Link Bomb: 9-23-11

September 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

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Here are some interesting, seduction-related stories from around the web.

You’ve just been BOMBED.

Link Bomb: 9-16-11

September 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories

Got some time to waste?  Wanna read some interesting, PUA-related articles?  Here are some fun and cool links collated from around the web that any discerning man may want to check out…

BOMB 1:  Women who love porn

BOMB 2:  Boobies are a threat to society

BOMB 3:  Lies COSMO Tell Women

BOMB 4:  Fashion tips for women from a guy who knows dick about fashion

BOMB 5:  If men wrote women’s magazines…

BOMB 6:  Why women should embrace porn

BOMB 7:  Everything I know about women, I learned from a two-year old

BOMB 8: 10 things women do that men love

BOMB 9:  5 lies all women tell

BOMB 10:  The lies women will tell to save their relationship

You’ve just been BOMBED!!!!