Scarlett Johansson Nude Photos – Yes, They’re Real, And They’re Fabulous!

September 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Babes

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Okay, so poor ScarJo had some naughty pics on her cell phone, and said phone got hacked by some douchebag hacker (and by douchebag, I mean God Amongst Men) and her naughty bits were then released upon the interwebs for all to enjoy.

The FBI is looking into the case because hacking is getting to get a serious problem.  And its said that poor Scarlett is incredibly distraught over the whole affair.  And we here at the Lair sympathize with her pain, anguish, and embarrassment over this whole situation.

That said, we’re also totally going to post these pics because they are so awesome.

These are NOT safe for work (like anything on this site is, really).  But, if you want to check them out, here they are… Read more