Plenty Of Fish Profile Strategy To Attract Hot Young Women

August 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

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JohnnyC69 has a great post over on the mASF forum about his strategy for creating profiles on Plenty Of Fish that attract hot girls.  It’s a pretty interesting breakdown of how he structures his profile, and anyone who is interested in online dating should check it out.

JohnnyC69 writes:

So the other week, I decided to delete my POF and OKC profiles. I was telling myself that I was spending too much time online and that I need to be getting out and honing my cold approach skills.

Problem is, I’m waiting to start a new job right now and until I do, I’m broke and jobless. Temporary problem with the solution already resolved, but fact is, I’m stuck at home waiting and waiting and waiting.

Hell, even if I wanted to make a trip out to wal-mart just to chat up girls, I don’t have the gas in my car to do it!

So after about a week and a half of getting no action to speak of, I got bored and decided to try out a new type of profile. It still utilizes the screening approach I had before, but thanks to some tips from Regal (actually I copy/pasted his and made some minor variations…what? half the ideas were mine anyway!), it’s now really geared toward young hot women, which, around here, it seems the only true hot ones are aged 18-23. After that age, you start getting into the single moms, jaded biatches, etc.

I WILL NOT post the profile on here. After looking on PAIR and seeing how many local guys there are on here (you fucking lurkers! speak up for chrissake!), I can see it getting abused too easily.

I’ll give you the formula though:

Talk about yourself in a C/F manner in the beginning, i.e: “Me? What do I do? I kick ass and take names!” etc…it should be obvious that you’re playing around in an over the top, funny (but still cocky) way.

Next paragraph, tell her how amazing you expect her to be. Then go over the top funny in the descriptions of how she should be amazing. Be creative. In fact, feel free to brainstorm on ways we can make new templates from this model, I’d love to hear what you guys can come up with. I’m talking to you, Mankite.

So that was about it for the profile. I did decided to do something that I’ve never been a fan of, but so far has proven to be doing me some good: I lied about my age.

And why the hell not? 18-23 year olds discriminate against guys in their 30′s. And yeah, I can already hear Blackdragon getting ready to come in and breath fire and acid all over me for having a “limiting belief.” However, it’s just been MY experience.

So this time when I filled it out, I shaved a good 7 years off of my actual age. Another thing about that: I DON’T FUCKING LOOK MY AGE. If the lie was more congruent to the reality, then I don’t see a problem.

At any rate, it’s working. The strategy was to swoop in and find some young, impulsive girls looking to be hot and impulsive with an “older” guy…but not too much older. For some reason, a hot 25 year old guy seems to fit the bill for most of them perfectly.

Supposed to be going over to a hot 18 year old black chick’s house this afternoon. She sent me her number yesterday in response to my opening message. Did a little phone sexing last night. She invited me to come to her house today.

“I don’t have gas money”
“I do.”
“Well alright then, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow…”

Young and impulsive indeed…

Some good stuff here.  Also, having a good picture for your profile will help.  If you’re going to put up pics, I recommend just putting up 1 really good pic.  If you want to play coy, or you don’t think you’re that good looking, you can refrain from having a pic and put in your profile that you will send pics upon request.  That’s worked real well for me in the past.