The Art Of Screening: How To Avoid Meeting Lame Women Online

September 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

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Ellie210 posted an interesting question over on the mASF forums about how to avoid going out on dates with women you meet online who end up being lame (not ugly, mind you, just girls who aren’t fun to date).  His question goes something like this…

ellie210 writes:

How to avoid lame chicks online

I get quite a handful of dates from online dating, in fact it’s my main source of recruiting new women. But holy fuck, a huge majority of these women are fucking lame. I’m not even talking about looks or how hot a woman is (I’m pretty impartial to looks, as long as she’s not a warpig). I’m talking about lame chicks who you can’t even have a conversation with for more than 5 minutes.

I know some of you guys just pitch the date off the site. What I do is get the girl’s number and I give her a call to pitch a day and time. But I also call to screen out lame chicks, if I end up carrying most of the conversation.

Do you guys get dates with women who turn out to be lame? Or do you always get dates with cool, awesome women?

Speaking as a guy who does a lot of online dating (and I mean A LOT), I can safely say that the way to avoid most “lame chicks” is to properly screen them BEFORE you meet up.

What do I mean by this? Read more