Remove Neediness

May 19, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

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ijjjjji wrote a post in the General Forum of mASF called "Step 1:  Remove Neediness."  You can find that thread here.  Now, I agree with the concept of removing neediness, because it can really destroy state and make you do dumb things.  Girls can tell when someone is needy.  It’s the equivalent of a bum walking up to you on the street and asking for change.  It just turns you off.

The the actual REMOVAL of neediness is a different subject all together.  How does one remove neediness?  The answer, of course, is by having abundance.  You need to have an abundance of something in your life in order to not NEED it anymore.  However, if you’re not getting laid, and you don’t have an abundance of pussy, how do you go about ridding yourself of the "N" word?

Well, I’m not quite sure how.  Lord knows I’m a needy little fuck.  I’ve been walking around the beaches lately here in Europe, and every time I see a beatuiful big-boobied lady letting it all hang out, the first thing that runs through my mind is "I NEED ME SOME O’ THAT!"  Sometimes the need becomes so overpowering that it can turn into depression when you bottle it up in order to keep from raping the poor girl.  So how do we overcome this neediness mentality?  How do we train ourselves to rid ourselves of it?

The answer is, I think, that we can’t.  If you’re needy, you can’t get rid of that neediness until you succeed, and you can’t succeed unless you get rid of the neediness.  So you’re stuck in a Catch-22.  What do you do?  How do you overcome that? 

I think maybe the answer is we have to embrace our neediness.  We have to accept the fact that we, as men, need sex, need women, and will never go without that need, and figure out a way to function while feeling that emotion.  Part of PUA skills are training yourself to be a performing artist.  Actors could feel nervous or scared on stage, but you’d never know it because they are acting their part so well due to their training and rehersal.

So you need to train yourself to not LOOK needy, even though you may FEEL needy.  I have a few acting skills, so I am able to do this quite well (except in extreme circumstances, but that’s a rarity).  But part of not looking needy is knowing your material and having experience under your belt.  The better you know your stuff, the more you practice, be in in front of a mirror or in public, the better you will become at not looking needy.

And if you don’t look needy, you can fool others into thinking you’re NOT needy.  So fake it until you make it.  That’s my opinion on the subject.  What do you guys think?

In Defense of the French…

May 19, 2004 by  
Filed under News

I’d like to thank everyone who is giving me some great advice about picking up European girls. If I had the time and money, I’d go all over the place and visit all the countries out here. But I noticed there were a few people who were ragging on the Frenchies in the comments section. I can understand why, since I’ve never been a fan of the French Government for various reasons, but I would like to say that all the French people I’ve met thus far have been very pleasent and nice. I’ve met maybe one or two rude French people since I’ve been on vacation. For the most part, they are polite and accomodating, and the women have been extremely nice. In fact, a very good friend of mine (who happens to be an excellent PUA, btw) is French. Maybe I’m just in a good area where all the nice French people have migrated, I don’t know, but I haven’t had any experiences to back up the French bashing quite yet.

Are there anyFrench PUAs who read this site? I’d be interested in hearing what they have to say about Americans and how French women react to them.

What Kind of Girls Do You Like?

May 18, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

So, for those of you who read my “DYD Masters Recap Day 3″ blog entry, you’ll know that I talked about how the Legendary Rick H, the king of BiSexual women, talked about how he doesn’t even ask girls if they’re bisexual anymore, he’ll just ask them “What type of women do you like?”

Well, I’ve been experimenting around with this stuff a bit, and I gotta tell you… it is GOLD! We’re talking 24 karat here, baby.

Two days ago, I was out with two girls I picked up along witha Brittish buddy of mine, and we venue changed them to a restaurant and had dinner. During dinner, I looked at both their palms and said:

“Hmmm. Interesting. You both got the sexual adventurism fork.”

They said: “What does that mean?”

I said: “It means you’re either an exhibitionist, a fetishist, or bisexual.”

They then asked me to show them the fork. So I did, and one said:

“That’s total bullshit. You’re bullshitting us.”

So I said to them “What kind of girls do you like?”

And you know what they both said? “Pretty ones.”

Indeed, that seems to be the most common answer I get from women I ask this to. They always seem to say “Pretty ones.” It’s funny, because it’s almost the same thing a guy would say. But I digress…

Anyway, I did this same routine with a set of different women, and one of them said “Pretty ones.” Then her friend looked at her and said “You’re bisexual?” The friend said “Yes.” Then the other one replied “Oh my god! Me too!” Giggles insued, I followed up with “Uh-oh, looks like a love connection has just been made!” Of course, I was probably more right than I thought (or wanted to be) since the two girls ended up going off together without me (foiled again!).

Anyway, those are my adventures with the bisexes. Will write more about it when I get a better opportunity.

Taking about Sex

May 18, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Back in my AFC days, I used to never talk about sex with a woman. When I did, it was when it was “already on” and obvious the girl was into me (which wasn’t very often, mind you). Most of my talking about sex was with buddies of mine as we sat around the TV drinking beer and waxing philosophical about what we’d do to a girl if we ever got around to getting off our lazy asses and meeting one.

But that’s changed with my adoption of the PUA mentality and tactics. In fact, I can even talk about this stuff pretty frankly now. I’ve been experimenting with it recently and seeing just how far I can go with these subjects. I’ve found that you can actually go pretty far, in fact, most girls respond REALLY well to this type of talk, if you make no excuses for it.

For instance, one of the interesting things is my AFC friend, who I’m currently vacationing with. I see him try and talk about sexual stuff, and then quickly backtrack and negate it as soon as he says it, following up with things like “I’m just kidding,” or “sorry, didn’t mean to offend you,” and the like.

Me, I’ve gotten away with murder. Especially if I set it up right. Usually, this is what I’ll do to lead into it. If a woman talks about any interaction with a guy, like saying “hi” or the guy doing something nice for them, I’ll respond with “Well, you know what Chris Rock says about that.”

If they do, they’ll immediately get what I’m talking about. If they don’t, I’ll explain:

“Well, in his stand-up “Bigger and Blacker,” he talks about how men are so horney all the time, that they only reason they interact with women is to have sex. So why they ask or offer something to a woman, all they’re really saying is ‘Want some Dick?’” And then I’ll go on to use examples from the stand up (go rent it from the video store if you wanna see what I’m talking about)

So usually, after I set this up, I’ll just use whatever example the woman used of a guy being nice, and following it up with “Want some dick?” The thing is, women know the score better than we tend to think they do, and they LOVE this routine. So afterwards I’ll use fallback humor and keep saying “Want some dick?” over and over. I’ll even do it when I first see them again. “Hi, how’s it going? Want some dick?” They’ll crack up.

Of course from there, you can lead into more and more sexual topics. Talk about sexual misadventures of you and your friends. Ask about theirs. Ask them questions of sexual exploits and then talk about your own. Make raunchy jokes and challenge them to do the same. It’s great. I had a girl tell me last night “It’s so great you can talk about this stuff! Most guys are so uptight.” It’s surprizing the reactions you’ll get. And if a girl does get offended, just go further with the sexual stuff and make fun of her for being a prude about it (ie, saying something like “Oh, I see you’ve experienced that before”) and the like.

Honestly, I haven’t been slapped once. Just be sure you do it when you’re in a high energy, fun loving state. That’s very important.

If any of you guys have any experiences with this, I’d love to hear it.

European Women Tactics?

May 18, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Okay guys, I need some help.

I’m in Europe right now, and I’m having a blast at the moment. However, I’m having a REALLY difficult time with the “language barrier” issue. So far, my best interactions have been with American women out here on vacation/business. But all the foreign women I run into are freakin’ difficult as hell to PU, mostly due to the fact that they don’t understand english all that well.

With my rudimentary knowledge of the language (it’s French, btw) I’m able to say a few things to them, but they’ll either nod and graciously leave, or they will start speaking so fast I loose them and end up repeating myself like a dumbass. Anyway, it’s annoying, because there are some smoking hot women out here I wanna pick-up on, but can’t. So, I need you guys to help a brother out (especially you European guys).

Got any tips for ol’ Thundercat?


AFC Wingmen

May 18, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

You know, I’m totally spoiled.

Seriously.  The last couple days I’ve been out and about with some total AFC friends of mone.  One’s a "natural" and the other is a hopeless idiot when it comes to everything, especially women.  So to say the least, the fact that I reguarly go out with some of the "best PUAs in the world" has come to my attention, and appreciation.

I take for granted that when I go out with someone, they don’t know the game.  I was out with my hopeless AFC buddy the other day, and I pick up these two smoking hot women.  Both are American out here in Europe on vacation.  One is a little redhead from Boston, the other is a tall Armenian from Miami.  So I do all the hard work of opening them, getting them to sit down with me, etc.  I then accomplishment introduce them to my AFC buddy, who the whole time has been sitting at the table quietly.  And you know the first thing he says to the Armenian chick?  I’m talking about the very FIRST THING that comes out of his mouth?

"You are so beautiful."

Seriously.  That’s what he said.  He said that, to her face.  Genuinely, sincerely, said those words… out loud.

And while I don’t think it’s a bad thing to compliment women,  it should not be the FIRST THING YOU DO!  It quickly became obvious to me that this dude totally hadn’t talked to a girl in a loooooong time, since his follow-up after her rather polite "thank you" was:

"Can I call you sometime?"

Forget the fact that 1:  We’re in a foreign country, and 2:  He lives in LA and she in Miami, but the second thing out of his mouth is a number close, and a weak one at that.  It’s enough to make a guy wanna scream.  I ended up having to ignore my friend (that’s right, my buddy, who I am sharing a room with, became the victim of an ignore neg due to incompetence) and juggle the two girls myself.

This even extends to the natural I was hanging out with the past couple days.  Sure, he’s a good looking guy and good with women, however, he lacks basic understanding of wing rules.  Things like letting me control the set, occupying the obstacle, pushing for the sexual, etc.  Although, compared to my AFC buddy, things were EASY with this guy, he still managed to screw things up every once and a while, though when I was able to pull him aside (and he knows nothing about my affiliation with the PUA stuff) and explain to him what he’s doing wrong and why he needs to change his tactics, he understood and went along with it.

I think this experience has made me realize just how bad most guys out there must have it, especially with their AFC buddies who either are complete retards with the opposite sex, or just cockblocks, be it by choice or chance.  Either way, if you’re someone who is suffering from Poor Wingman-itis (PWI), I suggest you check out the "Lairs" section of the site and sign up for one near you so you can start meeting guys who can actually HELP you meet women as opposed to hindering you and your achievement of goals.

As for me, well, I can’t wait to get back to LA.  And my wingmen.  =)

Unveiling Gunwitch

May 17, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Well, first it was Mystery, then it was Tyler and the RSD guys, and now, GUNWITCH is coming out of the anonymity of cyberspace and putting his face out there for all to judge.

So if you wanna see what the infamous Gunwitch looks like, follow this link:

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid… =)

Thundercat goes on vacation

May 17, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Hey guys,

I wanted to let you know that I’m on vacation this week. I left last week, but right now is where the real fun starts for me. Anyway, if there’s a delay in answered emails or sporatic updates, that’s the reason why. I’m chilling in Europe at the moment and still getting used to the culture shock of things. I’ve already had a few adventures with women out here, which I’ll be sure to write about when I get back home and have more time.

In the interim, I’m gonna try to do my best to keep updates regular while I’m out and about.

Why Women Love Jerks…

May 17, 2004 by  
Filed under Articles

David D put out another newsletter on one of his favorite topics, (ie, why women love jerks, why wussy boys don’t get laid, etc.) and I thought I’d post it here for all you newbs just getting into the seduction stuff.  For you advanced/intermediate guys, this is like looking at your ABCs again, but a refresher never hurts.  =)

Read more

Some Health Advice…

May 17, 2004 by  
Filed under Health & Hygiene

Okay, so I got this post from a guy named Luke in response to my "One Fat Bastard" post.  I thought it was pretty interesting, so I decided to put it up on the site, but just remember to take this advice for what it’s worth (ie, health advice from someone who is NOT a doctor!).  On a personal note, I’d like to thank everyone for their great replies on the "One Fat Bastard" thread.  There’s a ton of great info on there, and the response was almost overwhelming.  Makes me think I should start a "Health and Fitness" archive on the site.  What do you guys think?

Anyway, onto the article…

Read more

Get your Pimp Names

May 14, 2004 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

Thanks to Jlaix for pointing this one out.  Get your Pimp Names here:

Be sure to post what yours is in the comment’s section.  Mine is Professor Truth M. Slither. 


Pull Da Hair!

May 14, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Twentysix chimes in with a rather interesting tactic…

Read more

An Indian Lair

May 14, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Seems like someone got off their ass and started up a lair for our Indian bretheren. Whether it’s Native American or East Indian, he neglected to mention. I’m assuming it’s East Indian, since there seem to be an abundance of them looking to up their PUA skills.

You can join by subscribing to the link below:

Seven Rules of Self-Respect

May 14, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

A guy who goes by the handle Laife wrote a post that I thought was interesting. Nothing earth-shattering or revolutionary, but I like how he put it.

Laife writes:
Here are Laife’s Seven Rules of Self-Respect as Man

Part I

1. do not let her isolate you from your friends

2. do not let her make you worry about her endlessly

3. do not let any one girl make you become so suggestible to them that you become subservient

4. do not conform to her pressures

5. do not suspend your individuality or critical judgment of her

6. do not depend totally on her

7. do not fear leaving

I will post Part II once this is digested.

Part II? So I guess there aren’t really just SEVEN rules, are there? lol.

You can read the original post here.

Lack of Thursday Updates

May 13, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Hey Guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates yesterday. I was travelling. In order to make up for it, I’ll be sure to do an update on Saterday. =)

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