How To Bang A Girl In A Public Bathroom

September 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

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How Romantic!

Okay, before I get to Teevster’s excellent post from mASF about how to bang chicks in public restrooms, let me just say…


I personally am not a fan of the “Venue Close” (a fancy way of saying “bathroom banging”).  Me, personally, I like being able to take my time, have a nice comfy bed, and not having strangers take a dump right next to me while I’m trying to get my freak on.  But, there are some guys out there who enjoy the 5-seconds of heaven they can get by pulling some poor tramp into a bathroom stall in the club.  So for all you guys out there who like to quick close in the restroom, here’s a great little breakdown for you… Read more