Understanding What Routines Are

October 17, 2007 by  
Filed under Articles

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My buddy Cameron Teone wrote a really good article about understanding what routines are, and how you should use them in pickup.

Check it out…

Read more


October 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

Now this is a great movie…

Overcoming Shyness

October 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Articles

Here is a FACT:

About 5.5% of the male population in America never marries.

Of this group, about 50% of these men are homosexuals.

Then, half of the group of men that remains are composed entirely of men who, for a variety of personal reasons, have chosen on a voluntary basis not to marry.

Guess what that means?

It means that 1.5% of all American Males have not voluntarily chosen to remain single and never married – but remain that way because the are SEVERELY shy.

Do you know what that means?

It means that about 1.7 MILLION men, currently residing in the United States, will never marry OR experience any form of intimate sexual contact with a woman…

All due to their SHYNESS.

Read more

After A Short Absence…

October 15, 2007 by  
Filed under News

Hey all,

Sorry for the lack of posting lately.  After releasing Renegade Rapport and dealing with the logistics of that, I had to head out of town to visit my family because my Grandmother is dying of late stage Alzheimer’s. It’s been a pretty stressful month for me, and I just haven’t found the time to post about stuff that I would like.

Anyway, I’m going to try and start updates again this week, though they may be sporadic.  Bear with me…


The Heartbreak Kid (A Review)

October 3, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

So the other day, I was able to see a sneak preview screening of The Heartbreak Kid, Ben Stiller’s new "Adult" romantic comedy about a guy who marries the wrong girl.  I got to see the screening on the Paramount Studios lot – which is one of the benefits of living in a town like Hollywood.

Anyway, the screening was in the Sherry Lansing Theater, which is a small preview theater on the lot.  It was a packed screening, full of people looking to catch a free movie. I have to admit, I wasn’t too excited about the film.  I thought the previews were lackluster (at best) and the Farrely Brothers hadn’t made anything good since Something About Marry – at least in my opinion.

I am, however, a Ben Stiller fan, so I was willing to give it a shot.  And boy, am I glad I did.

This movie is FUNNY.  Not just funny… but laugh so much until you want to puke funny.  And if any guy out there has EVER dated the "wrong girl," it’ll even hit a few chords close to home.

The movie centers around Ben Stiller’s character, a simple guy in San Francisco who runs his own Sporting Goods store, who’s deathly afraid of commitment.  However, the marriage of his ex-girlfriend makes him anxious to find a wife before he gets any older than he already is (I think the character’s age is 40 something in the film).

Enter the hot blond, whom he meets on the street after the wedding on Valentine’s Day.  Ben’s feeling depressed and lonely, and the blond is hot, new to the city, and just got mugged.  It’s a match made in heaven!  The two get together, and everything seems great.  She’s sweet, funny, and they spend most of their time making out.  Everything seems to be going great… until the blond’s job is going to send her off to Norway.

At this point, Ben makes the decision not to lose ANOTHER girlfriend, and decides to marry the blond to keep her in the states.  As soon as the wedding ceremony is done, however, Ben begins to learn more about his wife and things don’t seem so rosy anymore.

The rest of the movie follows the "unhappy" couple down to Cabo for their honeymoon, and while Ben discovers what a basketcase his wife is, he also finds a new chick who is actually a much better match for him.  So now, he needs to figure out a way to get rid of his wife and marry his girlfriend.  (This is where the "heartbreak" part of the story comes in.)

Anyway – without giving too much away, the stuff between Stiller and the woman who plays his wife is incredibly funny.  It really highlights the things people discover about each other when in a relationship that tend to drive them apart.  I mean, what guy HASN’T been with a girl who’s baggage suddenly put a damper on things?  That’s pretty much what this movie is all about.

So I would HIGHLY recommend everyone out there seeing this movie when it comes out.  Not only is it way funny, I also think it’s a great date movie, because there is plenty of romance in it for all the girls out there, and the funny parts get EXTREMELY funny.  I think the entire theater erupted during the second sex scene of the movie.  People were literally standing up and cheering during it.  Quite a crazy movie.

Oh – and be sure to stay for the end credits.  There’s a nice little surprise after the movie is over.  ;-)

No Ugly Women?

October 3, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Here’s a pretty interesting story about an "extreme makeover" beauty contest.  If you click on the pic below, you’ll see how each of the beauty queens respond to their "before" picture.  it actually is quite amazing.


Here is the ultimate conclusion of the article:

This photo was taken at a competition in June 2006. The competition was between 9 women for best makeover. They had every possible beauty treatment available to them over a period of 12 hours before the contest.

Look at the before and after photos.

Conclusion – There are no ugly women, only those who can’t afford a makeover.

(The woman 2nd from the left won the contest.)

I can’t say I agree with this.  I mean, c’mon.  There are some darn ugly women out there that the most extreme makeover in the world couldn’t fix!  Though, I must say, the girls above do indeed clean up nice.

Men Are Now Happier Than Women?

October 3, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

According to this article, it seems men are lovin’ life a little more than the ladies…

Modern times seem to be riddled with growing gaps – the income gap, the achievement gap, the tolerance-of-celebrity-gossip gap. Now here’s another one to worry about, according to today’s New York Times: the growing happiness gap between men and women.

Two new research papers arrive at this conclusion. One tracked traditional happiness data by asking people how satisfied they are with their lives. It found that women, who in the early 1970s reported being slightly happier than men, are now slightly less happy.

The other analyzed time-use studies over the past four decades to determine how much time men and women spent doing things they found unpleasant. Since the 1960s, men have gradually cut back on tasks they dislike. They now work less and relax more.

Meanwhile, women have replaced housework with paid work (or not replaced as much as added onto), and as a result are spending more time doing things they don’t enjoy.

The obvious explanation would seem to be the old "second shift" theory, that women just added their jobs onto their already long and laundry-filled to-do lists. But, according to the Times, this overlooks the fact that women aren’t actually working more today than they were 30 or 40 years ago – they’re just spending more time on paid work and less on cooking and cleaning.

(In the index, both men and women seemed to dread their jobs. They ranked time at the office above only trips to the doctor and washing dishes in terms of enjoyment. Both would much rather cook or do laundry.)

But the gender happiness gap appears long before working life. As "life has generally gotten better over the last generation" — the Times boldly asserts, using "less crime, longer-living grandparents and much cooler gadgets" as evidence – male high school seniors have gotten happier. About 25 percent say they are satisfied with their lives, up 16 percent from 1976. Meanwhile, only 22 percent of their female peers say they’re happy, about the same in the 70s.

I would posit this may have something to do with how dismally bad men’s fashion was in 1976. But the experts who talked to the Times chalk it up to the "hottie theory" – the pressure for high school girls to be hot above all else. Back in the 70s, that’s all you had to be. Now you have to be a Harvard-bound, track star, volunteering-at-the-homeless-shelter-on-weekends hottie. That’s enough to bum anyone out.

Well, considering men have a shorter lifespan (on average) than women, I say it’s a fair trade, dog gonnit!

Renegade Rapport Is Live!

September 27, 2007 by  
Filed under News


Hey Everyone,

Renegade Rapport has gone live!  You’ll want to check it out and take advantage of the bonuses while you can get them.

Check it out here:


Renegade Rapport Is Re-Released Tomorrow!

September 26, 2007 by  
Filed under News

For the last 10 days, I’ve been giving away a lot of free bonus materials celebrating the re-release of my Renegade Rapport product.

Well – it’s finally here!  Renegade Rapport will be re-released tomorrow at 9:00 am Pacific time, 12:00 pm Eastern time.  The course will be available on this website:


If you go there now, you can check out a lot of the cool bonuses I’ve been sharing, just in case you missed any of them.  =)

So be on the lookout tomorrow!

Pick Up Artist Finale

September 26, 2007 by  
Filed under News

Hey everyone,

On Monday night, I went over to Neil Strauss’s place for a big party celebrating the finale of VH1′s the Pick Up Artist.  Everyone was where – Mystery, Matador, JDog, Zan, and even contestants from the show.  I of course, got lots of pictures and video of the event, and will be writing up a recap of everything this weekend, so be sure to check back then!

Renegade Rapport Countdown…

September 24, 2007 by  
Filed under News

Okay guys, Renegade Rapport is going to be released this Thursday, September 27th.

As you know, I’ve been giving away a lot of freebies on my special pre-announcement list for the course.  (Check it out here if you haven’t signed up yet!)

Word has been getting around, and lots of guys are lining up to take part in the re-release.  Mehow, Sebastian from TheApproach, and Scott McKay are all contributing special bonuses for those who get a copy of Renegade Rapport this Thursday.

Not only that, but numerous other seduction gurus are so impressed with the course, they’re helping to spread the word!  People like Mystery, Dave Miz, Stephen Nash, Mike Pilinski, Carlos Xuma, J-Dog, Mehow, Dr. Paul, Clifford, Brad P, Herbal, Lance Mason, and many others are all coming out to endorse the course!  I’m really excited to see so many of my peers come together to help support this course, because I really do believe it to be of amazing value to students.

So I’m jumping the gun on this a little… this isn’t supposed to go out to my pre-release list until tomorrow (Tuesday), but I’m going to make it available on the Lair today.  (It’ll give you guys something to do until I post my Pick Up Artist Finale review – and trust me, I got something REALLY special planned for that!)  The following is an 85 minute seminar I did with actual students of Renegade Rapport.  Take a listen – you can really get a sense of what the course is about and how the technology works.

Poll: Who Will Win VH1′s The Pick Up Artist?

September 21, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Okay, so the season finale of VH1′s The Pick Up Artist is this coming Monday, and there are only two contestants left – Kosmo and Brady.

So the real question is, who will win?

  He’s our favorite, self-delusional, but oh-so-sweet Latino Heat contestant.  Kosmo has a lot going for him.  First of all, he’s improved a great deal since episode 1 where he was completely unable to approach women.  His head has yet to be on the chopping block for elimination, EVER.  He’s a good looking dude, he’s athletic, AND he’s actually gotten a make-out with a girl and was able to bounce to a cafe from a club with two girls.  He’s also apparently a very good kisser according to Tara.  He’s a natural born competitor (the dude is a boxer), and knows how to psyche out his opponents.  However, sometimes he gets flustered and loses sight of his goal, and he doesn’t always pay attention to Mystery’s teachings.  He also has some major self esteem and body issues, it seems.

  Brady was my pick to win at the beginning of the season, but now I’m not so sure.  His head has been on the chopping block a number of times, and there were more than a few instances where it seemed like he plateaued.  He’s also relied a bit too much on his looks in a lot of the challenges.  However, he has been steadily improving.  He’s really listening to Mystery’s teachings and applying them, and he’s been getting some results.  Not only was he able to bounce from a club with a STRIPPER, he was also able to make out with her, even if it did take him a while to pull the trigger.  This at least puts him on an even footing with Kosmo, in terms of success rate on the show.  He’s also got a good look to him that can compete with Kosmo as well, though Kosmo does have a better personality (face it, Brady is pretty boring.).

So who will win?  The final challenge comes down to their ability to teach other guys what they have learned, so it may come down to who is the best communicator.  Who that is, is anyone’s guess, since I don’t think either of them are very good at communicating to others, but if I had to guess, I’d say the advantage goes to Kosmo o that one.

So over-all, my prediction of the ultimate winner and new mPUA is:  Kosmo.

What do you guys think?  Agree?  Disagree?  Let me know who you want to be the next Pick Up Artist!

Poll: Who Will Win VH1′s The Pick Up Artist?

September 21, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Okay, so the season finale of VH1′s The Pick Up Artist is this coming Monday, and there are only two contestants left – Kosmo and Brady.

So the real question is, who will win?

  He’s our favorite, self-delusional, but oh-so-sweet Latino Heat contestant.  Kosmo has a lot going for him.  First of all, he’s improved a great deal since episode 1 where he was completely unable to approach women.  His head has yet to be on the chopping block for elimination, EVER.  He’s a good looking dude, he’s athletic, AND he’s actually gotten a make-out with a girl and was able to bounce to a cafe from a club with two girls.  He’s also apparently a very good kisser according to Tara.  He’s a natural born competitor (the dude is a boxer), and knows how to psyche out his opponents.  However, sometimes he gets flustered and loses sight of his goal, and he doesn’t always pay attention to Mystery’s teachings.  He also has some major self esteem and body issues, it seems.

  Brady was my pick to win at the beginning of the season, but now I’m not so sure.  His head has been on the chopping block a number of times, and there were more than a few instances where it seemed like he plateaued.  He’s also relied a bit too much on his looks in a lot of the challenges.  However, he has been steadily improving.  He’s really listening to Mystery’s teachings and applying them, and he’s been getting some results.  Not only was he able to bounce from a club with a STRIPPER, he was also able to make out with her, even if it did take him a while to pull the trigger.  This at least puts him on an even footing with Kosmo, in terms of success rate on the show.  He’s also got a good look to him that can compete with Kosmo as well, though Kosmo does have a better personality (face it, Brady is pretty boring.).

So who will win?  The final challenge comes down to their ability to teach other guys what they have learned, so it may come down to who is the best communicator.  Who that is, is anyone’s guess, since I don’t think either of them are very good at communicating to others, but if I had to guess, I’d say the advantage goes to Kosmo o that one.

So over-all, my prediction of the ultimate winner and new mPUA is:  Kosmo.

What do you guys think?  Agree?  Disagree?  Let me know who you want to be the next Pick Up Artist!

Poll: Who Will Win VH1′s The Pick Up Artist?

September 21, 2007 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Okay, so the season finale of VH1′s The Pick Up Artist is this coming Monday, and there are only two contestants left – Kosmo and Brady.

So the real question is, who will win?

  He’s our favorite, self-delusional, but oh-so-sweet Latino Heat contestant.  Kosmo has a lot going for him.  First of all, he’s improved a great deal since episode 1 where he was completely unable to approach women.  His head has yet to be on the chopping block for elimination, EVER.  He’s a good looking dude, he’s athletic, AND he’s actually gotten a make-out with a girl and was able to bounce to a cafe from a club with two girls.  He’s also apparently a very good kisser according to Tara.  He’s a natural born competitor (the dude is a boxer), and knows how to psyche out his opponents.  However, sometimes he gets flustered and loses sight of his goal, and he doesn’t always pay attention to Mystery’s teachings.  He also has some major self esteem and body issues, it seems.

  Brady was my pick to win at the beginning of the season, but now I’m not so sure.  His head has been on the chopping block a number of times, and there were more than a few instances where it seemed like he plateaued.  He’s also relied a bit too much on his looks in a lot of the challenges.  However, he has been steadily improving.  He’s really listening to Mystery’s teachings and applying them, and he’s been getting some results.  Not only was he able to bounce from a club with a STRIPPER, he was also able to make out with her, even if it did take him a while to pull the trigger.  This at least puts him on an even footing with Kosmo, in terms of success rate on the show.  He’s also got a good look to him that can compete with Kosmo as well, though Kosmo does have a better personality (face it, Brady is pretty boring.).

So who will win?  The final challenge comes down to their ability to teach other guys what they have learned, so it may come down to who is the best communicator.  Who that is, is anyone’s guess, since I don’t think either of them are very good at communicating to others, but if I had to guess, I’d say the advantage goes to Kosmo o that one.

So over-all, my prediction of the ultimate winner and new mPUA is:  Kosmo.

What do you guys think?  Agree?  Disagree?  Let me know who you want to be the next Pick Up Artist!

Free Rapport eBook & Teleconference

September 21, 2007 by  
Filed under News

All right, so if you’re not on the Renegade Rapport pre-announcement list, you have been missing out on some great stuff, namely a new free eBook abot how to use rapport in seduction, and an 80 minute teleconference.  If you haven’t checked these out yet, you can do so here:

Renegade Report: The Second Chapter

Renegade Rapport Teleconference

I’ll be sending out some sneak previews of the course over the weekend, so be sure to sign up to my Renegade Rapport announcement list by clicking here if you want to get them.

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