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Let The Moderation Begin!

May 29, 2006 by  
Filed under News

Hey Everyone,

I’m in the process of fiddling around with the site again.  Might be completely redesigning it soon, if I have time.

Anyway, I know that I have been INCREDIBLY lazy for a long time when it comes to the comments on this blog.  I rarely take the time to actually read the comments here because I barely have time to post nowadays, let alone participate in the discussions that go on in this site.

During the release of the Annihilation Method, I noticed an amazing amount of negative, spiteful, hateful posts.

Now, I normally don’t really care about controversy, criticism, and things like that.  This blog is built on criticism and strong opinions, and I want to encourage people to speak their minds here.  I’ve always welcomed dissenting opinions about my posts, which is why I never really took the time to moderate this site.

But that’s all changing, and I’ll tell you why…

When I went in and started to look at where all these comments are coming from, I discovered something very interesting.

There is ONE GUY who is hopping IP Addresses and literally posting up to 50 times in a thread under different names.

Seriously, some threads he’d be having entire debates with himself as "different people."  lol.  Talk about someone who doesn’t have a life!

Anyway… I was seriously floored at the amount of negativity this one guy was spreading.  There were also a handful of others following his lead, but for the most part, it was just one dude (who apparently hates me, Style, Mystery, Papa, TD, Ross Jeffries, and anyone else who could be considered a "name" in the community).

The hate and vitrol he was injecting into this site really disturbed me, so I had to make a judgement call.  Since this site began, I invited an open comment system, so people could post anonymously if they wanted.  No more.  I’m requiring people to register if they wish to comment now.

This may hinder activity on some threads, but I think the quality of the posts will be better, and debate will be more intellectual and constructive (hopefully).

I’m also hiring a full time moderator to come in and get rid of any posts from flamers, trolls, imposters, etc.  That way, I can go about my day and not have to waste hours upon hours dealing with idiots who have nothing better to do with their time than post hundreds of comments about nothing.

I’ve already gone through and deleted over 100 comments from some of the more prominent flamers/haters on the site to try and clean it up.

Again, if you have VALID criticism about some of my posts and whatnot, you can rest assured that I’m not going to delete your contributions.  This blog will never be a Thundercat-love-fest.  But it should be a place people can come to have honest debates about things happening in this community.

If you feel you’ve been banned unfairly, feel free to email me for an appeal.

But starting now, you must register if you want to participate on this site.  =)

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70 Responses to “Let The Moderation Begin!”
  1. ybatman says:

    Ok, Now that you are asnwering post. I would like answers to the following:

    1- You mentioned that you did not want any negativity on this board. Both on a post you wrote and in this same thread. Yet, all your posting about RSD really was negativity coming from the person who was trying to fight it. You might say that you where trying to help other guys not fall into the RSD “trap” however, it was obvious it was a special war that you had against them. It was obvious to me and the rest of the guys. What do you have to say about that.

    2- The reason people here “diss” Style is not because he wrote a book or because he might of betrayed the community like some guys would like to think. But most of them talked shit about him because he was associated with you. The whole vendetta against RSD who in Style´s book seem his mortal enemies right before the release of the $4000 Cd´and DVD´s. You might brush it off….but people where more pissed at your involvement with Neil than at Neil himself.

    3- Many times you have critized and challenged other people to Sarging contest. Asked Ross Jeffries to send proof of his game. Yet, the times that people want proof from you that you actually are good at Sarging, you simply dont answer. You are part of the “Commercial Seduction Comunity” the moment you started selling your ebook and now even more that you are associated with Neil. Why not proof yourself in front of the guys who talk shit about this. Why not silence others about this. You critizied RSD regarding the level of the coaches saying they where not providing the service and almost didnt even opened sets. Yet you act the same way. What do you have to say about all this? Any answer saying that you dont need to proof yourself to anyone but yourself would be a slap in the face to most guys and many will take it as a pussy´s way out.

    This is not an Attack on you. Its simply some questions that many guys have posted here and have gone ignored.

  2. Ehh, anyone noticed how the links to the profiles are similar to the login names of people?

    I hope everyone thought of a new login name, instead of a ‘usual’ one.

  3. Thundercat says:

    ybatman writes:
    1- You mentioned that you did not want any negativity on this board. Both on a post you wrote and in this same thread. Yet, all your posting about RSD really was negativity coming from the person who was trying to fight it. You might say that you where trying to help other guys not fall into the RSD “trap” however, it was obvious it was a special war that you had against them. It was obvious to me and the rest of the guys. What do you have to say about that.

    I have to say this: I was getting a lot of email from people who felt they were getting ripped off and lied to by RSD. I was sent proof of their duplicity and shadiness.

    I do not think legitimate arguments and attacking someone when they are in the wrong are negative things. I think that is a positive thing. Fighting for what is right, to me, is a postiive thing. Helping to expose people who lie, cheat, and steal is a positive thing.

    I want to help other people who are going through what I was going through when I started this site. I want to provide them with good information, and point them towards products and resources that will HELP them improve their lives.

    And part of that is warning them of things that will hinder them.

    My personal belief is that Speed Seduction and Real Social Dynamics are two companies that are more concerned about money and ego than they are about helping other men improve their lives.

    Am I wrong? Am I right? Frankly, I don’t care. Its what I believe. And since its my site, I post about it.

    If you want to say “You were negative first” and use that to justify idiotic trolling and flaming, that’s your deal. But its my site, my rules. If you don’t like it, find another site to post on.

    2- The reason people here “diss” Style is not because he wrote a book or because he might of betrayed the community like some guys would like to think. But most of them talked shit about him because he was associated with you. The whole vendetta against RSD who in Style´s book seem his mortal enemies right before the release of the $4000 Cd´and DVD´s. You might brush it off….but people where more pissed at your involvement with Neil than at Neil himself.

    Then why attack Neil? Why call him a money-grubbing Jew? Why spread lies and hate about him? If those are the type of people who defend RSD, then I’m happy to fight back against them.

    For every one person you hear bitching about me and Neil, there are 10 others who don’t post (except maybe in private emails) who love us. Don’t judge the “attitude” or “thoughts” of this entire community based on a few vocal flamers you hear on the forums – especially when you have 2-3 guys on this site posting hundreds of times as different people. Its not accurate.

    If you’re an RSD fan, by all means, go back to mASF where you belong. You won’t find much love for them here.


    3- Many times you have critized and challenged other people to Sarging contest.

    Don’t recall that. If there was ever a time where I publically came out and and demanded a contest, I’d like it if you’d point me in the right direction to find that.

    Asked Ross Jeffries to send proof of his game.

    I did do that. But only because I think RJ is full of doo-doo.

    Yet, the times that people want proof from you that you actually are good at Sarging, you simply dont answer.

    Because its not worth my time. I don’t claim to be the best pick up artist, and I don’t run around saying I’m better than others skill-wise.

    The reason I called Ross out is because he was calling people fakes who stole everything they knew from him. Every time I was with Ross personally, I did not see a single set of his go well.

    I go out sarging with some really well respected people. People like Swinggcat, Mystery, Style, Steve Piccus, Hypnotica, Zan, and a variety of other people. Am I on their level? No. I admit that. But I’m not a fraud. I don’t teach what I can’t do, and I don’t make claimes I can’t back up.

    And I don’t run around saying people who are legitimately good are fakes who stole everything they know from me.

    You are part of the “Commercial Seduction Comunity” the moment you started selling your ebook and now even more that you are associated with Neil. Why not proof yourself in front of the guys who talk shit about this. Why not silence others about this.


    Mystery goes out almost every weekend in field and still gets criticized about his skills. Neil wrote a best selling book about his skills and still gets criticized.

    Do you honestly think it would be any different with me?

    If I acutally FELT I had the need to prove myself to others, I’d be supplicating to them, giving them power over my self esteem and confidence.

    I will not do that.

    The only person who’s thoughts and opinions I care about is me. I got nothing to prove to you, or the community. If you can read my emails and posts and say “He’s full of shit,” don’t buy my book and don’t recommend it to anyone.

    I don’t care.

    If everyone stopped buying my book tomorrow, life would go on.

    Understand: It is not important to me what you or the people in this community believe about me.

    So demand proof until you’re blue in the face. I prefer to live my life by my standards, not yours.

    You critizied RSD regarding the level of the coaches saying they where not providing the service and almost didnt even opened sets. Yet you act the same way. What do you have to say about all this?

    I do? When was the last time i trained a virgin to spout a few routines and popped them in the field to teach others while I take their money?

    Keep in mind: I don’t charge people thousands of dollars to take them out in the field. RSD does, and they have A LOT of dissatisfied customers.

    Any answer saying that you dont need to proof yourself to anyone but yourself would be a slap in the face to most guys and many will take it as a pussy´s way out.

    Ha, ha.

    You know what, you’re right. But here’s the thing…

    I prove myself to the people who matter. People who’s skills are such where they can judge me and help me improve.

    I’ve become good friends with Style. I DO feel I need to prove myself to him.

    I DO feel I need to prove myself to Mystery.

    I DO feel I need to prove myself to Swinggcat.

    I feel I need to prove myself to everyone who has taken me under their wing to teach me and has my best interest at heart.

    You, ybatman, and others, I could give a shit about proving anything to you guys. I get nothing out of that. It is not in my best interest.


    Because you don’t like me. You don’t approve of me. You don’t have my best interest at heart. You’re out to hurt me.

    That is why I do not feel the need to prove anything to you. Because in the end, you don’t want proof, you want a chance to have power over me and judge me.

    So there’s the answers to your questions. I hope that helps.


  4. HandsomeMan says:

    Moderation was long over due. I swear. I quit posting on here anymore cuz of that idiot.

    Now I’m glad that people are going to be more authentic. It’s gonna be a great place to share stuff on. WTG TC

  5. gliblets says:

    It’s the same in anything (like music, for example) – surround yourself with good people – people who are better at whatever you are trying to learn than you are and do your best. You may not get to their level but you’ll get to the best you can do. There are always failed wanna-bes or people without the discipline to actually do what they’re criticising others for trying. Who cares if they like you are not, Thundercat. Rock on.

  6. Dreem says:

    Thundercat, you’re no longer interested in seduction or attraction or whatever it’s now called in the community. Your sole purpose is to fleece poor dudes who have a problem in this area of their lives. Instead of genuinely trying to help men like how some of the pioneers in this community started out (Ross, DeAngelo, Mystery etc), your SOLE purpose is to take money from vulnerable guys but you DON’T CARE whether you’re delivering anything of use.

    You have only ONE goal… TO MAKE MONEY you have not earned.

    Of late there have been many shylocks in the community but at least many of them try to put something out that they think will help the customer. In your case you simply DON’T CARE. It’s almost as if you’re doing it out of some kind of bitterness, hate and spite due to your own failure to improve yourself after all the time you’ve invested in the community. Now you’re taking your bitterness out on others who have done you no wrong? Why? Why take advantage of vulnerable young men who are just looking to improve their lives?

    Now I can see how your cheap mind is working, you’ve probably said “fuck it, if I still can’t get pussy after all this then I’m gonna concentrate on just making money from this even if it means being fraudulent and taking advantage of vulnerable men…”

    Thundercat, I have to inform you that you will never improve with women the way you’re going. No matter how much money you make from fleecing guys you’ll remain a lonely LOSER with women!

  7. Phoenix says:

    Again , about time . That said you can change your display name to whatever you want , so known PUA can’t post and be known . . . but hey, it’s a good start .

  8. HTWoodson says:

    TC, I’ve been a longtime reader of your blog and I’m really happy to see the changes you’ve made. But even more important than the moderation, I’m happy to see you finally answering questions and biting back a little.

    I have a question though, a question that I think a lot of people are asking as well.


    It really did feel like you guys were trying to sucker us. I’m a fan of your blog, not a critic, and now that it’s over, I’d really like to know what the deal was.

    If anyone doesn’t know what I’m talking about, go to:

    Start at:


    and read all the posts leading up to the release of the Annihilation Method.

  9. Ray Gordon says:

    “I want to help other people who are going through what I was going through when I started this site. I want to provide them with good information, and point them towards products and resources that will HELP them improve their lives. And part of that is warning them of things that will hinder them”

    By doing this, Thundercat puts himself in the position of advisor/guru by telling others who to listen to. Since he has his own products on the market, and is marketing for Neil (the guy he ranked #1, how convenient.

    Do the words CONFLICT OF INTEREST mean anything here? Sheesh. There’s a reason that Consumer Reports does not accept advertising.

  10. Haze says:

    Hey TC,

    I’ll try to make this quick. Great job on the moderation and long overdue. It was almost impossible to post anything constructive w/out it getting lost in the mayhem.

    Second, this is ur fukin domain which u pay money for. How u let ppl shit and spit all over it for so long is beyond me.

    I also find it amusing how ppl believe u deceived them in some ad/marketing scheme on UR SITE WHICH THEY VOLUNTARILY COME TO EVERYDAY.

    Did any of u haters buy the annihilation method? Can u not return the product if it’s regurgitated garbage? DO U NOT HAVE A CHOICE to NOT read TC’s garbage blog?

    Oh but I guess that’s not the purpose of ppl who hate u is it?

    Just strikes me as interesting that a community built on the ideals of alpha males, is saturated with all these AFC’s running to their sugar daddy TC and bitching and moaning that they got ONS’d.

    Get off the fukin computer and on with ur life.

  11. NlpRapist says:

    By doing this, Thundercat puts himself in the position of advisor/guru by telling others who to listen to. Since he has his own products on the market, and is marketing for Neil (the guy he ranked #1, how convenient.

    Do the words CONFLICT OF INTEREST mean anything here? Sheesh. There’s a reason that Consumer Reports does not accept advertising.

    Now Now, when you put your finishing touches on your:
    Broke Back Mountain Method, you might need Thundy to help you advertize it…:)

  12. Thundercat says:

    Dreem wrote:
    Thundercat, you’re no longer interested in seduction or attraction or whatever it’s now called in the community. Your sole purpose is to fleece poor dudes who have a problem in this area of their lives. Instead of genuinely trying to help men like how some of the pioneers in this community started out (Ross, DeAngelo, Mystery etc), your SOLE purpose is to take money from vulnerable guys but you DON’T CARE whether you’re delivering anything of use.

    That’s a lie, and you know it. Every single person you listed makes a living off of what they put into the community. It doesn’t mean they are bad people. I put value on my time and energy, and its not like I FORCE people to buy anything they don’t want.

    And despite making money, I still keep this blog going, providing good, quality information AND a place to have debate and discuss different ideas and theories. If I really didn’t care, I’d just take this site down and pull a “David DeAngelo” where I do nothing but send out newsletters to sell my stuff while never having to interact directly with any of you (man, wouldn’t that be fun?).

    But I keep this site going because I love it, and I like what it brings to the community.

    (Oh, and for a guy who hates me and my blog so much, you sure do spend a lot of time here, don’t you? If you don’t like me: LEAVE.)

    Of late there have been many shylocks in the community but at least many of them try to put something out that they think will help the customer.

    First of all, I think you need to look up the definition of “shylock.”

    Second of all, if what you’re saying is that there are a lot of “shady people” putting out products, but at least their intentions are good, you just contradicted yourself right there and show you have no understanding of what you’re talking about.

    I honestly believe that The Annihilation Method is THE BEST seduction product that will ever hit the community, and that the people who got it will see dramatic improvements in their game.

    And I believe all the products I recommend are good and will help the people who need it.

    In your case you simply DON’T CARE.

    If I truly didn’t care, you’d see me pitching every last single thing I could find that would make me money. Guess what? I DON’T DO THAT. I’m very consistent with what I recommend and with what I don’t.

    It’s almost as if you’re doing it out of some kind of bitterness, hate and spite due to your own failure to improve yourself after all the time you’ve invested in the community.

    Don’t project your own issues onto me, buddy. You’re the only one who seems bitter here.

    Now you’re taking your bitterness out on others who have done you no wrong? Why? Why take advantage of vulnerable young men who are just looking to improve their lives?

    Man, you must have been beaten a lot when you were a child!

    I don’t take advantage of anyone. If you NEVER WANTED TO BUY A SINGLE THING, you still have over 1000+ pages on this site that give out good, solid, quality pickup information – for FREE. (duh)

    So stop yer bitchin’.

    Now I can see how your cheap mind is working, you’ve probably said “fuck it, if I still can’t get pussy after all this then I’m gonna concentrate on just making money from this even if it means being fraudulent and taking advantage of vulnerable men…”

    Don’t pretend to know how my mind works, bub. Unlike you, I operate above a 4th grade level. ;-)

    Everyone’s got to make money. I don’t make appologies for my commercial aspirations OR success. I have a business outside the online stuff, and all this seduction junk is something I do for fun because it helps me and other people to improve their lives.

    Thundercat, I have to inform you that you will never improve with women the way you’re going. No matter how much money you make from fleecing guys you’ll remain a lonely LOSER with women!

    I know a few women who’d disagree with you on that one. =)

    But thanks for the kind words of support. Now I know with you there to guide me, I’ll NEVER stay stuck in a pit of dispair with nothing but negative, hateful energy to keep me company.


  13. NlpRapist says:


    I understand your reasons for moderation. But I think it is going to take alot of fun out of this board. You can already see it.
    Couldn’t you just have banned that one guy, or banned the ip’s?
    Man I got sad when I first saw this, I was having so much fun ripping on Ray and others….just afraid this will become a ghost town…:(

  14. Thundercat says:


    I’m with ya, brother. I tried just banning an IP, but the guy was jumping proxy servers, so he had a new IP every time he posted.

    Wile some “fun” may be lost, I think its more imporant to have honest debate and discussion.


  15. ybatman says:

    Its good that you finally answered, even if I didn´t get the honest answers that I was looking for.

    I simply have to say that I´m not a RSD fan. I really dont give a shit if they have a good product or not. What I dont understand is why ONLY RSD is being flamed here?

    Why not post the Bad Reviews from OTHER PUA´s. That´s what myself and other guys where arguing back when all that RSD SLAM Campaing was taking place. I think it would be good if you explained why you had the falling out with RSD. But giving the HONEST TRUTH.

    How you go from being a huge suporter and giving TD his own Column in this blog to being their enemy.

    As for Style, Hey…I like the guy, Ive meet him and he gave me some style ideas that where great. But I feel cheated to be in his Mailing List and receive emails writen by you and not him. If someone will give advice…for it to be HIM personally. Not you writing as if you where Style.

    Its true…this is your Blog and you can write and do whatever you like. But you simply dont write like that Thundercat who first started his blog, writing about Kill Bill and how Tyler came up with some great stuff, ect.

    Back then…there was REALLY no Negativity in this Blog. It was all fun and entertaining. All content and giving a helping hand to other guys. But then came the Commercial Part…which is what I believe turned this into a suckfest. You came with your ebook, then your pay site with superdupperneverbeforeheard interviews. Then came your mini disapearance and how you mentioned all this was not really worth it and wanted something more than life. And then came back slowly into the whole Mystery this, Style this, again with tecniques and methods…and finally to this outright Commercial for all Style.

    This might sound like bitching. But dude…I meet you when you just got out the AOA. You where a sweaty nervous wreck but you seem a cool guy. Now I don´t know what to think of you…. Not that you care

  16. Thundercat says:

    Its good that you finally answered, even if I didn´t get the honest answers that I was looking for.

    Just because you didn’t like the answers doesn’t mean they weren’t honest. =)

    I simply have to say that I´m not a RSD fan. I really dont give a shit if they have a good product or not. What I dont understand is why ONLY RSD is being flamed here?

    You obviously don’t come here much, lol.

    MINE’99, Elvis, James, Ray, and others don’t ring a bell?

    Why not post the Bad Reviews from OTHER PUA´s. That´s what myself and other guys where arguing back when all that RSD SLAM Campaing was taking place. I think it would be good if you explained why you had the falling out with RSD. But giving the HONEST TRUTH.

    If I was getting an AVALANCHE of negative reviews for someone else, I’d post them. Understand: I was getting numerous people emailing me complaining about RSD.

    You want me to just “make up” stuff and bitch-slap everyone for no good reason? SOunds like you like the drama too much, bro.

    I only post bad reviews when I feel they are warented. That’s as honest as you’ll get on this site. In RSD’s case, I felt they were warrented.

    How you go from being a huge suporter and giving TD his own Column in this blog to being their enemy.

    Because like everyone else, I was taken in by them. ANd like MANY other people, I found out what they were really about.

    Should I have kept on singing their praises after I discovered the truth about them? You tell me.

    As for Style, Hey…I like the guy, Ive meet him and he gave me some style ideas that where great. But I feel cheated to be in his Mailing List and receive emails writen by you and not him. If someone will give advice…for it to be HIM personally. Not you writing as if you where Style.

    Newsflash, I didn’t write Style’s emails. Shows how much you know.

    Its true…this is your Blog and you can write and do whatever you like. But you simply dont write like that Thundercat who first started his blog, writing about Kill Bill and how Tyler came up with some great stuff, ect.

    lol, I don’t know if I agree with that. I just don’t post as much as I used to. I think if I did, you’d still see those dumb-ass posts like that. =)

    Back then…there was REALLY no Negativity in this Blog. It was all fun and entertaining.

    I think MINE’99 would disagree with you there, lol.

    THe only reason people think this blog is more negative now is because RSD is still popular (though its beyond me as to why).

    All content and giving a helping hand to other guys. But then came the Commercial Part…which is what I believe turned this into a suckfest. You came with your ebook, then your pay site with superdupperneverbeforeheard interviews. Then came your mini disapearance and how you mentioned all this was not really worth it and wanted something more than life. And then came back slowly into the whole Mystery this, Style this, again with tecniques and methods…and finally to this outright Commercial for all Style.

    Wow, you really ARE a fan. Cool.

    I still think the blog is good and gives lots of free stuff that is of value. People don’t have to buy ANYTHING of mine. There’s plentyhere for free that’s just ripe for the picking.

    This might sound like bitching. But dude…I meet you when you just got out the AOA. You where a sweaty nervous wreck but you seem a cool guy. Now I don´t know what to think of you…. Not that you care

    I’ve always been sweaty, but I’m hardly ever nervous, lol.

    And I AM a cool guy, but understand something…

    I am not the same person who started this blog. I have changed and matured and grown as a person.

    Its not that I don’t care what others think of me, its that I don’t allow what other people think of me to define my identity any more.

    I do not feel the need to prove to the faceless masses anything about myself.

    If you and I were to hang out, I’m sure we’d have a good time and once you got to know me, you’d see how wrong all your “theories” about me are.

    But until that time, I can’t spend my life trying to appease people who just post on this stupid website.

    I go out a lot now, I go out on dates, I hang out with friends, I travel, I work at my other job – I do lots of things.

    I learned not to have my life revolve around seduction and this blog.

    I suggest you do the same.


  17. Zan says:

    Good call TC

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