Is Sargathon A Scam?

July 22, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Yesterday I posted about an event in Canada to raise money to help a guy’s dying mother.  But I’ve been getting emails from a lot of people that this might not really be as "on the level" as it seems.  Here’s an email I got from someone today who wishes to remain anonymous, but seems to be a highly credibly source (I took out his credentials because he didn’t want to be identified):

Hi Thundercat,

I have been subscribed to your RSS feed and/or newsletter for as long as I can remember.  Snow is a crook.  This is a scam.  The last time my stomach flipped like it did this morning when I read "Snow’s mom is dying of cancer" was when some idiot told me to go watch "two girls and a cup".

Snow is a complete and total con artist.  He was indeed ejected from the lair and caused the great divide when he reneged on paying his referral fees after convincing the Lair to force new students to attend to stupid workshop.  I attended it in fact on a whim and left at the first break never to return.  He had literally photocopied competitors materials and was charging for presenting the information.  If you think Tyler is bad you are in for a very big shock when it comes to light that "my mom died and I spent the money on unforeseen expenses for the event (and going to bars every night)".

So is Sargathon a scam?  Is this Snow guy really using his dying mother as an excuse to bilk some people of money?  I certainly hope not!  That’s low.  Does anyone have any proof that this event is legit and the money will actually go to this guy’s mother?

Ross Jeffries Vs. Tom Lykis

July 22, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Its no big surprise that MINE’99 likes to attack people who are better than him (which is pretty much just about everybody in the scene).  And in one of his latest blog posts, he targets Tom Lykis, popular radio personality and "Hollywood Ladies Man."

Check out this rant Ross spewed

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Hand Holding Routine

July 22, 2008 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Poster Sonics over on mASF shared a great routine for holding hands that he got from a girl.  Check it out:

Sonics writes:
My buddy and I met a two set and pulled them out of a concert to a local bar and on the way to our cars one of the girls ran her little routine on me

Check it out…

HB: Interlock your fingers (palm to palm with your fingers interlocked)
Me: [I interlocked my fingers]
HB: [examines] See you and I could never hold hands, you’re dominant and I’m submissive, when your left thumb is over your right thumb you’ve got a dominant personality, when I cross mine, my right thumb goes over my left thumb. See [shows me her interlocked hands] Watch [she grabbed my hand]
HB: Actually, it doesn’t feel that bad.

That’s her routine

Hand hold accomplished, haha.

We then held hands as I took her through the various styles of hand holding finally stopping at my personal favorite, letting the girl grab onto your pinky and ring finger.

I didn’t even think of it as a possible routine of hers until this morning.

I gotta admit, that’s a pretty good one.  Nice way to open up kino.  Fun.  Cute.  Simple.  I like it!

How To Win Arguments With Women

July 22, 2008 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Its one of the biggest questions men everywhere have – how do you win arguments with women?  Well, it seems long time poster Neo-Rio over on mASF may have found a pretty good formula for doing so.

Check it out…

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Sean “Busey” Messenger & Breast Cancer

July 21, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Keeping true to his promise, Sean "Busey" Messenger made a video all about yours truly which completely omitted any offers to lick my asshole, which is comforting.  He did, however, make the video naked, which is a little less comforting.  Anyway, here it is…

In addition to this video, Sean also sent me word about a gig he’s doing to raise some money for Breast Cancer.  Now, I consider breasts to be the world’s second greatest natural resource, so this is a damn fine cause.  Here’s the email (and another video) I got from Sean…

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Sean “Busey” Messenger & Breast Cancer

July 21, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Keeping true to his promise, Sean "Busey" Messenger made a video all about yours truly which completely omitted any offers to lick my asshole, which is comforting.  He did, however, make the video naked, which is a little less comforting.  Anyway, here it is…

In addition to this video, Sean also sent me word about a gig he’s doing to raise some money for Breast Cancer.  Now, I consider breasts to be the world’s second greatest natural resource, so this is a damn fine cause.  Here’s the email (and another video) I got from Sean…

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Sargethon – Help A Brother Out…

July 21, 2008 by  
Filed under News

I got an email from a guy named Miso telling me about an upcoming event to help raise money for a community member’s mother who has liver cancer.  Now, LIVER cancer is big.  Big as in – this guy could lose his mother.  I think its great that these guys are trying to pull together and raise money to help this guy and his family out.

Miso writes:
Hey bro,

I’m just curious if you could possibly post the announcement about this event to your mailing list/website somehow:

It’s a 3-day fundraising event for our friend Snow and his mother who
is battling with liver cancer, and all the funds collected will go
towards her treatment and such… so I can’t really offer you any
affiliate fees or payouts of any sorts, aside from a huge "thank you"
for supporting our cause, and maybe a mention on the website itself and
referring some of the visitors to your website as well.

The event is happening this upcoming weekend, so the earlier you can
let everyone know about it, the better – there are still almost a dozen
seats available and we’d like to gather as much as possible in that
time. Plus, the event will feature some dozen or so speakers from all
walks of life and industries giving all attendees the best bang for
their buck – whatever amount they donate, that is, as this is a
fundraiser and there is no set fee for the workshop…

Thank you.

Go to the website.  If this sounds like something you’d like to participate in, please be sure to do so.

Sinn’s Seduction Frames

July 21, 2008 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Sinn is doing a series of videos on different meta-frames you can use in creating attraction with women.  There’s some good stuff in here.  Check it out…

Sinn’s Seduction Frames

July 21, 2008 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Sinn is doing a series of videos on different meta-frames you can use in creating attraction with women.  There’s some good stuff in here.  Check it out…

Shyness, Attraction, And MP3

July 21, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Two new podcasts were released this weekend by David Wygant and Scott McKay covering some very important topics.  If you guys have some time, you should try and check them out here:

Attraction Action

Chick Whisperer:  Shyness & Introversion

The EVIL Video Is Revealed…

July 18, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Hey guys,

My Inspiration Video got a lot of great feedback from you guys.  I’m glad you’re enjoying these videos I’ve been putting out there.

This week’s video is called the EVIL Video.

Why am I calling it that?

Because this video is all about how we as men have been LIED to.

How we’ve been TRICKED.

How we’ve been BAMBOOZLED.

How we’ve been BRAINWASHED by society to feel as though we don’t DESERVE the type of hot, sexy, attractive, drop-dead gorgeous women we’ve always desired because we’re too…

  • Old
  • Fat
  • Bald
  • Short
  • Ugly
  • Poor
  • Whatever!

See, many of the guys out there looking for answers believe there’s something about  themselves that impedes their success with women.

But this simply ISN’T TRUE.

The only thing that’s holding you back from getting the type of super-hot girl you’ve always wanted are the bad beliefs we’ve had instilled in us by SOCIETY.

Beliefs like:

1.  Older men can’t attract younger women, and if they do, they’re somehow creepy or wrong for doing so.

2.  An ugly guy doesn’t deserve to be with a hot girl, and if he is, he should be ridiculed until they break up.

3.  Men need to be with women who are on their "same level" of attractiveness.

4.  If a hot girl is with an ugly guy, she should be labeled a gold-digger, a slut, or a bitch.

In today’s video, I break down all the things society does to KEEP us men from getting the type of women we want, and even worse – how it guilts people into being MISERABLE should we actually SUCCEED in getting the women we desire.

DO NOT pass this video by.  It is extremely important you know what forces are working against you:

Click Here To Watch The Evil Video

And if you’ve missed any of my previous videos, you can see them all by Clicking Here.

Podcast 7: Messenger, Matador, & Alex, Oh My!

July 18, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

In this week’s Podcast…

  • I saw the latest Batman movie – and totally geek out!
  • New format for the Podcast coming soon
  • Sean Messenger is the Gary Busey of the Seduction Community
  • My interview on the Barry Kirkey Radio Show
  • Mystery Lawsuit News
  • Matador doesn’t like me.
  • The RSD Alex Video deconstructed
  • What happened between me and Pickup Podcast
  • People don’t like Juggler?
  • The return of LBD
  • Vince Kelvin sent me an email

Check it out.  This week’s podcast runs a little over an hour.

Click Here To Download Podcast 7

Yet Another RSD & Tyler Durden Rant

July 17, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Donovan is really dissecting the RSD video over on his blog, based on the comments in the RSD forum.  He’s basically documenting what lead to this guy Alex, one of RSD’s top instructors, who gets tooled in the Gay Club using his super-uber "natural" game, to release his video and how RSD responded when they found out about it.


Is this new to anybody?  Really?  Let me tell you something about how RSD operates…

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Little Big Dick & Natural Game

July 17, 2008 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

You know, part of being around in the "community" a while means I’ve gotten to know a lot of people, and very few of them are really cool guys.  Luckily, one of the "cool guys" out there that I’ve met is Little Big Dick (or the more PC "LBD").

LBD was one of the guys I befriended early on in the scene.  This is one awesome dude.  He’s a short guy – like REALLY short – but he’s also a bad ass take-no-prisoner’s marine.  He did three tours in Iraq as a mercenary for the love of God!  Don’t no one mess with the LBD, motherfucker.

He also has the proud distinction of being the first guy I ever met in the seduction community to get his ass beaten down for AMOGING a guy.  When I first met LBD, he had just recovered from a savage bar fight he had when living in Alaska.  Apparently he was hitting on some guy’s chick, AMOGed the dude, and when his back was turned the guy attacked him.

But despite getting beaten down, and going to war three freakin’ times, LBD came back to the seduction community.  And you know what?  He’s actually GOOD at it.  If any guy out there thinks their height is an issue when it comes to getting chicks, just learn from this guy.  He knows his shit!

So why am I bringing up LBD now?

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Real Social Dynamics SNAFU

July 16, 2008 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Okay, so there’s been a video making the rounds on the internet showing RSD instructors getting tooled in the club.  RSD has tried their best to get this video taken down, but thanks to the efforts of some rank-and-file community members, the video has gone on.  Here it is:

Now, this is a pretty embarrassing video, for sure.  But you know what?  Anyone who’s been in the field and tried new things before knows that sometimes, shit you try just doesn’t work out.  I don’t think that’s deserving of ridicule.

"What?  Thundercat – you’re SERIOUSLY defending RSD?  Seriously???"

Ha ha – no.  Let me finish.

What I’m saying regarding this video is that I don’t think its as bad as everyone is saying it is.  There have been some parodies of this video and RSD’s new "Natural Game" style, as seen in the video below:

(Please note that RSD, in an effort to do "damage control" is saying the above parody video was released by them.  This is not true.  It was done by some guys who think RSD is lame.  That’s a fact.)

What disturbs me about the RSD video isn’t that this guy miscalibrated the situation and things didn’t work out.  That’s fine.  It happens.  You live and learn.  But RSD is actively TEACHING this shit to students.

I’ve had numerous reports from people around Los Angeles telling me of instances where RSD students, using this type of super-aggressive "natural" game, are getting KICKED OUT of clubs for accosting women.


Women are complaining to bouncers about aggressive tactics like the one seen in the first video, and getting them ejected from clubs.

Now, I don’t know what kind of shit RSD is teaching their students.  But how can you teach someone "natural" game without teaching them how to calibrate the responses they’re getting, or even how to create trust and comfort with the girl???

If you look at the first video, the mistake this dude made was rushing up to a girl with no regard for making her feel comfortable, or creating any type of connection with her.  He just FORCED himself on her, and that’s the type of reaction women will give you if you try and do shit like that!!!

Real naturals, the guys who are really good with chicks, don’t rush in like a linebacker looking to tackle the girl.  They try to ENGAGE the woman.  They introduce themselves.  They talk to her.  They get her comfortable.  They escalate.

Anyone who knows ANYTHING about natural games KNOWS THIS.

Yet, RSD is teaching their students cheap gimmicks they pass off as "natural game" and its not only not getting them results, but it’s also getting them KICKED OUT OF CLUBS.

It would be one thing if the video above was just an instructor trying something new and it not working out.  That’s fine.  Not every interaction can be a success.

But when you go out TEACHING that failed methodology… well… that’s something else entirely.

Buyer beware.

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