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Jealous Girlfriend Routine: Revealed!

April 12, 2006 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Style, the most powerful of the Jedi, released another excellent newsletter a few days ago where he covers his pattented "Jealous Girlfriend" routine.  This one is definitely worht checking out:

Style writes:
Okay, so I’m in New York, where I’m on assignment for Rolling Stone. (Can’t tell you who but you’ll see it in the mag next month.)

Anyway, I run into this writer for a major newspaper. And he’s asking me all about the Annihilation Method. (Can’t tell you who either because he subscribes to this list, I just found out.)

And it’s kind of freaking me out a little.  I’ll bet you can relate.

Imagine if reporters were calling YOU and asking about something that was supposed to be *secret*?

Anyway, I pretty much dodged the questions – even though the person I interviewed ended up asking me about the Annihilation Method too.

The bottom line is, this whole Annihilation Method thing is getting out of hand.

You might not realize this, but there are 17,609 people who get this newsletter you’re reading.

Think about that.  17,609 men like you and me with one mission in common … MASTERING SEDUCTION.

What’s even crazier is that there around 300 people joining us every day now.  I guess they’re finding out about this newsletter through word of mouth or something.

Oh – and you wouldn’t believe the amount of email I’m getting from people.

Most of it is about the Annihilation Method.

I’m talking about 500+ emails per day sometimes!

And that’s what’s brought me to this point.

First, let me make this announcement …and hopefully it will answer everyone’s questions at once:


There.  I said it …OK?

But there’s a catch.

There’s NO WAY I’m going to show this to all 17,609 people on this newsletter.

Two reasons:

1. This is powerful stuff that nobody’s ever seen before.  If it was in the worng hands …or used in the wrong way, things could get ugly.

2. Because this is so hard-core …and it’s something that NOBODY is using, it’s pretty much bullet proof.


Think about it.  If everyone and their brother started using the same material, it wouldn’t be as powerful.


I’ll be releasing information about this towards the end of the month.

Until then, let’s keep our eye on the prize and do what we do best…

With that in mind, I’ve put together a little pre-Annihilation Method tidbit for you to use this weekend.

Let’s begin:


The biggest fear most people have when it comes to dating is the approach.

That’s why openers were developed: as training wheels to get over that initial reluctance.

If you already know what you’re going to say, then you don’t have to worry about what to say.

All you have to do is move your feet in the direction of the person you want to meet, open your mouth, and let come what may.

In The Game, probably the most effective opener I came up with was the Jealous Girlfriend Opener.

Mystery had always said: "There are two subjects that all women like to talk about: relationships and the unknown."

So I decided to come up with an instant conversation starter about relationships. I know some readers of the book are already using it, and I want to make sure you’re doing it as effectively as possible. So, with that in mind, here’s the exact script.

(Based on a True Story)

Style: Hey guys, let me get your opinion on something. I’m trying to give my friend over there advice, but we’re just a bunch of guys and not qualified to comment on these matters.

Girls: What?

Style: Okay, see that guy over there. Well, he has been dating a girl for three months. And she just moved in with him. Now, this is a two part question. So, imagine you’ve been dating someone for three months. And he is still friends with his old girlfriend from college. How do you feel about that?

Girls: Well, that depends. Are they just friends or is there something more going on?

Style: Yes, they’re JUST friends. There’s nothing else going on. They talk like once a week at most.

Girls: I think it’s fine/I don’t think they should be talking/Etc.

Style: Okay, it’s a two part question. Now let’s say that he has a drawer in his apartment. And in that drawer he keeps all of his old photographs and letters.

Now, some of those letters happen to be from ex’es and some of the photographs happen to be with ex’es.

Girls: Hmm.

Style: It’s not like he ever looks at them. They are just there, like old souvenirs and memories of his past.

Girls: I think it’s fine/ He should put those in the closet/He should burn them, then bury the ashes.

Style: Okay, the reason I’m asking is because his girlfriend says doesn’t want him to talk to his ex from college at all. She wants him to cut it off completely.

And she wants him to destroy all of his old photos and letters from ex’s.

She says it’s just holding onto the past, and he should let go of it now. Personally, I thought it was extreme and a bit insecure.

But what do I know. I’m a guy. And, as we all know, guys think differently from girls…

NOTE: If there’s a guy in the group, don’t forget to get his opinion too.

What I love about this opener is that in addition to getting people talking for a good ten minutes, it also screens the women. If the girl you’re interested in says the guy should cut off his ex entirely and destroy every last photo and letter, then she’s probably not the kind of woman you want to date. Just a hunch. 

Alright, that’s it for now. Let me know how you do with this.


P.S. Some people get a little worried that this opener might have been used "too much".


It IS possible that you’ll approach a woman who just heard the exact same opener.


You know how Mystery and I used to hold in-the-field workshops, right?

Well …we’d have 10-15 guys in a club …all trying these openers.

And NATURALLY, some women would hear the same ones twice.

Here’s how you use this in your favor.

Girl: Umm …some guy just asked me that same question like five minutes ago.

YOU: No way, you must have met my friend. We were having a debate about it and didn’t exactly see eye to eye. So…what did you tell him?

P.P.S. Remember, the point of an opener is not to make a woman say, "Oh my God!  Let’s get naked immediately!"

It’s just to start a conversation and break the ice. All that is necessary for an opener to work is for someone to respond to you.  So even if, in that rare, worst case scenario, the women say they’ve heard it before, guess what? You’re now having a conversation. The group is officially opened.

Now that I think about it, maybe this is why so many people are stalking me about the Annihilation Method. They want the new goods.

Because nobody else is using it.  It’s like you’re showing up to a knife fight with a machine gun or something.

Total unfair advantage.

And like I said …I want to keep it that way. 

P.P.P.S. I forgot to ask you this. I need a favor.  It’s no biggie.

Will you keep the seduction stuff I’m teaching you to yourself?

Our community is already over 17,000 people strong…

And it’s growing by about 300 people a day.

I’m thinking about closing this newsletter to new people and having it be just us.

The reason why is I’ll be sharing some new things with you soon and I want to keep it "in the family" so to speak.


If you haven’t signed up to recieve Style’s excellent emails from his VIP list yet, be sure to do so!  You can check it out here.

Get Your Free Guide Here!


138 Responses to “Jealous Girlfriend Routine: Revealed!”
  1. xx says:

    It’s funny how guys are bothering to write posts complaining about Thundercats shit. Why don’t they just leave the site and not come on it instead of reacting and wasting their time? I read this place about once a month when I remember to check it and I can’t understand the mindset of people who clearly are disgusted with TCs shit but continue to take it? Hell, even Mystery called TC out on his “business blog” but everybody still comes here and spends time complaining.

    Here’s an idea, don’t bother. Then TC has no audience.

  2. L8er says:

    Let’s hear it for STYLE!!!

    Hip Hip…

    (crickets chirping)

    MWAHAHA Slick that shit is classic!!!

  3. qw says:

    damn right thats slick…its the bees knees

  4. Jameeja says:

    sry guys i was planning a new update on the jealous hand opener, also you can blast through your LMR with it.

    This is VERY tru and Useful!! Nevermind the Annihilation Method.

    The other day I had a girl over and she was giving me LMR. I tried Freezeouts, some Ross Jeffries Patterns, everything. Finally I decided to try the Jealous Hand opener (yes its so good you can use it to close too). I went into the bathroom and locked the door and started applying the JHO (as it’s known amongst Top PUAs like Style and Jlaix) and soon I closed. The HB didn’t even know what happened it was THAT POWERFUL!!

    Later I went to mASF and posted my Lay Report about the entire incident and instructed the other TOP PUAs that frequent there on my secrets!!!


    I am master of Hand Solo Method.. beware the most powerful of the jedi…. can blind you with his explosive force

  6. Mystery says:

    Tyrone, your psuedo intellectual wit is neither entertaining or amusing. You are the guy that tries so hard to be funny, but in the end everyone bows their heads, shaking them in disgrace. If you are going to impersonate a black guy, at least do it right.

    HINT: Most black guys don’t use proper english.

    I’m willing to be you’ve halfway filled the role, as I’m sure your day job consists of driving a cement truck followed by a cocaine push at noon.

    All love though,

  7. FLOSSMETHOD says:

    YO i need a female opinion — should i floss before or after i eat your pussy…


  8. Dj Style says:

    lol i am so gonna use that (on your mom)

  9. undertoe44 says:

    page 77, Maxim, 2 feb 2006
    “Steal Any Woman from her date”

    Deep down you may be a five but that doesn’t mean you can’t snag a ten for one night.

    1. Use him as a lever. Approach him not her but start a conversation that she can’t resist. Try this: ” I need a man’s opinion. Is it cool for a guy to date his ex-girlfriend’s best friend?” Or “When a girl asks if she should cut off all her hair, isn’t she just fishing for complimets?”. Questions like these are dripping with estrogen. She’ll be confused why you’re talking to him instead of her, and she’s guaranteed to interupt.

    2. Ignore her

    When she does try to cut in, quickly shut down. Say something like, “How about grabbing us a couple of beers, sweetheart?” Then go back to your conversation with the guy. Repeat if necessary.

    3 Switch it up

    Midway through his answer, shift your gaze to her and apologize: “Im’ sorry. That was rude of me. You were saying?” But this is the most important: As you do this you must smoothly step between the girl and the guy, isolating him from the conversation. Remember how they teach you to edge someone out of the key? Use your body.

    —-there’s steps 4 through 7 but I’m positive if you leave within our western “civilization” you know someone who owns a copy.

    Anyway, I have my own opinions, talk amongst yourselves.

  10. undertoe44 says:

    And YES, I am very well acquainted with the works of masf and its participants.

    RJ, DD, MM, Sc, Gw, Rm…

  11. Eurodude says:

    Elvis, I guess you didn’t get what I mean or you even don’t know what it means to be THE MAN. In case I’m right with the second, you really would disappoint me…..

    Buttugly and old but still get laid like hell

  12. Thisblogisshit says:

    This blog is shit

  13. Mystery says:

    Hello peeps

  14. Thundercat says:

    Ok guys. A lot of you have been going on about this for a long time now…so in the coming days I’m finally going to reveal some photos of myself. Watch this space…

  15. Big boy says:

    This i’v got to see

  16. TorrentUser says:

    hey guys, check this out http://www.bitseduce.com, this shit is the real deal guys, all dating products are available freely to download there, is anybody a member there?

  17. Thunder cat = Entrepreneur or Crook? You decide... says:

    Hey Thundey,

    How many buisnesses are you running secretly?

    I found this in the internet the other day:


    Is this by you? If so then how many other e-books/cd sets/dvd sets are you running through different buisnesses?

  18. Eurodude says:

    The posts above me have been from an imposter. I have sarged with Elvis already and he knows that. We had alot of Action going on, MFFM, MFM, MFFFM stuff in the bedroom. Those models were really nice, I recommend everybody to check out his stuff.
    If you want to challenge me, go ahead. I claim to be the worlds greatest Pickup Artist ever, and I can prove it.

  19. thisblogsucksmyballs says:

    this blog sucks the sweat off my balls.

  20. Eurodude says:

    I’m sorry I misposted. I got some peanutbutter and jelly on my F key the other day and for some reason when I was hitting the M key it would set off the F key. This is what I accidentally wrote before:

    I meant to type MMMM, MMM, MMMMM.

    Elvis and I get some pretty wild trains going too! I especially like playing the front car!

    Anyways this will be my last post here. Anyone else posting as me after this will be an imposter.

  21. Verbal says:

    how would you all like to come to Alaska to suck my balls??? i will return the favor by nailing you in the ass!!!

  22. Eurodude says:

    the two posts above me are an imposter and i am, too ;)

  23. Style says:

    I’m the real Style.

  24. Style says:

    A shrew had just swallowed my dick…

  25. !Mystery says:

    I think Style looks like Lisa’s little brother! In fact, I think she can bench press him too!


  26. Singa says:


    Check this Link out, Guys.

    Thundercat, I would like you to put that Video as a new topic on your blog.

    Let’s see how well Neil is doing, representing the Community. He seems very AFC’ish on that video, imo.
    What do you guys think?

  27. Concerned Citizen says:


    Doesn’t RSD do th same thing when their students ask them to do Pickup on chicks?

    What is going on?

    I thought he was a Jedi, master of the Hand Solo method! Dark Lord of the Sarge! Storm Seductionist! C3PUA!

    Listen Style, get off the T.V. You are single handedly making anyone involved (at least those who admit it) in the PUA world look like nerdy, insecure dorks. What happened to that alpha frame? Where’s the Dominance? Wheres the confidence and/or competence?

    Dude if you were as smooth as you were cracked up to be you would have simply said, “No I’m not gonna do this (you got that one right). But then after putting her off you should have went right into sargeing her on the spot while she didn’t even know what was going on.

    A) Tell her to come back and sit down like she was at a good bar. You let her completely control your frame and then acted all embarrased. She didn’t seem very impressed. Once she came back to sit down then you get up take 2 steps away then turn around and walk up THEN say, No I really don’t think Im gonna do this right now. Then sit back down and start talking about it. after one or two sentences you say something like, “You know, I’ll give you an example. I got this friend who went to the bar and met this chick, they hung out a couple times but he wasn’t really into her, one day he finds this scroll under his sofa with twine wrapped around…. blah blah blah”

    In other words you could have just redirected her thoughts and made her think you weren’t going to do it then Did it while she was off guard. If she interrupted with, “What does that have to do with anything?” – “Where’s your off button?” or “You know there’s three things I like in a woman…” or any of that stuff. Then go from there.

    Simultaneously disarm her and then sarge her while she thinks shes not being sarged.

    Yea I know it’s easy sitting back from the armchair and making these calls, but You’re supposed to be this (shall I use the word?? Wait for it!!! …) Jedi!

    You’re game is supposed to be on 24 fucking 7. You claim you are the words BEST and yet you act like an insecure little dweeb as a Representative for the Rest of us. Calling us Nerds, obsessive, making excuses for us and offhanded comments. What the fuck dude?

    You are projecting your shortcomings on an entire community. You are esentially saying, “I am this and so must be the rest of those who do what I do.”

    Just stop with the Interviews. Really.

    Sure it’s not gonna really effect anyone whos good at this in the long run but you’re embarassing yourself and anyone else who takes pride in what was up until recently a sort of secret brotherhood.

    Sit down. Please don’t write any more books. Pull the Plug if at all possible on that movie. Just quit. This is called “biting off more than you can chew.” I don’t even really use direct method but Im sure Ranko Magami would call you, in this interview, “An Excuser Guy.”

  28. Me says:

    BTW good lookin out Singa!

  29. Wow...that sucked says:

    Wow…that sucked. Very painful to watch Style hem and haw through that simulated pickup. That’s what happens when you don’t do this shit for a few years. Or maybe he was real tired?

    There was so many ways he could have made that work. Stop with the goddamed 80′s dogs, Jealous GF, C’s vs. U’s, etc.

  30. The Unknown PUA says:

    That was painful!

    But demonstraing something in the wrong setting to a woman who is saying, in affect, “pick me up! Go ahead, I dare you. Do you feel lucky punk?” is a loosing proposition from the get go.

    There’s a big difference between real social settings and a contrived setting like that one.

    That being said, he looked pretty bad. He was making excuses from the get go.

  31. Singa says:

    There is another bad interview of Style out there. Listen to what he has to say:

    He says in his family there were alot of unspoken secrets. It was one of those glorious moments for him, when secrets got revealed. That is, why it is such great Joy for him, to reveal secrets of other people. In some cases he did it with permision, e.g. the Pornstar Book and the Marylin Manson Book.

    He also revealed our secret. He does it in a bad way and he is not even telling the truth. He says we are computer geeks, he isn’t even good with computers I guess, he is the one and only ueber geek.

    He will reveal more secrets, because that is his mental disorder. He is writing another book, that is about relationships. I wonder how much of Franco’s material and the Relationship Board he is going to steal.

    Style, please find another way to find that Joy of revealing secrets. It is not good what you are doing right now. Stop producing that movie.
    All PUA’s should understand this and speak up.

    We cannot have some geek with childhood isues do this much damage to our community, without people trying to stop him.

    I love this Community and its people too much to have some geek-outta-control destroy the beauty of it.

    Stop it, Style!

  32. infocollection says:

    News of the times:
    marketing rocks the business world!

    marketing is the next trend for the future. It helps companies sell! This poses good for profit and bottom line!

    They are also developing marketing techniques and strategies. They see using sex and sexuality and sexual promise as marketing device to get attention and close the deals and sales on purchases.

    style is changing the courtship models of people throughout the western hemisphere of the globe and in fact the world as a whole. yeah,

    i will never compromies my personal integrity or ecology for anything. i am a zarathustra fan, and I get more ass than a toilet seat

    this shit material is so powerful it can make people in journalism change and be better with women, get dates, and become successful with women. but i’m not going to share this with everybody. associate with me, and you will see

    elvis preston king, he is a player suprmeme

  33. Eurodude says:

    >>the two posts above me are an imposter and i am, too<<

    The problem here is that everybody can post here in every possible name he wants to. That’s why all the comments here are so full of shit and lies. I AM THE REAL EURODUDE, the other Eurodude-wannabe is the imposter, not me! I was born in 1960 and go for the name since 1976, and I can proof. Maybe it is Elvis himself posting in my name or some motherfucker with balls like peas. However, I never ever claimed to be the world’s greatest pick up artist; I am just pretty good with women by being THE MAN and I know how to fuck them, that’s all! Every other “Eurodude” who claims something different is an imposter. Watch your back, you little fuck!

    Buttugly and old but still get laid like hell

  34. Random.Samurai says:

    yeah EuRODUDE is the world greatest PUA! We should send him to TV shows. He will do a great job. Eurodude you rock!
    You are the one and only.

    Did you ever write a LR?
    Have some Pics of your chicks?

  35. Elvis Preston King says:

    Hey Elvis Fans,

    I have been getting laid like a mad man.

    Best Job in the World

    Of course, we are talking about the best job in the world for a bachelor.

    Gentlemen, your author is the world’s greatest pick up artist and my job is picking up and seducing hot babes for my student/client and for myself. My job requires that I make hot passionate love to my dream girls.

    The importance of my job is beyond words. If I fail to teach my student how to be a ladies man, playboy, a pick up and seduction artist he could be destined to a life of loneliness and misery for the rest of his life.

    Western women have been taught by society to have no mercy for a guy when he tries to pick her up. These women many times with their bitch shields up will drop a man to his knees with cruel rejection. This has left some weaker men paralyzed for life with women. My job is to take them out of their misery. My job is to teach them how to pick up and seduce hot babes. To forget past failures and the agony of defeat the king teaches his high speed seduction techniques. This is no classroom theories. The King puts on one on one Bachelor Dream Tours with an emphasis on getting laid as opposed to just meeting and approaching women for telephone numbers and email addresses. My job is to make sure that my student gets hands on training in the sack with girls either he or the king picks up and seduces for him.

    I hold the world’s record of the most one night stands of any man on earth.

    Your author Elvis Preston King has been verified as the world’s greatest pick up artist by the international seduction community. Cliff from Cliff’s Seduction List has confirmed and sanctioned the king as the world’s greatest pick up artist. To get laid you have to meet and approach women. I will show the correct and fastest way to do it successfully.

    Elvis Preston King,

    The world’s greatest pick up artist

  36. Therion says:



    No frame control.
    No high value by just being a cool guy.

    She totally frame contolled his every move, thought, action, emotion and made him look like an AFC TOOL.

    There is something very wrong here, this guy is NOT a PUA. Sorry!

  37. Noob warning says:

    Yep this is Style. The self proclaimed Master of seduction.

    Why so many people just take his word for it without any proof whatsoever is beyond me. All I have seen in these interviews is the opposite. He literally did allow this chick to BLOW out his frame with absolutely NO problem whatsoever.

    This is NOT what being a PUA is all about. If you are new to this seduction stuff and have read the Game, Please understand. Contrary to popular belief, Style is an author NOT a PUA. Don’t make the mistake of getting confused even if he would have people believe otherwise.

  38. qw says:

    some PUA huh Therion. someone tell this phony chump to stop giving us a bad name.

  39. Liar Liar Neils says:

    All the lies Neil Strauss “style” said:

    1. Neil said “I left the game” but came back.

    2. Neil said Lisa ( his wife to be) is still with him, yet the truth was Robbie Williams was spliting her legs on VALENTINES DAY, the most important day for “love birds”…some “jedi” he is..

    3. Neil said he was NEVER going to sell the ANNIHILATION METHOD, which is just a few tricks that were compiled from other “gurus” who they came up with…but amazingly, he is SELLING HIS METHODS…whoa, neil keeps his word indeed…..

    he calls EVERYONE in the “community” nerds and geeks that play online games or playstation….come on Neil, wtf, you know damn as well everyone on here is different…most of the ppl are normal college students looking to improve their games….they never had social issues like u did…for god sakes, you DIDN’T GET LAID HANGING OUT WITH ROCK STARS!!! you must of had the shitest, creepest game on Earth…I can bet my life, the majority of the ppl on here would of got some action…I guess birds with the same feather, flock toghether or somethin like that…meaning u and thunder are making buisness deals, cuz u fuckers can’t get laid….at least ugly fat thunder says he can’t get laid…YET, HE STILL SELLS A BOOK ON HOW TO APPROACH WOMEN when the guy himself never understood…..BTW, if your “ANNIHILATION METHOD” was so good, why didn’t thunderhips get laid like a god? how come two months latter he made a blog about him being “out alphaed by betas”?….Give me a break, ur prouduct is crap and you didn’t come up with shit…the time constraint thing is worthless, and the only thing u ever added to this so called “community”….

    word to the wise, if this little snake Neil is opening the ANNIHILATION METHOD with the Jealous girlfriend opener, then u guys are just wasting your time reading about his shity method, every women on Earth is getting exposed to that corny opener because of his mouth that wont shut up and now he is selling it to you men for a crazy price that every one knew for the last 3 years….

    neil go kill your self, u got HUGE issues…stop lying, stop bringing neggative light to us, and just go back to being the author you are and continue loosing the little hair u have on your bald head…

    If anyone sees neil sarging in LA or anywhere else for that matter, go over there and Cockblock….if you’re thinking why should u do that? Well he did it to you first by bringing out a book and now selling the rights to the moive that’s gonna come out…so just give him a taste of his own medicine……

  40. D says:

    Hey im looking for a pua any idea where i can find one!

  41. Wake says:

    Jeezus!! A lot of hatred and jealousy of Style, to be found in this place.

    I find this whole idea of PUA’s somehow ranking “better” than each other, and someone being “the best” , to be total bullshit.

    The idea of being a PUA is to learn how to meet girls – I’d say that all the mentors (Style, Mystery, DeAngelo, Jeffries etc), as well as thousands of the disciples on this site, are successful PUA’s. They approach, meet and close multiple women. More women than 99.9% of the male population in the world manages to.

    Quit with the competition – we’re all meeting girls and getting more fresh pussy than most guys in the world.

    This place really needs to change its tune. Go back and read pages 300 and 301 of The Game. Do it another 19 times. Think about it.

  42. qw says:

    “The Game”…pffft.

  43. Wake says:

    you’re too cool for it? ;-)

  44. Eurodude says:

    Funny Boy, Random Samurai. One thing that seperates THE MAN from the boys, is that THE MAN doesen’t want women to know that he’s a pickup artist. Believe it or not, women read these blogs too and I don’t want every chick and her sister to know that I fuck them just for fun. One secret of being THE MAN is to be secretive. For that reason and also because I treat my targets with respect, no LR, no pics, and -thanks for the flowers- of course I have to pass that offer with the TV-show. THE MAN prefers to fuck more than to bragg. If you get it once, the girls will start giving you hot sex instead of a telephonenumber. My way with women is so simple that I could teach it to almost everyone in just one day. But I don’t do – explaining everyone a technique that really works would mean shooting myself in the foot. A technique wears off when used by too many people; didn’t your grandma told you that?

    Buttugly and old but still get laid like hell

  45. Elvis Preston King says:

    I still think Style is pretty good. I read the Game and I love the book. It is too bad that Style had never heard of Elvis Preston King before it was published. I could have stepped his Game up to a much higher level. I thought he was very thorough in researching the past and present pick up artists. Admittedly I had not came forward yet, although I had been a rich and successful playboy for 40 years. I do more girls now than when I was super rich. It is confidence and practice that have made the difference for me.

    I know guys with money to burn who can’t get laid. It makes the game easier but offers no quick fix to girls. I would rather sarge with a top pua like Mystery or Style than a rich guy who only has money and no game. I do hate to see them get one-itis. Not good for the image. But people including puas get this disease. When I was younger I have been plagued by this illness. Thank God I got the cure!

    Elvis Preston King,
    World record holder of the most one night stands

  46. Elvis,

    Lions don’t need to roar in order to remain lions.

    So either calm down with the bold talk, or put your words to the test and meet me in Las Vegas for a $25,000 sarge-off.

  47. Informant says:

    There is another video of Neil out there where you see him talking to girls in-field.

    Let me tell you the whole deal about Neil Strauss. He always was insecure with women and doesn’t know what to say.

    90% of his success are build on a few routines. He has 90% of the time using his JG-Opener, EV, C&U and a few others to name them, that is what got him alot of success. But basically this guy has not much more to offer.
    Does this make him the worlds greatest PickupArtist when you rely on a few routines and elsewhere are lost in field?
    Common he did that because it was an easy way for him to get that title, he did not earn it.
    If you want to, maybe I will give you those videos, there is also the other one, where he talks about his childhood issues, that he can feel joy telling secrets to other people.
    I would be willing to send them to thundercat, so the community can see those videos, too.
    But will Thundercat even release them? Will he ban me from his list for releasing some of the truth? I might take the risk.

  48. NEWS says:





  49. Ross Jeffries eats pork says:

    So either calm down with the bold talk, or put your words to the test and meet me in Las Vegas for a $25,000 sarge-off.

    Yeah bish, show him how it is.

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