The TWO DASH SIX arrives in LA!

April 27, 2004 by  
Filed under News

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extramaskTwentysix, the manic (yet lovable) pick-up artist from the great white north arrived in Los Angeles yesterday, and I had the pleasure of hanging out with him (and believe me, it is always a pleasure).

You might know Twentysix best for his interview with David DeAngelo in the Double Your Dating Interview Series. He is also a guest instructor at some Real Social Dynamics workshops, and will be a guest speaker at this week’s Double Your Dating Master’s Series Seminar.

I’m really excited to have 2-6 in my town. He’s a great guy, and I always have fun with him. We spent a good few hours joking around today about all kinds of stuff that should never be repeated in public (and I’m gonna leave it at that!) =)

I look forward to seeing 2-6 in action. Also, don’t be surprized if you see an interview with him up on this site in a few months.

Project Hollywood Upgrade

April 27, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Some interesting news from the Project Hollywood front today. It seems the boys living off of the Sunset Strip here in LA have decided that living in the former Rat Pack mansion wasn’t enough, they wanted even more social proof. So they did what any self respecting PUAs with a couple thousand dollars to burn would do.

They bought a limo.

That’s right, Project Hollywood is going to have it’s own limosine. This means that Mystery and the boys will now be rolling to the clubs in style with their streatch limo, which I’m told has a minibar and TV inside. Possibly, this will also be used for workshops and other field related events, but I’m sure the boys are going to get a lot of use from it just for themselves.

Anyway, now that Project Hollywood is getting furnished (along with a bit of noteriety in town) it seems to be paying off. Very cool lifestyle indeed.

Update on Mystery’s Marriage

April 26, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Last week I reported on a rumor about Mystery and his wife breaking up. This weekend I got to hang out with Mystery personally and get the real scoop on a lot of stuff, so I just wanted to clear things up a bit.

It turns out that Mystery’s marriage was actually a fake one. While in Vegas with his girl, he hatched the idea when he saw a pair of fake rings at a store in the Hard Rock. It was around April Fools, so I guess him and his “bride” decided to fool everyone and act married. So they got the rings (which are actually brass with fake diamonds), got a cheap picture of a chapel for their marriage photo, and called the boys at the Project Hollywood mansion from the airport a few minutes before their flight left telling them they were about to get married. But the couple decided they were are “Pair Match” and played at being husband and wife while back home.

Mystery was pretty broken up about the break-up, since he really liked the girl he was with a great deal. Its always hard when you see a friend of yours in bad shape over a girl, and it also serves to remind us that great PUAs are human too, and they can get wrapped up in a girl just as easily as they can get a girl wrapped up in them. It also serves as a reminder how difficult relationships with “party girls” can be.

But the break up hasn’t seemed to slow Mystery down at all. Saturday night I went out with him to a Strip Club and saw him approach the hottest dancer in the club and game her for two solid hours. By the end she was BEGGING for his number, and he set up a rendezvous outside the club. He didn’t approach any other girls while he was there, he just picked the one he wanted and got her. Its always a humbling experience hanging out with Mystery. =)

Nice Guys and SEXY Bad Boys

April 26, 2004 by  
Filed under Articles

It seems great minds think alike.  Last week I wrote about how I think most women will get into Long Term Relationships with guys who are "safe," but fool around with guys who stir passion within them.  And low and behold, David DeAngelo, Author of Double Your Dating, releases a newsletter the next day about roughly the same subject entitled "Nice Guys and SEXY Bad Boys."  I found the newsletter (which was NOT a mailbag, thank god) to be really good.  I always like David D’s little essays on technique, so I thought I’d repost it here for everyone to check out.

Read more

The Sopranos go Gunwitch

April 26, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks


I love the Sopranos, it’s one of my favorite shows on TV (I only watch HBO anymore, don’t have time for the other stations). A lot of people tell me I look like James Gandafini, the guy who plays Tony Soprano, so that also interests me how he comes across and is portrayed on the show, because his character has an interesting way of interacting with women. Last night, there was an episode where Tony seduces his wife Carmella (who is in the process of divorcing him) while swimming with her in the pool. The scene is a pretty good one, but to watch the way Tony gets her, you can see him drop into his “sexual state.” The way he looks at her is different, the way he talks changes, his body language changes, etc. And whenever she tries to resist him, he just becomes more aggressive and pushes past that resistence while amping up the sexual stuff.

I found it a very interesting scene to watch, because it was totally believable. And yet, here’s this fat ugly dude pulling it off. Being a fat, ugly slob myself, this gives me a frame of reference in a way to see how something like that can be pulled off by guys who don’t look like Brad Pitt. I think it also gave me a better understanding of what exactly Gunwitch Method is and how it is implemented.

It’s never too Early to Start…

April 26, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Well, it looks like more and more PUAs are starting to blog. Nice to see the trend is growing, since not only does it help spread awareness of tactics that can help men improve their lives, but also help dispell so many harmful lies that sociesty forces upon us. But I found one blog in particular that I found interesting/humorous. What makes this PUA blog interesting? Well, it’s being done by a 15 year old who’s goal is to be a full blown PUA by the age of 16! Damn, I wish I had started that early. Just think, guys like Mystery and Tyler Durden started learning early, but I think they were in their 20s when they started taking this stuff seriously. The next generation of greats are probably gonna be these dudes who are learning this shit in Jr. High. Before long, we’ll have genetically engineered super PUAs who are asking if you think David Bowie’s hot right out of the womb.

Anyway, I’m gonna add the blog to my link directory. But until then, you can check it out here.

The Tao of Poker

April 26, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

I found a post by someone who goes by the handle of Demilano in the General forum of mASF about inner game. In the thread, he talks about something called “The Tao of Poker” by Larry W. Phillips, and how there are some similarities between the concepts in poker and the concepts in pick-up. I found it to be rather interesting, especially since I like to indulge in the occasional hand of Texas Hold ‘Em every once in a while. =)

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AoA: The Secret to Warming-Up

April 23, 2004 by  
Filed under Articles

The Secret to Warming-Up
By Thundercat

Get Your Copy Here

I remember when I was in High School, I used to play football.  And before each practice, we had to run four laps around the field.  Now, being the fat, out of shape pud that I was (and still am), I would always complain about having to do this.  But each time I complained, the coaches would always respond:

“Ya gotta warm-up, kid.”

In any activity, you have to “warm-up” in order to avoid injury.  Well, the same is true with SOCIAL activities as well.  Most guys don’t warm up before they go out, so while they’re at a party, club, or bar, they just stand around looking uncomfortable.  Other guys warm up by getting drunk and losing control.  But no matter what you do, you have to learn to make yourself become SOCIAL.

So how do you make yourself social?  The easiest way I know how is to start talking to people.  It can be about anything you want to talk about, just as long as you get your mouth moving.  It doesn’t even matter if what you’re saying is interesting or not, as long as you are saying something.  The more people you talk to, the easier it will be to open up and have a good time.

There is the factor of Social Anxiety that goes along with any situation you may find yourself in.  Basically, Social Anxiety occurs when you are in an unfamiliar environment, you feel the need or desire to do something that is outside your comfort zone, or both.  This is why so many guys have a hard time in clubs and bars.  They are in an environment they are not comfortable in, and they feel pressured to pick-up women – both of which lead to a great deal of Social Anxiety, which can keep you from approaching.

So the trick here is to get rid of that Social Anxiety by becoming comfortable in your environment, and then meeting women you find attractive.

The best way to become comfortable in your environment is to “warm-up.”  And you warm up the same way you would in a sport – with members of your own team.  That’s right, I’m talking about OTHER GUYS here.

Talking to other guys you don’t know is a great way to become comfortable in an unfamiliar environment and get in a social mode.  When I’m in a new environment and don’t feel like approaching, I’ll start to talk to other guys.  After a few times doing this, I usually find it’s easier to start talking to women, because I’m beginning to feel more at ease and hit my stride as far as approaching strangers go.

Now, I’ve had men tell me in the past that approaching other guys is uncomfortable.  They don’t want to talk to other guys, because they wanna meet girls!  They also say that talking to other guys makes them look gay.  Well, I let these dudes do what they want while I get a few phone numbers from some of the prettiest girls in the joint.  They usually end up going home alone, or with their buddies, whom they don’t “feel gay” talking to, apparently.

The real reason I recommend approaching a few guys first is because there is no sexual tension with other men.  You don’t want to sleep with other guys, so you’re disassociated with the outcome.  This makes it easy to talk to them.  And when that feeling of disassociation takes hold, you’re better able to talk to ANYONE, including the hottest girl in the bar, because you don’t care about the outcome.  You’re just being social.

And the best thing is, you can use most of the same Openers on guys that you do on girls, and it’s just as engaging.  So it’s great practice for when you work your way up to talking to women.  At the very least, just walking up to a guy and saying “Hey, what’s up bro?” can get a conversation going.  The only important thing to be aware of is to get yourself talking.

Once you’ve “warmed-up” socially, you’ll feel better able to talk to women.  In order to learn how to do that, I suggest you check out The Art of Approaching to learn the best tricks, tips, and tactics on meeting any woman, any time, anywhere you may be.

To your success!


The Truth About Boyfriends

April 23, 2004 by  
Filed under Analysis

You know, I’ve been thinking about a few things lately (always a dangerous thing, I know). One of the things I’ve been thinking about are girls who have boyfriends, and even husbands. It’s funny, because I don’t know if you guys have noticed this in your experiences, but have you ever been conscious of how most girls have boyfriends who are really, really lame?

I mean, even if they’re good looking, most boyfriends are pretty beta guys. They’re kind of wimpy and AFC or what have you. They’re very “safe.” Same goes for most husbands. They’re the responsible guys. The guys who make money, pay the bills, fix the car, take out the trash. They’re the guys who are understanding, nurturing, caring, who take care of the kids and will cook the occasional meal. But they’re often not the guys who can stir that unbridled passion within a woman. Maybe they once were, but for the most part, most guys I’ve met who were out with their girlfriends were pretty lame.

But the same is true for guys too. Lots of guys will often choose a girlfriend or wife based on how sweet and loving she is. How well she can cook, how loyal she will be, whether or not she’s willing to clean and do laundary. Whether she’s a good mother or not. She may not be the best looking girl in the world, but you know she’ll take care of you and she’ll be there when you need her. She’s “safe.”

But the guys most women will sleep with are the Bad Boys. The Players. The guys who are arrogant and cocky, and can stir that passion within them. They’re the guys who are the great fucks, but the girl might not want to see for a steady relationship. They’re the guy who she never has to see sick, or sad, or see the skid marks in his underwear, or his inner most thoughts and feelings. With him, the illusion of excitement and adventure is still alive. And by that same token, that goes for guys going after hot party chicks too. The only problem is that once someone gets into a relationship with this type, the reality comes crashing down and it’s usually a dismal failure.

But this is an important thing to make a distinction about when it comes to pick-up: The men women have as boyfriends are not necessarilly the men they want to sleep with. And if a man comes along that can stir passion within them, they WILL cheat on their boyfriend/husband. So this means that the BF/Husband is not a real obstacle. Sure, the woman may LIKE the BF/Husband. She may even love him. But in the end, he’s safe and boring, and no one can resist excitement and adventure.

This is where I think a lot of the major Players out there excel. They do not let this false barrier stop them from getting the girl. But by the same token, it may also sour them on Long Term Relationships because they know how people work in this regard, and know that if any guy comes along with a modicum of game, his girlfriend/wife will sleep with him! Kind of a bitter outlook, isn’t it?

I don’t know, I just think this topic is an interesting one, because for me personally, it puts a lot of stuff in perspective, especially when it comes to knowing how to control the underlying meaning of an interaction. For instance, say you like a girl who has a BF. You don’t have to get her to break up with him or anything, you just have to present a juicy alternative so that she can have her cake and eat it too. Why make her choose? Just beta the BF, work on attracting her, and seduce her. Make her feel like it’s not her fault that she’s doing this (cheating), that you’re just too charming or whatever.

Anyway, it’s something to think about.

Some DYD Notes

April 23, 2004 by  
Filed under News

So I had some drinks with someone from the DYD camp the other night and to my surprize, the next day I recieved a VIP invite to the LA seminar next week! I’m pretty excited. This upcoming DYD seminar in Los Angeles is going to be David DeAngelo’s next big product which I hear he’s calling the “Masters Series,” (as opposed to his “Advanced Series,” which is already out). I hear the Legendary Rick H. is going to be at the seminar, along with Tyler, Papa, Twenty-Six, Swinggcat, Merovingian, Craig, and hopefully a few other major players in the game. There’s even a rumor going around that Mystery may grace the seminar with his presence! Hopefully that will come to pass, as this seminar is definitely set to be the biggest gathering of PUAs since the Chicago DYD seminar last October. You can bet the guest speakers at this one is gonna be amazing!

Also, David D. is now offering a great deal on his “Sexual Communication” product.

You don’t even have to pay for it up front… just place your order, and I’ll send it to you
to check out for 30 days… at no charge. If you don’t like it, just send it back and you don’t have to pay anything. Really.

Not a bad deal, eh? If you’re interested in checking it out, follow this link:

I’m wondering if any of you guys out there are planning on being in LA for the DYD Seminar, or have heard anything about what’s going to be talked about at the Seminar? If so, be sure to let everyone know about it in the comments section!

Music to Pick-Up to

April 23, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

I don’t know about you guys, but I like to listen to music to get pumped up before I go out to sarge.  Something that gets my blood rushing and gets me energized.  Some of my favorite bands to listen to are:

1.  Linkin Park
2.  Korn
3.  Eminem
4.  Ludacris
5.  The Devil (aka Outkast)
6.  Guns & Roses
7.  Metalica (the old stuff)
8.  Chemical Brothers
9.  Rob Dugan
10.  Cyprus Hill

Yeah, yeah, pretty run of the mill stuff.  What can I say?  I’m not a HUGE music-phile.  But I know what I like and what gets me excited.  I’d be interested in hearing what other guys listen to in order to get in the mood.

Weekend Ramblings

April 23, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

I’ve been invited to head up to Reno for the weekend.  I’m thinkign about going (It’s an 8 hour drive from LA, I’m told).  I’ve never been to Reno, so it could be an adventure.  Does anyone know of anything cool to do there other than shooting a man just to watch him die?

Let me know.

Art of Approaching Review

April 22, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

Well, it looks like I got my first review of my book The Art of Approaching on mASF by blog regular Dangerous.  It’s an over-all positive review of the book, with a passage I liked in particular:

Dangerous writes:
I got to say people always send new bees to DYD as a e-book recommend for completely fresh on the scene or even on a budget as a recommend. I can honestly say that TC’s book should be along up there with the DYD e-book as a necessary recommend for the beginners.

You know what’s the cool thing is that for guys who have taken workshops and complain about not getting material and stuff from the sources or being referred to read someone’s archive or do a fuckin search…..this book may help in saving time so you actually have the material in hand. That’s at least what I got out of it. It has saved me time on creative juices for the moment so I can spend more time out there then at home coming up with excuses of working on material.

I would like if some of the guys out there who conduct workshops along with their DYD recommend put TC’s book along with it. It’s definitely a WORKSHOP PRIMARY that’s needed. So you big boys making a coin, cut some to TC so he can save you some time until you get your SHIT together…got it. You guys figure it out. Again it’s great for the newbie/novice, awesome for the openers alone, and a workshop primary. Of course if you’re a product junkie like myself then just buy it to get your fix ….”I got to have it” like toys…fuck so lame.

He gives a structure towards the openers and it has given me some ideas for my own story building a stacking purposes. Honestly you get bits and pieces on ASF. A lot of guys don’t like to give the full picture…I am protective towards my own material and I still am new to this..some guys only give you a tease purposely too. TC’s book I wish I had it before my workshop experience. It’s a good fun read. Any questions…hit me up I will do my best to answer in time. Oh go through Forms links if interested to check TC site for the book or even sign up to his newsletter for some free stuff. It’s a cheap book $29.99 USD or $40 Canuck….not bad got my moneys worth.

I’d be interested in hearing what others who’ve bought the book have to say, both good and bad.  Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any feedback for me!

If anyone wants to read the FULL review, check it out on the mASF Off-Topic board here.


April 22, 2004 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

When I posted my little blog about Phone Game Crap, I was just sharing a little tidbit from my life and my game on a slow news day.  I never thought it’d turn into such a monster thread with the likes of MINE’99 coming on and trying to twist it into some wierd psychological study of my "inner game."  And had I known MINE’99 was planning to unveil a new catch phrase on that post ("They imitate.  I originate.") I’d have given it a place of honor on the blog in the "Humor" archive.

But before I could get to that, someone who goes by the handle "SOME REAL TRUTH" replied to the maniacle ravings of MINE’99 with some major *gasp* logic and ruined that idea.  Go figure.  But I figured it was good enough to repost, so here it is.

Hey MINE’99,

You took the idea of frames DIRECTLY from the work of BANDLER AND GRINDER. What would you have done if it weren’t for using concepts like embedded commands, anchoring, sub-modalities, and …

You imitated. It wasn’t your original idea. You applied it to seduction and claimed yourself as originator.

You took most of your so called concepts DIRECTLY from the book “TRANCE-FORMATIONS”. Patterns like stacked realities …all come form there.

You also took many ideas from their other books, and from other NLP people.

The stuff that Swingcat talks about in his book is not a result of your work. Who said you originated FRAMES? Or prizing, or open-loops, or revealing & concealing, or cold-reading, or qualifying, or…


Mark Cunningham taught you a great deal, e.g. symbol fractionation and now you claim it as yours.

Now you have turned to yoga. I wonder why it didn’t cross your intelligent mind before, to tap into that, and try to commercialize yoga as a seduction tool. Why didn’t you advocate yoga in DC2000?

In a tape you said something in the lines of “if your car in broken down in highway, do you want someone who’ll tell you that the universe is ultimately perfect or you want someone who can get the fucking car running?”

Now in the above metaphor, your SS system DOESN’T get the fucking car running. At least not all on its own.

No wonder your CURRENT top student Vince is clinical hypnotherapist. Talk about applicability of your system by ANYONE, as it is so clearly shown on your site. LOL

Owch.  Man, that was so harsh it even hurt me!  lol.  But I’m sure MINE’99 has a well thought out, polite post ready explaining how this person is obviously a disturbed individual who’s mommie doesn’t love him and his mind has been corrupted by the foul teachings of "Double Your Masterbating," which MINE’99 invented anyway, but that doesn’t really seem to matter.

There is a misconception out there that I am against all things Hypno and NLP, which isn’t true.  I do think that stuff has a certain ammount of merrit, and there are guys I’ve met who have used it with great success.  But you can’t seem to criticize or try to point out any flaws in using these tactics without MINE’99 viewing it as a personal attack on himself, which he’ll return in full by threatening to release personal information you told him in confidence on public forums on the Internet.  But I digress…

Anyway, I don’t view MINE’99 and SS as the same thing.  You can seperate the man from the method.  And the method has some good stuff to offer.

What makes a good Victim?

April 22, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Robert Green, author of the excellent book The Art of Seduction, had an interesting reply about the “victim” of your seduction, and how to find out the best way to seduce them.

The victim section was never intended to be definitive or gospel. There is an idea contained in the chapter that is the key to the whole thing—finding out what a person is missing in life. The whole inside of them is the key to identifying what type they are. And also, there are probably a million types. I like to see the person you are seducing as an individual, with characteristics that make him or her similar to others.

How you find out what a person is missing is obviously the million dollar question. You have to listen real well, get to know them as best as possible, look at how they dress, the little things they put up in their office, the cars they drive, their nervous response when you bring something up, how they talk about their mother or father, something they keep repeating which you don’t understand why, but seems a clue. As I said, repeating Freud, people ooze clues because they are dying to be seduced.

So I wonder what the girl is missing whenever Jlaix’s “I wanna lick it” tactic gets him to home base? =) You can read the original thread here.

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