Pick Up Women In Bars (The Basics)

April 10, 2007 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

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Sonics over at mASF has a pretty good post up about the fundamentals of picking up women in bars.  Check it out:

Sonics writes:
Bar basics:

1) “The girl on her way from A to B has no time for me.”

Say and repeat, don’t grab girls by the arm, that’s weird!


Let her get to where she’s trying to go. If she gave you good eye
contact, then yeah go ahead and lightly touch her with the back of your
hand and game her. But for the most part “The girl on the way from A to
B has no time for me.” Say this to your self, let it marinate, say it
again and we’ll move on.


2) Girls sitting down are easier to pickup and get to know.  Just sit with them


3) Girls standing are easier to isolate.


4) If a girl is alone and not talking to anyone, she isn’t alone. If
she’s attractive she’s worth your time. These are the girls that will
love your company.


5) If a girl smokes, don’t tell her you don’t like girls that smoke unless you’re about to bust one out and smoke yourself.


6) If you’re talking to a girl and she is just hideously rude or does
something you really don’t like… eject out. Ex: she’s really drunk,
she’s swinging bottles, venting on you for something you had nothing to
do with… just move on


7) Leave each interaction with a smile.  Think of something funny.


8 )  I never really understood Rafc… Try not to get turned down more than you get turned on, approach the girls you want.  I’ll say this, 10 1 minute sets doesn’t equal one 10 minute set in experience/learning.


9) HAVE FUN!!!! This is really all that matters. (period)   


10) You’ll have more/easier success on the dance floor if you show up
and start dancing when the first groups of girls start dancing. Around
10 PM. You can leave after awhile and always go back to those same
girls. Then if you’d like you can use them as social proof and pawn off


11) Go indirect with intention on the hired guns.


12) Drinking alcohol: Have fun be safe and know that you’ll learn more
if you were sober. I’ve personally noticed a direct correlation with my
alcohol consumption and f-closes.
1 to 5 to 2. One time when I’m trashed for every 5 times that I have a
3-4 drink buzz and finally two lays sober. For me at 23 that’s how it
is and I enjoy a buzz when taking that step.


13) Young girls love the DD (designated driver).  You can then designatedly drive them to a place to eat or to somewhere.


14) Girls will drive a drunk guy home. Girls will also pick a drunk guy
up, call some of your girlfriends… it’s too easy at that point.


15) Write field reports: You won’t remember the logistics of what
happened if you were drunk. Even if you are a brand spankin’ newbie and
your field report says something like this “I saw this really pretty
girl standing at the bar a few feet away from me just waiting for her
drink, I should have gone up to her and said hi.” That’s pretty weak;
but I believe that if you actually write it out you’ll be more likely
to approach a girl in a similar situation next time. I’ve been there
and it sucks.


16) Being innovative is the funnest.


17) How to become a VIP (the abridged version, love you djozer): Get
good with your social skills and show up to the same place a lot, once
a week is plenty. You don’t even really need to tip well; but once you
do it will be expected. Actually make friends with these people and
they won’t even take a big tip from you.


18) Your body speaks: What you say isn’t necessarily what the girl
you’re talking to is hearing… ex: You’re 10 minutes into an interaction
you’re looking deep into her eyes like your about to pound the living
daylights out of her… she’s looking back at you with a glint of passion
and lust and you’re talking about how your grandma crochets the
craziest doilies. I hope you can see that. You can get tons of stuff on
body language from any guru.


19) Be yourself: If you don’t think being yourself works you’re not
being your true self. The you that gets what you want with little
effort, the you that achieves things you haven’t even thought of yet.
This is what I’m here for.


20) “Attraction is not a choice” DYD: he’s right.


21) Once you have attraction you decide what happens.


22) Your social intuition is everything… you’ll get this with experience.


23) Everything works. There are girls that will appreciate the gesture
of buying them a drink. There are girls that cheesy pickup lines will
work on. “I’m a like Michigan snow storm I’ll give you ten inches and
you won’t want to leave your house for days.” (Not recommended)


24) Everything you learn in this community is a guideline or a rule of
thumb, not a law. After you develop your social intuition you’ll bend
rules and skip guidelines. Here’s proof: Time constraints are sweet,
they basically instantly disarm the set. Well, I’m 99% sure your dad
didn’t use one on your mom and he had you.



Don’t breathe on people technique: Direct your breath away from people
when you talk with them. Seriously bad breath is gross, I’ve noticed
the guys that talk with me don’t normally aim their breath away and I
can’t see how they would aim it away with girls. Learn to love gum when
you’re in the field. Don’t smack it just chill with it in your mouth
giving it the eventual chew.

The real trick to bars (at least in my opinion) is to be as high-energy as possible.  People go to bars to have fun and unwind.  Typically, you have lots of loud music too, so if you are abile to keep up with the general pulse of the venue, you will usually do pretty well.  If you’re just not a high energy guy, or you’re having a bad night, maybe the bar scene just isn’t for you.

Juggler on Anti-Slut Defense

June 26, 2006 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Juggler has a new post up on his blog about Anti-Slut Defense.

Juggler writes:
ASD? What is really going on.

ASD is an oft-used term in the seduction community This is an acronym for Anti-Slut Defense. The idea behind this is that a woman will resist anything that makes her feel easy.

This is a common misunderstanding of women.

I happen to know many women who don’t mind being sluts. Many who get off on being slutty.

A more helpful way of thinking about this concept is that a woman does not want to seem easy in people’s eyes. If actually being easy fulfills her desires and no one who’s opinion she values is the wiser she can usually live with her sutty self no problem.

ASD should really be called Anti-Desperate Defense. A woman just does not want to seem desperate to people, especially you and especially her friends. ie: throw herself at a man.

So how do you get her to unleash her inner-slut and let her feel free to be sexual with you?

You reveal your sexual interest first in a direct way (once you have created a personal vibe). "I think that the way you describe your poetry is sexy. You better stop that cause you’re turning me on." (check out my ebook on more about these type of statements)

That sort of statement allows her to be flirty and sexual because she is not pursuing you in some desperate fashion but only reciprocating.

Now the interesting thing is that she may act sexual with you in a secluded corner of a seedy bar but as soon as she gets in front of her friends she can pull back into a guarded, platonic state.

That is because she knows her friends haven’t heard you verbalize your attraction first. If she was to get all up on you, her friends would be presuming she is actind desperate. But the real interesting thing is that if you then verbalize your sexual interest in front of her friends it can sometimes unlock her and alow her to flirt openly in front of them because now she knows they know she is only reciprocating. Funny how that works.


Chick Crack Cold Read

June 2, 2006 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Storyteller has a post up on mASF about a cold read routine he uses…

Storyteller writes:
 This is here is my all-time favorite cold read. I’ve been using it since a long time now and it’s part of all of my Pickups. Chicks love it. This stuff is literally like chick crack!! Enjoy.

"You know there are really two types of people in the world. Observer and those who are observed, and you are more the observer kind of person. I think when you get to know people they sometimes think you are aloof and a lot of men also think you are somewhat of a bitch… but I dont think that’s true, they just dont know you. You experience the world through your emotions and want to make sure that the people you let into your life are good people who really come from the heart. That’s why you first when you meet new people you just observe them and try to figure them out before you open up to them. But that’s just some sort of protection shield cause when you are around the right people (point to self) and having a lot of fun with them, you can just let go and be yourself. And I think that’s what you are really looking for in life, people who you can just be real with and who fully understand what you are all about as a person."

Chicks literally wont leave you alone after you’ve used this cold read on them cause they think they just found their soulmate! It’s money.

This is a really good cold read and very similar to one I’ve been seeing Swinggcat use for years.  It can be very powerful in building comfort and trust.

Motivation To Approach

June 2, 2006 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

SteviePUA has a pretty interesting strategy to help guys push themselves into approaching women.

SteviePUA writes:
Here’s a technique you can use with your wingman to motivate you to open – you give him 100 dollars at the start of the night. He gets to keep it ALL unless you make approaches.

For every approach you make he has to give you back 10 dollars.

10 approaches and your money is back in your pocket. If you pussy out, you lose your money.

Brings a whole new meaning to "Put your money where your mouth is," doesn’t it?

New Mystery & Style Video

June 2, 2006 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

There’s a really cool segment on the Current TV network about Style and Mystery.  It’s a fairly substantial and favorable look at Pick-Up, too.

Check it out here.

3 Second Rule? Nah… 30 Second Rule!

April 19, 2006 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

There’s an interesting new article out on the ‘net that says women will make a judgement about a guy within 30 seconds of meeting him.  This is good news for all of us who follow the 3-seond rule, because it means we have an extra 27 seconds to use to our advantage!  Whew, pressure off…

Anyway, here’s the first part of the article…

HEY baby, what’s your favourite pizza topping? Surprising though it may seem, that question could hold the key to dating success.

Forget carefully crafted compliments and witty jokes, because an inquiry about the merits of pepperoni versus anchovy is more likely to get you that coveted telephone number, according to a study of speed dating.

And men need to get their champion chat-up lines in quickly, because women are even quicker to judge than they are. Almost half (45 per cent) of the women in a mass speed-dating experiment gave prospective partners the mental thumbs down in less than 30 seconds. The men took a minute and a half.

The study, at the Edinburgh International Science Festival last week, involved 100 single people aged from 22 to 45. Each participant had ten speed dates, then had to decide whether they wanted to see any of the ten again.

On average, each man was smitten by four women, whereas women were interested in only two of the eligible males. The 70 couples who registered a mutual attraction will be monitored as they go on further dates over the next six months.

Two participants, one man and one woman, managed an envy-inducing 100 per cent success rate, with all ten of their dates hoping to see them again.

But, according to the organiser of the study, Richard Wiseman, a psychology professor, “they were by no means the most attractive people in the room”.

He said: “They asked interesting, quirky questions. He asked people who they would be on Stars in their Eyes, and she asked them what their favourite pizza topping was. It’s difficult to answer either without a smile on your face.”

In sad contrast, there was a plethora of cringeworthy one-liners and tragic misjudgments.

“I have a PhD in computing,” was never going to light any fires, and “My favourite place in the world is anywhere you are,” sounds like the confession of a particularly cheesy stalker.

Both sexes were heavily influenced by physical appearance, Professor Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire, said. “But women tended to look for an instant ‘chemistry’. If that was missing they quickly rejected the man, so the opening line really matters.

“Guys were less judgmental and took a bit longer to assess a woman’s attractiveness.”

In a second experiment, 500 people were asked to play Cupid for a male participant, Kes, a 30-year-old mechanical engineer. Lucky Kes shared a four-course meal with four women, each joining him in his private dining room for one course.

Members of the public were given photographs and short descriptions of the women and were asked to predict which one Kes would find the most attractive.

The most popular choice was a 26-year-old nurse, Ray (37 per cent). Those who rated themselves as good matchmakers were particularly adamant that she was Miss Right. But Kes proved them wrong, opting for a teacher, Jan, whom only 23 per cent had predicted he would choose.

I’d definitely read the whole article.  It’s pretty interesting.  Hat tip to Jeff for this one.

Jealous Girlfriend Routine: Revealed!

April 12, 2006 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Style, the most powerful of the Jedi, released another excellent newsletter a few days ago where he covers his pattented "Jealous Girlfriend" routine.  This one is definitely worht checking out:

Style writes:
Okay, so I’m in New York, where I’m on assignment for Rolling Stone. (Can’t tell you who but you’ll see it in the mag next month.)

Anyway, I run into this writer for a major newspaper. And he’s asking me all about the Annihilation Method. (Can’t tell you who either because he subscribes to this list, I just found out.)

And it’s kind of freaking me out a little.  I’ll bet you can relate.

Imagine if reporters were calling YOU and asking about something that was supposed to be *secret*?

Anyway, I pretty much dodged the questions – even though the person I interviewed ended up asking me about the Annihilation Method too.

The bottom line is, this whole Annihilation Method thing is getting out of hand.

You might not realize this, but there are 17,609 people who get this newsletter you’re reading.

Think about that.  17,609 men like you and me with one mission in common … MASTERING SEDUCTION.

What’s even crazier is that there around 300 people joining us every day now.  I guess they’re finding out about this newsletter through word of mouth or something.

Oh – and you wouldn’t believe the amount of email I’m getting from people.

Most of it is about the Annihilation Method.

I’m talking about 500+ emails per day sometimes!

And that’s what’s brought me to this point.

First, let me make this announcement …and hopefully it will answer everyone’s questions at once:


There.  I said it …OK?

But there’s a catch.

There’s NO WAY I’m going to show this to all 17,609 people on this newsletter.

Two reasons:

1. This is powerful stuff that nobody’s ever seen before.  If it was in the worng hands …or used in the wrong way, things could get ugly.

2. Because this is so hard-core …and it’s something that NOBODY is using, it’s pretty much bullet proof.


Think about it.  If everyone and their brother started using the same material, it wouldn’t be as powerful.


I’ll be releasing information about this towards the end of the month.

Until then, let’s keep our eye on the prize and do what we do best…

With that in mind, I’ve put together a little pre-Annihilation Method tidbit for you to use this weekend.

Let’s begin:


The biggest fear most people have when it comes to dating is the approach.

That’s why openers were developed: as training wheels to get over that initial reluctance.

If you already know what you’re going to say, then you don’t have to worry about what to say.

All you have to do is move your feet in the direction of the person you want to meet, open your mouth, and let come what may.

In The Game, probably the most effective opener I came up with was the Jealous Girlfriend Opener.

Mystery had always said: "There are two subjects that all women like to talk about: relationships and the unknown."

So I decided to come up with an instant conversation starter about relationships. I know some readers of the book are already using it, and I want to make sure you’re doing it as effectively as possible. So, with that in mind, here’s the exact script.

(Based on a True Story)

Style: Hey guys, let me get your opinion on something. I’m trying to give my friend over there advice, but we’re just a bunch of guys and not qualified to comment on these matters.

Girls: What?

Style: Okay, see that guy over there. Well, he has been dating a girl for three months. And she just moved in with him. Now, this is a two part question. So, imagine you’ve been dating someone for three months. And he is still friends with his old girlfriend from college. How do you feel about that?

Girls: Well, that depends. Are they just friends or is there something more going on?

Style: Yes, they’re JUST friends. There’s nothing else going on. They talk like once a week at most.

Girls: I think it’s fine/I don’t think they should be talking/Etc.

Style: Okay, it’s a two part question. Now let’s say that he has a drawer in his apartment. And in that drawer he keeps all of his old photographs and letters.

Now, some of those letters happen to be from ex’es and some of the photographs happen to be with ex’es.

Girls: Hmm.

Style: It’s not like he ever looks at them. They are just there, like old souvenirs and memories of his past.

Girls: I think it’s fine/ He should put those in the closet/He should burn them, then bury the ashes.

Style: Okay, the reason I’m asking is because his girlfriend says doesn’t want him to talk to his ex from college at all. She wants him to cut it off completely.

And she wants him to destroy all of his old photos and letters from ex’s.

She says it’s just holding onto the past, and he should let go of it now. Personally, I thought it was extreme and a bit insecure.

But what do I know. I’m a guy. And, as we all know, guys think differently from girls…

NOTE: If there’s a guy in the group, don’t forget to get his opinion too.

What I love about this opener is that in addition to getting people talking for a good ten minutes, it also screens the women. If the girl you’re interested in says the guy should cut off his ex entirely and destroy every last photo and letter, then she’s probably not the kind of woman you want to date. Just a hunch. 

Alright, that’s it for now. Let me know how you do with this.


P.S. Some people get a little worried that this opener might have been used "too much".


It IS possible that you’ll approach a woman who just heard the exact same opener.


You know how Mystery and I used to hold in-the-field workshops, right?

Well …we’d have 10-15 guys in a club …all trying these openers.

And NATURALLY, some women would hear the same ones twice.

Here’s how you use this in your favor.

Girl: Umm …some guy just asked me that same question like five minutes ago.

YOU: No way, you must have met my friend. We were having a debate about it and didn’t exactly see eye to eye. So…what did you tell him?

P.P.S. Remember, the point of an opener is not to make a woman say, "Oh my God!  Let’s get naked immediately!"

It’s just to start a conversation and break the ice. All that is necessary for an opener to work is for someone to respond to you.  So even if, in that rare, worst case scenario, the women say they’ve heard it before, guess what? You’re now having a conversation. The group is officially opened.

Now that I think about it, maybe this is why so many people are stalking me about the Annihilation Method. They want the new goods.

Because nobody else is using it.  It’s like you’re showing up to a knife fight with a machine gun or something.

Total unfair advantage.

And like I said …I want to keep it that way. 

P.P.P.S. I forgot to ask you this. I need a favor.  It’s no biggie.

Will you keep the seduction stuff I’m teaching you to yourself?

Our community is already over 17,000 people strong…

And it’s growing by about 300 people a day.

I’m thinking about closing this newsletter to new people and having it be just us.

The reason why is I’ll be sharing some new things with you soon and I want to keep it "in the family" so to speak.


If you haven’t signed up to recieve Style’s excellent emails from his VIP list yet, be sure to do so!  You can check it out here.

Tom Lykis Video

April 4, 2006 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Here’s a video of Tom Lykis, probably one of the greatest Radio DJ’s ever!  For those of you who don’t know Tom, his show is pretty much devoted to teaching guys how to get laid fast for very little money.  Some people call him a chauvenist, but I think he’s just a really damn good PUA!  Living in LA, I get to listen to him daily, but for those of you who may not have heard of Tom and his "Lykis 101" philosophy before, this video should be a real treat.

Know What You Want

February 27, 2006 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Apparently the rumors of Vince Runza’s death/incarceration have been greatly exagerated.  The old time seducer has resurfaced with a new post about where your focus needs to be for becoming successful with women.

Vince Runza writes:
To the Group:
Guys come here to learn how to seduce women, right? But, for each guy, that means something different. For some, it means getting that one, special girl – which will get him two or three good smacks in the head from the guys here. For others, it’s hooking up with elite women in very competitive venues. Then, there are the guys who just want to overcome a lifetime of virginity. In fact, there are as many reasons as there are guys.

I applaud any and all reasons which are good for both parties in a seduction. If you’re a cad (or a psycho), alas! This stuff will work for you, too. Some of the things that work for nice seduction will also enable the twisted. There’s a point to this: once you know what you’re trying to accomplish, the tools to do so are here.

Therefore, you must decide exactly what you want. Since there are different means (strategies, tactics and techniques), the ones you choose must be congruent with who you are. If you are low-key, only interested in hooking up and don’t want a LTR, check out Gunwitch Method. If you’re an ‘edge junkie’ with a reasonable amount of success, perhaps MM or RSD will enhance your game. If you’re a nerd/geek, perhaps SS.

Mind you, I’m not endorsing any one method or another. I’m simply pointing out that you can’t do things arbitrarily – dress up like a rock star, spout pattern language, do magic tricks, etc. with no eye toward results. You start with where you are now and progress toward where you want to be. Let me emphasize – it’s where YOU want to be in the future, not where other guys want to be – or where they want YOU to be.

It’s really a two step process: get your head screwed on straight and realize it’s YOUR reality. Step one is really hard. Knowing what you truly value takes a serious, intense search of yourself. That can be painful. It can also be elusive – what you really want today may be very different six months from now. Once you do know exactly what you want, step two happens naturally. The whole world begins to revolve around YOUR reality, because you are totally congruent with what you value. Actually, the whole world goes on exactly as before – you simply don’t get in the way of it giving you everything you want.

That is mastery.


Nice to see ol’ Runzi back in action.  =)

How Not To Be Dependant On One Woman

August 29, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

n3rv1 has one hell of a post over on mASF about something he calls "Dependancy."  We all know how sometimes a guy can get hung up on that "one special girl," and when that happens, he ignores all other possibilities with women only to eventually find out that the girl of his desire just wants to be "friends."  Well, n3rv1 offers a solution to that predicament…

n3rv1 writes:

I’m not a drug councelor or anywhere near an expert on the issue, so what I mean by "dependency" is a subtle kind of mental weakness that keeps a guy from doing things out of the ordinary, like, say, having sex with different women.

As I see it, dependency keeps a guy in his comfort zone. This is a big issue. He learns to depend on circumstances being familiar. His system can’t cope unless he is "in his element," so to speak. This inability to cope with new situations will, over time, translate into an unwillingness to ACT outside of the boundaries of what’s known and predictable.

This unwillingness to act is what I mean by "dependency."

The best cure for this is VARIATION in all senses of the meaning.

Mix it up. Keep things fresh. Engage everything. These words are purposely ambiguous.

Hovering over insignifcant details shouldn’t be allowed. Sticking to one train of thought for too long should become UNCOMFORTABLE. "New" things should no longer be seen as
"new," but "natural."

I seriously think this issue and explanation is multi-applicable. I think it has to do with PU, sexual activity, probably even drug/substance use, feelings of motivation, happiness, and a whole lot of other shit that I can’t explain.

Personal, REAL LIFE examples of how I try to keep things in variation include, but are in no way limited to:

Physical Activities: Obviously sex, lifting weights, playing frisbee golf, swimming, canoeing, hiking, camping, biking, fishing, cooking outdoors, playing drums, painting, working two part-time jobs instead of one full-time job, walking as transportation, doing weird shit, etc.

Mental Activities: #1 MOST IMPORTANT: TALKING TO STRANGERS (there’s no better mental exercise for me than having quick connections with random people — it’s a dual exercise in wit and empathy, it’s not PU, it’s nothing that takes EFFORT, it’s just an overall openness and compassion for other human beings), listening to as wide a variety of music as possible, reading (philosophy, art, comparative mythology, great literary works, science magazines, psychology, PU, current affairs, history, comic books, etc) writing(***PU JOURNAL*** –> key item: keeping track of approaches and random interactions I’ve had throughout the day keeps positive experiences in my conscious sphere, making it easier for me to project positive friendly-guy vibes}, interesting-event journal, dream journal, keeping track of upcoming events, creative writing, mASF, written correspondence, chat, random thoughts jotted down on post-it notes, etc), watching movies and TV (which I don’t get enough of — with no cable access and a budget too tight for rentals or high-speed internet I’m kind of out of touch with pop culture)

The main point I’m trying to make is that it is possible to INGRAIN VARIETY into your behavior and lifestyle, not in a drastic, earth-shattering way, but in MANY realistic, subtle, yet impactful ways.

I wholeheartedly agree with n3rv1′s assessment here.  It’s really foolish to latch on to just ONE woman (at least until you’re married or in a relationship).  You have to keep your options open and meet lots of women.  This little tactic will really help you from getting your heart broken.

Kissing Tips

August 29, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Wyldfire has a short-but-sweet post up on the Don Juan board about a kissing technique that’s designed to make the woman you’re kissing completely infatuated with you.

Wyldfire writes:
Okay, let’s face
it…how you kiss a woman can either make or break your image in her
eyes. You can use this simple technique to sweep a woman off her feet
and double her interest level in you. Use this technique wisely and
only on women you want to really fall for you. Don’t use it on someone
you don’t want to keep around or you’ll never get rid of her.

When you go in for the kiss, put your hands on her neck and very gently
caress her. Start the kiss off softly, still gently stroking her neck,
and running your fingers through her hair at the nape of her neck. Very
softly and slowly part her lips with your tongue. Don’t put your tongue
too far into her mouth…just a little bit in and work it very slowly
and without much pressure. A kiss like this makes a woman weak in the
knees. Save the hard passionate kisses for later on down the line. Use
this more erotic kind of kiss to keep her thinking of you until you see
her again.

Smootch, smootch!  =)

For College Guys Who Want To Meet Women

August 24, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Tweeder over on the DJ Boards has a pretty great post up giving advice to college students who want to meet more girls.

Tweeder writes:
Okay men, another year
of college approaches. Now is the time to get your game face on. Time
to use all of these tips you’ve been reading about, but haven’t found
the balls to use them yet. The first couple weeks at college are the
perfect time to meet girls and get their numbers. It’s so easy it’s
pathetic really. Getting pu*** couldn’t be any easier if it was handed
to you.

So how do you do it?  Well that’s what this post is here for:

1. USE THE CLASSROOM TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. First thing to know is that
people are like herds of animals. Wherever they sit on the first day,
that’s the area they’ll go to from now on. On the first day of class
when you walk into a room, what do you see? You see a room half full of
people sitting 2 to 3 seats appart. Almost everybody in that room is
nervous as hell, and they don’t feel comfortable. Everyone’s sitting
there saying, "Man I wish someone would come talk to me." Most likely
you do the same thing. But not anymore. When you go into a room, kind
of pause just inside the door. Act calm and cool. After all, you are a
DJ. Look around the room, and find the girl you want. Try and get a
little eye contact first, and then go sit right next to her. Don’t
worry about getting her to smile first. These girls are nervous, and
may just be intimidated by the confidence you display. This is not a
bar or club. Girls are not nearly as agressive and flirty at first. Not
two seats down, not right behind her. You sit right next to her. Then
smile and say, "Hi my names tweeder, what’s yours?"

Easy isn’t it? Watch her warm up to you right away. She’ll think you’ve
got balls of steel for doing something so easy. Every other guy in the
room will wathc you with envy and say, "Man why didn’t I do that? He
must get all the chicks."

2. USE THE CLASSROOM TO GET THE DIGITS. So you hate asking for a phone
number because you don’t want to look stupid? Well here’s another
golden chance. After you’ve been talking to her for the class period,
you shoould have made her feel really comfortable. As you leave say,
hey why don’t we exchange phone numbers in case I miss a day or
something. I’ve never had a girl say no to this. EVER!!!!! It is the
wussy way out, but it’s a good way to get used to asking. If you’re a
good DJ, just ask her to give you her number so you can get together
for coffee sometime.

3. SAY HI TO EVERYONE EVERYWHERE. So now you’re outside of class.
You’re walking to the bookstore or whatever. What do you see? Tons of
hot chicks walking by themselves. Man what are you waiting for? These
girls want to talk to you more than you’ll ever know. "But why aren’t
they holding eye contact tweeder?" you might ask. Well you’re a DJ, and
you look confident. They’re intimidated. They’ll look once, and then
away. Don’t worry my friends, you’re still in. Just say hi. You’ll be
amazed at the positive responses you get.

DID YOU? How many times did you go through a center of some sort, and
see a girl at a table by herself reading? Too many to count I’d guess.
Don’t let this fool you. They’re waiting for you. They just need to
look busy so they don’t come off as pathetic. Are some girls really
studying? Of course, but not a lot of them. So how do you tell the
difference? Her eyes do all the talking you need.

If a girl is wanting a guy to approach, she’ll look up every couple of
minutes to see who’s around. If she’s really studying she won’t be
doing this. She’ll be concentrating too much. So if you see a girl,
stay in her line of site for a minute. If she looks up, lock eyes and
smile. You might catch her off guard and she’ll look back down without
smiling. Don’t worry. Hang around. IF she’s interested she’ll check you
out again. When she does just go to her table and ask if you can join
her. Tell her you’re waiting for you’re next class or whatever. Then go
from there. It’s easy I promise.

5. THE CONCLUSION TO ALL THIS MESS. It’s simple really. Girls are
everywhere, and they want to meet you. Colleges are full of chumps that
are too scared to approach a girl in the beginning. And the girls are
the same way. This makes it hard for them to meet girls. Thank God
you’re a DJ. You can go get them all while the chumps watch in awe. By
the end of the second week you’ll have so many numbers your only
problem will be which ones to get rid of.

My final point is the most important. I mention it in a lot of my
posts, but that’s because I want you guys to know it. These posts
always say a girl will give you good buying signals when she wants you
to approach. Like she’ll make good eye contact and smile. THIS IS ONLY
IN BARS AND CLUB TYPE ATMOSPHERES. In normal places only extreamly
confident women will do this. The others will look away when you make
eye contact. Or when you smile. PLEASE DON’T GET DISCOURAGED.

Remember this rule. A woman may look by mistake once, but she’ll never
make the mistake again. So she may check you out once and realize
you’re not her type, but she won’t look again unless she finds you
attractive. So if you make good EC with a woman and she looks away,
keep at it. Wait a minute and see. Odds are she’ll look again. When she
does you’re in. You better go for it.

Is this fool proof? Of course not. Rjections is always a possibility.
But you’re success will always outway the rejections. So come on guys,
make these first couple of weeks count.

Hot damn I wish I was back in school again!  To all you guys out there still in college (or going to college), don’t squander your time there being afraid of talking to women!  Never in your life will you find an easier place to meet them.  Sieze every opportunity you have.

Book Of Woman

August 24, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

A guy who goes by the handle "Deep Dish" has a pretty long but interesting post up about the psychology/mentality of women he calls the "Book Of Woman."  It’s a pretty interesting post if you’re into concepts of how women fit into society and stuff like that.  Here’s a little exerpt:

Deep Dish writes:
“Men commit actions; women commit gestures. – Phyllis Chesler”

Women read into signs because illegal it is for her to drive; tossing
hints because for her to throw would be uncivilized. Rather than ask
you out, she flirts with you and asks what you’re doing later, or
presses her breasts up against you.

“Women are all bought in the market – from the ***** to the
Princess. The price alone is different, and the highest price, in money
or rank, obtains the woman.”

When you ask her out, she runs late night off to the telephone and
chats incessantly with her friends. There was at least once when I saw
a woman (whom I had briefly dated) with a few friends and those friends
pointed me out to her, now consider I had never seen those friends in
my entire life. The girl must have at some point, while we were briefly
getting together, sent in her friends to spy on me, to check out what a
catch was I.

She uses her friends to retrieve information; Are you single? Do you
like anyone?; and other times to show off, case in point the last

Her friends influence her decision of your value, which partly is why
it’s said you’re not dating her, you’re dating everyone; why often it
is said women are committees, why women don’t think for themselves. Her
friends diss you if they don’t like you, praise you if they do; and her
friends are her eyes and ears when she is away. If you are caught
staring down her shirt, her friends will report to her you are a sexist

She is friends of many and knows everything about her friends, even
mundane daily life, is an engineer of a web of contacts. One great
‘game plan’ is to befriend many women into friends, to take every woman
who rejects you and make her into a friend, and get hookups from them;
by fact you get her seal of approval instantly gets you way further in
than had you met the woman on your own.

When off in college, while man becomes a stranger to his parents, she keeps in contact with her mom.

She hates to lose people from her life. Ever notice when the instant
you get over her and rid her from your life, is the very moment she
somehow just pops back in. There was one time for a month I would
continually bump into a girl, every time a different place, on a campus
of 30,000 students, where you’re lucky to see someone once a month; and
at the same time I detected she would make visits to my personal
website, an address of which I never gave her. This woman had blown me
off, though I did have quite a history before being blown off.

You can check it out in its entirety here.

Meeting Women By Being “Wedding Crashers”

August 2, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

If you haven’t seen the movie "Wedding Crashers" starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn (and you really should, it’s a very funny movie), it’s about two guys who crash weddings to prey on women who are high off the romance of seeing their friend/loved one get married.  Apparently, crashing weddings is very fun and includes a great deal of dancing, eating, and drinking before whisking some unsuspecting bridesmade off to the closest hotel room.

Now, obviously this is just a movie and a work of fiction, but knowing how horney guys are typically, you know that half the men who go to see this movie are thinking "Hey, I wonder if this could work?"  Personally, I feel that crashing weddings is a very dumb thing to do, and if you get caught, it’s not just a bad thing for you, but you are contributing to ruining someone’s ACTUAL wedding.  But a guy named Supermania over on mASF has some ideas on how crashing weddings might actually work.

Supermania writes:
I think that by arriving after the food and speeches – when the bars
have opened up, and the dance floor is buzzing, and people are hopping
from one table to another – you circumvent the need to be identified
and "seated".

If you arrived at the beginning when people were first arriving and
being seated, then you may need to produce an invitation, or at least
be more identifying. That’s where you could get fucked up.

As far as answering questions as to who you are, I would avoid
answering as family. You’re right that most people would know of people
in their own family, and that could lead to problems. Not to mention
you could paint yourself into a corner with HB’s (ie: incest).  I would stick with "a close friend of Bill’s" or something to that effect.

It would of course be best to lose yourself in a crowd at a huge wedding, and avoid the small ones, for obvious reasons.

These are untested assumptions, based on common-sense brainstorming.
I’m still interested to hear any real-life experiences of actual
"wedding crashers" out there. Good and bad.

I’d just like to say to any guy out there contemplating crashing a wedding:  DON’T DO IT.  There are plenty of ways to meet women other than doing this.  But if you have crashed a wedding in the past, please be sure to relate your experiences here, because I’d like to know how it turned out.

10 Habits Of A Natural

July 4, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Found a post on mASF about the 10 habits of a natural called "NaturalJJ" and his bisexual girlfriend.  They’re not really anything new or groundbreaking, but that doesn’t mean the 10 habits listed in this post are any less effective.

Hat tip to Handsome Man for pointing this one out.

UPDATE:  Got an email from the author of this post, Asian Playboy.  Turns out he too has a blog (and it’s actually worth checking out!).  You can visit it here.

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