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Let The Moderation Begin!

May 29, 2006 by  
Filed under News

Hey Everyone,

I’m in the process of fiddling around with the site again.  Might be completely redesigning it soon, if I have time.

Anyway, I know that I have been INCREDIBLY lazy for a long time when it comes to the comments on this blog.  I rarely take the time to actually read the comments here because I barely have time to post nowadays, let alone participate in the discussions that go on in this site.

During the release of the Annihilation Method, I noticed an amazing amount of negative, spiteful, hateful posts.

Now, I normally don’t really care about controversy, criticism, and things like that.  This blog is built on criticism and strong opinions, and I want to encourage people to speak their minds here.  I’ve always welcomed dissenting opinions about my posts, which is why I never really took the time to moderate this site.

But that’s all changing, and I’ll tell you why…

When I went in and started to look at where all these comments are coming from, I discovered something very interesting.

There is ONE GUY who is hopping IP Addresses and literally posting up to 50 times in a thread under different names.

Seriously, some threads he’d be having entire debates with himself as "different people."  lol.  Talk about someone who doesn’t have a life!

Anyway… I was seriously floored at the amount of negativity this one guy was spreading.  There were also a handful of others following his lead, but for the most part, it was just one dude (who apparently hates me, Style, Mystery, Papa, TD, Ross Jeffries, and anyone else who could be considered a "name" in the community).

The hate and vitrol he was injecting into this site really disturbed me, so I had to make a judgement call.  Since this site began, I invited an open comment system, so people could post anonymously if they wanted.  No more.  I’m requiring people to register if they wish to comment now.

This may hinder activity on some threads, but I think the quality of the posts will be better, and debate will be more intellectual and constructive (hopefully).

I’m also hiring a full time moderator to come in and get rid of any posts from flamers, trolls, imposters, etc.  That way, I can go about my day and not have to waste hours upon hours dealing with idiots who have nothing better to do with their time than post hundreds of comments about nothing.

I’ve already gone through and deleted over 100 comments from some of the more prominent flamers/haters on the site to try and clean it up.

Again, if you have VALID criticism about some of my posts and whatnot, you can rest assured that I’m not going to delete your contributions.  This blog will never be a Thundercat-love-fest.  But it should be a place people can come to have honest debates about things happening in this community.

If you feel you’ve been banned unfairly, feel free to email me for an appeal.

But starting now, you must register if you want to participate on this site.  =)

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70 Responses to “Let The Moderation Begin!”
  1. Zan says:

    Good plan, TC…

  2. Great idea. I was getting sick of all the flaming. Although sometimes there were some funny comments.

  3. Vega says:

    Glad to hear it TC. Hopefully this place will become a constructive place, particularly for the newbies.

  4. game on bros says:

    i supose liek they say “all things in moderation”

    game on bros

  5. TheOutlaw says:

    i’m somewhat glad you got this sight moderated i did make some negative posts about thundercat like 2 but now i’m waiting for the good stuff like who is give the cheapest workshops and all that that would be great

  6. mindpower says:

    I am blogging for several years now and quite often I wondered why people have a tendency to pour their negativity into comments they write. I’m also considering requiring a sign in because of that.

    Self-Expression is a fundamental human need. And therefore people with a mostly negative SELF have not choice but to express themselves with negative comments.

    I always believed in the good in people until I head a wise person say: “A third will love you, a third will hate you and a third doesn’t give a damn.”

    Does it mean you have to accept this human condition? Yes.

    Does it mean you have to tolerate the hateful group’s utterings? No.

    It’s your creative baby and you should do with it whatever helps YOU express the best.

    Greetings from Vienna, Austria.

  7. phantasies says:

    i think this is a good idea. i have a couple of observations

    1. if someone is hopping IP address (by which im thinking you mena different ones) and also has different user names, could it not be possible that they are all different people. if they were same IP address then i can see where you may have got that idea from

    2. great news about moderator. i think you shoudl create a set of specific rules for this website for the posters so everyone knows what is wihin limits and what isnt. this way you wont have arguments with ppl about why something has been moderated (i’ve seen this on other forums and it can be as nasty as the posts you were trying to prevent in the first place)

    3. keep up the good work fella

  8. Tallerguy says:

    It’s a real shame you had to go moderated TC. I under stand the reason you did it and would in your shoes have probably done the same. At least I will not have to scroll down so far to see all the comments now!

    Tallerguy UK
    “He who hesitates, masturbates”

  9. gliblets says:

    I’m glad you went moderated. Sorting through the flaming vitriol was time consuming and compromised your intention of having an open forum. But I’m glad you tolerate criticism because if all we had were good things to say noone would believe it and argument makes for a more comprehensive understanding.
    You’ve got to have that dynamic going to get the whole picture. So, congrats and here’s a comment that’s not necessarily intended as a criticism: I’ve noticed how you’ve applied the techniques of Influence (R. Cialdini) in your marketing and now I’m seeing certain aspects of R. Greene’s 48 Laws of Power, specifically, Ch. 27. The Five Steps. Especially with that last note about profits to charity “after percentages” – classic Step 4. The “no RSD” could be seen as Step 5. (although, no doubt they deserve it!) Steps 1-3 are obvious. I could be wrong, but this does appear to fit, doesn’t it? And I’m not suggesting that this strategy is either “good” or “bad”. Business is business. It will be interesting to see how this all works out. I wonder if any other marketing campaigns have referenced this literature in terms of structure. I may be two steps behind you guys but I’m paying attention and hopefully I’ll learn something usefull.


  10. Good plan! Avoid negativity at all cost. If you say something negative you are a negative person. You reap what you so. What goes around comes around.

    Anyone who posts shit on your blog is just reflecting their frustration at not getting laid.

    JOIN ME on my mission to spend $3,779 on my own annihilation method:

  11. The_Apostate says:

    Yeah the negativity sucks altough sometimes it was really funny to read the replies. I hope Ray Gordons will still hang around !

    Ray we need your new theories ASAP!

  12. Nineteen84 says:

    If the purpose of the moderation is to remove random/useless flames then fine. But if actual criticism or controvercial comments are removed then that will suck.

    Also I believe that one of the main points of appeal for this website is to let off stress by shouting abuse at each other and as that will nolonger be possible this site may die pretty quickly.

  13. Nineteen84 says:

    I also guess this means an end to me using racial slurs like “thunderjew” too. :(

  14. Apex says:

    Now i will have to take my anger out on my wife!

    Thundercat u ruined my wife’s life, i hope the regret eats at you!

  15. Nineteen84 says:


    Now i will have to take my anger out on my wife!

    Thundercat u ruined my wife’s life, i hope the regret eats at you!

    Right now i would normally say “Thunderfat is more likely to eat teh regret!!!!!!111″ but we cant because its moderated!

  16. Good thing about moderating this site. But why now? You started to moderate this site when people were flaming Style. You didn’t think about moderating it when people were flaming RSD.

    Oh wail, Style is your business partner, so you want to minimize the negative feedback on the Annihilation Method. I’m disappointed in you TC. Your blog used to be cool, but you’re no better than the guys from RSD.

  17. SwayPUA says:

    Good. As with most things that you post on here, you’re usually working off some transparent business motive, but at least this will incidentally benefit the site as well. The signal-to-noise ratio was getting ridiculous.

  18. Andrew says:

    Well TC:

    I’ve actually been amazed as to the amount of anger a lot of guys seem to have. I think this is what they need to correct in their life first, and then worry about women.

    But from my perspective, this site was always a place to come for an objective look at the community. Now I simply don’t trust you.

    You must understand that you have misrepresented yourself to this community and aligned yourself with someone who’s marketing was simply a series of lies. I’m sorry if this post seems hateful. I assure you that it is not.

    I have a feeling that what is really happening is that you don’t want to hear negative comments, and I don’t buy that there was only one guy who disagreed with you. I can assure you that I only posted under the name Andrew (and BTW someone else posted under the name Andrew as well.)

    So your solution, instead of blaming yourself for the fallout, is to shut your ears and eyes. I guess it’s just easier that way.

  19. Masters says:

    Awesome move buddy.
    I know this isn’t just because TC doesn’t want to hear negative comments… though you paranoid bastards will continue to spout your sky is falling bullshit.

    This is about keeping morons who just want to spam

    over and over and over and over again from posting.

  20. Cowboy says:

    I think this is a good move as long as you don’t ban people just for being critical. People should be willing to take ownership of their comments. Posts like “fuck blah blah” and “blah blah sucks blah blahs cock” are pointless, witless, and tiresome so I support you in getting rid of such garbage.

  21. Cowboy says:

    I do agree with the above comment though in that I don’t believe it was one guy who was posting all the negative stuff. I have read lots of other negative comments about this whole annihilation thing on other boards. I think people should be unhappy about all this but post intelligent and logical criticism about it. Name calling and angry rants don’t make a good argument, they just make you look angry and bitter and make it easy to dismiss your criticism.

  22. ZenMonk says:

    Thank you, that’s a major improvement, making people sign in! However, I think you had to expect a TON of negative feedback through the lame marketing (I mean come on, how stupid do you think people are), and the price…which was so high it was almost funny!

  23. Thundercat says:

    Hey guys,

    You can come on here and bitch and complain all you want! I welcome it. Think my credibility is shot? Go to town. Think I lied? Go to town. Attack me all you want, I love it (because I know none of it is true =)

    Like I said, the moderation isn’t being done in an effort to protect me or Style or anyone from being criticized. It’s to actually promote healthy discussion on this board.

    The reason I did this now is because I never paid attention to the comments before the Annihilation Method came out. I was thinking its release was a real positive thing, and the private emails Neil and I were recieving from people were just night and day from what was being posted on this blog.

    When I looked into it, here’s what I found:

    Numerous 1-off posts from various IP Addresses within minutes of each other in blocks of time.

    Similar writing style in posts, and consecutive themes in the posts (TC sucks, Style sucks, Mystery sucks, etc.).

    Blatant lies and trolling in posts.

    There were even a few posts from the guy bragging about how he was spamming my site.

    There were a few culprits, but there was one guy in particular who was obviously leading the charge.

    So the moderation attemps will be to curb trolling, spamming, flaming, etc. from people who do not promote healthy debate.


  24. The_Apostate says:

    TC, do you seriously think your credibility isnt shot ? Stop kidding dude. The annihilation campaign was a joke !

    Beware The Apostate !

  25. Wismerhill says:

    “Numerous 1-off posts from various IP Addresses within minutes of each other in blocks of time.

    Similar writing style in posts, and consecutive themes in the posts (TC sucks, Style sucks, Mystery sucks, etc.).
    Blatant lies and trolling in posts.”

    TC, you are destroying yours and Strauss’ credibility EVEN more. They may have been flames but they were not views held by JUST one person. As you are now finding out with registration- The MAJORITY of us think that your campaign with Strauss has been quite frankly PATHETIC.

    I used to have respect for Style but I think he’s a stain on the community now. A real disgrace. Any trust I had in you TC is long gone. Hope it was worth it man.

  26. holmes says:

    style is selling out the community but helping himself. its cool for him but not for us. but self comes first.

  27. Thundercat says:

    Ah Wismerhill, you CAUGHT me! I’m afraid I shall never be able to redeem myself to you and all four of your friends. Damn. And I wanted you to like me so much. =)

    If you think I’ve lost all my credibility, stop reading my freakin’ blog. Go on to mASF or someplace where you never have to listen to me or my “pathetic” marketing ever again.

    Seriously. I know it will kill you to give up your membership in my fan club, but its what’s best. The back button is in the upper left hand corner of your screen.

    Of course, if you just can’t get enough of me, my site, my ramblings, and my “pathetic” marketing, (which you seem to love to obsess over) then feel free to continue to post and prove to me just how much you actually enjoy me and my posts.

    Seriously, I don’t understand why people who hate me so much spend their precious time on my site. Could it be because its not really hate? Maybe jealousy? Maybe a secret crush? Who knows.

    Now be a good little boy and play nice.


  28. Mystery says:

    Good boy thundy.


  29. Word Thundercat. I think the majority of people that flame on here, really aren’t doing anything constructive in their lives, or they’re really bored at work. Either way, get a life, USE TIME MORE WISELY! Why not start a new business, or read a great book? Geez.

    Although I’m not a fan of your new header… please contact me, I’ll make you one free of charge =)

  30. Gunwitch says:

    Thank god.

    Yeah I knew it had to be tops 2 or 3 people, I am actually shocked it was 1.

    I couldn’t handle reading that many threats and flames and names called. Who could find the time to post it all!?

    By the way attraction-chronicles the header means something.

    It is like the thundercats symbol thing from the old cartoon.

  31. Apex says:

    That’s true. It is not easy to jump proxies.
    But it’s possible :)

    Moderation will take some of the fun away, unless the following people register:
    - Don won ton
    - Random samurai
    - etc.
    We had some fun with those chodes while it lasted.

    Gunwitch i am not surprised that you could not handle those comments. You already got your ass handed to you about a year ago by Neanderthal Supersoldier.

    Saying that all those comments came from one person is like saying that “Stole” sold all 375 copies…total bull.

    Anyway, judging from the overall sentiment in the moderated comments, my work is done here.

    Now remove that stupid anti-rsd picture from your blog.

  32. game on bros says:

    hey gunwitch do U think rey gordan should game on instead of saying *GAME OVER”

    game on bros

  33. Gunwitch says:

    “Gunwitch i am not surprised that you could not handle those comments. You already got your ass handed to you about a year ago by Neanderthal Supersoldier.”


    Anyway, I meant I couldn’t read/handle the unfunny amateur comedy hour by text over and over.

  34. Wismerhill says:

    “If you think I’ve lost all my credibility, stop reading my freakin’ blog”

    lol,couldn’t have said it better myself. I’d call it a freak show as well.

    Actually TC, I enjoy reading your blog. Well the comments actually. some of them are really satirical and funny. And if you let people continue to say how they feel then we may even respect u (a tiny bit) :-)

  35. DieselLA says:


    Finally a way to separate what’s useful and truthful from all the crap that’s being propagated here.

    I applaud you TC


  36. Iceman says:

    At least there will be no more “someone posted under my name!, It wasn’t me!” etc etc…

  37. “By the way attraction-chronicles the header means something.
    It is like the thundercats symbol thing from the old cartoon.”

    Hey Gunwitch or Thundy, what is the significance of that header? It looks like an @ sign to me. Just curious.

  38. Eek says:

    Scott, it’s from the Thundercats cartoon where Thundercat takes his name from.

    Thundercat, I think introducing moderation is a good idea. I also think the timing was unfortunate due to your business relationship with Style, yet it’s still a good idea.

  39. cayman says:

    well, ….

    the point is all advertising posts are probably by TC himself…..

    and all critique or honest talk about this blog and the products it advertises gets deleted..

    like all evidence of this guy who said he knows a person working for paypal was deleted..

    that person said under 20 copies of annihilation method were sold thru paypal, and 4 were already cancelled for money back (after product was shipped)….. 2 torrent sites also bought it as far as i know, one is the other …

    this kind of info wont be long here, because in nazi country everything gets censored and truth hurts..

  40. gliblets says:

    Bullshit. I’ve made all kinds of damaging (as well as appreciative)comments on here (as either scott or gliblets) and noone gives a damn. So I don’t believe you. It seems the operative method to posting is just don’t waste people’s time with lies or flaming and it’s all good.

  41. deflorator says:

    Moderation will kill this site. What made it stand out was that free speech “no control” atmosphere.

    This blog can’t and shouldn’t compete with “serious” seduction forums. All those who look for serious advice on pickup will go elsewhere as they did before. Everyone used to come here for fun, good laugh and ballbusting. As someone said this site was the community tabloid and it should stay that way.

    The funniest posts here were from “imposters” i.e. people impersonating gurus. Anyone with average IQ could always tell the “real” guru’s post from a guy taking that guru’s identity for the sake of fun. Of course, there was a lot of negativity and useless posts by immature posters but that’s the price you pay for the possibility of anonymous posting.

    The worst thing that could happen to this blog is becoming a “serious” site. It will lose its identity and become just one more of now countless seduction sites. And probably someone else will start another blog without moderating to take the place this site once had. All the fun will move there and this will become a sterile place with no flavor and no identity.

    As you see, Thundercat, people already accuse you for starting moderating right now because of your business with Style. That’s what came across my mind first too. I thought to myself: ” Look, Thundy is starting to moderate his blog now after the Style’s product is sold, so any possible complains about the Annihilation method ( overhyped, overpriced and in every way overrated product) will be eliminated at the very beginning.” People see Style as someone who betrayed the community and who is peddling snake oil now. We all know there is no quick fix, silver bullet, magic wand or whatever you call it. Becoming a good PUA takes time, energy and a lot of practice. No product will make you a master PUA over night.But, of course, you as his business partner don’t want people to say that.

    Thundy, I wish you good luck and success, but I think moderating was a wrong and possibly a fatal move.

  42. Thundercat says:

    cayman writes:
    the point is all advertising posts are probably by TC himself…..

    and all critique or honest talk about this blog and the products it advertises gets deleted..

    like all evidence of this guy who said he knows a person working for paypal was deleted..

    that person said under 20 copies of annihilation method were sold thru paypal, and 4 were already cancelled for money back (after product was shipped)….. 2 torrent sites also bought it as far as i know, one is the other …

    this kind of info wont be long here, because in nazi country everything gets censored and truth hurts..

    The reason those posts were deleted were because they were blatant lies.

    This site has always been MY site. I never set out for it to be a completely objectional consumer reports site. It’s always been about my thoughts, ideas, and experiences.

    I promote people and products I like and I feel others can benefit from. I get sent shit EVERY DAY from people begging me to endorse them because this blog is so well trafficed online. But I turn 90% of those people down.

    People like Style, Mystery, Swinggcat, and others I promote here are GOOD PUAS. They have a lot to teach, and their methods WORK. Period. I believe in them, so I promote them.

    If you guys don’t like that, DON’T COME HERE.

    Go find people who’s teachings you believe in and interact on their sites and forums.

    If you want a neutral ground, check out Cliff’s List or mASF.

    This site is MY PLAYGROUND. Its all about ME. It’s about what I want to talk about. And if you don’t like that, leave. Nothing is keeping you here.

    I don’t care if there are those of you who hate Style, or Mystery, or even me. If you have a valid argument, post it. If you have a complaint, post it.

    But I will no longer put up with the flamers and trolls.

    If you read my post about hanging out with Zan, you’ll know that he has a philosophy…

    “Move towards beauty, and away from that which is not beautiful.”

    That is a powerful way to live.

    The flamers and trolls were using this site as a way to spread negativity and hate. It was making this an ugly place, and I didn’t like it. I had ignored the garden for too long and weeds grew.

    No more.

    I believe criticism and dissenting opinion can be healthy and positive. I haven’t banned Ray Gordon or MINE’99 or Jlaix or anyone else who hates me from this board because they have a differing view than me.

    But I am going to actively get rid of people who sow negativity for no other reason than to poison others.

    Already, in this thread, I see a HUGE difference in the dialogue. We’re actually having a GOOD discussion here without 12 page long posts of the word “cock” repeating itself over and over.

    Nice, isn’t it?

    Anyway, there are some people I’ve banned and deleted from the site because I just simply didn’t like them. Their posts never contributed anything, and they were all personal attacks. That ain’t gonna fly anymore.

    I’m not saying you can’t attack people, but have some smarts behind the attack. If you’re going to call people a “fake,” back it up with proof.


  43. Thundercat says:

    deflorator writes:Moderation will kill this site. What made it stand out was that free speech “no control” atmosphere.

    This site will go on as long as I feel the need to keep posting here. But I agree, I liked the Free Speech policy. But a few bad apples ruined it for everyone.

    But I think moderation will be a good thing, and you’ll see better discussions on this site from now on.

    This blog can’t and shouldn’t compete with “serious” seduction forums. All those who look for serious advice on pickup will go elsewhere as they did before. Everyone used to come here for fun, good laugh and ballbusting. As someone said this site was the community tabloid and it should stay that way.

    There will still be gossip and ballbusting, don’t worry. The site will still be fun. I’ve never tried to compete with serious seduction sites. This site was always about what I found interesting.

    I actually think you’ll see an increase in discussion from people who are now confident that they won’t get sucked into flaming and trolling bullshit.

    The funniest posts here were from “imposters” i.e. people impersonating gurus. Anyone with average IQ could always tell the “real” guru’s post from a guy taking that guru’s identity for the sake of fun. Of course, there was a lot of negativity and useless posts by immature posters but that’s the price you pay for the possibility of anonymous posting.

    I never liked the imposter posts. Those are for chickenshits who don’t want to own what they say and be accountable for a stand they are taking. Now, you’ll HAVE to own what you say, and I think that’s great.

    The worst thing that could happen to this blog is becoming a “serious” site. It will lose its identity and become just one more of now countless seduction sites. And probably someone else will start another blog without moderating to take the place this site once had. All the fun will move there and this will become a sterile place with no flavor and no identity.

    If by “fun” you mean flamers and trolls, then by all means, I hope they move there soon, lol.

    Again, this site will never be truly “serious.” It’ll always be about what I want to talk about. If someone else wants to start a different blog – more power to them.

    As you see, Thundercat, people already accuse you for starting moderating right now because of your business with Style. That’s what came across my mind first too.


    If I really was going to try and run interference in terms of business and stuff, I’d have started moderating BEFORE the release of the product to squash any criticism before it began.

    I didn’t. Why? Because I DON’T CARE.

    I do, however, care about lies people tell maliciously in order to hurt other people.

    The dude who was posting 100 times an hour was coming on here saying idiotic things like “I know someone at paypal,” and blah, blah, blah. Yeah right.

    But if you scream loud enough, people will listen.

    If there are negative reviews of the Annihilation Method (wich I don’t think there will be, because its a damn good product), I’ll proudly post them on this site. I’ll give them their own thread. I don’t care. As long as they are VALID and HONEST criticisms.

    Lies and flames WILL NO LONGER fly. Period.

    People see Style as someone who betrayed the community and who is peddling snake oil now.

    Who are these “people.” Could it be the one guy who posts under 100 different aliases? And maybe a handful of others he was able to convince with his spite?

    Apparently, 375 people for sure think Style is the shit. The final five guys KNOW the Annihilation Method is awesome. I know its awesome. Mystery, Steve Piccus, and Hypnotica know its awesome. So that brings us up to 389 people, for sure.

    People who come from a scarcity mentality, who don’t actually go out and pick up women, who just sit in front of their computer all day and KJ – THOSE are the people who think Neil “betrayed” the community (whatever that means). Do you really want to side with people like that?

    If so, good luck at EVER getting laid.

    We all know there is no quick fix, silver bullet, magic wand or whatever you call it. Becoming a good PUA takes time, energy and a lot of practice. No product will make you a master PUA over night.But, of course, you as his business partner don’t want people to say that.

    Say it all you want, its the truth.

    Products are just tools to help you get results. The better the tools, the better the results.

    I believe in the Annihilation Method 100%. I’d been a fan of Neil’s since before anyone even knew how good he was. Its because of this blog people began to recognise his skill and power as a PUA.

    When I had the chance to befirend Sytle, I JUMPED at it.

    When he wanted me to help him out with the Annihilation method, I JUMPED at it.


    Because I believe in the material, and I believe in Style. And the people who got the Annihilation method are going to see DRAMATIC improvement in their skills if they put it into practice.

    Thundy, I wish you good luck and success, but I think moderating was a wrong and possibly a fatal move.

    Time will tell. =)


  44. Moderation is a good thing. I have a hard time understanding how anyone could defend the people posting “TC SUCKS COCK” 400 times in a row.

    If people have a dissenting opinion of something, it’s absolutely possible to express this opinion in a way that doesn’t offend or denigrate. Just takes a little more vocabulary and social awareness.

    That said, most of the posts in question were specifically designed to offend and denigrate, so it’s moot.

  45. Mr.E says:

    I’m gonna miss posting as different characters from Star Wars. Posting as Lando Calrissean, Chewbacca etc and offering a PUA product used to make me laugh and more importantly, feel like a powerful Jedi. Perhaps not THE most powerful, but powerful nonetheless.

  46. crockett says:

    Here’s a little story for you…

    Not so long ago… there was this kid with a sandbox… It wasn’t the coolest kid in town, nor was it the best looking… But he let other kids play in its sandbox… And the other kids liked him for this… This made the kid cool, and who cared about looks anyway…

    After a while, this didn’t satisfy the kid anymore… He wanted more… And he started asking admission… And while the other kids kept coming, they started to tease the kid… ‘Isn’t our friendship good enough anymore?’ they asked…

    But still, the kid wasn’t satisfied… It raised the admission price even more, and started harassing the other kids with constant whining about old toys he wanted to sell… His friends, not pleased with this, tried to bring him back to reality… But having watched too many cartoons about men turning into lions, he figured he deserved the same awe, respect and POWER! And he reacted loudly: “It is MY sandbox… MY PLAYGROUND. Its all about ME. It’s about what I want to!” And started to handpick the kids he would let in…

    Disgusted by this move, the other kids soon found another sandbox to play in, and the fat kid was left all alone… Thinking about the times he had friends…

  47. Thundercat says:


    How pathetic would I be if my entire life revolved around the “friends” who post on this blog?

    Get real.


  48. bevisangue says:

    Hey Guys, look what I found in the writings of medieval writer Nostradamus, a famous writer like Neil Strauss?

    From his “Annihilation Prohecies”

    “The only friend he was left with, was a smart skinny kid, who in reality was the devil preparing his Apocalypse Method to annihilate the universe, who exploited this cat for marketing, and this sandbox kid gladly sold his soul & sandbox to this stylish devil. But how big was his gain. The sandbox kid, like judas before him, received “thirty pieces of silver” for the betrayal of only 375 of his friends, whom the devil ironically referred to as the final 375, those who will perish the first in the Apocalypse.

  49. Mr.E says:

    I also miss that “Entourage Dynamics” thread where folks were posting PUA-models based on other HBO series, like “Sopranos Dynamics” “Six Feet Under Dynamics” etc. Those were some funny times. Oh well…

  50. Jinbo says:


    As an observer of this blog for a month or so I’m quite surprised at the drama. When you’re sitting behind that Arriflex, you should be thinking of making a short film of this mis-adventure.

    I thought the “friends” comment was in poor taste and very defensive. I really don’t think your “friends “ should be insulted on the same page peddling your book and other money-making promotions.

    I know, I know, who gives a shit what I think.

    I mean is this blog for promotion or just to amuse you and make you laugh?

    So are we funny to you?

    You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it’s me, I’m a little f cked up maybe, but we’re funny how, I mean funny like we’re clowns, we amuse you? We make you laugh, we’re here to f ckin’ amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How are we funny?

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