Little Big Dick Officially Loses His Mind!

February 4, 2004 by  
Filed under News

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**Reposted from the first Lair, original date: 12/16/03
**Image Removed

Well, now that they’ve found Saddam and the violence is almost over, that bow-legged coward Little Big Dick has decided to go work as a SECURITY FORCE in IRAQ!!!! WTF? I thought the guy actually had brains, but this just goes to show how fucking psycho this pussy is. Not content to get his ass kicked by drunken AMOGs in the frozen tundra of Alaska, he’s actually decided to go somewhere where the official cockblock tactic is to KILL YOU.

Well, at least we expect him to come back with a tan, various forms of the clap, and at least fifty camels.

On a serious note, I know that LBD is psyched about this assignment, and I am very happy for him. I hope he stays safe out in Iraq and has a blast out there in the cradle of civilization. At the very least, he’ll be able to write a book on either how to lay middle eastern women or how to become an oil barron. (I expect royalties). I salute all the brave men and women out there who put their lives on the line for a safe and free Iraq. Congrats, LBD, you are not a pussy like me!

But then again, that’s why they call me…
