Podcast 6: Thundercat Vs. Stephane
July 9, 2008 by Thundercat
Filed under Podcasts
Okay, yesterday I posted the first part of my critique of Barry Kirkey’s interview with Stephane. Admittedly, it was not the best Podcast I ever made (considering I’ve only made 6 so far!). A lot of people don’t seem to agree with my stance on polyamoury. And you know what? That’s okay! You guys believe what makes you happy.
Today’s podcast is light on the preaching, and heavy on the shit talking. I basically comb through the interview Barry did and call Stephane out on all his lies.
Just a warning for you guys before you listen to this podcast:
1. It’s LONG! 2 hours. If you don’t care about Stephane, don’t bother listening to it.
2. There’s a lot of "community gossip" in it, so if you don’t care about that stuff, don’t bother listening to it either.
3. Some people might consider it to be a "negative rant." This is the danger in focusing so much time and energy on BAD PEOPLE, that by proxy, you can come off as sounding negative just by taking them to task. If you guy don’t want to be exposed to some negative vibes, please DON’T LISTEN TO THE PODCAST.
I’m not a negative person, but I just feel that Stephaker unloaded such a massive amount of lies and bullshit that someone needed to call his ass out on this stuff.
After re-listening to the podcast myself, I realize there are parts in it where I get passionate and sound angry – mostly because people like Stephaker ANNOY me. But I learned from this experience, I won’t be doing a podcast like this one again, because it’s a real drain on my energy, and I shouldn’t be focusing so much of my time and attention on morons like this.
Regardless – for anyone out there interested in learning from Stephaker, please, LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST. It’ll help give you a better idea of who you’re giving your money to.
Click Here To Download This Podcast
Man… I’ve studied with Steve P. on several occasions, I like Stephane’s blog, and I’ve glanced through Stephane’s products and thought they were crap. So I *am* curious. But I’m not going to waste two hours listening to you ramble on. Write a fucking summary, ok? You’re utterly delusional if you think people are going to keep coming to your blog for two-hour podcasts. Do you want to keep your audience? Do you think many people are willing to listen to 2 HOUR PODCASTS? Sure, we might be doing something else while it plays in the background. You could get away with 20, maybe even 40 minute podcasts that way. But TWO DAMN HOURS? No fucking way, man. Transcript time.
Wow. Just … wow. Craziest podcast ever!!!!!
So here’s a summary of the juiciest bits:
1. Stephane and Ghita have STD’s, including genital warts. They bring unsuspecting girls into their polyamorous “circle”, infect them, then say: “Now you have genital warts, no one else will ever want to have sex with you! So you have to stay with us!”
2. Stephane basically says lairs are the bottom of the barrel.
3. Stephane accidentally lets out that he thinks only good looking guys deserve attractive women. Nice catch there, Thundy. And Stephane also admits that he’s always been one of the good-looking guys who women chase after—he just didn’t know how to approach before discovering the community. But he had plenty of girls before that, just because he’s good looking. And he is. No joke.
4. Somebody else continue this summary.
Dude, Thundercat, you are lame dude. I know pickup is fun, but you sound like a pussy for caring this much about Stephane. I doubt he’s worried about you. I think he’s lame to but I don’t that much of a shit.
You are a classic nerd. Sitting around debating some other dudes interview and defending some other nerd. “It’s BS man. I bet Neil could steal his girl man.” “Neil has more natural pickup talent in his pinky.” That is so fucking gay. Who gives a shit. I bet you got so many wedgies in high school. I would have put you in lockers back then.
We get it Thundercat, “You’re friends with Neil.”
“Stephaker.” That is fucking lame. Come on man. Yes he is a pussy. Yes he is lame. Yes Thundercat would bang “so” many chicks if he had Styles game. Tons of 3′s.
“I love you Neil!!!” “I hate you Stephaker!”
Which get’s red first guys, Neil’s balls or Thundercats chin?
I found this podcast fascinating.
I don’t know who this Stephan guy is, and I didn’t listen to the Barry Kirky interview, but from this podcast, the guys sounds like a complete lameass.
Some highlights for me…
1. Calling Stephane out on how he really got Gita. In the interview it sounded like he used this smooth pickup line to get her, but TC gives the real story about how Stephane met gita when he was an RSD robot and tried getting her into threesomes after they had been dating, and Gita fucking him over majorly.
2. Gita and Stephane using STDs to trap unsuspecting girls into their relationships. Evil.
3. Stephane having to move to Costa Rica to escape Gita’s vengeful stepdad because he’s pimping her out.
4. Stephane ripping off Steve Piccus but going around saying Steve ripped him off because he released his product first.
This was a looooooooong podcast, but I found it very entertaining. I didn’t have any idea who this stephane guy was, and I really don’t care about him now, but it is interesting to hear these little tidbits about community history.
I think at Cliff’s List 2005, Stephane said that he has been with 150+ women. I think it’s really messed up what he says on 26′s podcast.
Ghita is the one that does the whole squirting orgasm thing that Stephane sells as a product.
Dude – barry Kirky totally sucked Stephane’s dick the entire interview. This guy is a LOSER. His girls aren’t even that hot.
Woah, You spent a total of three HOURS focusing on this one guy…
It’s clear that you infact know very little about Stephane and what he teaches…
Yet you somehow ‘know’ in-depth information about his cock, haha, I call BS on the genital warts thing. I spoke to his ex-GF (AJ) about why they split up and I’m pretty sure she’d mention something like that. And how reliable are your sources man…you don’t even know this girls NAME, yet you claim her dad is pissed about some imaginary STD.
It’s funny how you say Stephane is this huge liar, then go-on to spread rumors that obviously have no backing, unless I’m wrong and you’re extremely intimate with Stephane’s genitalia.
It seems that it is YOU who is the one lying here.
Also, You can’t force a girl to be bi-sexual, just like a girl can’t force YOU to suck dick. Ghita fooled around with girls before she met Stephane, she shares this openly…
You seem to know all these evil things about Steph and his life, Without even meeting the guy, but it’s ok…you have it on ‘good authority’… Either share your sources, or I call BS.
You mention that Steve P and Zan are the authorities on polyamory, and I agree…They’re both Great teachers, But if they’re so good at this, WHERE IS THEIR CIRCLE?
Pics or it didn’t happen!
Very long but extremely truthful podcast.
I, myself, have several reliable sources confirming your facts on Stephane Hemon from ideaGasms.
Some have claimed Stephane Hemon from ideaGasms is a pedophile. While it’s not completely accurate that Stephane Hemon from ideaGasms is a pedophile, it’s not far from the truth.
Let’s take a look at the facts. Stephane Hemon from ideaGasms was an rsd robot. He met Ghitta. Heard Steve Picus speak about bisexual relationships.
Attempted to coerce Ghitta to pickup and sleep with women with him. She was horrified so she went out and banged a bunch of black guys and sucked their dicks and assholes.
She comes home, starts making out with Stephane Hemon, and then fucks him. He starts freaking out that her pussy feels so loose around his little wiener. So he confronts her on it.
She comes clean and tells him that she fucked, suck the wieners of , and licked the assholes of a bunch of black. Then she says, “Since you want me to lick pussy, I want you to know what it’s like to taste black asshole.”
Stephane Hemon became suicidal. Clifford from cliff’s list begged Steave Piccus to come down and hypnotize Stephane Hemon out of his depression.
Yea, so much hatred, hearsay, random negative presumptions and just flat-out lies.
Nothing was truly researched… a knee-jerk reaction to an ego threat is all this is. Can the notion that this is a “service” to “warn people” about these “evil gurus”. I think people are big enough to make up their own minds, through listening to Barry’s Podcast or otherwise.
Speaking of which, Stephane described you perfectly in that interview… you are merely projecting your own self-hatred.
Can you back up anything you just posted?
In response to guest and guest #2, aka the pedophile Stephane Hemon from ideaGasms:
Sources: Steve Piccus along with Clifford Lee and someone else who’s been letting everyone know the truth behind your back because you’ve made her so damn sad. But I’m not gonna embarrass you or her by publicly stating who it is.
truth, you talk a lot of shit about this guy Stephane – and there are a lot of people attacking his character. They call this ethos.
But you’re not being logical – logos. Neither is Thundercat, he’s reacting quite emotionally – pathos. – But all these arguments do not trump that Stephane H teaches awesome stuff on relationships and sex
Compassion and love – for relationships, and it’s why he’s able to enjoy fucking two beautiful girls in nice sunny costa rica, while all you losers can’t even get girlfriends.
Or cannot even maintain them. Just look at Neil Strauss, where’s his girl Lisa now? His big oneitis? Pfft, you guys talk a lot of shit.
But at the end of the day, none of this shit really matters. None of it matters man.
None of it matters.
You’re all just talking out of your asses.
Enjoy being lonely negative projecting losers – that goes for you too Thundercat.
This whole thing is stupid. I looked into stephane a couple of years ago and he helped my inner game. I eventually decided that his teachings were a bit based on his own ego’s and preferences and that his path was different then what I was looking to attain at that time.
He would preach about how most women are not heart centered and that he is and that you must clense their chakra’s and all this stuff that just became a bit much for me. I mean the reason a lot of this other stuff exists (for better or worse) is because society is not heart centered — and our only hope is to develope things with people in a way that allow us to accept who they are and to have a genuine bond with eachother that outweighs the conflicts that come into play in this world.
So eventually I strayed from Stephane because I felt his views were a bit centered around his reality and not mine and that he was a bit off the deep end and way too ego based and out of touch with reality.
Unlike a lot of other guru’s out there this man at least teaches with integrity for what he believes and is honestly trying to help others. the only people who would take him seriously and follow him would be people who believe in his views and in poly because he is so forthcoming and honest about his views. This is not a bad guy, he is just a guy who has certain beliefs. He is not misleading or fucking people over.
Obviously if the truth of how he got with Ghita is similar to Thundercats sources — he is not going to tell “that” story, and he shouldnt have to. That is private business. What he teaches now though is what he believes in on a deep level and he is congruent with that. He is not a manipulator or bad person out to fuck up the people he teaches. I know this because I spent a great deal of time on his forum getting personal advice from him and others. He is a good man who just happens to be very close minded and egotistical about things. He has his way and it is very different than many other ways — but he is entitled to that and it is a refreshing and different alternative. He certainly can help you to embrace and accept who you are.
If your really this great guy who is spiritual and a christian — who wants to do good for other men — then I wonder why you would call out this guy. He doesn’t deserve to have his private business spread around. You seem to know that he took the events really hard and that it messed him up — and yet you spread this out (assuming it’s even true) for your own benefit. Whether that benefit is merely to get some attention or it’s just because you love drama or love to project your self hate or jealousy — I dont know. All I know is that if this is true and you know how horrible of a thing it is for a girlfriend to do — and you know how hard it hit the guy — then your a jackass for repeating this shit. If the guy was purposely ruining peoples lives for his personal gain like RSD or RJ than I could understand, but your way out of line this time.
What are you doing, posting crap on Mack Wild’s blog again??
Shame on you!
Thundercat is a hypocrite of the highest order.
His first podcast he claims:
“I’m juggling three different girls”
Then, criticizing Stephane’s polyamoury:
“I don’t agree with it (polyamoury)… I do believe in the core values of my Catholic Faith”
How pathetic.
Decide who you are Thundercat and what you believe in, and if you can’t… as evidenced above… then don’t bother criticising others until you do.
Where’s the warning for the preachyness and suspect history lessons?
That said I like the Podcast man. I am in fact a fan of the show.
Just one point:
Thundercat clearly says he has no business ties with neil strauss.
I can easily prove to everyone who’s interested that he was:
1. A part of the production of the Annihilation Method, style $4000/DVD product
2. Had his ebooks sold via StyleLife, and they were even called “StyleLife Edition”.
Hey Thundercat,
I was totally pleasantly surprised to hear some cool wisdom from you man (I have to admit its prob the first time I’ve ever heard you speak from your genuine core on something)…
“Marriage isn’t a failed institution, Society is”
Dude, you’re deep and I like that. You also seem to be the ONLY other person barring myself that I’ve ever heard of believing in Intelligent design! Rock on!
Still, I haven’t heard the rest of the podcast so I can’t comment on that.
Can’t wait to hear you and Barry go at it on Tuesday..Ding ding!! Round One…
(Check out my Barry Kirkey Show song)
Greta is fucking porky man. WTF? Hot?
Ghita has a cute face but for me? On the gay rating system? 8 NO *WAY* is she a 10 for me..
but that’s just me…Fuck that dumb hip to waist ratio bullshit!
I’m constantly amazed at how we all have such different views of what is hot, & what’s not so hot on a purely superficial level.
Greta’s probably a wonderful girl, Ghita yes seems to have an evil glint in her eye but it could just be her trying to look sexy (which she does..but i dont find her that attractive)
There – my two cents.
You don’t need to believe in a God to be spiritual.
Thundercat, you don’t *GET* how you can hate lies but not hate the liars?
Go back and read the FUCKING BIBLE.
Vast library of visual images of titties floatin around your brain shouldnt be enough to make you forget your whole sunday school shit, u fat faggot.
How exactly, Bamboo?
Religious teachings were the first to mention the Spirit.
So what the fuck is the Spirit? What does it mean “spiritual”?
Originally the term was clearly exlusively used by religions to describe their association & communication with God / gods.
Yes, language does change as time progresses so the popularly accepted meaning for the term “spiritual” is obviously now far wider and encapsulates practically ANY KIND of SUPERSTITION.
Here’s an example:
My cat, Doodles who’s dead now.. Her urine allowed me to see a 7th dimension of ghosts using the lavatory, a mixture of animals, people and aliens were the originators of those ghosts.
That REALLY helps clarify things, Bamboo.
Good job:)
Re: TC’s business dealings with Style…
He never said he hasn’t done business with the guy, he just said he isn’t associated with Style’s company. I never see or hear anything about TC over on Stylelife. Style gave away a special edition of TC’s book for free when he first started his website. I think that was a one time deal because it doesn’t seem to happen anymore.
Anyway, who cares? Neil Strauss is the best there is. Show some respect.
Mack – I’m not a Christian. I’m a Catholic, though I don’t even really consider myself that anymore, since I don’t agree with the church on a lot of dogma. I have a moral code and a value system that I live by that shapes my views, and its pointless to try and debate faith in a forum like this because its different for everyone.
That said – I would have no problem with Stephane’s “spirituality” if I for one second believed he was actually congruent in it and truly believed it. The fact is, he can talk a good game, but at the end of the day, he doesn’t actually LIVE what he preaches. He talks about “love” and “opening the heart” and all that jazz, but then you hear him talk with such bitterness and anger about women and putting down guys in lairs just because he can. This guy doesn’t have his inner game together, so if you’re learning inner game from him, you’re just doing yourself a disservice.
As for spreading his private business – JUST BE HONEST!!! That’s all I ask! He did nothing but LIE about Ghita and all this other bullshit he spouted. Just be truthful about it – it might garner some sympathy – but he has to act like he’s something he isn’t because he’s so freakin’ insecure.
If he was honest about his experience, I’d have had no problem not bringing it up.
But to listen to that interview, it sounds like he magically got Ghita somehow due to his “massive polyamoury skills.”
Ask anyone who knew him in the Montreal Lair.
Heaven forbid some poor guy tries to do things like Stephaker teaches and goes through the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT because Stephaker doesn’t bother to teach the dangers of what he practices.
Heaven forbid all these guys trying to get polyamourous relationships like Stephaker end up with STDs like he did.
Heaven forbid some guy out there following Stephaker’s teachings get KILLED by an angry dad or arrested for statutory rape – forcing them to flee to a third world country.
Honestly, Mack Wild – if you like the guy’s teachings, just learn from Steve Piccus. The guy teaches THE EXACT SAME STUFF, only BETTER, because Stephaker STOLE all he knows from Steve Piccus.
As a person, Stephaker is a BAD GUY. He may put on a show, but he’s not a good dude, and you do yourself a disservice learning from him.
I’ve been in the game a long time, I know how to spot a sociopath by now. Stephaker is definitely in that category.
P.S. Dare – loved your song on Barry’s show!
I thought I explained this in the podcast, but you obviously didn’t listen to the whole thing…
There’s a difference between dating more than one woman, and being in an intimate relationship with multiple people.
I have NO PROBLEM with guys who date lots of girls. I don’t even have a problem with with guys who have polyamourous relationships! You do what makes you happy.
My point is: I believe happiness can only stem from one intimate relationship that lasts a lifetime.
You cannot achieve happiness from polyamoury in my opinion. Someone is always neglected or left out, and the relationship will not LAST.
I date lots of women because I’m looking for the one woman I want to be with. When I find that one woman, I STOP DATING other women!
Is that really so hard to understand? I thought this was common knowledge to anyone with real experience with girls?
I don’t believe in poly but I do think that some of your values get in your way dude. You seem to cherish this marriage thing a bit and put it up on a pedestool. There really is no such thing as true love, marriage is about a partnership.
In the middle east they marry all women who have some sort of role in their lives. It’s not cherished or made out to be some disneyland like thing like in america. You seem to still hang onto this ideal of the perfect woman with a picket fence type idea. It seems like on some level you have resisted some of the fundamental importance that is taught in the community — that there is not “one” girl that can complete you. This poly seems to get you so upsett and I can only conclude it is because it is messing with your values — values that have a very AFC flavor to them.
As for Stephane I just think the guy is nuts. He’s messed up in the head — I don’t think he can be blamed for much beyond that. I stay away from him these days.
I would still like to see some podcasts and reviews about the people you feel we should be learning from, and see you consentraite your energy and experiences on the positive — that’s what REALLY helps guys. Telling us who to stay away from is “ok” but helping us to make sense of those who are out there that you feel can actually help would be “much better”.
You have a chance to build on this situation you have going for you now with your podcasts and revealing yourself. Allow your identity to evolve man. People are curious about swinggcat. His method is so fascinating and tends to lead to either great successes or horrible failures. What seperates someone like Style from Mystery in their teachings? What about this Mehow guy??
If your truely independant and you truely wish to help men — it would be nice to have you comment on some of “these” guys with a balanced review instead of always just picking out the guys you want to flame.
Personally I want to see you do well dude, your not the traditional success type of guy, I like that. I consider myself a bit of an underdog in some ways too, so I can relate. You could really end up doing better than your doing in this community if you would just allow yourself to evolve and put more constructive effort into this.
“I’ve been in the game a long time, I know how to spot a sociopath by now.”
Spotted Style recently?
It’s really no wonder why Barry hates him. Even talk to guys who still work with Style and you’ll soon realize that _The Game_ is heavily fictionalized to make a better story—and to make Style look good.
Yeah, Style’s got the most fantastic inner game ever. Ever seen that video of him getting confronted at a signing? He stutters and sputters and seems so flustered and so beta.
Hey Mack,
I’ll go through your response in turn, just so I don’t leave anything out. =)
I think I’m a better judge of what gets in my way than you are, my friend. Trust me – I’ve already struggled long and hard with all the Catholic Guilt I experienced in my life. Just because I choose to have a code of morals and values I live by doesn’t mean I’m adopting a series of obstacles. I’m adopting rules through which I CHOOSE to live my life, and they have worked out very well for me so far.
I personally believe in the concept of marriage. I believe that it is possible for two people to fall in love and spend the rest of their lives together. That’s another thing I choose to believe. There may not be such a thing as true love, but I do believe in love, and I do THINK its possible to love more than one person.
I do not, however, believe it is possible to be intimate with more than one person and have a healthy relationship. That’s where my problem with polyamoury lies.
In the middle east, they also beat women, cut off their clitorises, and force them to cover their faces and treat them like second class citizens. Do you really want to treat women like that?
The community teaches to stay away from one-itis, not that there isn’t one special girl out there. Every girl I’ve ever been in a relationship with has been special for me, and I’ll keep looking until I find one that makes me happy enough to settle down.
You can call me an AFC if you want. My values have guided me to some wonderful girls, and I do believe its possible to find ONE GIRL who can make you a happy person. Being an AFC is about settling for what you can get instead of going after what you want. Its about begging instead of choosing. Its about insecurity instead of confidence.
My values give me the power to choose, the confidence I need, and the ability to get the girls I desire. Does that sound AFC to you?
Each man needs to decide what makes him happy. I’ve found the thing that guides me. I guess maybe I’ve been in this scene longer than you, Mack, which is why I see you falling for some social-robot bullshit that I, myself, once believed in when I was less experienced. I think in time, you’ll come to see my point of view is the correct one.
I mentioned Steve Piccus and Zan multiple times in my podcast. But you make a good point. I’ll be sure to do this in the future.
My identity is currently fine, thanks, lol. As for the others, don’t worry, stuff is already in the works to cover that.
Um, don’t know if you’ve noticed dude, but there are like 1,000+ posts of me already DOING THIS on this very blog.
You may want to spend some time searching the archives.
Thundy I don’t have the time to go through your archive. Im talking about right now moving forward. As it is I gotta run because I gotta get out to the clubs and am running late. Im actually reverting back to a stack lately — to clean up some lagging issues.
Anyways man you can say whatever you want to about whatever you want to, it’s your blog. I was just trying to give you some constructive feedback. Most guys just flame the shit out of you and I was trying to be more personable. Take it for what you will. Also don’t underestimate my experience. From what you said you have been into this since 2004 — that’s 4 years. I have been in this almost 3 years — so not as long as you — nor have I hung out with as many guru’s as you have — but I AM someone who was a semi-natural before I even got into this shit — and three years isn’t too far away from 4 bro.
I still aim for marriage and kids some day but I am not foolish enough to think it will be a fairy tale by any means what so ever. That’s not community brainwashing either — that’s pure raw experience.
I’ve been in since ’98. That’s 10 years, kid-o. The blog was started in ’04.
You said I need to point out good stuff and highlight the people you should be learning from – and I said I’ve been doing that for YEARS, with 1,000+ posts, and then you tell me you don’t have time to go through the archives. *sigh*
I don’t mind the feedback, you had a good comment, but c’mon. Just because you don’t take the time to read doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give me credit for already DOING WHAT YOU WANTED. For years before you SUGGESTED it.
I also don’t know where you got this idea that I believed in “perfect marriage” and “true love.” My illusions of storybook romance were shattered long ago. I can believe in marriage, commitment, intimacy, and finding just one great woman to share my life with without believing in a fairy tale. The fact is people find that one special woman ALL THE TIME and go on to live committed, over-all happy lives with them.
I’ll just chalk this ranting up to inexperience on your part. I had to go through a lot of women and trial and error before I got to where I am now. You go on believing what you want, but maybe in 6 more years you’ll see things my way. =)
Quote: “Being an AFC is about settling for what you can get instead of going after what you want.”
Amen, brother.
As the only dating coach I know of who is PROUD to be married, I vouch for what Thundercat is saying here.
You can date a multitude of women–even a dozen at once, if you’d like–and you can learn what it means to understand them.
But ultimately, the true satisfaction comes from knowing that you deserve whatever it is you want, and then making it happen.
And that takes WHATEVER form YOU want it to.
I would still be single had I not met the woman who obviated all others in my life initially, and evaluating her fully for as long as it took.
My only clarification would be to suggest that you absolutely, positively CAN have a blissful life beyond your wildest dreams with one great woman–with no caveats whatsoever. I personally avoid the term “fairly tale”, but whatever floats your boat.
That said, without having full control over your destiny with women, you WILL settle like Thundy is talking about.
Holy wow!
Relax thundercat man, the way your getting all defensive just makes you look like Im onto something. So what if you’ve been in this for 10 years? It doesnt make you perfect and it doesn’t mean your any better than someone else — just look at Ross Jeffries. He’s been in it longer than any of us.
“I can believe in marriage, commitment, intimacy, and finding just one great woman to share my life with without believing in a fairy tale. The fact is people find that one special woman ALL THE TIME and go on to live committed, over-all happy lives with them.”
This comment just illustrates my point man. Your looking for some storybook type ending here. No one can complete you man. Try working on being happy with yourself first. Most people will never find what it is your trying to find so desperately. It’s better to accept that you will meet new people that come into your life and take it one step at a time. Most relationships fizzle out a few years in. Thats why there is such a high divorse rate in this country.
Anyways man I am going to let this be now, I hope you do the same. My 2 cents was dropped on this and I think someday maybe “you” will come to understand what “I” am saying. lol.
Mack Wild – you are a loser. Speaking as a former member of this community who’s now happily married, I can tell you in no uncertain terms that you just come off sounding like a complete moron.
Whether your hubris allows you to admit it or not-you are way immature. I don’t agree with everything Thundercat says, but he’s right on the marriage stuff.
My wife and I don’t have the perfect relationship, but we both make each other happy. You can believe in love and marriage without it being some “fantasy.” I think you’re way too bitter and inexperienced to truly understand what Thundercat is trying to communicate.
I’ve been basically married before. Five year relationship — lived with her for 2. Yes some people have long marriages. My parents are almost together 30 years now. My grandparents will hit 60 years. They have their problems and they have their benefits in the relationship.
The “intimacy” and chemistry and all that — it’s not something you see in married couples that have been around eachother for many years. Sure there will be a night here and there. What you discover when your with someone a long time is that your own happyness is up to “YOU” and not anyone else to fulfill your happyness. Just because your married doesn’t mean you will be happy, it doesn’t mean you wont be lonely. Marriage and finding that one woman is not something that solves your life problems. In fact it can often complicate them.
Being happily married and liking it is completely different than being single (or playing the field) in the seduction community with a blog — and then taking 3 hours to rant on and on about how much you want to find the one perfect girl. That’s what Thundercat just did — and that’s why I stated my opinion on the matter. If your married and happy thats great man. I know a lot of couples worse off than you.
Mack Wild – I find it hard to believe anyone would stick around with you for 5 minutes, let alone five years.
Well I didn’t want it to come to this, but I guess it has to…
Guys if you go to mack tights blog, which you can access from the link on thundercats blog entry on pheromones — you will find this (which is straight from Mack tights blog) The actually screen shot proof is on Mack tights blog and cannot be copied here but this provides proof that Thundercat is secretely promoting those he claims to hate — like RSD and RJ:
Proof that Thundercat is a pheromone product, RSD and Speed Seduction Affiliate
July 10th, 2008 by Mack Tight
Yesterday I made a post that claimed that Thundercat endorsed a pheromone cologne on his site.
Chris left the following comment:
I searched the html and saw no such link. Its possible you have adware that shows targeted ads based upon what you are looking at.
Nope, sorry Chris. The real answer is easy…
TinyURL.com is a redirection service. It allows you to shorten up a long affiliate link. Thundercat is using it to shorten and hide his affiliate links.
This of itself is not a big deal.
If you look at his source code again you will see right after the start of the body a group of links that start with “ContextCASH Start” *.
The link that goes to the pheromone site that Thundercat plugs is the one in the picture below:
But this is where things get even juicier boys and girls…
There are two other hidden affiliate links that you will probably find very interesting too!
First, Thundercat slams Tyler Durden and RSD relentlessly on his blog.
Guess what, the TinyURL.com link shown below is a hidden affiliate link to the Real Social Dynamics site.
I’ll be honest, I do not have an issue with this. I talk badly about some gurus and I’m also an affiliate of them. On the other hand, I talk good about some gurus and I’m not an affiliate of them. I stated why I do this in my original pheromone post.
Thundercat to my knowledge has never declared that he wasn’t an RSD affiliate.
Thundercat DID make the following comment in his Dr. Phil post after Ross Jeffries accused him of being a Speed Seduction affiliate and making money for years from fake battles between them:
…the notion that I “collaborate” with Ross on anything is ridiculous. I hate this guy. Hate him with seven passions. I get the creeps just THINKING about this dude. He has done so much to screw me and so many other people over, I would never, ever, ever want to work with or associate myself to this douchebag in any way. The truth is, he HAS emailed me in the past begging to flame him (especially during the time when he was breaking up with Yates), but I just ignored his lame attempts to get attention. The fact is, I still have all the “cease and desist” emails he sent me in the past threatening to sue me and stuff if I kept bad mouthing him. So the notion that I do this to make money with Ross “in secret” or whatever is bunk. Remember, ROSS LIES. Anything that comes out of that man’s mouth is a lie. So to believe his word on a subject is just lame.
Is it just me or does this seem to be Thundy denying that he is an affiliate of Ross’s Speed Seduction site?
If that is really the case, why is the address in the picture below a hidden affiliate redirection to the Speed Seduction site?
It sure seems to me like Thundercat is fucking lying here!!!
Now I’m not using “private” information because I would never expose that kind of stuff, this stuff is right on his fucking website which is accessible by the public!!!
What a fucking hypocrite! Thundercat “calls out” and accuses others of being liars on his site and he’s a damn liar himself!
Go to this post on his site and select “page source” and see for yourself!
Do you guys have the same issue with this that I have?
Do you think the wording of his comment is not specific enough where he has a legitimate loophole?
Am I trying to make a big deal out of nothing?
Do you guys think this destroys some of Thundercat’s credibility in regards to calling out other gurus?
Do you guys think the Brewers have any chance of breaking the Barry “Extramask” Kirky curse and making it to the World Series for the first time in 26 years?
It’s casual,
Mack Wild and Thundercat are both mildly entertaining dipshits with serious—seriously pathetic—psychological problems.
They should get married!
Two questions:
1) Where did you learn to spell?
2) Is this how you charm ALL the guys?
The two r’s on the end are an intentional pun on the word “err”, dipshit. Though you might spell it “dipshitt” (seriously, why the two t’s on the ends of words? is your keyboard broken, or are you just retarded?).
We already know about the Ross/Thundy affiliation. It doesn’t matter – they may hate each other, but business is business.
I don’t think Stephane was “lying” for not mentioning more with more detail what happened with him, Steve P, and Ghita. I think it’s just not wise business wise to spew your guts out on the FIRST interview… Ya know?
I wouldn’t say it’s a distortion of the truth though. I’m sure he’ll address all your accusations when you (thundercat) do your interview with Barry.
Btw, yah, you are a hypocrite. Wow.
Haha, Barry totally called you out on it. “boo-hoo, Stephane is shit talking me”
Barry: Thundercat! You shit talk the most out of everyone in the community!!!
Also, while I’m on the subject of distortion of the truth.
What’s up with Neil Strauss using your quote as “I’m Number One Pick Up Artist of the Year – Three times running!” – Oh, he forgot to mention it’s JUST because some FAT NERD said so.
Shesh, so, I guess everyone leaves out some details huh?
Man, will you grow up already? Shesh, how OLD are you? You should be getting too old for this nonsense.
Mack, speaking as an affiliate marketer – one who promotes David DeAngelo, Joseph Matthews, Carlos Xuma, and Mystery Method, I can tell you something about this..
If thundercat was “promoting” products as you say, he’d be going out and TELLING people to buy stuff from these companies. It’s one thing to do that, its another thing to claim credit from a sale that someone makes after visiting his website. I’ve done similar things in my business. Its not like he’s generateing traffic for these people or even endorsing them.
And if tc is making money off RJ or RSD (which I doubt because i tried their affiliate programs and they all sucked) its probably very little and strictly off people who find out about them from this website.
honestly, you guys are trying to make it out like its some big thing. Now if tc was running around saying “buy these products” and then bashing them publically, I could see the hypocracy. But right now, you’re just grasping for straws.
My two cents.
ha haa–
Mack Wild sure does have a lot of time to surf the internet and obsess over thundercat when he’s so busy “picking up chicks” and other crap.
sound slike another armchair seducer to me. 5 year relationship my ass.
I was going to mention this on the interview with Barry – in my defense, I don’t shit talk EVERYONE. In fact, I have a very SMALL group of people I take to task regularly. They include:
1. Ross Jeffries
2. Typer Durden
3. Papa Cho
4. Stephane
5. A few other douchebags out there that I don’t mention enough to make it worth while.
There are lots of people I like and happily promote on my blog – no shit talking at all! They include:
1. Brad P.
2. Dr. Paul
3. David DeAngelo
4. Swinggcat
5. Mystery
6. Style
7. AFC Adam
8. Gunwitch
9. Formhandle & Tokyo PUA
10. Cameron Teone
11. David Wygant
12. Vince Kelvin
13. Scott McKay
14. Carlos Xuma
15. Zan
16. Steve Piccus
17. Hypnotica
18. Dave Mizrahi
19. Rick H.
20. David Van Arryick
And a host of others. Sure, I’ve made fun of Mystery and Style a few times, all in good fun. But I don’t just run around “attacking” people for no good reason. Barry talks way more shit than I ever could, lol.
I think I have this reputation for being a “shit talker” because I’ve had some epic battles on this blog – mostly with Ross Jeffries. Overall, I generally LIKE most people in this community. But for some reason all the attention gets focused on the people I don’t like.
Go figure.
1:24:50 into your podcast, you say the following:
“…I don’t know about you guys, but if that was my daughter, I’d show up with a shotgun and blow the fuckin’ guy’s balls off. That’s what I would do, but hey that’s me. Stephaker’s just lucky he lives up in Canada, and they can’t get guns up there. I live in the United States of America, goddammit, I can get a gun whenever I want (chuckle). But I would have pulled a pulp fiction moment on that guy. I wouldn’t have bothered knocking on the door. I would have kicked that thing and blown his fuckin’ balls off…that’s what I would have done if he was doing that to my daughter.”
Listen up, you fat fucking idiot. You are treading on very thin ice here. It is a criminal offense to broadcast this type of inciting language- not covered by first amendment.
Pull your head out of your asshole, you miserable fuck. We live in a nation of laws, not of vigilante justice. You can’t go around broadcasting speech on the internet that advocates bodily harm to to another individual.
TightGame, if that IS your real fake name (lol)..
First of all, Thundercat spoke in jest, which may well have a true emotion involved within the jest. THAT true emotion to most of us (only he knows at the end of the day so fuck your laws), is LOVE& PROTECTION of LOVED ONES.
You can argue all you want about whether he was misplaced or not to say such a thing, but he’s a HUMAN FUCKING BEING which gives him the right to say whatever the FUCK he wants. Fuck any laws that “give” him this privelidge: he was BORN with this privelidge.
Secondly, from a legal standpoint, he’s not INCITING ANYONE. He’s first of all saying that’s what he’d do & second of all, Thundercat’s simply giving his OPINION on something. NOT telling others to do it nor even encouraging them to.
He’s an adult giving his perspective which boils down to: I love my loved ones, & I’ll protect them because i love them.
Yes, some fucked up people out there misplace or confuse what they rationalize as LOVING ACTIONS, like my ex-wife’s father who is a PASTOR of a CHURCH and he’s helping to keep me from seeing my daughter who i aint seen since fucking FEBRUARY (she’s 4 Im 24, and my life is not real without her, but thats not the point here. Im having to take my ex-wife to court which is taking too long on legal-aid)
The point is, at the end of the day, Thundercat’s a good guy right. He has GOOD MORALS.
And assuming he has the GREATEST moral of them all – well placed Love, he’d LET his daughter do what she wanted to at the end of the day, if he was convinced that’s what she really wanted.
Even if that was to be in a hareem of other women. Even if that was to be in a pseudo religion like Scientology or “Stephanism”(if it really were a cult).
I think you took his comments out of perspective dude. But maybe im wrong? Correct me if so Thundercat.
I agree that the right to express one’s views freely is a basic right in our society.
The question is whether or not podcasters are subject to the same PUBLIC free speech constraints as people in other broadcast media, such as TV, radio and print journalism.
He has the right to say whatever he wants, but he must stay within the constraints of our society which respects people’s basic rights to their own safety.
It is a criminal offense in this country to publicly broadcast statements intending violence toward another individual- even in jest. Since that individual has no idea who is listening to the broadcast, such statements plausibly cross a threshold whereby the person could reasonably fear for his safety.
Thunderdouche’s lawyers will probably advise him to retract his comments.
Fair points in truth.
But careful which side of the “line” you take, the spirit of the law or the letter.
Almost every Comedian, & many more figures in the TV, movie, in books etc, that have brought the US, nay, the WORLD countless moments of joy, laughter, happiness, & inspiration, have done so after countless HORRORS of their predecessors pushing the “laws of society” at the time for what was at the end of the day, Entertainment.
But also pushing free speech.
Thank Lenny Bruce, every time we have the pleasure of saying a “racy” joke, or playing a “horrible” character on public airwaves.
Public. That’s a joke in itself.
a) What people admittedly say everyday in the privacy of their homes and to their friends and at concerts and other places, they CANT say on “public” airwaves.
b) Like we got to vote on this? Like a national or worldwide poll would REALLY keep the laws the way POLITICIANS in power have decided? REALLY?
What a joke.
So back to the “careful which side of the line” comment i made above…Dude, i mean REALLY? If you look deep into your soul and realise how similar yours and “an offenders” are, would you really want to put them out of work for life? Would you really want to be one of the hypocritical false-moralistic people treating the offender as an “it” required to be “processed” and lose his life as he knows it…
Would you care about the way those laws & the worse parts of society pushed him to suicide? (See Lenny Bruce life story for more)
I really hope not.