Podcast 8: Introducing The BootyCast

July 25, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Here’s the latest Podcast for the week – I’ve been listening to all your feedback and want to introduce you to the "BootyCast" show.  With me are my new regular cohosts Adam Lyons & Amanda.  In this week’s Podcast, we cover…

  • Awesome TV shows
  • The Sargathon Debacle
  • The Drama At Charisma Arts
  • The Community Believes In You
  • The Winner Of The Dimitri The Lover Contest
  • Emails From Gurus
  • Sean Messenger’s "Save The Boobies" campaign
  • Strange Fetishes
  • Community News & Gossip
  • And More!

You can check out the Podcast for yourself by clicking here:

Click Here For The BootyCast

Please leave your feedback and/or comments in this thread.

Podcast 7: Messenger, Matador, & Alex, Oh My!

July 18, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

In this week’s Podcast…

  • I saw the latest Batman movie – and totally geek out!
  • New format for the Podcast coming soon
  • Sean Messenger is the Gary Busey of the Seduction Community
  • My interview on the Barry Kirkey Radio Show
  • Mystery Lawsuit News
  • Matador doesn’t like me.
  • The RSD Alex Video deconstructed
  • What happened between me and Pickup Podcast
  • People don’t like Juggler?
  • The return of LBD
  • Vince Kelvin sent me an email

Check it out.  This week’s podcast runs a little over an hour.

Click Here To Download Podcast 7

Podcast 6: Thundercat Vs. Stephane

July 9, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Okay, yesterday I posted the first part of my critique of Barry Kirkey’s interview with Stephane.  Admittedly, it was not the best Podcast I ever made (considering I’ve only made 6 so far!).  A lot of people don’t seem to agree with my stance on polyamoury.  And you know what?  That’s okay!  You guys believe what makes you happy.

Today’s podcast is light on the preaching, and heavy on the shit talking.  I basically comb through the interview Barry did and call Stephane out on all his lies.

Just a warning for you guys before you listen to this podcast:

1.  It’s LONG!  2 hours.  If you don’t care about Stephane, don’t bother listening to it.

2.  There’s a lot of "community gossip" in it, so if you don’t care about that stuff, don’t bother listening to it either.

3.  Some people might consider it to be a "negative rant."  This is the danger in focusing so much time and energy on BAD PEOPLE, that by proxy, you can come off as sounding negative just by taking them to task.  If you guy don’t want to be exposed to some negative vibes, please DON’T LISTEN TO THE PODCAST.

I’m not a negative person, but I just feel that Stephaker unloaded such a massive amount of lies and bullshit that someone needed to call his ass out on this stuff.

After re-listening to the podcast myself, I realize there are parts in it where I get passionate and sound angry – mostly because people like Stephaker ANNOY me.  But I learned from this experience, I won’t be doing a podcast like this one again, because it’s a real drain on my energy, and I shouldn’t be focusing so much of my time and attention on morons like this.

Regardless – for anyone out there interested in learning from Stephaker, please, LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST.  It’ll help give you a better idea of who you’re giving your money to.

Click Here To Download This Podcast

Podcast 5: Polyamoury & Stephane on Revolution 31

July 8, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Just got back from my trip over the fourth of July, and suffered an intolerable 18 hour trek back from the East Coast.  (God, I hate air travel!)

During one of my many layovers, I listened to the latest edition of the Revolution 31 podcast, and got SUPER PISSED OFF.

So pissed, I had to make a podcast all about it.  =)

Check it out:

Right click here for the MP3 File

In this edition of the Podcast:

1.  I get irritated and angry
2.  Barry Kirky lets Stephane get away with massive amounts of bullshit.
3.  Why I’m not negative
4.  Why Polyamoury is a BAD IDEA.
5.  To be continued…

Podcast 4: Techniques Vs. Natural Game

July 4, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Happy 4th of July!  Hope everyone is out there having a good time, enjoying the long weekend, and partaking in many BBQ and field football events!

Today’s podcast is all about the routines vs. natural game struggle that is now occurring in the community.  I’m also making the announcement that my Podcast will now happen every Friday, with written updates occurring the rest of the week.

In Today’s Podcast:

1. Routines vs. natural game

2.  Evolution of Pick Up

3.  Focus On Success

And remember – BIG announcement coming TOMORROW.  So stay tuned to this blog to find out what’s happening!

Podcast 3: Picking Up Women

July 3, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Here’s today’s podcast:

1.  Hot girls at the supermarket

2.  Thinking strategically

3.  Overcoming fear

Podcast 2: Phone Game Tips – How To Talk To Women On The Phone

July 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Podcasts

Hey guys,

Got another Podcast for you today.  Will be posting a few more podcasts this week to try and make up for the lack of updates last month.

Today’s Podcast:

1.  Dimitri the Lover

2.  How to know when a girl is brushing you off

3.  Using text messaging to get a girl on the phone

4.  When not to leave a voice message

5.  Lots of other cool shit.

Let me know what you think in the comments section.

Oh yeah – remember: BIG announcement on Saturday!  Don’t miss it.

Thundercat Is Back!

July 1, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Podcasts

What’s happening people?

Okay, I know I’ve been gone a while, and I am SORRY about that.  Things have been crazy for me.  Business is eating up my time, I’m juggling three different girls, and I’m trying not to stay indoors too much in this beautiful summer weather here in LA.

Because I don’t have as much time to blog anymore, I’ve decided to start doing more PODCASTING because I can sit down and record a little something-something faster than I can sit down and write a bunch of articles for the site.

So today, I’m going to start things off with the first Official Thundercat’s Seduction Lair podcast.  Please let me know what you think of it in the comments of this thread.

In today’s podcast:

1.  Quick update on why I haven’t been blogging

2.  Special announcement coming on Saturday!

3.  Community gossip update

4.  Ross Jeffries will kill your TV show

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