Sex Last For 49 Days, On Average

September 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

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Via that bastion of scientific knowledge known as The Sun

BRITONS have sex for an average of 49 days, 13 hours and 41 minutes during their lifetimes, a poll showed yesterday.
The least sexually active enjoy just 30 HOURS compared to 170 DAYS for the most randy.
The average for men is 52 days and eight minutes. For women, it is 47 days, three hours and 36 minutes, said researchers.
Among sexually active people, the average session lasts 19.5 minutes.

BRITONS have sex for an average of 49 days, 13 hours and 41 minutes during their lifetimes, a poll showed yesterday.  The least sexually active enjoy just 30 HOURS compared to 170 DAYS for the most randy.

The average for men is 52 days and eight minutes. For women, it is 47 days, three hours and 36 minutes, said researchers.

Among sexually active people, the average session lasts 19.5 minutes.

I’m guessing this study doesn’t take into account masturbation?  lol.

The Porn Myth – Naomi Wolf Is An Idiot…

August 1, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

I recently came upon an article on the New York Magazine’s website written by a woman named Naomi Wolf that examines the effect that widespread internet porn is having on the men and women of this generation.

For all it’s faults, it’s actually a pretty interesting article.  However, I strongly disagree with a lot of Naomi’s conclusions about the effects of pornography on male/female relationships.

First of all, the "Porn Myth" is an idea created by feminist Andrea Dworkin, who was (and I guess still is) an anti-porn crusader from the 80s who claimed that…

Naomi Wolf writes:
If we did not limit pornography, she argued—before Internet technology
made that prospect a technical impossibility—most men would come to
objectify women as they objectified porn stars, and treat them
accordingly. In a kind of domino theory, she predicted, rape and other
kinds of sexual mayhem would surely follow.

Well, according to Naomi, this is the great "Porn Myth," because even though pornography is now so pervasive and readily available, men haven’t turned into sex-craved beasts who run around raping every woman they see.

But Naomi’s article suggests that even though this isn’t the case, the level of psychological and emotional harm porn is doing to the new generation of men and women coming up through the ranks is wreaking havoc on the health of relationships and sexuality in general.

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