Mystery Method After Sex?
October 3, 2011 by Thundercat
Filed under Analysis
Erix5son has a question over on PUAForums concerning the Mystery Method and how to apply it after you’ve “done the deed.”
Erix5son wrote:
So according to Mystery’s method that consists of Attraction, Comfort and seduction how should I play the dating game after the sex already occured?
I am thinking about keeping the comfort with some Tension while on dates or in public and use seduction when having private time with her?
Can somebody comfirm if this is correct/best approach to dating a women after you already had sex with her or give some basic guidelines.
Okay, just to be clear here… if sex has occurred, then you have successfully completed the “seduction” phase of Mystery Method.
Simple, right?
Understand: The Mystery Method is mostly geared towards the initial “getting women to sleep with you” phase of things. So you don’t really NEED to use it on a girl you’ve already slept with – unless you failed to establish any rapport with her and just “got lucky” because she was drunk, she just wanted to get laid and didn’t care by whom, or any other factors which might have gotten you the sex but zero inter-personal connection.
So let’s say you did Mystery Method right, and built up the attraction and comfort before you got her into bed. If that’s the case, then guess what? Your job is EASY now. Read more