New Retard on mASF

February 4, 2004 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

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**Reposted from the first Lair, original date: 12/20/03

Yes, it would appear there is a NEW retard to add to the list of mASF goofballs.  First there was Ray Gordon, then there was Gunwitch, then the infamous Mmasters, and now ladies and gentlemen, I present to you — 24 HRS!

Apparently he stirred up some drama on mASF by posting private emails from Tyler and Papa concerning how many girls each one has laid.  Obviously, this is best summed up by ijjjji’s reply, which was simply:

“Drama queen! Eat shit and die!”

So if you’re interested in reading the latest drama on mASF, the link is:,8
