Tyler Durden Leaving RSD?

August 25, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

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Is Tyler Durden Finally Finished?

Is Tyler Durden Finally Finished?

Did Edward Norton just shoot himself in the face or something?

Tyler Durden writes:
Alright so probably by now you’ve heard I’m wrapping up with my role as figurehead of RSD and moving into self help.

If you’re not a regular reader of RSDN then you probably guessed it based on the content of this blog.

This has been a conflict for me personally because “personal transformation” and “pick up artistry” are intense passions of mine and I love teaching bootcamps. Funny enough I actually consider teaching bootcamp my “time off” because I enjoy it so much.

Regardless I have to take this next step which will likely limit my future availability to, well, pretty much nothing.

Mwuahahhahahahahahhahahah mwuahahah mwuahahahhahahahahahhaha…





*Cough *Cough

Mwuahahaha! Read more

BootyCast Episode 3 – Maximus Alpha K Manly

August 8, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

This week’s podcast covers a LOT of ground, with special guest Sinn.

In this week’s podcast…

  • The New Blog Design
  • My Phone Call With Orion
  • Pick Up Podcast & Thundercat Make Nice
  • Hypnotica’s Stripper Party
  • The Julian Foxx Video
  • Behind The Scenes Insight Into The Mystery Method Civil War
  • Is Lovedrop Evil?
  • Matador’s Shocking Hair Secret
  • Mystery’s Sexual Fetish
  • Does Sinn Only Bang Fat Chicks?
  • Sinn Vs. David Wygant
  • Behind The Scenes Of Alex Video Parodies

This weeks podcast runs a little long – about 2 and a half hours!  But there’s some good stuff in there, trust me.

Click Here For The Podcast


Let me know what you think of it in this thread.