Alpha Isn’t Bad

June 7, 2005 by  
Filed under Articles

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Carlos Xuma chimes in today with a new article on how to be Alpha, and what Alphaness isn’t such a bad thing after all…

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RSD Lawsuit

June 3, 2005 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Word has it that Real Social Dynamics has just lost a lawsuit with a dissatisfied customer.

I don’t know all the details about what went down, but I did find this from the Rip-Off Report which details some of the specifics. 

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MINE’99 Is Off His Nut

June 3, 2005 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Here’s the latest from MINE’99 in his fued with… well, pretty much the whole community.  If you thought he wasn’t quite playing with a full deck before, wait until you read this one…

MINE’99 writes:
I built the seduction community. I can take it  down now any time I choose.

Mark my words. I’m going to set this whole fucker free.

Those who profit from my genius..beware.

"Now I truly control the worm AND the spice..and I have the power to DESTROY THE SPICE FOREVER"…..Mu’adib

Now, either MINE’99 plans to destroy every woman on the planet in some Dr. Evil-type scheme to wipe out seduction forever, or he’s just gone crazy.  I’m talking completely, uttery, off-his-rocker crazy.

Personally, I think he’s been spending too much time alone with his cats.

MINE’99 Is Off His Nut

June 3, 2005 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Here’s the latest from MINE’99 in his fued with… well, pretty much the whole community.  If you thought he wasn’t quite playing with a full deck before, wait until you read this one…

MINE’99 writes:
I built the seduction community. I can take it  down now any time I choose.

Mark my words. I’m going to set this whole fucker free.

Those who profit from my genius..beware.

"Now I truly control the worm AND the spice..and I have the power to DESTROY THE SPICE FOREVER"…..Mu’adib

Now, either MINE’99 plans to destroy every woman on the planet in some Dr. Evil-type scheme to wipe out seduction forever, or he’s just gone crazy.  I’m talking completely, uttery, off-his-rocker crazy.

Personally, I think he’s been spending too much time alone with his cats.

Naming Contest

June 3, 2005 by  
Filed under News

Dimitri over at Rapid Social Impact asked me to post this because he needs your help!


We’ve had more success than Vincent and I could have ever imagined. And for that, my friends, I offer my thanks.

we started a few months ago, we knew we had a complete solution that
wasn’t being offered. But the success we’ve had is unimaginable.

At this point, we’re looking to brand ourselves and as such, we are
accepting suggestions for a new company name. We’ll be changing it
pretty soon to reflect exactly what we do and how powerful our product

As such, I’ve opened this to submissions from the board.
If you want to enter, email a suggested name to If your suggestion is taken, you’ll
receive a free bootcamp in Boston. Finalists will receive 25% off any

Thanks again for all the love and support. All the best to all of


My vote goes to anything without words starting with "R" or "S" in the title.  =)

Mystery Method News

June 2, 2005 by  
Filed under News

Mystery has some really innovative programs coming up this month.  Here’s the latest from the Mystery camp:

June 18 – Beginner Attraction Magic – Vegas
June 19 – Strippers – Vegas
Aug 18 – 21 – Advanced Program – Vegas

These are amazing programs and will REALLY improve your game. This is the first time that the advanced program is being offered to anyone outside of the Mystery Method instructors. If you’re already getting impressive results, this program will make your game exceptional. Here is some feedback from the last Strippers and Magic programs.

" The night of the Strippers program was awesome!!! I opened one set and got blown out, then Mystery pointed out what I was doing wrong.  After that the next girl I opened ended up buying me breakfast and then taking me home at 6 A.M. Thanks Mystery you rule!!!!
A.F Michigan

"After taking Mystery’s Magic program I can’t recommend it highly enough! Just last night I went out and using the sugar packet trick had a whole restaurant in awe! I ended up leaving with three of the hottest girls numbers,and they all want to know how I did it."
J.B San Diego

These programs will fill up fast so head over to and sign up.

All of these are being taught by Mystery personally, in Las Vegas.  From what I understand, regular price for these programs is $850 per person, but if you’re a member of, you get $50 off!

Also worth mentioning:

Mystery is holding a workshop in conjunction with the upcoming DYD seminar here in Los Angeles on June 24, 25, and 26.  Cost will be $700 per night, but again, if you’re a subscriber, you can save $300 with your discount, so it’ll only be $600 per night.

The Freedom To Exist

June 2, 2005 by  
Filed under Articles

Cameron, from, sent me this article he wanted all you to read.

This article will seem like just good old plain common sense. Yet, nobody in the community is really addressing it and I know it is a problem for most men.

I know it is a problem because I teach workshop/seminars a couple of times a month and I see it first hand and it’s advice that can save you a lot of time and wasted energy.

If you are beginning your journey into the community, I’ll modestly say that this is one of the most important things you’ll read.

Some of you have goals and objectives while learning this “Game.” Others just take it one day at a time.

If you are going to set objectives in this game, make sure at the very top is the freedom to exist.

Well, what the heck does that mean?

It means if you are going to set up goals for yourself, your eventual goal is to believe so strongly in yourself that you can walk up to anyone and be comfortable.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? And yet, it is so difficult.

This is not a goal that is achieved over night. It takes time and effort and you must work towards it. I have met and winged with some of the best of the best as far as this community is concerned, and I can tell you that even a lot of those guys haven’t achieved this. 

Why is this so?

Let’s backtrack a little bit. Sometime last year, my partner, Ranko AKA Shark, started to popularize the direct “I like you opener.” He was criticized and insulted to no end and

Even when it appeared that everything he was saying was accurate, his critics never acknowledged him.

The reason for this is two fold:

A. Some guys in the community are insecure to the point that they can never give credit to anyone for they think it will diminish their guru status.

B. Some guys still do not get it!

These same critics who still do not get it, refer to “Direct game” as a tool. These critics claim that “Direct is a good tool to carry.” In fact, they refer to everything as a “Tool.”

Here is what I want you to understand:


The direct style is about a state of self-belief not often found in community PUAs regardless of how much success they have achieved.

Lacking these internal belief structure, the PUA will often resort to looking at things through a different lens. He looks at everything through the frame of techniques and tactics, henceforth completely missing the point regarding the self-belief.

I recently heard an incredibly well known PUA on this board label direct as a “Frame Control” Trick. This indicates that to this person, everything is still a technique, not an organic and natural process.

To truly not give a shit and have such a strong self-image to approach anyone is not a trick. It is not a tactic.

It comes from the power of belief and it comes from a deeper place.

It takes time to get there. It helps if you realize what it is you should be focusing on.

You go in with the mentality that “I do NOT need to resort to trickery and tactics” in order to get a chick.

I am not saying that “Tools” are bad in general. There are some tools that are useful at some point.

However, to be able to just be present and a relaxed cool individual is to be able to free yourself of constantly reaching inside your bag of tools.

Even the tools are not tools. I’ll explain:

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Take Back Your Power With Women

June 2, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Senior Fingers (not to be confused with MR. Fingers), has this post up about how society skews our views of romance and relationships, and what we can do to fix that.

Senior Fingers writes:
After all the
analyzation of Social Distortion, the Feminization of Man and the
perceived power struggle of the sexes, I finally realized something…

Many of us are giving our power away to external influences and are left with none for ourselves.


Our favorite scapegoat of all time. This is the classic bleeding heart logic at work…

"Oh its not HIS fault he murdered a small village..he was a troubled youth and is clinically insane..SOCIETY made him this way"

Or in most of the cases here…..

"Its not my fault I am intimidated by women. I was raised AFC! Society is fuct up!"

Well, its no secret we havent achieved utopia yet. But you will get no
closer to your goals by playing the Blame Game. Its one thing to
understand the root of your dysfunction and another to accept
responsibilty for it.

A brief tale to illustrate my point…

I used to run into this beggar on the subway all the time. I felt
really bad for him because he was about my age and only had one leg.
Whenever I saw him, I would give him whatever loose change I had. This
made me feel good, knowing that I had helped someone who was relatively
helpless. For months it was like this until one day everything changed.

I was walking down Houston street (one of the busiest intersections of
NYC) and saw this crazy messenger weaving in and out of traffic on his
bike and pulling some kamikazee manuevers. As a cyclist, I could
appreciate his skill and walked to the corner to get a better view of
this daredevil.

Well, much to my surprise, this guy was alot older than I though. His
grey beard indicated a man of middle age. Upon closer inspection I
couldnt believe what I saw. Yup, homeboy had ONE LEG! I had trremendous
respect for this man and will never forget him. You can guess what
happened next time I saw that bum on the subway. I didnt give him a
dime because I realized he wasnt as helpless as I had thought.

One man used his disability as an excuse to fail, another used it as a challenge to succeed. The difference is astronomical!

Nationalities and Generalizations

"Asian Chicks are the best!" "White Chicks are whГіres!" "English girls are cold!" "Stay away from black girls!!"

Yet again, more excuses.

"Its not really me, it is HER…damn these green-eyed/redheaded/etc girls!!"

It is much easier to blame our failures on a womans nationality, race
or appearance than to face the fact that we might be doing something

Playing the victim will get you no closer to victory!

Brainwashing and the Media

"Feminists have taken over TV and film! Men are
being portrayed more and more weak and submissive! We are trapped in
the Matrix! Oh Noooo!"

What a load of BS! If you dont like what you see, then do what I did
and turn off your TV and stop whining. Personally I cant stand
television precisely because it is a parasite of my personal power. Why
spend time sitting in a pool of drool, thinking the exact same thoughts
as everyone else, when I could be writing a song or going for a run?
(Hell, I find that I enjoy chatting with you guys more than watching
these sh!tcoms anyday!)

The media is not doing a damn thing to you. It is YOU who are allowing
yourself to be influenced! Take responsibility for how you spend your
time and if you find yourself doing something that you feels is
weakening you on a subconscious level, then stop it! (duh!)

Women and Seduction

"Women have all the power! They use their sexuality as leverage in a nefarious power struggle against men!"

Wrong wrong wrong. People only have as much power over you as you give
them. Of course there are women who use their beauty to manipulate, but
what does this have to do with YOU?

Seduction is not a war against women. It really is more of a dance than
a competition. If there is any struggle involved, it is a battle for
empowerment within YOURSELF. Treating women like the enemy whose
defenses you must destroy will not get you very far!

Instead of thinking of this as a battle for power and dominance, think
of it as an opportunity to display your great personality and
confidence in order to genuinely connect with another human being.
Often times the straightforward approach is best.

Having said that, personally I have not had much luck just walking up
to girls and simply asking them out. (Unless there are some serious
signals, EC ,etc) Usually, I give them a reason (aside from my good looks) to WANT to go out with me.

This means being comfortable in my own skin, making entertaining
conversation and after displaying that I am a fun and interesting
person, I go precisely after what I want, (be it the digits or an

At the end of the day this is a GIRL we are talking about here, not a trained soldier you must defeat!

Instead of giving women all the power, your attitude should be "Yeah
you are cute, but else you got going for ya?" In fact the whole purpose
of you asking her out is to screen her to see if she is worthy of YOU.
Not the other way around.

So often we fukk up by becoming starstruck and impressed by the fact
that a girl was born with good genes. Once again we give our power
away, this time to the random couplings of chromosomes!


Stop making excuses for yourself. Life is not fair and we all have to
play our best with the hand we are dealt. No sense in crying over a
lousy hand when you can simply make the most of it. You have much more
power than you probably give yourself credit for!

So whats it gonna be?

Are you the man who overcomes the obstacles and makes sh!t happen?
Or are you the chump who underestimates himself and makes excuses?

The most empowering fact of all is that the choice is yours, my friend.

Carpe diem.

I think the point Senior Fingers touches on here is a really powerful one.  It reminds me of that Doors lyric "People are strange, when you’re a stranger, faces look ugly, when you’re alone. Women seem wicked, when you’re unwanted, streets are lonely when you are gone."  Its tempting to resent that which you don’t have as a way of trying to make yourself feel better for not having it, so a lot of guys who feel they can’t get women end up hating women to try and justify not having one in their life.

And when they do break out of that mindset, they look at getting a woman as a task, something they have to do — an adversary they have to conquor.  I think what Senior Fingers said about seduction being more of a dance is actually quite true, because the woman you’re with has to be a part of the the process instead of just a cog in the machine.

What To Do When A Girl Just Wants To Be Friends…

June 2, 2005 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Mr. Fingers, over on the Don Juan Discussions boards, has a very good post up about "Escaping The Friends Zone."

Mr. Fingers writes:
I was talking to a
friend of mine recently and she made me realize a skill that I possess
that I am totally unaware of. We were talking about past relationships
and she pointed out how many friends I have converted into lovers. Not
just any friends either…CLOSE friends! Apparently I am a FriendZone
Escape Artist!

A few weeks after this eye-opening convo, I got to see myself in action
again, but with a more trained perspective. An ex-girl of mine came to
visit me from overseas.

A little background info on her:
Before we had ever even kissed, we were best friends for years and
ended up in a very intense love affair after she confessed her true
feelings to me. It all ended a few years later cuz I was still a chump
back then…but thats a whole other thread.

Well, long story short, this time we ended up seducing each other AGAIN
even though she had a boyfriend back home. I didn’t even TRY to hook up
with this girl. In fact, I RESISTED my urges in an effort to be the
good guy. But finally, we both caved.

I started to really see the things I do subconsciously that gets my lady friends horny for me.

I hope this revelation helps some of you guys out…

Before we begin I want you to read and absorb


Never, EVER, express you feelings directly. Don’t tell her that you see
her as more than a friend. It just does not work like this. The only
way you make the change is by HER confessing her feelings for you, or
you taking the initiative and kissing her like it was some crazy
accident of passion.

Now obviously, there are a few things you must communicate to her before this can happen:

(1) You don’t need her.
(2) You find her attractive but she has competition.
(3) You have high standards
(4) You are a sexual/sensual being
(5) You understand the value of sex with a connection
(6) You are physically affectionate
(7) You give conflicting messages that hint at your desire.
(8) You don’t let flings ruin friendships

(1) You don’t need her.
Dont be so readily available. Have enough going on in your life that NO
girl is a priority. Pursue your dreams, hobbies, etc so your focus is
mainly on yourself. This gives you a perfectly legitimate excuse to
flake on her ass once in a while and then "Make it up to her" by taking
her out and showing her the time of her life. It is also crucial to
have other prospects going on in order to kill any subliminal
desperation you might be projecting onto her.

(2) You find her attractive but she has competition.
Start noticing other attractive girls when you are with her and
commenting on it "Damn, she is fine!" Stare other girls down and become
distracted till your "pal" starts to get a little miffed.

Tell her not to get her panties in a twist because she is also totally hot and she knows it.

Its okay to compliment her like this when it is balanced by your
wandering eye. It also communicates that you find her attractive, but
in a very detached way.

She might try to flip it on ya and talk about other guys but dont let
it faze you. Take interest in it and find out what attracts her most
about guys. Needless to say, this should be an interesting convo!

(3) You have high standards
Talk about the things you require in a woman. This is a subtle way of
qualifying her. Tell her how you once thought that the key to happiness
was being able to approach any girl and hookup at anytime. But after
you finally overcame your fears and was able to hook up consistently,
you realized how many women just dont meet your standards.
(intelligent, funny, knows how to cook, whatever)

Let this conversation build and get her to talk about what makes a
great boyfriend. Listen to her and give her feedback as this convo
unfolds. She will probably have a lot to say.

Let that convo fizzle out and then talk about one of your past flings
where the girl seemed perfect for you in every way (really build this
up “this girl cooked, gave massages and even loved basketball! She was
the bomb!”) except she was a TERRIBLE lover. This will build curiosity
and of course she will ask why this girl was so bad in the sack. This
leads smoothly into…

(4) You are a sexual/sensual being
Talk about sex. Mention things that you like done to you but most girls
are not keen on. Talk about it like it is as casual as a convo about
the weather. Just be comfortable letting her see your sexual side,
because she IS your friend after all (if she cant handle this topic,
then this should strike you as a MAJOR red flag, this girl has issues
and you are better off moving on.)

Contrast your previous story of frustration with a tale of a girl who
knew EXACTLY how to please you and what she did that was so great. Once
you tell her a little bit about what you like, close up a little and
act somewhat apprehensive. Say “Heyyy, this is not fair! Here I am
giving you the inside scoop and getting nothing in return!” Prod her
for a few sexual details… what her favorite position is…. what gives
her the most powerful orgasm….who was her best lay and why.

If she gets suspicious or uncomfortable, tell her that if she was
really your friend sheВґd give you some killer tips and how its good
karma because one day some lucky girl will thank her.

WARNING: Talk about sex but dont get hung up on it or you will seem
like a perv. Let the convos flow naturally by guaging her reactions. As
soon as you feel the convo fizzling out, change the subject to
something else. Its much better to leave her wanting more sex talk than
to overdo it! If done right, this convo will be a recurring topic of
conversation. When it does come up again…

(5) You understand the value of sex with a connection
Talk about the difference between animal sex and spiritual love making.
How the spiritual thing is so much more intense and beautiful when you
really connect with someone. Anchor your earlier story as if it’s a
revelation and say “Hmmm , maybe that’s another reason that girl rocked
my world. We were actually good friends before anything happened.” And
so the seed is planted…muahahahahhaaa!!

(6) You are physically affectionate.
After building up the sexual tension, toss a little innocent KINO in
the mix. Comment on her jewelry and touch her. If it’s a ring hold her
hand and admire it then let her hand go with a slow slide. If its an
earring, let the backs of your fingers grace her cheek. DO NOT GROPE
HER! Think of this physical contact as subtle displays of tenderness.

Also when you hug her, make it count! I have gotten many compliments on
my hugs from all my girlfriends because I do it with all my heart. I
love to wrap my arms all the way around them so they feel all enclosed
and protected, then I squeeze them tight (not too tight there killer)
and give them a hundred little kisses on the cheek in the same spot.

Sometimes I like to tell them I am having a crap day and am in need of
a real hug…not the fake kind that people give out like loose change,
but a REAL HUG where I can proceed to bury my jawline in the crook of
her neck and get full body contact. Girls are emotional, mushy
creatures and they LOVE this stuff!

(7) You give conflicting messages that hint at your desire.
Tell her how special she is and you wish more girls were as cool as her
and you are glad that you guys are pals. Then tell her she smells
really nice and get close to her neck for a closer whiff and ask what
perfume she is wearing.

Joke around and say that she MUST NOT wear this perfume around you
anymore because it drives you crazy and just might “ruin” your
friendship. Say this in half-jest “Keep wearing that perfume and I just
might attack you someday!” If she continues to wear this dangerous
scent in the future, consider it a HUGE indicator of her interest.
(translation: she WANTS you!)

(8) You don’t let flings ruin friendships
Reassurance. At some point mention how you are still friends with most
of your ex’s because you think it’s a waste of time and energy to just
write off the people who played such powerful roles in your life. Girls
always agree with me when I say this. It also helps alleviate her fear
of jeopardizing the friendship if she acts on her desires. This is your
loophole for managing her expectations in case things don’t work out.

****************And thats pretty much it.

Above all, the real deal-sealer here is your detachment. This technique
doesn’t work on all girls obviously. But if you keep your vibe open
like this, conveying your sexuality, not caring if she feels the same
etc. one of them is bound to bite! I can honestly say my success rate
is 100%. I have never been rejected by a friend. This is because I turn
them into the pursuers and actually “resist” their advances with my
conflicting messages (It would never work between us….damn your skin is
so soft!).

Sometimes it takes a while..could be days, weeks or even months …it all
depends on her emotional state at the time. But eventually the flirting
gets more intense and I can just TELL when she is ready. She will start
touching me more often and calling me "cutie" or "baby" It all
escalates until the final Moment of Truth.

Usually we are in the middle of one of my famous hugs when I sort of
nuzzle her neck with my chin and make her giggle. Then I nuzzle her
cheek to cheek. Then I pull my head back, still hugging her and look
her in the eyes. If she returns this intense gaze without getting
weirded out, this is my signal she is ready…so I slowly close in for
our first kiss!

Once the iron is hot I strike and let me tell you, there are few things
more passionate and gratifying than that first forbidden encounter
between two friends.

Now before you rush off to try this exciting escape, keep in mind that
there are girls who will never see you as anything but their
good-natured little brother. Don’t write these chicks off! They not
only provide you with excellent social proof when you go out together,
but they have access to an intimate circle of friends who are as hot,
if not hotter than they are.

Also it is nice to have a few platonic girls you can genuinely enjoy
and yes, even cuddle with and just leave it at that. I have quite a few
friends who want to cross the line but I don’t let them because I know
for me it will be a fling but for them it will be love, no matter what
they say and I honestly value their friendship too much.

DISCLAIMER: Use these tools wisely! The
last thing you want to do is mess up a great friendship, so decide if
you really want to go the extra mile with this girl and if she can even
handle this without destroying what you have both worked to build over

Always remember the Golden Rule and also the most sacred rule of them all.

Its called Game because its supposed to be fun!

I am going out now to have a fukking blast with a few friends. I hope you will join me as I sign off…

Best of Luck to all my fellow Escape Artists!

Excellent post in my opinion.  If you want to turn a friend into lover, you may want to memorize this one.  =)

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