The Avengers: Earth’s Most Awesome Movie!

October 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Interesting Stories, Video

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Okay, so I’m a comic book geek.  I’m not ashamed to admit it.  I’ve been looking forward to an Avengers movie for some time now, and this new trailer just shows how AWESOME its going to be.

Keep a box of tissues handy…

Lord of the Cock Rings

February 4, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

**Reposted from the first Lair, original date: 12/19/03
**Image removed

Okay, my ass is officially kicked.

I just got back from seeing “Return of the King” and had to change my pants because the insides were covered with copious amounts of jizz from all the orgasms I had while watching this movie.  My GOD!!!  This was amazing cinema!  I’m sad that the trilogy is over, but at the same time I am jazzed at seeing such an incredible flick with lots of great action, an epic scope, and real emotion.  The ending was bittersweet, but in a way I don’t think it could have ended any differently.

I’ll be seeing this movie probably 5 more times in the theaters.  That’s saying a lot, because the damn thing is 3 1/2 hours long.  Just be sure to bring a pee bottle with you when you go, so you won’t miss a second.  And I definitely wouldn’t take a chick to this thing on a date.  Sure its a good movie, but by the time its over you are all worn out.

This reminds me of a topic I want to cover about venue changes.  Remind me to talk about that later on next week, because there’s some interesting stuff to talk about there.

