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Neil Strauss Break-Up Rumors

February 20, 2006 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Okay, there’s been a lot of hub-bub about a story in the gossip rag Sunday Mirror about Lisa Levridge breaking up with Neil Strauss to date musician Robbie Williams.  You can find the story here.  There are also a few mASF threads on the topic here and here.

I got a lot of emails from you guys over the weekend concerning this story, so I went right to the source.  Since I know both Neil and Lisa, I decided to contact them and see what was up, especially since you can trust the Sunday Mirror about as much as you can trust Page 6, which is wrong about 90% of the time.

I was told there was no truth to the item, and that you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the gossip rags.  And Lisa confirmed this.

So there you go.  That’s all I know on the subject.

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289 Responses to “Neil Strauss Break-Up Rumors”
  1. anal "wind" Samuray Hypnoticus! says:

    Do you think dave deanushole is sexy? When he smiles he looks as retarded as this ransom.samurai fellow!

  2. Caritas Foundation says:

    Samugay is one uptight, self-righteous, little bloke. He seems to write long, boring disserations to try to come off sounding “logical” or smarter than he really is.

    I thinks he’s just very, very frustrated. Most probably he’s still a virgin. :(
    Listen up. I’m willing to start a fundraiser to get Samugay laid with a hooker. I really can’t see him like this. How’s on? I’m willing to donate the first $20 to get it started.


  3. fucktards says:

    Ross seems to be enjoying himself since this blog went to shit.

    Monte Cristo its in the LA99 tapes, like everything else is.

    There is no such thing as a 10 is just a frame. If it works for you use it, if it don’t who gives a fuck.

  4. Shaolin.Monk says:

    But writing rants on a messageboard that he controls is like standing my ground against a bulldozer. I didn’t come here to read or post more opinions on Strauss’s break up: that’s not going to help me or you.

    You don’t know the intent of the people who are writing the “rants”. Maybe some of us just want to question certain things about the likes of Neil, TC, or whomever. Specially when they’ve got a commercial interest in making big claims about themselves, etc. Whether it’s helpful or not each person has to judge for themselves. It certainly can’t hurt to be more informed, can it?

    Regarding Style’s alleged breakup, I am curious to be sure. I already posted what I think it all means in light of some of Style’s own words in the past (which, in my opinion, are worth shit given the hypocritical nature of them, but I’ve already said that).

  5. Harlequin says:

    Here’s my new math formula.

    Interested in Neil Strauss or his book, tactics etc. = Not getting Laid

    Using Seduction Tactics here (Amoging, Qualifying, Shit-tests etc.) = Not having the guts to do it in the field

    Ranting and Pissing on/about other guys = Lack of Field Reports to post due to no field activity

    (sidenote to Random Samuri – You need inner game badly. Quit letting people qualify you. You think you’re making a point when it would seem people are using you as a tool. It’s o.k. if you’re new to all this and fired up; just use that energy in the field and stop worrying about what anonomous posters think of you. Imagine that if you are worried about anonomous posters how much more you will freeze in-field while worrying what a chick thinks of you.)

    People watch reality TV to substitute it for Their lack of a Quality Reality. People become fanboys of Seduction Gurus due to their lack of seduction skills. People become interested in the seduction community due to the lack of anything interesting going on in their own community of seduction.

    B.T.W. Thundercat doesn’t give a Rat’s ass about whether you agree or disagree or like him or not. He’s trying to (and may be already) make $$ with this blog. The more posts and traffic he get’s – good or bad – is Good for him. Possibly that’s why he posts topics he think people will bitch about. Blogger sites will tell you to inspire controversy as a way to generate traffic.

  6. L8er says:

    Oh yes i’m sure TC’s book will sell like hotcakes with all this good publicity :)


  7. L8er says:

    Oh yes and one more thing:


  8. Random.Samurai says:

    (sidenote to Random Samuri – It’s o.k. if you’re new to all this and fired up;
    Posted by: Harlequin

    Have you been to mASF recently? Look me up, I’ve been a member since April 2003. In other words, Strauss didn’t make money off of me by ‘introducing’ me to the community, suckers.

    B.T.W. Thundercat doesn’t give a Rat’s ass about whether you agree or disagree or like him or not. He’s trying to (and may be already) make $$ with this blog. The more posts and traffic he get’s – good or bad – is Good for him.
    Posted by: Harlequin

    If people know TC’s doing this to make money by playing off you insecurities, why do people keep coming back to bitch about it?

  9. Samurai Sucks Jew Dick says:


    I think Caritas Foundation is right. We need a fund raiser to get Random “Chode” Samurai to get laid by a woman. I’m pretty sure he’s been stuffed by whole bunch of dicks. TCJew and Neil Strauss were probably one of them..hahahha

    And thanks for David Deanusus address. haha I will take a fat shit and send him my turd.

    Hey RJ, can you post more infor about Deanus? May be his Bank account number and the last time he got May be you can also help Random Samurai get laid.

  10. rj says:

    Thundercat, aka Matthew Kadish is NOT a Jew. His father, Lt. General Ronald T. Kadish was former head of the Ballistic Missile Defense Agency has a Jewish sounding name, but I assure you, he is NOT Jewish either.

    I know because at the weekly underground base International Zionist Conspiracy Meetings, these guys(Ron and Matt) are NEVER there.

    However, I did spot David DeAnushole skulking about, trying to finger everyone’s girlfriends. He kept talking about growing back his foreskin by collecting smegma from gay prostitutes(orally) and then rubbing it on himself 3 times a day.



  11. For the record, that was NOT me. Someone is impersonating me. I think I will sue Thundy and everyone posting here under RICO.


  12. Bum Lovin' says:

    don’t get all Brokeback on us now, buddy.

    Dude, we ARE getting you a hooker, one of those good 3 dollar ones from downtown L.A.
    You know, those high-quality hookers you get to climb into the Porta-potty with.
    Matter of fact, for $3, you oughta to pull 2 of them in at the same time.

    Review the pictures, profiles & video here.
    Maybe pick a few out before we go, so as not to waste so much time driving around downtown in your pickup truck.

    -Bum Lovin’

    Signature 1: Dude, where’s my hooker?
    Signature 2: What happens in the Porta-potty, stays in the Porta-potty.

  13. Stone says:

    I think there has been a misunderstanding here, I’m not one to spread gossip I only deal in facts which in this case have been misrepresented.
    Lisa is bi and has never made a secret of this, yes she did have a relationship with one of Mr Williams girlfriends but neither Mr Willams or Mr Strauss were opposed to this relationship and by all accounts the two men have become good friends often playing ping pong together.
    Lisa and Mr Williams now former girlfriend are no longer seeing each other and it was described as just a “fun thing”.

    It just annoys me when people make things up to deliberatly hurt people, I hope this will now stop that the true facts are known.


  14. SpiritSurvivor says:

    “RJ is Hebrew, I’m Catholic”

    And David deAngelo is italian..

    I thought he lived next to Jerry’s Famous Deli on Ventura..not that condo next to that other deli in Santa Monica

  15. assbandit says:

    yeah.. ok stone, BUT

    a. who the fuck are you?
    b. how do you know this all so conclusively?

  16. Neo says:

    This site keeps gettin’ better and better!


    Sorry guys, eben wind pagan ist NOT an italian Name!


    23 bucks should be enough for ransom.smegmagay to pu some crack-hooker!

    If he can’t get it up without the presence of his mommy, I’ll donate 10 bucks for the Bus Ticket!

  17. Neo says:

    This site keeps gettin’ better and better!


    Sorry guys, eben wind pagan ist NOT an italian Name!


    23 bucks should be enough for ransom.smegmagay to pu some crack-hooker!

    If he can’t get it up without the presence of his mommy, I’ll donate 10 bucks for the Bus Ticket!

  18. eventmanager says:

    i talked to robbie williams and he says he is remembering lisa. robby is seeing alot of girls and he likes many of them. he has a very active sex life with changing partners. lisa might have been one of them, but he himself is not too sure about that, since he was drinking alot the night they met in his villa, 1on1.

    i also heard from a friend of thundercat that he has not done a single approach in 2006 yet? is this true thundercat? do you still consider yourself being a pua?

  19. assbandit says:

    robbie williams is tee-total event manager so thats bullshit my friend

  20. P.Niss says:

    When will we all realise that Ray Gordon is the ultimate PUA of all time ?

  21. Random.Samurai says:

    Bum Lovin’, for 3 dollars I’ll PU your mother and your grandma. You know ol’ granny won’t be able to drag her teeth once she takes those dentures out…

    And Neo (how original), you only need to hit the “Post” button once; I only need to post once and all sorts of KJs start flaming.

  22. Random.Samurai says:

    Holy shit, I decided to actually see if that site was real, and it is hilarious! I gotta admit it’s kinda sick that I’m laughing at another person’s misfortune, but on the other hand, it’s not like I’m preventing them from going to a shelter or an employment agency…

  23. Wismerhill says:

    “Why don’t we just meet at The Broadway Deli, since you live above it in condo # 111, right? That’s on 3rd Street and Broadway, isn’t it? Building on the northeast corner, right?”

    hahahah is that really eben “wind” pagan (david d)’s real address??

    I’ve always thought RJ was one creepy, geeky looking freak who tried to hump and piss on carmen electra’s leg. But if it is really him on this blog. He’s funny. He’s one of us!

    BTW random samurai, u are still a fuck face who masterbates over his mum’s panties. you are a boring twat who couldn’t pull myster’s dick out of style’s ass. GO FUCK URSELF. and your posts of fast seduction are crap, u fucking KJ. U should become buddies w/ Riker AUT, Alessandro and Ankh. And read Gunbitch’s shit book. It might help u shag something other then your mom.

  24. stone says:

    a. I am not your mother so relax
    b. Obivously i cannot divulge my sources

  25. Geese Howard says:

    (sidenote to Random Samuri – It’s o.k. if you’re new to all this and fired up;
    Posted by: Harlequin

    Have you been to mASF recently? Look me up, I’ve been a member since April 2003. In other words, Strauss didn’t make money off of me by ‘introducing’ me to the community, suckers.

    In response to your response to me. I have no I dea what in the hell you’re talking about as far as anyone making money off of you.

    All Im saying is calm down a little and stop letting people qualify you and elicit reactions from you over and over and over.

    If you have been at this since 2003 you should probably put into practice some of what you have been studying. I was not even attacking you with my post and yet you are so insecure you were getting all venomous in your response. I was simply trying to help you out.

    Don’t let people control your frame. You control your frame. All the angst and insecurity you have built up inside of you is counterproductive when it comes to doing pickup. Its seeping out and if it’s so obvious to everyone here then chicks in the field will see it a mile a way. If you think everyone is out to hate you it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and then things like this blog happen and everyone does. Just because you are so ready for it to happen that you yourself create and act accordingly.

    Just chill out dude, take it easy.

    Remember the difference between being dominant and domineering.. Meditate upon an autumn leaf or something.

  26. Wismerhill says:

    ROFLMA Good one geese. You just tooled the fuck out of Random “chode” Samurai. Random dude, are you OK, after all this tooling? You look kinda ill. Are you tired? Nice name BTW, I used to call myself that at high school.


    Seriously though Random Sam, I think you need to focus on being more unreactive in field. I reccomend you start reading TD’s archive. Also NEVER qualify yourself or fall into other peep’s frames like u have done consistently on this board. Try reading some Tony Robbins on emotional mastery.

    All the best man, a little practice and u will “get it.” We were all at ur stage once.
    P.s. dyu think david bowie’s hot?

  27. Samurai Sucks Jew Dick says:

    Hey Random “gay” Samurai

    The different between me and you, it’s the penis. I’ve got one hanging 1 inch above the ground. You’ve got two. One up your ass and the other one up Thundies Ass…..


    I’m about to go and Visit David Deanus aka Brother Eban. May be I can get his autograph and fart in his face. I head he is kinky like that.

  28. Stone says:

    Random Samurai
    I don’t like the way you are being treated, its not beneficial to you at all so I have decided against my better judgement to offer my mentoring services to you, just send your credit card number and its expiry date to me and I will get back to you ASAP.

    Your friend

  29. Random.Samurai says:

    Why don’t you virgin fanboys have the balls to talk like this to me on masf? Could it be that you’re all scared and masf newborns?

  30. Random.Samurai says:

    Note, the above comment was not me.

    Wismer, I may still be a fuck face to you, but you’re still an illiterate moron to everybody.

    Geese-Howard, a lot of people feel that Strauss owes them something because they bought his book and made him rich. It wasn’t directed at you personally, sorry if that’s how it seemed.

    Wismer , if I’m not better than you at PU, which I would understand if you write your posts while some girl is sucking you off, then at least I’m a better writer. Learn to spell Go take a fucking class, and then you can wax intellectual to me.

  31. Wismerhill says:

    lol, Random samurai’s lightened up a bit and he’s kinda funny now. I’m gonna adopt him :-)

    I was only messing with all the fuck face comments. I come from a teasing family, it’s how we showed affection. lol.

    I think he’s passed “neg warfare”. What’s your name man? lol

  32. power says:

    i think the most important thing in your life that random samurai should know about is the fact that inducing other peoples brain with bullshit on the 23rd is going to evake a certain reaction like this. think about what i am saying, now you might get a little confused while you are reading this but feel as if you had to go on reading and share your interest in this post. while making thoughts that you should try to understand the deeper meaning of this message you might want to relax more and more. now that we have come to the conclusion that when you fall asleep, now the time has come to shut off every thought and just fall into a blank stare. you might notice the light that the monitor gives of and hear the noise that your computer is producing. you feel deeply relaxed more and more and react emotional. now that you are in a state where i make your deicision you might feel the need to check out my new product at

  33. assbandit says:

    ok stone i understand why you wouldn t want to back up you claims, say no more. now lets hear this info from niel strauss, cos going on what you re saying he and lisa will still be an item and be planning the wedding. What do you think the children will look like? Is mystery going to be one of the bridesmaides? can you ask robbie next time you speak to him if he will be bringing his ping pong balls to the event? enlighten me

  34. Stone says:

    I don’t talk to Neil Strauss as I have a phobia against bald people, not his fault, its my issue to deal with.

    Yes they are still him and Lisa are still a item.

    I am not privy to the wedding plans and as I am not invited have no interest in it.

    Lisa has no plans to have children with Mr Strauss so I doubt any children she has will look like him.

    I don’t know this mystery fellow personally so cannot comment on he/her being a bridesmaid

    When I spead to Mr Williams next it will probably be in court, but I cannot go into those legal issues in this forum unfortunatly.

    Hope that is some enlightment to you.

    Your Friend

  35. Bum Lovin' says:

    Bum Lovin’ agrees about Samurai lightening up.

    Samurai is a good guy.

    Bum Lovin’ now loves Samurai.

    P.S. always check inside the Porta-potty before climbin’ in.
    Especially in downtown L.A., as the video proof I referred to above clearly shows.

  36. Random.Samurai says:

    power – This is only possible on the 23rd? Hey, we didn’t start this fire. I hear-tell that it’s been burning since, oh, the world’s been turning, to my recollection.

    Bum Lovin’ – Here in Toledo, if we’re going to call Ma Nature outside of a permanent building, it’s probably because we’re drunk, in which case we piss as soon as we’re sure there aren’t any cops around, regardless of privacy.

  37. Lhasa says:

    I’m afraid i have to share some terrible news with you guys :(

    It seems like the breakup between Neil and Lisa is very, very real and his has affected Neil deeply.

    Because of the severe psychological damage this shocking breakup has inflicted on him he has returned to his old, pre-mPUA, self again.

    Yes my brothers, it looks bad.
    In fact he has stopped pu-ing altogether, stopped shaving his head and decided to wear his old, faithful glasses once again.

    In the picture we can see the gruesome demise of the once great and beloved master. On the left we can see a picture of how we all knew him (before the breakup), and on the right we can see a picture of him today.

    “The only way to win the game is to leave it.” Now we know what he meant.

    Neil, if you are reading this, we wish you all the best, thank you for your teachings.

  38. Random.Samurai says:

    Is that pic for real? Damn, I thought I looked bad when I started…

  39. J says:

    “We didnt start this fiiiiire!..”

    thats an awesome song, yo.



  40. Neo says:

    Since Thundercat is doing nothing to falsename posting, I’ll say again:

    The previous post with my name wasn’t me.(Sigh)

  41. Tidal Wave says:

    Yeah, TC should definitely do something about falsename posting!!! Registration and login would be a good start!!!

  42. ukon says:

    Why would anyone want registration and logins for this site?

    Few PUAS post here,There is nothing educational.

    The only poeple who post regularly are fanboys, nerds and drama queens.

    If registration and logins were to be initiated, it wouldnt be as anonymous and many retards would stop posting, lessening the amount of drama and bickering and everyone will have less crap to post tryin to show each other who is more intelligent.

    The other funny part is whenever most people here to post an argument or statements trying to show how right they are, it almost always comes off stupid and approval seeking. And its this drama which makes entries like these gardner more than 100 comments.

  43. Neo says:

    To which you have just contributed. :D

    But how can you be proud of 100+ comments when all that’s said is bitching under a false name? There are plenty of forums where you can do that.

    Registration would make an end to that.

    Besides, news doesn’t have to be educational. You want educational, buy an e-book or go to that other forum. ;)

  44. Geese says:

    Few PUAs post anywhere…

    Whats the difference between fanboys on this blog and fanboys and wannabes posting somewhere else like mASF.

    Gardener is spelled with a e between the d and the n.

    Garner has no d.

    Im not sure what you meant.

    Finally another type of poster that posts here is someone who tries to seem like a PUA by trying to shit on other posters, attempting to prove themselves as an authority.

    But good job Ukon, maybe now some of the fanboys or whatever believe you’re a PUA! You’re so Cool!! Do you have an e-book or special technique coming out soon?

    Hey if you can’t get the women to believe it why not try an anonomous blog? :o D

    Anyways if TC is concerned with making $$ like I think he is, he would be a fool to put login names on this place. It’s obvious to me that he simply wants traffic. He could care less about Quality posts or learning or seduction. Bottom line is that he want’s Traffic.

  45. Ross Jeffries says:

    Allright, you folks inspire me!

    I love Dave D. now like y’all love the Samurai! I think we’ll go out as a gay couple again!


  46. Random.Samurai says:

    The only reason I came on here was because I thought I would get some news. As it were, the Strauss-Leveridge break up was covered at least four times in mASF.

    I was intrigued by the RSD scams though. I can’t go to seminars anyway (too far, no moohlah), but if the reviews are true, what can you do?

    PS, I didn’t mean to rhyme.

  47. TheGayRepublicanTelevangelist says:

    If Struas and Leveridge stay together like Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward in hollywood
    I’ll eat my socks and tap dance for my Uncle Louie!

    “That’s Mighty Christian of you..thankx!”

  48. TD fan says:

    You have to be COOL and HIGH VALUE to roll with fuckin\’ TD and ** RSD CREW! **

    RSD photo:

  49. CorporateTortureChamber says:

    RSD photo:

    Shit those guys are alpha..really cool

  50. Wismerhill says:

    Ukon is the NEW chode of this board. Ukon, we don’t like you. U should be used to getting that reaction from people by now. BTW fuckface, do you still wear a paper bag over your head when out in public?

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