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Neil Strauss Break-Up Rumors

February 20, 2006 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Okay, there’s been a lot of hub-bub about a story in the gossip rag Sunday Mirror about Lisa Levridge breaking up with Neil Strauss to date musician Robbie Williams.  You can find the story here.  There are also a few mASF threads on the topic here and here.

I got a lot of emails from you guys over the weekend concerning this story, so I went right to the source.  Since I know both Neil and Lisa, I decided to contact them and see what was up, especially since you can trust the Sunday Mirror about as much as you can trust Page 6, which is wrong about 90% of the time.

I was told there was no truth to the item, and that you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the gossip rags.  And Lisa confirmed this.

So there you go.  That’s all I know on the subject.

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291 Responses to “Neil Strauss Break-Up Rumors”
  1. Paul van Dyk says:

    “Please, is that the best you can come up with? The whole “you’re qualifying yourself” has become such a cliche way of trying to silence criticism. You could at least try to be more creative.”

    Dude you’re right, that QUALIFY yourself thing has gotten so lame. Samurai, why don’t you go FUCK yourself instead. How about that for a change?

    As for Neil, why does it matter if he has a crooked nose or not, or whether he’s jewish or not or whether he bones Thundy in the anus every night, long and hard? It doesn’t, we’re just having some fun… ;-)

  2. E says:

    You guys are as bad as the people who clammor over the gossip with justin timberlake and brittney spears, or brad pitt and angelina jolie, etc.

    Either fully detach your penis’ and watch the view or go to your LAN party that you are probably late for. An even better idea is to stop caring about neil’s love life and worry about your own!

    P.S. i would of been a kick out if this whole topic was style converted to scientology b/c of tom cruise, and lisa didn’t want any part of it. BUT THATS IT!

  3. Tyler von Markovik says:

    “The best review would be if Gunwitch and Hypnotica got toilets side by side, each ate a 29 ounce porter house steak and then took a dump off..I think it would be cool watching those push a log for a half hour..just like doin squats..but I hear Gunwitch was log liftin’ and he got a hernia somewhere outside medford oregon, because he doesn’t have health insurance, he has to wear special “hernia underwear” he’s got the buldge you know, and we ain’t talkin’ testicles either..Hypnotica has a massive purple gonad so he may need a special toilet..I mean it’s like a squash”

    LMFAO deluxe! Do you think Saddam Hussein is sexy? hahahahahahahaha!

    Excuse me guys, I need a gay opinion on something!

    When Neil comes over o Germany next week to promote his book I will seduce him using my cock-shaped Icecream opener!

    Did you know that Mystery’s new gf is David Copperfield!
    OMG, this blog is so fuckin funny!

  4. Wismerhill says:

    “why do you want legit email addresses anyway? you wanna become penpals?”


    This blog and the crazies that post here is too fucking funny.

    That RandomSamuri bloke got laughed outta here. WHat a fuckface. He thinks he can piss on our parade.


  5. assbandit says:




    0% Content – 100 % Political Flame Bullshit

  6. CEO of RSD says:

    “If any of you guys…when I walked in this room…thought that I am not good looking enough to pull models…then you’re in the wrong headspace. You’re under social conditioning.”


  7. Davey says:


    Let’s meet at the Coffee Bean around 8 pm tonight and run some patterns on the honeys. Then Borders, California Kitchen and back to the pool for an afterhours, k? Just like back in the day.


  8. sandworm says:


    Let’s meet at the Coffee Bean around 8 pm tonight and run some patterns on the honeys. Then Borders, California Kitchen and back to the pool for an afterhours, k? Just like back in the day.


    Why don’t we just meet at The Broadway Deli, since you live above it in condo # 111, right? That’s on 3rd Street and Broadway, isn’t it? Building on the northeast corner, right?

    I’ll bring the spittoon so you can cough up all the jiz you swallowed the last couple of weeks.


  9. jazzpua says:

    i knew they would never last. psay

  10. Random.Samurai says:

    First things first: To whoever mimicked my name to slander Jews, you’re a fucking douchebag who can’t type for shit. End of story.

    Here’s an idea, everybody who doesn’t like me, meet me on the playground after school tomorrow.

    Please, is that the best you can come up with? The whole “you’re qualifying yourself” has become such a cliche way of trying to silence criticism. You could at least try to be more creative.
    Posted by: Shaolin.Monk

    There’s a difference between constructive criticism and posts that accomplish nothing.

    Samurai, why don’t you go FUCK yourself instead. How about that for a change?
    Posted by: Paul van Dyk

    Please see comment about playground. Is telling me to fuck myself getting you laid? Or are you pissed at me because you think I’m the reason you aren’t getting laid?

    That RandomSamuri bloke got laughed outta here. WHat a fuckface. He thinks he can piss on our parade.
    Posted by: Wismerhill

    I think you can’t even copy and paste my name.

    Posted by: assbandit

    Oh, shit! I’ve been AMOG’ed? By somebody who has never even seen me? Oh no, my game is a complete mess, I’m gonna go cry to my mommy.

    So it’s generally assumed that I’ve been AMOG’ed, right? Yet people keep replying to me, trying to outdo me. Nobody knows me, yet everybody is trying to beat me in a battle of wits for which they came unarmed.
    Evidence, you ask? Some people can’t even check their spelling or grammar because there is no button for it, and don’t give me bullshit about running short on time: if people posting here didn’t have the time to edit their shit, how do they have the time to post in the first place?

    In just three posts on a board I’ve never been on before, I got everybody to notice me. The guys trying to flame me aren’t AMOGs; they’re just practice.
    If I’m not controlling the emotions and thoughts of the guys flaming me, then they’ll treat this post as worthless, and they won’t even bother replying to it. The downside for them, however, is they’ll feel like they’re admitting defeat.
    If I am at the least a thorn in the sides of a few and at the most a psychological threat to many, there will be at least one post by somebody who just has to prove how Alpha he is. The upside to that is they’ll feel better about themselves.

  11. Paul van Dyk says:

    Samurai wrote. “Here’s an idea, everybody who doesn’t like me, meet me on the playground after school……blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah”

    I could only read this far. Bing, what are you still doing here? Didn’t I tell you to go FUCK yourself? :D

    > RJ, I’m curious, are you a practicing Jew..? Because you don’t strike me as, ahem, particulary “religious”…

  12. Samurai Sucks Jew Dick says:

    Damn that’s a big ass post and I didn’t read it all but I was wondering? If you say others aren’t shit, when why do you write 100 pages?

    You’re a fucking stuid chode..hahahhaha

  13. Gunwitchica says:

    Hey random.samugay! Don’t be mad at us, as fucking yourself is at least one way to get you laid!!

    the other would be to go out with RJ as a gay couple!

    And YES: pissing your pants CAN get you laid! Trust me!


    Did you know farting at chicks can create tension instantly! that’s GWM at its best!

  14. Chris Powles says:

    “Oh, shit! I’ve been AMOG’ed? By somebody who has never even seen me? Oh no, my game is a complete mess, I’m gonna go cry to my mommy.”

    Random.Samurai we need to talk!
    man to man. theres some misunderstandings in the seduction community! i’m talkin’ to you from sunny Bgdad in Iraq, where the animals are just outstanding! Your dad, Random.Samurai senior said he could attract dogs by taking a shit while walking these streets on his hands. he was quite a ladiesman!

    P.S.: Getting down on your mom will not be counted as f-close!

    I love this site!

  15. assbandit says:

    random samashite—-> you complete boner

  16. assbandit says:






  17. Gunglitch says:

    What do you say Gunwitchica?

    I can actually use a fart as an IOI after a compliance test?

    Damn, i though it was only used as an IOD, how wrong i was…
    No wonder those last few sets went stale, thx!

  18. I will try to keep this post short, to make sure you read it.

    I can see now that i have been tooled, i admit i was wrong in my last post.

    The reason i reacted in this way is that i am frustrated because nobody wants to be my penpal.

    So please, if any of you mPUA’s want to mail please do. I will send you a reply quickly because i do not get out much.

    My email is: Raphael_Orozco@hotmail.com

    Please be my penpal.

  19. aaa says:

    lol this blog is getting better and better :)

    And I love how TC went from sucking RSD dicks month after month to bashing them non stop.

  20. Truth says:

    Have you noticed how TC’s breath smells of Style’s semen?


  21. goatboy says:

    “Have you noticed how TC’s breath smells of Style’s semen?


    Which brings the obvious comeback…

    “How do YOU know? Have you kissed him lately?”

    Gee! Flaming is fun! Who would have thought?

    “I am the man your parents warned you about”

  22. snake.style says:

    There’s a difference between constructive criticism and posts that accomplish nothing.

    Nobody made you the judge of what’s constructive and what’s useless. It seems to me that you want to silence people you don’t agree with so you resort to transparent “tactics” like this pitiful attempt at a double bind:

    If I’m not controlling the emotions and thoughts of the guys flaming me, then they’ll treat this post as worthless, and they won’t even bother replying to it.

    Chances are you can’t control your own ejaculation, let alone other people. When some folks reply to you, they’re just making a counter point to your baseless assertions.

  23. chuckles the assclown says:

    Thundercat is pathetic.

  24. Goatboy says:

    Random Samurai needs to shit and piss himself then commit hari kari

    I love this blog and it’s resident psychopaths. lol

    “I am the man your parents warned you about”

  25. DungBitch says:

    Dungbitch here.

    The best opener is to walk up to women and grunt then ask:

    “hey, can I get an opinion on something?”

    then you turn around, bend over, grab your ass cheeks and spread em’ so wide you can see the sun rise. Then fart in their faces and ask “ladies, can you tell which protein shake I drink to maintain this alpha, caveman physique?”

    if they act repelled, just thump your chest and drag them by their hair back to the cave. Subconsciously, they want to fill their nostrils with the tangy aroma of your fart and huff on it hoping to absorb your male pheremones.

    Oh, just make sure you’re in sexual-state otherwise it might not work.

    ok, guys. I’m out like Mysterys wardrobe.


  26. Donovan says:

    Can we stop with all this gay/semen talk… this is a seduction blog towards women, gay people go elsewhere

  27. The Passive Aggressive Florist says:

    I rarely purchase my containers new anymore. Not just because they are expensive, but because most of the time I think they’re ugly. Go to any department store or garden centre and you’re bound to find those awful plastic pots that are meant to look like terracotta (who are they trying to fool) or pots in hideous colours or shapes. It’s not just the styles that I find offensive. They charge an arm and a leg for those mass-produced atrocities. Now, I don’t mind paying good money for stylish containers. However, since I don’t have a proper garden, I rely on containers to get the job done. I’m a greedy person. I have a lot of plants, therefore I need a lot of pots. Over the last several years I’ve used ingenuity and my imagination to come up with stylish yet economical resources for all my planting needs.

  28. winner says:

    you know whos laughing his ass off right now probaly elvis preston king. you guys might think hes a joke but from what i hear he gets laid 1-3 times a day and the best pua voted by thunderballs style gets dumped by some whore. Ill bet even my lazy ass gets more ass than style and i don’t even sarge

  29. Random.Samurai says:

    I guess I’m everybody’s favorite topic.

    Hey Samurai,
    Does talking like that get u a lot of chicks?
    Posted by: Ranko Origami

    Generally, I don’t open girls by saying “Hey, can I get your opinion on something? My seduction hero just broke up with his GF and…”

    I could only read this far.
    Posted by: Paul van Dyk

    It doesn’t strike me as odd that you could only read that far. Try Hooked On Phonics. It’s a bit old school, but it’s right up your alley.

    If you say others aren’t shit, when why do you write 100 pages?
    Posted by: Samurai Sucks Jew Dick

    I never said they’re shit. I said their posts weren’t accomplishing anything productive.

    You’re a fucking stuid chode..hahahhaha
    Posted by: Samurai Sucks Jew Dick

    Props on being able to spell ‘stupid’, Einstein.

    Random.Samurai we need to talk!
    man to man. theres some misunderstandings in the seduction community! i’m talkin’ to you from sunny Bgdad in Iraq, where
    Posted by: Chris Powles

    Where it only goes to show that people are stupid the world over. Aren’t you supposed to be out finding bad guys? You’re the guy that took my place?

    I can see now that i have been tooled, i admit i was wrong in my last post.

    The reason i reacted in this way is that i am frustrated because nobody wants to be my penpal.
    Posted by: Random Samurai

    Yeah, that was no secret. I’ve always wanted to learn from guys who can’t spell or use proper grammar.

    Nobody made you the judge of what’s constructive and what’s useless. It seems to me that you want to silence people you don’t agree with so you resort to transparent “tactics”
    Posted by: snake.style

    It’s kind of funny to me that this is the first time that any regard to my opinion has been made. Do I think it’s shady that TC edited his post? Shit, yeah; it’s very Orwell-ian. But writing rants on a messageboard that he controls is like standing my ground against a bulldozer. I didn’t come here to read or post more opinions on Strauss’s break up: that’s not going to help me or you.

    Chances are you can’t control your own ejaculation, let alone other people. When some folks reply to you, they’re just making a counter point to your baseless assertions.
    Posted by: snake.style

    And I bet you secretly pay attention to every erectile dysfunction commercial you see.
    If I didn’t think people would try to type a stern letter to me, I wouldn’t have thrown in that double bind. I knew it would happen. I know people are going to try to flame me for this. I get the feeling that my little fan club is composed of AFCs and chodes. Would a PUA give two shits about some asshole on a message board when he could be balls deep in some HB10? No. The only guys replying to me are guys who aren’t getting any ass. Why? Because instead of going out and sarging to build up their skillset, they sit on this board and play the role of Keyboard Jockey.

    I’ll be back in ten or so hours. Don’t wait up.

  30. Random.Samurai says:

    P.S Please forgive me if I come off as such a self-righteous, hypocritical prick.

    I only try to slip in these moronic long-ass posts between my daily sessions of masturbating to internet porn.


  31. Samurai Sucks Jew Dick says:

    Random Samurai. You are definitly a gay chode with a dick up your ass. I bet you’re so ugly, even a paper bag wouldn’t help you. You probably got it from your mama. She is so ugly, not even a pimp would slap her. Shit, not even some fat horny basterd like the ThunderJew would fuck her…muhahahahahaha

    Hey ThunderJew, did you just burp? Becuase it smells like dick and shit..hahaha You’ve got Style written all over you. So when you and Style sleeps do you take it in the ass or does he or may be the Random Samurai does.

  32. Epidemic says:

    you guys are as bad as middle-aged women reading enquirer in line at the grocery store.

  33. HUNGSTITCH says:

    “Random.Samurai we need to talk!
    man to man. theres some misunderstandings in the seduction community! i’m talkin’ to you from sunny Bagdad in Iraq, where…”

    Yo tantrum.bimbosheik, if you don’t recognize this intro I feel sorry for you!

    I really think you and TC should go out as a gay couple again!

    btw, Gumwitch do you still interpret puking as an IOI?


  34. HUNGSTITCH says:

    “Random.Samurai we need to talk!
    man to man. theres some misunderstandings in the seduction community! i’m talkin’ to you from sunny Bagdad in Iraq, where…”

    Yo tantrum.bimbosheik, if you don’t recognize this intro I feel sorry for you!

    I really think you and TC should go out as a gay couple again!

    btw, Gumwitch do you still interpret puking as an IOI?


  35. assbandit says:

    random samurai its the assbandit, talk me through your last fuck with a HB10.
    thankyou in advance

  36. NoResultsForMe says:



  37. Donovan says:

    I think the rumors are false, look at these two accounts:

    …”However, reclusive Robbie still isn’t comfortable in the relationship to talk about it.

    When confronted about the reports he dead-panned, “Oh God. What? Oh goodness. There’s no comment. Thank you so much. Goodbye.”
    -Entertainment Wise

    “Asked about Robbie in Los Angeles last night Lisa said: “Oh God. What? Oh goodness. There’s no comment. Thank you so much. Goodbye.”"
    -Sunday Mirror

  38. assbandit says:



  39. Sargeant Shultz says:


    What I want to is what was the big secret Strauss told you a few weeks ago. You were dying to tell it, but sworn to secrecy. Isn’t it about time now ?

  40. dazed&confused says:

    Are samurai and RJ the same person??

  41. assbandit says:

    no RJ makes some piss-funny posts and comments and does things like reveals david deangelos real life address (see the sandworm post above). i thoroughly support RJ s attacks on some of these dickwads in “the community” they deserve it.

    samurai is some total muppet/loser/newborntard who posts utter shite and i m guessing can only pull low-status mingers or is still a virgin.

  42. Random.Samurai says:

    RJ is Hebrew, I’m Catholic. My last girlfriend is half Jewish, half African American. She gets to celebrate Kwanzaa with her dad and step mom and Chaunakah when she visits her mom. Religion is only an issue to those who make it an issue. I seem to remember that the Nazis had an issue with Jews also…

    I don’t believe in 10s, because a 10 out of 10 is perfection, and perfection doesn’t exist in nature. AFC’s will consider girls 10s, because perfection is impossible to attain, literally and figuratively. I’ve never F-closed anybody higher than what I considered a 9.5

    Everybody who bought the book did it by choice. Strauss didn’t get rich by holding a gun to our heads. We joined this community because we wanted to.

    The secret was probably just the Annihilation Method. Or the rumoured movie. Either way, telling somebody you have a secret but you aren’t allowed to tell them will generate interest. Standard Issue technique.

  43. Geese says:

    Man this ‘Bored’ has become Pathetic. I can’t believe you guys are all on this stupid, Nerd subject (neil) like a bunch of 15 year old girls talking about Good Charlotte.

    If you’re wondering why you aren’t getting laid, the answer might be right before your eyes.

  44. Mike says:

    “Just so you guys are aware since he conviently left it out of his book, Lisa and Style are and always have been in an ‘open’ relationship.”

    –Ninja: How’d you know this?

  45. assbandit says:

    10 s do exist my friend. they are very real. i can assure you (see i can do pompous too)

    p.s why are you bringing frickin religion into this? cum by yah! my lord, cum by yah!

  46. no RJ makes some piss-funny posts and comments and does things like reveals david deangelos real life address (see the sandworm post above). i thoroughly support RJ s attacks on some of these dickwads in “the community” they deserve it.


    Thanks. I am an ex-comedy writer you know(They Still Call Me Bruce, 1987-a true piece of cinematic shit!).

    I forgot to mention that Deangelo’s real name is Eben Pagan, in case you had forgotten. Eben Wind Pagan, and that is no shit. His middle name is WIND! As in “break wind”.

    Huh huha ha ha ha ha.


  47. Random.Samurai says:

    Just so you guys are aware since he conviently left it out of his book, Lisa and Style are and always have been in an ‘open’ relationship.”
    –Ninja: How’d you know this?
    Posted by: Mike

    I think it’s because ninjas can be sneaky bastards.

    10 s do exist my friend.
    Posted by: assbandit

    It may be cliche, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I have yet to hold perfection. I’m not saying I have higher standards than everyone else, I’m saying that I have not met a girl I thought was perfect.

    p.s why are you bringing frickin religion into this?
    Posted by: assbandit

    I didn’t. Everybody who decided to call TC ‘Thunderjew’ and throw around the word ‘Jew’ like it’s synonymous with some adult version of cooties, did. If I was Jewish, I’d be pretty fucking insulted.

  48. Monte Cristo says:

    Wind??? WTF??? LOL

    Now that IS funny. Ross, I can’t believe you waited so long to pull that one card out. Thanks for making my day.

  49. Dragon says:

    Random.Samurai — you didn’t get AMOG’ed. You got KJOG’ed.
    A bunch of keyboard-jockey-other-guys got a reaction out of you.

    Think of it like a shit test.

    The KJOGs are just busting your balls. (Same they do to Neil Strauss, Thundercat, David DeAngelo & anyone else who has made themselves a target. Yeah, I know — with this post, I may have painted a little bullseye on myself. Oh well, fuck it, take your shots…)

    Instead of reacting to it, kick back, relax, have some laughs, like you do when you’re bullshitting with your buddies. And bust some balls back, if you like, but don’t take it too seriously.

  50. Bumsnitch says:

    “no RJ makes some piss-funny posts and comments and does things like reveals david deangelos real life address (see the sandworm post above). i thoroughly support RJ s attacks on some of these dickwads in “the community” they deserve it.


    Thanks. I am an ex-comedy writer you know(They Still Call Me Bruce, 1987-a true piece of cinematic shit!).

    I forgot to mention that Deangelo’s real name is Eben Pagan, in case you had forgotten. Eben Wind Pagan, and that is no shit. His middle name is WIND! As in “break wind”.

    Huh huha ha ha ha ha.



    Hey RJ, can you find out if Mr. Pagan did get these 99 Pizzas I order for him everaday since you posted his adress?

    I’m talking extra anchovis right here!

    HAHAHAHAA! muahahah!

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