
So how’s it going to work?
It’s all going to be about the local forums.
One of the reasons I decided to start Mantalk.ca is because there are a lot of cities out there in Canada that are just a bit too small to support their own board. But by combing a bunch of small local forums together, we can create a site that is busy and interesting, while also having private areas where local guys can talk about local issues. I want mantalk.ca to combine the best elements of fastseduction.com and a local lair board.
So in order to get the local boards going, the award is going to be given *by city*. Large cities will be in the running for a seminar seat. Small cities will compete for two hours of phone coaching. The city in each category that has the busiest discussion board as of September 30th will “win”, and a user will be picked from that city at random to win. (The rules are here)
So it’s not just enough to post yourself – you’ll need to talk to your friends, and encourage them to come join so that your city wins. And if your city doesn’t have a forum – just email me and I’ll add it and you’ll be in the running!
Click Here to check out Mantalk.ca, Canada’s newest pickup & seduction message board.
Upcoming Paul Janka Seminar
August 12, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
Paul Janka has a new seminar coming up on August 30th.
The seminar is taking place in New York City. You may remember that Paul Janka was on Dr. Phil showing off his spreadsheet of all the women he’s banged (4 of which were apparently prostitutes).
If you want to check out the info for Janka’s seminar, click here.
Carlos Xuma Cures Approach Anxiety?
August 8, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News, Video
Hey guys,
Carlos Xuma has a new video up that helps share some techniques he uses to overcome approach anxiety.
Its pretty good (even if he is looking offscreen most of the time). If you wanna see the video for yourself, you can do so by clicking here.
The New Design Is Here!
August 7, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under News
Hey guys,
Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I’ve been busy getting the new blog design up and running. This will allow me to do a lot more cool things with the site that we weren’t able to do before.
Design-wise, not much is different. The site is still very clean, but now its easier to read.
We also now have a live chat function so people can talk to each other live.
Eventually I’ll be adding a forum too! =)
Most of the changes are things you guys can’t see. The new design has lots more support for rich media, such as video, podcasts, etc. So a lot of the new things you’ll notice are on my end in what I’m able to do with the site.
I’ll also start allowing guests columnists to post on the blog. You’ll notice new posters very soon.
So feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you think!
We’ll be back to regular updates starting tomorrow.