Straw Kiss Close

June 11, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

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Tyler Durden has posted a rather interesting new type of kiss close.

Warning: Not for the unnimble of tongue!

Tyler Durden writes:
A pretty money way I tongued down my second day2 of the day was as follows. I was at the bar, and the straws in the drinks were the short kind. So I had the straw in my mouth and started poking her face with it. Then I kept trying to get it in her mouth. I got it in, and shifted the straw tip into the corner of my cheek so I could get it in more. Then I made out with her with the straw in both of our mouths. Kinda dangerous though. What a joke it would be to choke on it!

btw, the point of moves like these is to disarm ASD. When the girls’ brain is occupied, her ASD goes down, and her natural self comes out. Re-read this last sentence, and think about how you can apply it to your game. It’s the same reason why you can keep talking as you walk backwards, and the girls will follow, but if you go silent and say “Come over here”, they may not come. Anything that occupies their brains disarms ASD and they basically become like guys (except even more forward, as girls are more sexual than most guys).

You can read the whole thread here.

To all you jlaix fans out there…

June 11, 2004 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

I have some exciting news for all you fans of everyone’s favorite shotgun-toting Pick-Up Artist.  I’ve been told by Papa, the mastermind behind the Real Social Dynamics enterprize, that they have officially tapped jlaix to be the writer of their upcoming newsletters!!!

I always enjoy reading jlaix’s rants, and having met the guy myself, I know he’s got some great skills of his own with women.  I look forward to reading his newsletters for RSD, which promise to be, at the very least, interesting.  =)

Of course, anything can change in the time between now and when RSD relaunches it’s website, so take this as a rumor for the time being.  But I hope it pans out.

I’d like to have a few newsletters that are fun to read.

Please Review My Site

June 11, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Hey Guys,

I’m trying to up my Blogstreet profile. It’s basically a site that a bunch of blogs register on and look for popularity/recognition. If you guys wouldn’t mind, I could use some reviews of my site on my profile. The only catch is you gotta register for blogstreet, but they don’t send you any e-mail or anything, it’s quite painless.

If you’re interested in helping me out, click here. It might take a little while to load, I’m not sure, but be patient.

Thanks for doing this! I appreciate all feedback on the site, good or bad. (preferably good =)

Swinggcat Says: It’s No Big Deal

June 9, 2004 by  
Filed under Articles

Well, it seems Swinggcat has released another newsletter.  As usual, it’s a good one…

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David Shade’s Manual, Vol. 1

June 9, 2004 by  
Filed under Articles

davidshade-iconInterviewing for High Self-Esteem Women

By David Shade

I specifically interview for high self-esteem women.  The most comprehensive discussion on self-esteem I have seen is by Nathaniel Branden at  He articulated it well when he wrote:

"Self-esteem is an experience. It is a particular way of experiencing the self. It is to move toward life rather than away from it; to move toward consciousness rather than away from it; to treat facts with respect rather than denial; and to operate self-responsibly rather than the opposite."

He defined self-esteem as "being competent to cope with the challenges of life and of being worthy of happiness. It is confidence in our ability to learn, make appropriate choices and decisions, and respond effectively to change. It is the experience that success, achievement, fulfillment, and happiness are right and natural for us. It is a consciousness to trust our self. It strives for rationality, coherence, clarity, and truth."

He defined six practices of a healthy self-esteem:

1) Living consciously: Respect for facts, open to new knowledge and feedback, and seeking to understand the world and ourselves.

2) Self-acceptance: Realism applied to self. The willingness to own, experience, and take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and actions, without evasion, denial, or disowning.

3) Self-responsibility: Realizing that we are the author of our choices and actions; that each one of us is responsible for life and well being and for the attainment of our goals.

4) Self-assertiveness: Being authentic in our dealings with others; treating our values and persons with decent respect in social contexts; refusing to fake the reality of who we are or what we esteem in order to avoid disapproval; the willingness to stand up for ourselves and our ideas in appropriate ways in appropriate contexts.

5) Living purposefully: Identifying our short-term and long-term goals or purposes and the actions needed to attain them.

6) Integrity: Living with congruence between what we know, what we profess, and what we do; telling the truth, honoring our commitments, exemplifying in action the values we profess to admire.

"What all these have in common is respect for reality."

What we call high self-esteem and low self-esteem, Nathaniel Branden calls self-esteem and pseudo self-esteem.  He defined pseudo self-esteem as: "trying to compensate for deficiencies; a pretense at a self-confidence and self-respect; the effort to protect self-esteem with denial and evasion, which only results in a further deterioration of self-esteem."

Pseudo self-esteem can be easily identified by: "the defensiveness with which insecure people may respond when their errors are pointed out, or the extraordinary feats of avoidance and self-deception people can exhibit with regard to gross acts of non-consciousness and irresponsibility, or the foolish and pathetic ways people sometimes try to prop up their egos by the wealth or prestige of their spouse, the make of their automobile, or the fame of their dress designer, or by the exclusiveness of their golf club."

Traits of pseudo self-esteem include: delusional, ignorance, denial, evasion, betrayal of consciousness or conviction, lack of integrity, grandiosity, fantasies of superiority, conceited (exaggerated opinion of oneself,) boasting, arrogance, and the victim mentality of blaming others.  What all these have in common is the lack of respect for reality.  But the biggest indicator is the angry denial of low self-esteem or the denial that self-esteem is significant or desirable.

I have found the following to be true of HSE women and LSE women:

LSE women are insecure and seek validation from men.
HSE women are secure in themselves and have nothing to prove.

LSE women have a bottomless pit of emotional need that can never be filled.
HSE women are self fulfilled.

LSE women will manipulate a man to make him meet her needs.
HSE women know exactly what they want in a man, and when they find one enjoy who he is.

LSE women are quick to obtain their man’s tokens of devotion, such as expensive gifts or immediately requiring a monogamous relationship.
HSE women are suspicious of expensive gifts early on, and do not decide that they want a relationship with the man until she gets to know him well.

LSE women would steal a man if it would give her affirmation.
HSE women are not at all interested in another woman’s man.

LSE women trade sex for attention and for verification that they are attractive and worthy.
For HSE women, sex is about sharing and celebrating sexuality.

LSE women respond to being treated poorly in an attempt to prove their worthiness.
HSE women expect to be treated well and respond only to that.

For a LSE woman, it’s not about the man, it’s about her own needs.
For a HSE woman, it’s about what her and her man enjoy together.

LSE women blame their problems on other people.  They have the victim mentality.
HSE women assume personal responsibility for their own lot in life.

LSE women are motivated by moving away from bad.
HSE women are motivated by moving towards good.

LSE women must control others by manipulation.
HSE women see that as unhealthy.

LSE women are drama queens.
HSE women seek harmony.

LSE women have a warped sense of deservedness.
HSE women have a healthy sense of deservedness.

Self-esteem is formed early in life and takes years to develop.  A woman’s biggest influence in her developing years are her parents, and it is her father that has the most important influence.  It is through him that she acquires the ability, or lack of ability, to have an emotionally healthy relationship with men.

A woman who had a close relationship with her father when she was a little girl is what I call a ‘Daddy’s Girl.’  Her father was loving and caring.  He believed in her and supported her.  He taught her to be self reliant, independent, and to believe in herself.  He may have even taught her how to throw a baseball or throw a punch.  She thus grew up with a high self-esteem, a healthy relationship with men, and a good sense of deservedness.  She is thus emotionally healthy and believes that she deserves to be treated well by men.  Interestingly, she is also very skilled at influencing men and making a man feel emotionally close to her.

Her relationship with her father goes through stages.  As a little girl, she loves him dearly and looks up to him.  When the taboo instinct sets in at about age 14, she becomes independent from him and sees him as the biggest dork in the world.  By the time she matures into the age of legal adult, she again adores him and cares about him dearly.  But at any age, she always wants him to see her as innocent and pure, and she wants him to continue to be proud of her.

This is in contrast to another woman who had a condescending or absent father.  Such a woman is incapable of forming a deep emotional bond with a man.  She has a bottomless pit of emotional need that can never be filled.  She believes that she deserves to be treated poorly by men, though she expects being showered with attention and material gifts.  She is often spotted in the company of men that view women as objects.

Her relationship with her mother is also important.  I have known daddy’s girls who had mothers that were total emotional basket cases and made very bad decisions for themselves.  In those cases, the young women tend to make bad decisions for themselves.  To a large extent, women tend to repeat the same successes or failures of their mothers.  Such daddy’s girls display some of the typical traits of a daddy’s girl, but they make mistakes such as having no direction in life.  The very best women are those who had two
good parents in a good relationship.

A Daddy’s Girl has a good sense of deservedness.  Deservedness is what a woman believes she deserves for herself.  She believes that she deserves to experience wonderful pleasure, and she believes that she deserves you.  She will be your best ally.  She will be routing for you.

The opposite is a bad sense of deservedness.  (Note: everybody has A sense of deservedness.)  An example of a bad sense of deservedness is a woman who stays with a controlling or abusive man.  Therefore, one of the quickest ways to obtain much information about a woman is to note the men she
associates with.  If the woman does not have a good sense of deservedness, you will be forever frustrated, your energy will be constantly drained, and the relationship is doomed.  She cannot appreciate a good man when she’s got one.  She will sabotage the relationship and eventually leave for some scum that she believes she deserves.  If you aren’t a psychiatrist or a therapist, there’s not much you can do about it.  And even then, it’s usually futile.

So, how do you specifically interview for high self-esteem?  Don’t just ask her if she has high self-esteem.  The low self-esteem women will insist that they do, and the high self-esteem women sometimes are modest about it.  Instead, covertly look for the traits of high self-esteem.  The first sign is if she has a hearty firm handshake and good eye contact.  The most trustworthy sign of self-esteem is if she can take a compliment
well.  But don’t ask her if she can take a compliment well, because all women will say they do.  Instead, somewhere in the conversation, I will pay her a compliment and see how she responds.  If she belittles the
compliment or down plays it, I know she has a low self-esteem.  The compliment will tend to break rapport, as it should.  But if she takes the compliment well, such as responding with a genuine "Thank you!" then it may be possible that she has a good self-esteem.  The compliment will tend to increase rapport, which is what I want.

I will also get conversation to where we talk about past relationships.  This gives me a very good idea about her sense of deservedness.  I will listen for signs of how she was treated by her men.  That describes how
she will be most comfortable.  If she complains about how her men mistreated her, it is a very bad sign.  But if all her men were very interested in her pleasure, then that is a very good sign.  They are the women who will most appreciate, and best respond to me.

Then I will test for ‘Daddy’s Girl.’  Eventually in the conversation, I will say "You know, I bet that when you were a little girl, about 7, you had a very close relationship with your father."  If she didn’t, it will tend
to break rapport, as it should.  But if she did, then it always servers to increase rapport in a massive way.  Usually she will ask why I say that, and I will go into my ‘Daddy’s girl’ theory.  The Daddy’s Girls always love it.  But the ones who were not Daddy’s Girls will go into a long illogical discourse attempting to explain why they nonetheless have a high self esteem.

There is a very simple formula for dealing with Daddy’s Girls: Do all the things her daddy did to her, plus all those things her daddy dreaded a man like you would do to her.

David Shade

James Method, Version 2

June 9, 2004 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

So tragic, it’s funny.  =)

I wonder how many times Ashton Kuchar has jumped out after someone actually bought this thing and shrieked "You’ve been Punk’d!"

ijjjjji Method, version 1

June 9, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Well, it seems that ijjjjji has FINALLY gotten around to writing his own method, and in true Gunwitch style, has given it away for free on mASF. I am reposting it here for all of you to enjoy and refer to.

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Quote of the Day

June 7, 2004 by  
Filed under Quotes & Humor

Cortez, from the Playboy Central boards, has some great advice for all you AFCs out there.

Cortez writes:
Take monday for reading and other days for sarging.

Truer words were never spoken.  =)

Upcoming DYD Seminars

June 7, 2004 by  
Filed under News

David D. has announced some pretty exciting “Double Your Dating” events on the horizon.

David D writes:
I’m going to be doing two very special one-day seminars
in LA in August…

On Saturday, August 21st I’m doing a brand-new one-day program called “On Being A Man… Who Naturally Attracts Women”.

In this program I’m going to share some of the most powerful things you can do to transform yourself into a man who NATURALLY attracts women.

I’m going to have a couple of guest speakers at this program who are going to teach you some techniques for interacting with women that will make you almost MAGICAL in your abilities… and I’m serious about this.

This will be one of the most intense days you’ll spend in your life… and it’s going to transform you, guaranteed.

The next day, on Sunday, August 22nd I’m doing a live version of my Sexual Communication program.

It’s going to be one long day, and include some new material PLUS one or two very special guest speakers who are experts in this particular area.

I’m going to be video and audio taping both of these programs… so you get to be part of the “Live Studio Audience” if you attend.

These programs are both going to be in Los Angeles, very close to the LAX airport.

Each program will be priced at only three easy payments of $33.00. You read that right, each program will cost only three payments of $33.00.

If you want to sign up for both, you’re going to need to actually register for each of them… as they’re two separate programs (and if you come to both, you’ll be making two sets of three payments of $33.00).

But at this low price, it’s a no-brainer. This is the lowest I’ve ever charged for one of my programs, by far… and these two are going to be two of the very best programs I’ve ever done.

Both days will run LONG, so be ready to really learn a lot… and don’t whine if you don’t get out until late in the evening!

You can get details here…

The “On Being A Man” program:

1 Day Being A Man

The “Sexual Communication Live” program:

1 Day Sexual Communication

If you have any questions, send them to:

Since I have limited availability, and these programs are priced so low, I assume that they’re both going to fill up very quickly. Sign up now.

I hope to see you there!

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. If you can’t make it to one or both of these programs, make sure to get yourself a copy of my Sexual Communication CD program. It’s here:

So basically $200 for a two full days of DYD material. Not bad, considering the ammount of info David D usually crams into his presentations. I don’t know if I’ll be able to attend these, but I’ll certainly try.

The “Kiss” Opener

June 7, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

I don’t know if this is legit or not, but if it is, it’s some true Jedi shit…

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Tom Leykis Pick-Up Strategy

June 7, 2004 by  
Filed under Rants & Reviews

For those of you unlucky enough NOT to have the Tom Leykis radio show available in your area, Tom Leykis is pretty much the Howard Stern of the afternoon drive.  He has a lot of great insights into men/women relationships, and he’s incredibly astute at calling women on their bullshit.

Every Thursday, he has a segment on his show that he calls Leykis 101, which he appropriately dubs "How to pay less for more tail."  When he says "pay less," he means money wise and mental health-wise.  I really enjoy listening to the show, so when I saw a post on the General board of mASF entitled "Leykis 101 Bar PU," I decided to check it out.  It goes as follows…

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The New Art of Approaching

June 4, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Hi Guys,

As I said before, I’ve updated my Art of Approaching website. It’s got an audio of my latest sales pitch up if you guys wanna check that out.

So there’s a lot of stuff to cover on this front, so bear with me here.

The first is: I am now accepting all major credit cards.
Yep! You can still buy through PayPal if you want, but I am now allowing all credit card orders to go through. So if Paypal was keeping you from getting the book, worry no more.

Second: The book is now in PDF format.
Ask and you shall recieve! I got enough emails from people asking for this, I decided to comply. The book is now in complete PDF format and is looking pretty slick. For those of you who have already bought the book in it’s prior format, I am offering you a chance to get the new format for free.

Just email me at along with your Transaction ID Number and the Name by which you ordered through Paypal. I’ll check this against my records and send you the new version.

Third: I am now offering an affiliate program.
For all you webmasters out there who want to make some money, I’m now offering an Affiliate program that gives away 50% of my book in comission. So if any of you out there are looking to make some money, this is a great opportunity for the both of us!

To learn more and sign up for my affiliate program, just click here.

So there ya go! The brand new site. I’d appreciate hearing any and all feedback you may have here in the comments section.

Mystery’s ULTIMATE Method

June 4, 2004 by  
Filed under News

So I had lunch with Mystery today, and he shared something with me which was quite amazing. When I heard it, not only was I stunned, but I was completely impressed!

It seems Mystery has not been resting on his laurels lately. He’s been hard at work creating a number of exciting products. His book is well on its way, and should be done in the next month or two. But it’s the new products he talked about that REALLY had me on the edge of my seat.

I’m not gonna get into too much right now, but I will say that Mystery has a new system that he’s testing out right now for…

Are you ready for it?

Consistently getting threesomes!

Yes, it seems Mystery has applied his analytical mind and PUA talents to the art of getting to girls at the same time! And not only has he applied himself, but he’s ACTUALLY come up with something that as of this writing, is getting CONSISTENT results with getting two girls to go at it!

Seriously, guys, this is exciting stuff. It seems Style has used this method successfully TWICE in a row with TWO SETS of different women (that’s 4 girls, for all you math majors out there).

Also, I hear MTL PUA used this method to successfully wrangle a threesome as well.

Mystery is planning to field test this new 3some Method a bit more and then release it as a product. He told me, in detail, what they system was (it’s based on a few Rick H concepts) and I just gotta say, it’s FUCKING BRILLIANT!

Personally, I can’t wait for this thing to come out. This sounds like it has the potential to be one of the BIGGEST products this community has ever seen!

German Sex

June 4, 2004 by  
Filed under Field Report

Sir Italian has a pretty good Lay Report up on his blog…

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Toothing and Anonymous Sex

June 4, 2004 by  
Filed under News

Well, I gotta hand it to those Brits. They sure know how to party!

I recently became aware of this new phenomenon knwon as “Toothing.” Sounds kinky, don’t it? Well, it is, but not in the way it may sound.

See, “Toothing” is a reference to “Bluetooth,” which is a wireless device which allows people to use things like telephones to connect to other machines without the need for a “hard line.” In essence, it’s wireless technology.

Anyway, from what I understand, people are using this Bluetooth technology to send anonymous text messages to each other and then having sex. Apparently, this is a huge phenomenon in the London Underground.

I’ve found two pretty interesting sites that deal with this phenomenon. They are:

The Toothing Blog
Toothing Forum

Methinks it’s time for me to get a new cell phone! =)

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